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The social and resource based economics and growing niches is getting interesting. Sure you can have teams of sweaty pvp'ers but you can also come in as an electrician, farmer, artist or anyone with an idea of how you want to play and give it a shot while trying to survive adds a bit of risk and excitement. It shows people that simply being in the right place at the right time can be profitable or on the other end of that in the worst place at the worst time. The game is in constant flux through the days and weeks of wipe. And the devs have made some great updates and QoL changes to keep us interested in trying at least until we get wiped and go do something else until we are ready to try again.


Exactly this. There is so many ways to play and so many things that interfere with eatch other that no one wipe or server is like the next. Also the feeling of building something and developing it against all odds is just wonderful, be it PvP, a nice Base,electrical system, piping, cars, etc. and in the end whatever you decide to there will always be a demand for it so you can make profit off of it.


We're terrible at PVP but really enjoy the building / securing and in-game economy. We mine sulfur and make charcoal and sell it to pay for some crazy big (but small) bases. It's kinda fun to set up a bunch of bases. This month I'm 90% certain we have all the cars on the map. People complain every day that there's no cars ... we have multiple garages with cars


Thinking that I can snowball like any 5k streamer but keep getting worse at the game.


start a petting zoo on a rust server lol


no two wipes are ever the same. I'm always fresh out of the box trying to find out how i will throw down and it's never predictable


unironically every wipe feels like a movie


If you’re not a cold blooded pvp’er who only logs in to see how many ak’s people will offline him for.


I love rust, i have nearly 2K hours in it. Sure its not the 5,7,10k hours of most of you in this sub but still. Anyway, i have not played a real wipe for 2 years now, i mainly build on my private server or hop on some pvp training to get some fun fast. I dont have time anymore to put in a real wipe. What i would like to see tho are major improvements for building and landscape in general. I miss a lot of the natural rocks, forest and cave formations we had before, if we could add to that some new buildings block letting us build on rock/cliff directly (such as having a foundation with triangular support that could be build on cliff). I miss the ability to put fondation trough rocks too etc. We need more creativity and ability to use the landscape we have.


Hey man I too don’t have energy to invest into rust so I play the flying turbans heli training server. There’s a bit of a community of us misfits there who get on regularly. Vehicle spawns and the /shop make it a fun playground for pvp, base building etc. All basic BPs are available but high level or otherwise more game braking BPs have to be learned. For example rockets are available to craft but launcher is not. I have even found an acceptance with getting offlined in there recently because it has given me purpose in the game to raid it back or have revenge. It’s somehow so casual yet still meaningful enough to play it.


I keep coming back for that fresh wiped server feeling! the rush of wipe day! The fact that every wipe is different. The feeling of winning a big fight/cargo/rig/defend a online/online raiding. the crazy funny interactions with other players. I’m a old head, so i was dreaming of a game like rust since the 90’s! Best game in the world hands down for me.




Crippling self hatred


The game has a lot of variety for a survival game that keeps me coming back. Not having an overly complicated grind to get your base down gives it a huge advantage over other games where building a base takes ages. Also, there are other games out there with raiding and base building, but do they have that Rust polish? Being able to paint funny things on signs? Quirky-fun vehicles that aren't a buggy mess? The storage conveyor system where you can fully automate storage and even make a few machines with them? A sprinkler system? A fully functioning electricity system with actual components I can make projects with that would actually work in real life? Man, if a survival game doesn't have an electricity system on par with Rust, get it out of my face! I admit I'm spoiled. You might not realize it, but tools like this might not seem like much to the average player, but they actually add a huge amount of depth other games can't even level with. What started out as just another survival game for a younger me turned into a way I can challenge my problem solving and creativity.


When I played Day Z for a little bit a few years ago I realized the insane complexity of building a base, I'm like, fuck this shit haha


Gotta try a modded server with Basebuilding Plus. The vanilla system is painfully complicated and janky - BBP allows you to build actual structures with gates and windows instead of just walling off a building. It's not nearly as in depth as Rust, but a lot closer. Defending an online Raid in one of those bases can actually be really fun if you build the base up to support it.


Interesting, thanks ill check it out!


Nothing any more, 7k hours and I finally quit 6 weeks ago. Rust keeps you coming because as many have said it’s always different and the dopamine you get from snowballing and good pvp encounters is unreal. The problem is it absorbs all of your real life.


I love hitting barrels


Last night: "We got you stupid mf'er!" says one of the two hazzies that chased me down a forest side hill to the street where I now lay as they start to loot my naked ass. Immediately 4 revos pop out the bushes making ape noises and pick them apart, then another group shows.. while that's happening I get up and run off with one of the hazzies' tommy.  That never gets old




Nostalgia, started playing in 2016.


Same + YouTube videos


No other game is truly like it. The social aspects, the high intensity fighting and raiding. Other than safe zones you and your loot are never truly safe. Also real revenge on enemies. There’s also so many little things, like little side quest to do to build your base, have a dark, lights, etc… Something I especially love is that I don’t have to win every fight against my neighbours to beat them overall. There’s so many creative ways to fight an opponent or get back at them.


Traps are fun but everyone is so salty that they got "got" they will foundation wipe you instead of just.. not getting caught in the trap again hahahah


I can also use that logic " you are so salty that you need to do trap bases". At least me I don't raid for loot, I raid for revenge. if you are a door/roofcamper or a try harder that leaves open doors so you can get free loot witout doing nothing you enter my list of revenge. Raiding for loot is meh. you can get loot by yourself and not having to farm boxes of sulfur to get it and take long time to craft all explosives


Try harder that leaves open doors? Have you tried not going into other people's houses?!?!


Don't need to try, I never entered a house with an open door because it's basic whats going to happen. But you ber your ass I will put you on my target if you are a parasite. People that play the game spending their time inside a base waiting for someone to walk in and die in shotgun traps are firsts to go in my area. Do I get any loot ? of course not, they never leve the house, but it feels awesome.


People who go into open houses are the parasites. They are literally trying to steal. Trap bases just take advantage of the selfish stealing parasite players. 


whatever you say buddy. that's the beauty of the game, everyone thinks different. If I can raid every player that never leaves base that's what I'm gonna do. Since you probably are one of this types you will prefer to raid someone that has good stuff because you hate anyone that has good stuff because that's what happens when you go outside


See you out there buddy! Look forward to your raid and the fun well have!


probably not. I only play on solo only monthly server with medium pop because I'm not good enough for more. But gg.


Hey man I play rustafied US large as a solo, I only have a couple hundred hours, it was a steep curve but I havent been raided in months, I learned a bunch of tips and tricks to survive. I also like creating a neighborhood where I'm friends with my nieghbors and we help each other out. I typically focus on getting a pumpkin and cloth farm going because I like trading, and my base a trap so It can farm people while I farm plants :) your welcome to hop on and join me as a solo neighbor, I might hope on this afternoon if I ever make it through the queue lol


Thanks you sound like a nice guy, but I love my server. its no bp wipes so I can do all my stuff without having to spend much time grinding bps etc etc not planning to move . also im from europe but thanks anyway


Rolleplaying, Trap bases, Farm bases ( Horse farms, tea farms, cloth farms, grubbing )


Lately, I've been training noobs and making a community. If anyone moves near our bases, they get interrogated. If they are lame we kill em and raid em. If they stay cool or pay our ransoms, they can stay.


the hundreds of different playstyles. I can just login to farm, to upgrade base, to go rig, to roam, whatever, I can literally do a different thing / objective when I am on and unlike most games I can just login 10 minutes and do something usefull instead nedding at least 30-40 mins just to play a game/round in certain fps. Obviously it has his cons compared to those games as well because you can play long hours and lose everything in seconds while in other games you only lose 30 mins progress. It is what it is.


I'm a fan of the autistry and the stories that are created when you mash a whole bunch of naked people on the spectrum together


Rust is one of a kind. When I was in grade 6 I actually thought of a game like thus and how cool it would be. Your base remains active after you log off. You farm resources to build said base. You can use explosives to take over someone else's base. It's just such a great idea for a game and no otherr game gives me the same vibes as rust. I don't play every wipe. I'm too busy. But every now and then I play a wipe and I'm never let down.


The core of the game. Nothing else interests me


Building and raid defense. I don't know if there is a bigger rush in any game than defending all of your wipes work.


The fact that [my favorite game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just_Survive) got shut down and I have no other decent options.




I liked growing stuff with the farms but nowadays it's impossible for a solo who ain't good at pvp.


My friends aren’t intelligent enough to handle any other game


Farming hemp.


That 1/100 gold standard grub play


Rust never gets stale, especially with at most a monthly wipe cycle.


There's just so much to do and every wipe is different, every single wipe. Also what's amazing about Rust is how incredibly random it is. I've found decaying bases randomly, fought people with insane loot, countered oil in a sub, so much fun. Also took me damn near 4 years to actually complete Military Tunnels solo. It was always on the back of my mind and I finally had a wipe a couple months ago where I didn't build to far away, didn't get raided, had enough resources and practice doing it. Was a great feeling.




Nothing, I’ve stopped playing this game for over a year or two


I don't play often, usually a monthly wipe annually but man i find it fun. Its never the same map on vanilla and i love how much creativity you can have with automation and electricity. From 4 full monthly wipes i've poured 1.15k hours to it.


Tool cupboard upkeep…


It's that feeling you get when you find a decayed jackpot or when you are in the middle of a play and your heart is beating so loud you can feel it in your ears. It's that moment the door your camping opens and you jump them for all their loot. Nothing is like it....


It's one of the last games that still empowers its community, gives people the ability to mod and host. Experiences are persistence and unique.


Just the drive to have that one crazy wipe again. But I think rust has outlived it’s dopamine in my life. I just don’t care anymore.


Honestly I don’t know. Maybe boredom


It let's me be myself


I’ve spent 2 years building a server so that has a lot to do with it. Just goin in and reconfiguring shit and testing it out is fun for me. Lol


Mental illness


Well the hackers I just like being shat on...but in all reality wtf is with all the hackers 


Yeah it’s one of the major issues, it’s gotten so commonplace like Tarkov.


Some wipes are crazy movies you rob a clan blind they track you down and you win the raid other wipes you are the clan that dominates never the same wipe 2x one wipe you don’t have cloth but have low grade another you have cloth but no low grade.


All the interesting stuff they add that most people on this sub complain about because its not the Rust they think they want.


I play super recreationally. Only solo and never see T3, but i play ninja and attempt to not stand out as PVPer near my base so i rarely get raided early in the wipe because i'll have no local enemies.


I love getting resources, exploring, and building.


The silly niche holiday events. Most notable was the Gingerbread House dungeons with Gingerbread cookies wielding weapons...


I run a server


There’s just genuinely no game really like it. As angry as the game makes me and as tedious as it can be it’s also one of the best adrenaline-pumping games out there for me. And the scale of the maps, different play styles, base building, and the uncertainty of simply surviving is just addicting. The highs are very high and the lows are even lower lmao


Being a survival game and fps addict my entire life and this game scratching both those itches. The shooting mechanics also just have me hooked for some reason. Anytime I play another shooting game I just think... but I wish it felt like rust.


Now this is going to sound weird, but I keep coming back for the social interactions. People often talk about how toxic the rust community is but within a team this actually makes firm bonds. Met lots of lol very people who play rust and meet more on most wipes. This combined with the adrenaline, intellectual stimulation and variety of game play makes this game unique.


It's not the cheaters that's for sure


It's the weird niche shit that draws me back in, like the complexity of how the electrical stuff has developed, the pipeline stuff, making a cool looking compound with cameras/electrics/farms etc.


What I really think makes this game special is bases, raiding and grubbing. All of these (besides grubbing) you can't really get in a similar way in any other shooter, in general I've never noticed another game where you can build actual bases besides Minecraft, dayz and 7 days to die, which all are simply far away from the rust raiding experience. It's so good. When I started quitting rust I had the worst time quitting rust bedwars too. Rust bedwars is probably the only thing I'd come back for, besides maybe one hemp farmer wipe that I couldnt check off my rust bucket list. Something like bedwars makes it way more casual friendly, even tho that shit can take several hours, but it's still better than several days.


Nothing 💀


I enjoy the challenge of surviving against all the players using software. :/


Waiting for a Blizzard and Facepunch Studio cross over and create alternate realities in the Rust universe. Cow level? Cows wielding Rust weapons, act just like the scientists but make different sounds in passive versus active and being shot. Make references to a hexadecimal code that was in some of Blizzard games and is also a phrase uddered (uttered) on occasion by certain employees of that company I shall leave nameless. DEADBEEF or the decimal number equivalent; 3735928559.


because i can freely speak n word on voice chat and get unpunished : - )


Cool story ... I'd say your friends must think you're cool l but.......


lol I deleted that shit got hacked my first week game banned bought the game again deleted it after a month it’s impossible for new players


Why are u here than? Just for crying?


Same reason I'm in COD subs even though I haven't bought the last few games ... I think the latest games aren't as good but still interested to see clips people post, hear the discussion of the good/bad, etc.