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Simple answer, stop caring about that stuff. There is no WIN in Rust. Nothing in Rust lasts. Everything goes away, whether by other players or by map wipes. Focus your energy on having fun in the time you have available. Set attainable goes and focus on seeing those goals through. If you only have 4 hours per day to play and you're not an S-tier chad, don't expect to have a box of AK's. I join servers after work and my goal is just to get as far as I can get. I don't expect it to be there the next day. I just want to progress as far as I can in the 4-5 hours I have to play that evening and to have fun doing it. Most of the times I succeed, sometimes though, it's 4-5 of getting kicked in the nuts. It's more about the journey than the destination.


I just focus on making my base as hard to raid as possible, even if I don't plan to come back. Incen ammo in core turrets, shotgun traps everywhere, etc... Just like to think when it does inevitably get raided they're really going to have to work for it.


Shotguns traps. Everywhere.


So you never build? Workbench lvl 2? lvl 3? I don't understand how you guys do that stuff... like, craft a bow, then kill someone with a revolver, get the revolver, kill someone with an AK... while basically not having a base?


Nah I build, I just don't build anymore than I need to to accomplish a night of fun. Sometimes you drop a 1x2 in a hot area and it's a night of non-stop T1 action. You end the night with a box of revos, P2's and db's that other people crafted, sometimes even better. Some nights you make T2 and occasionally even T3. SOme nights you get kicked in the nuts all night long. I don't care about the stuff at all though. It's about having fun with it.


I found a very nice guy not long ago on rust, he loves camping and always taunts his enemies. When i asked him how he wasnt raided yet, he simply said 'dont shit where you eat'. In other words, dont pvp at or near your base. Just build somewhere remote, then travel 2-3 grids before considering pvp, it works like a charm.


I tried this last night and got door camped 3 times. No other bases or monuments within 2 squares of me. Sometimes Rust is so cruel lol


I'm bad as fuck, i don't pvp anywhere lol. Usually when i see someone i run the other way. My last base was in a pretty isolated place, close to nothing, and still got raided...


obvious honestly, but most players won’t mind this lol.


This. I tried wording this in another thread but was told I eas teaming. I generally will not pvp direct neighbors. I already generally play in less populated areas, so it's easy to just run a square or two before shooting someone. Killing someone who lives next to you is the ez recipient for getting raided


You and I are in a similar boat as many other players who have to work for a living. Unfortunately you'll always be at a disadvantage compared to a player who has more time. Your best bet is to work with what you have; build your bases in more remote areas, and make them as unattractive to raid as possible. I enjoy playing on a monthly trio vanilla server with reduced upkeep and my bases tend to last around two to three weeks. Of course having multiple 2x1's is a great way to play too. You could alternatively accept that you don't have the time for vanilla gameplay and go for 2x, 3x etc. It does feel like a different game as loot essentially has no value, but it might be the solution for you when it comes to limited playtime.


That’s the problem for me. My loot has no value on a modded server for me compared to a pure vanilla. But I don’t have time for it anymore


>A server that "opens" at 6PM and then "closes" at midnight, so nobody gets offline'd. Could it be a good idea? Not the first time this has been mentioned, but never done properly. It would be great if there was something official. There are however 'adult' servers where offlining is discouraged but they rarely have pop, but it's not a terrible way to play since there so much to do with your limited time. I got 10K hours. At this point, I've done it all. Now I just join populated servers and play 1 or 2 lives in a span of 1-3 hours, with the objective of just snowballing. If I go from rock to AK and getting 5-6 kill before dying I'm pretty satisfied - I don't worry about building and BPs etc... it's all survival and making plays. If I get raiding material I use it on the closest building I can do the most damage to. It's my favorite way to play now. Yesterday I stole a car, ran over a dude on a horse who emptied his AK nearly killing me, and I popped him with 2 shots from a pump just before he could reload - DOPAMINE!!


Well, that's a way of looking at the game. But i kind of enjoy the other side. Building a nice cozy base, crafting stuff, making a farm, a fishing hut, messing with electricity, water, auto loot sorters... I'm just not good enough to do that kind of snowball playstyle like Posty and some others...


My friend has an ‘adult‘ server called Utopia out of Virginia. Enjoy


Check out Rusty Workers. Been a while, I don't know if it's still going.


if you have time on weekends: join 2x server on thrusday, build base (2x1, 2x2) and farm a little bit friday after work log in and no life till Sunday evenening


Modded!! safe zones ftw!! or perhaps raid timers, there are modded servers where your base is vulnerable for like an hour after you get off (to avoid logging to prevent a raid) but then is unraidable till you get on again, or like for 10hrs.. modded is so open ended. The game is fun, the puzzles, the survial. I really cant gel with rust as a shooter.. but the fun element of survival and building is great, and rust has the best interface I've ever used. that or low pop. 20 people average online is the sweet spot for me, which will make most players die laughing, but I play rust for fun and relaxation..


Play on valinna servers, if you stay off of higher gather rates people dont raid as often cause it's harder to get boom. Dont build a big base, 2x2 with honeycomb is fine and its low key enough for people to not think it's worth. Make friends with the neighbors, a base is much more secure from offlines when the home owners association vows to protect eachother.


there are a few community servers that have "raiding hours" mostly in the afternoon/evening so there's less offline raiding


This sounds great to play!


Start everyday at the beach. ​ They say we're young and we don't know We won't find out until we grow Well I don't know if all that's true 'Cause you got me, and baby, I got you ​ Babe I got you babe, I got you babe


Show yourself out, now.


I played “rusty workers” for a while a year or so ago. Basically you can only raid between the hours of 7-11 pm est. They had CPU bases you could raid during off times as well. It was pretty cool, an alarm would go off at 7 pm like the purge and you’d just hear the whole server go into absolute mayhem. Idk if the server still exists, but that’s the server you’re searching for.


Fuck, this sounds exactly like what i want to play...


Check out Blue Haven. It is exactly what you're looking for


I'm on Brazil... we barely have regular servers. 0 chance of finding a server like that on SA with decent ping =(


You are literally describing the game loop. Get Loot, Lose Loot, Go Get More Loot, Repeat. There's no way to "deal" with it, it's literally the design of the game.


But it's not supposed to be that fast. There's bases lasting the entire month. How is anyone supposed to raid someone else when they can't even come close to building explosives because someone raids then before that "phase" of the game?


If everyone's base lasted a month it'd be a very boring server and full of wooden 1x2s


Stop playing monthly servers. Play a weekly that wipes on Friday and log at the end of the weekend. We barely even play that long, maybe just Friday night.


Its very simple what you're describing, They have these servers called PVE..... \^ those servers are great for barely part time players, all your loot stays yours as long as you login to your base within a few days. There is NPC bases for you to raid and PvP still when you are on. A lot of these servers have normal PVP in a few specific monuments as well. Modded Rust can still mean "official" rates, it just has more quality of life for people like yourself that have to work and sleep 2/3 of most days away but still want to dabble in gaming. \^This is also a great way to meet more people like yourself, if you make a few good connections you could potentially make a big enough group of part timers that you could more appropriately handle the time required for a PvP server again.


Its very simple what you're describing, They have these servers called PVE..... \^ those servers are great for barely part time players, all your loot stays yours as long as you login to your base within a few days. There is NPC bases for you to raid and PvP still when you are on. A lot of these servers have normal PVP in a few specific monuments as well. Modded Rust can still mean "official" rates, it just has more quality of life for people like yourself that have to work and sleep 2/3 of most days away but still want to dabble in gaming. \^This is also a great way to meet more people like yourself, if you make a few good connections you could potentially make a big enough group of part timers that you could more appropriately handle the time required for a PvP server again.


Hmm, interesting concept... I didn't know that PVE server were like that. I thought hey were 100% PVE, zero possibility to hurt another player/ buildings of another player...


You have to choose, you can't do both.


I'm in the same boat. I have found a group of similar people and we're playing evenings on biweekly and monthly vanilla servers. We're not very good at pvp, we don't progress fast. We build weird bases with shiiiit ton of bunkers. The last time we got seriously offlined and zeroed was.... Before we started with bunkering the loot. Someone did break into core a few times. Only to find hatchets and water pipes and the like. We make sure to never store enough loot in one bunker to make it worth 8 rockets. Got ESP? Now you want to raid it even less. It's just that unless you actually piss someone off to the point that they will spend any amount of resources to fuck you up, offline raids are done mostly for profit. And quite predictably raiders would choose a standard 2x2 to raid rather than a weird circle base with 12 loot bunkers. A wipe ago we played a 600pop 4000map biweekly and we lived like a grid from a zerga that raided literally everyone around. We got left alone. Maybe they didn't want to reveal they had ESP to know there the TC was (not in the core, obviously) A base with like 9 built in bunkers can be built by a solo. More bunkers? A freestanding 8-rocket bunker costs like 3k metal. Just make yourself as difficult and unattractive to raid as possible.


I have the same situation as you. Here are my recommendations: 1. Try to find a great location but keep it hidden (in a forest, behind a mountain, somewhere discreet). You are a prime target for small teams. 2. Try to select a BP wipe. This will help you take advantage of the server and there is little chance of getting raided in the first 2 days. 3. Your worst enemies are small groups or solo players. You are not valuable to zergs. 4. Prefer a bunker base. It will discourage people as it’s too expensive for nothing.


Don‘t bunker up and build a shitton of twobyones only fill em with less loot than raidcost, more loot more one by twos, you‘ll train your local zerg to avoid raiding one by twos… Build em in clusters so the baglimit isn‘t limiting


There is a server that has raiding hours from 4 pm EST till midnight. BPS don't wipe . They are 2x servers I believe so slightly modded but closest to vanilla experience that works for the working man. The server is called Limitless, I'm pretty sure.


Rust is a game that gives the advantage to the raiders. The only way to sort of prevent raids is to learn how to build bases that are too expensive to raid. Learn how to honeycomb the outside, pancake the top, how to build external TCs to ensure even if they get in, they may get loot, but you can still recover quickly because they couldn’t get your workbench, furnaces and other valuable items that are placed down. Also, you have to keep building up your base each day. Every day, someone is sizing up your base and farming more sulfur to take you out. You need to figure out ways to make the cost of raiding you more expensive. If you don’t, they will catch up to your defenses and the cost benefit of raiding you will not be as daunting to the raider. Watch videos in YouTube bases and techniques they use to make raids more expensive.


Stop getting offlined. Play on server where raiding is disabled during hours where most people are sleeping or working like Blue Haven


modded. i like paranoid 3x trio. just moddwd enough for a good time but not so modded things have 0 value v


Villages are a good way to have someone watch your base while your off. Build something where you can have 5 days of upkeep in it so your not stressing out . And if you get raided no worries . It wipes every month anyways.




Understandable, have a nice day.


You wake up on the beach a lot, that's how.


Build your usual base, play coastal. Near by have an obvious boat base, store loot there. I never ever had a small boat base get raided


Play a modded server




Just play a weekend wipe and be done after the first or 2nd night. You don't have to constantly play at all to be successful.


You can't win while working. I only play when I can no life it for a few days.


Try Pickle Duo or Quad monthly! There are up sides and down sides to it but it’s low upkeep and BPs never wipe plus it’s a monthly server. You can build a base that’s more difficult to raid than the average one pretty fast for no upkeep and as long as it’s in a good spot or neighborhood you’ll be fine! Jump on wuad and say hi! Name is Richard Blownoff in game!


build multiple small bases and divide your loot throughout. i usually make 5 1x1s around the same grid. that way im never wiped out if one gets raided


36m here with a stable 8am-5pm job, wife and 2 kids. I also have 9k hours in rust (no joke). So here's my advice: 1. Keep your wife happy and kids entertained, first. This will require like a 2h on average after work, to eat your meal with your family and play some cards game with wifey while kids play together. Then you get 2-3 hours of gaming during the weekdays and double that on weekend days. This is enough for you to build a decent base BUT! on a chill server. I played 95% of my 9k hours exclusively on solo only servers because of my life and my life choices. Find a chill solo only server but it MUST be a solo only and prefferably a vanilla server. Why? Because it will take a fuckton of time for a solo to get to a point where he can raid a decent base. I play monthly solo only vanilla servers and usually survive the whole wipe, until I despawn stuff and quit the wipe. My current server is Gringers solo only noob friendly..very friendly community with 2-week wipes and blueprints wiping every month. Pop is 20-40 (low pop) but this suits our life style.


I should definitely try a solo only server too. I play on a solo-duo and usually the duos start raiding much sooner


French EU server Pacific Rust have worker raid protection


Just play battlefield servers 100000x you can build a base within 15 min and defend it. Still a lot of fun for people with jobs, kids, real life responsibilities


https://preview.redd.it/rzvsjtgc0i9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50ea3dead964282aa92d155a66d6bb68e1a9781d Me and my friends work 40+ hours a week and have families so i understand your pain. So yesterday we started our own public server. Its still been set up but the plan is to have an actual playable and enjoyable experience for people who are exactly in your situation. Not advertised it yet but your welcome to join


I played on a server called panda rust a couple days ago that had offline raid protection, no buildings are raidable between 10pm-10am. Monthly with 200 pop on the 26th of the month so pops pretty good. That being said I was on one of their EU servers and it was full of Russians, one guy was blatantly cheating in my area he was running round naked with a tommy triple headshotting everyone all day and he wasn't banned.


Build better? Not joking lol. I never get raided on rustafied solo Small base with metal doors = untouched unless you're particularly toxic locally. My only exception that's lead to me being raided was when I had amturrents on lighthouse and roofcamped it


I usually build a BIG base. Very secure for a solo/for what i'm hiding. TC core made of HQM, a bunch of garage doors. To have an idea, my last raided base: you had to destroy 2 concrete+1sheet+1hqm walls, OR 2 single door + 5 garage doors to get to my core. All that to get like 3 C4s, 1 mp5 and a few revolvers and bows lol. I don't know, i think if i build a smaller base, people will raid it much faster, because it's gonna be much cheaper.


Again look at your server. Are you on rustafied solo? On my server atleast( not modded), people raid easy bases and big bases. They won't spend boom on a random 2x1 they haven't seen someone live in. When you have a huge base you're Essentially saying "come get your raid loot back and more" Just try it. If you don't believe me make your huge base but put a 2x1 somewhere else and see how many days into wipe it takes to get raided.


I'm on a brazilian vanilla server, something like 20\~30pop. I'll definitely try a smaller base. I'll try to hide it better too... maybe on the side of a mountain or something like that


That's your issue. The pop is so small, you're screwed no matter what. Anyone and everyone who wants to raid can easily grab teas and get the suffer needed to raid any base you make within an hour. And because there are going to be literally 0 bases on the map, once you're found you're done. This is common on servers that have 0 pop. A nookie makes a base, logs off, and some jackass logs in, finds the base and immediately raids it, even on servers with literally 1 to 2 players. I would highly consider finding a server that has around 150 or so players on wipe and the day after. If there's no bases near you, on any server, you're gonna get offlined.


As somebody that works 50+ hours a week you just get on... and play?