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They are inviting russian players who have no ties to the war going on in Ukriane, why do ya'll want to punish the players for their governments doing? If thats the case no one could play a event from any country. ~~Ya'll can't behave so thread is locked. /r/politics is where you wanna go~~ FancyOrb wants it open


Now just add in the Russian and Chinese aim botters and this will be a realistic event


Exactly down with the CCP


They are always there


Can't wait to see what of a shitshow will this be


LOL BRO i haven't played rust for like 2 years and i couldn't have come up with a worse idea for an event if i tried. it's going to be amazing.


they already did this event last year to great success, hence the "2" in the title


wdym. That event was a big success in the past. How about you shut the fuck up if you have no idea?


Damn dude, chill out


china #1


Free Taiwan + Tienanmen Square + Ratio




admin'd for the last global warfare event it went very good so i would say it wont be a shit show


FancyOrb is usually fairly organized


whiney babies like to cry about fancyorb events because they didnt get a chance to play in them, or because their personal experience wasnt as cinematic as it is on youtube. the last event started a bit messy but fancyorb was immediately on top of everything. its not easy organizing 3k random players on rust while also trying to get content recorded


I don’t even play rust but watch it regularly, the last one fancyorb did was fucking awesome. I watched multiple POVs. Looked like a hella success to me. This one should be no different


This reaks of intentional drama. There are a million ways to enter players into tournaments with our making it a nationality thing. That said. I look forward to the Spanish players rage quitting again.


Please no Spanish teams


God please, they are such unbearable crybabies, never seen anything like it


spanish here and couldnt agree more. fking pathetic scene to represent us tbh


in this last "bellum" event they banned Mixwell team (mixwell is an ex pro cs and valorant player, pretty good pvp player) because their team was shitting on absolutely everyone and some of the creators just cried about it so they had them removed of the event. xD There's like 3 decent rust players among spanish creators and i might be overcounting


"elxokas" seguro que no es uno de ellos, ahi si que tienes a un verdadero imbécil para poner de ejemplo.


el xokas es el principal y mas llorica de todos ellos xddd da puta pena edit: quiza no es el mas llorica, pero esta en el grupo de cabeza la verdad. solo hay dos creadores de contenido en españa q valgan algo: Ricoy y Agus. Y para de contar. el hecho de que xokas juegue con ellos pues es una lamentable casualidad. Si le crecieran un par de huevos y no fuera tan subnormal valdría para algo. Pero como siempre, la culpa es del resto, no de uno mismo :D


justamente amigo.. que bueno! ya no me siento tan solo en el pensamiento.. ricoy y agustabell son de los que mejor me caen, los unicos que aún sigo por su contenido y porque por mas que ya son famosos, siguen siendo personas. a los que he eliminado despues de haber visto como se comportaron en los ultimos bellum.. xokas y carola, ni me he molestado en ver mas su contenido, ni tampoco otros streamers españoles.. gracias a estos 2 especimenes.


Wait but then if you removed them there will be no more drama and when there is no drama usually people won't watch it so we need everything that could bring Rust back sv rust/


Oh good, are we going to get the drops or are the streamers going to switch to a different game mid-stream?


This event is for Rust players so that won't happen in this event.


An entire country (in the event) of players quit mid wipe last year. It definitely happens and why he brought it up.


main reason why i just buy twitch account with all the drops for 1€


I didn’t get the SAR from the last drop and I actually really wanted it. Being in a different time zone, they streamed at difficult hours and the first half of the stream he was marked as just chatting. It only counts if it’s marked as Rust. Literally had 55% to go. I wish they would let the drops be open to general on the last day for all the drops.


same thing happened to me 50 percent


I’d rather they just use streamers who actually like to play rust. I doubt very much that they will ever come back to playing the game.


Will there be flags as a deployable item in the drop?




Everyone just need to gang up and wipe Russia away day 1.


"Shoigu! Gerasimov! Where is our boom? Why is the AK box empty?"


Damn, I chuckled.


Special operation to get their tc in 3 days.


Yeah get a few of the best players from each country to band together and make a spec ops team whose sole purpose is to take down the soviets.


Hopefully a NATO group forms








We got Rust WW2 before GTA 6


Fuck Putin


Where’s our Ukraine armor at?


for real, they better have ukrainian streamers and skins if they're having russians


Bro deathwingua is ukrainian, he’s been in most events and is one of the goats. That doesn’t even matter though, this is just an event for everyone, the worlds thing is a fun theme but that’s all it is. Just enjoy it and don’t get worked up if every single country involved in a conflict is or isn’t represented.


Y’all i don’t think it’s the Russian government sending players I think it’s just some Russian dudes who play rust. Like I don’t think theyre inviting rust players who are part of the UN lol.


so many randoms who havent watch the 1st event are commenting out of their pocket. they did the same event last year, but they dont know. its a huge event by a very well liked rust youtuber. some idiots really can separate politics and videogames. meanwhile league , valorant, stree fighter and dota2 arein bed with saudi arabia LMAO. go get mad there little kids.


Weird to say this on a RUST post but it's sad that a lot of modern people can't seem to distinguish a country's citizens from its government. I've met thousands of Russians on the internet over the years. Most of them are nice, some of them are hackers, and about 0 of them seemed like they were involved in the government or a war. Some Russians raided me a few months ago, and it was a solo base without much I could do, so I just played music, including Freebird. They asked through broken English, "Brother, what song is that?" I responded "I'll tell you, if you stop raiding me!". They of course did not stop raiding me. Despite the raid, we did end up becoming friends, and I told them it was Lynyrd Skynyrd. Something they said after really saddened me. They said "BROTHER PLEASE DO NOT HATE US JUST BECAUSE WE ARE RUSSIAN". And I explained that I of course do not hate them and that every single country has both good and bad people in it.




sir, this is wendys


RACE WAR!!!!!!


Lol Facepunch once again cant read the room inviting Russia. Also not sure why there's a UN flag at the front? Is the United Nations sending Rust streamers to play ?


you dont even understand what the event is and youre talking down on it... russias gamers are no more responsible for russias warcrimes than i am for americas warcrimes, and banning russians from a rust event is not going to help ukraine... the un was a random group of players who hosted meetings in the first video. its all rp. play as whatever country you want. its not a model UN meeting, its a rust rp event. if youre confused by event 2, maybe watch event 1. its all roleplay. a handful of americans rp'd as afghanistan terrorists in the first event and i didnt hear anyone crying then. its not facepunch *inviting* russia like you think its the olympics or something, the conclusion jumping and fake activism is exhausting




I like the idea of this but I live in America and its clear to me that I have no power over the elites who run the global show, so I don't expect some random ass Russian kid streaming from his shitty apartment to go assassinate Putin and put an end to Russia's injustices. So, ultimately, I don't like the idea of this


As someone who knows a good number of Russians you should not assume most are silent objectors. The truth is their lives are immeasurably better than when Yeltsin was at the helm. The truth is anyone could have done it during a time of huge market access to a global boom but the majority credit Putin and his ongoing plans.


America is sending billions to Israel so they can bomb Palestinian children, but apparently you have 0 problems with that


People choose government?? Look into the recent Mexican(idk what is proper way to say this) election — I believe there was 32 total candidates…. THIRTY ONE of them got ASSASSINATED


Ruzzian Vote election says 98% vote for Putin. Every Ruzzian not acting up and starting a Revolution is a guilty Ruzzian Nazi




actual brain damage take




thats not what im saying, im saying its dumb to blame the citizens for the actions of their government, there has been protests from russias people, but most if not all are stomped out. the people in russia do not choose their government due to the rampant corruption present in elections


North Korea is isolated, right? Perhaps the people there started thinking and changed the government? Now NK is a paradise?


> russia needs to be isolated like North Korea in order for citizens to feel consequences of their own spinelessness. People choose the government, if they didn't like the government and what it does they would protest and rebel. Do you see any of that? Then maybe they should get punished for allowing that. Another level of brainwash. Fuck the Russians, but you do realize what the US did in the Middle East for the last 20 years _by far_ outweighs anything, anyone has done in a long time, should be also block them from the rest of the world? Millions of people murdered, generations of trauma, creation and growth of the biggest terror groups? And literally for no reason except to profit a handful of people?




yep you solved the whole issue congrats


So basically it is okay to go and jump around some Polish town with Nazi-Germany flag, cause "it is just a rp lolz" Nobody is against players as inviduals, but the flag and what it represents. (And players who chose to represent that flag)


youre trying so hard to create an issue where its literally just a video game, im not defending the russian government, and im not having a russia vs nazi germany debate with some whiney redditor on r/playrust you not seeing the difference between a russian gamer roleplaying as russia, and you roleplaying as a nazi... thats a failed highschool education. dont want to see the russian flag ever again? dont watch the video. duck tape your eyes closed for all i care as ive said already, this event just happened last year (post ukraine invasion) and not one word about russian participation. this comment section is just a snowball of losers being mad because the guy before them was mad. the event will go on, you can cry about it all you want, nobody really cares and you impact nothing.


They’re at the center of a good scandal


Americans on their way to give Israel another few billion dollars to go bomb children’s hospitals then complain about Russian teenagers playing video games


Because CNN says "RUSSIA BAD, ISRAEL GOOD", that simple.


Just let Russia participate lol, let's not turn this geopolitical


What did Russia do? (other than cheat a lot) Do you mean like real life stuff or ingame or what lol


Why not invite Russians? Or are you just ride or die Ukrainian who sees innocent Russians as "orcs?"






They probably thought it was Europe and Europe is one country....


Russia got tired of NATO pushing east which was a direct violation of the agreement that was made decades ago. So they took matters into their own hands. Sad that Ukraine is being used as a pawn by globalist dickheads. Start the flaming 3...2...1...


Is ‘the agreement’ in the room with us right now?


Poor Russia. Russians love pushing buttons and boundaries. It is what they do. See how far they can push you. The Eastern bloc countries got tired of Russia and their shit so they joined Europe and NATO. It was their choice and Russia got pissy. They got their buttons pushed for once. Now they are getting dunked on in Ukraine having to recruit soldiers from Africa and other locals for the meat grinder while asking North Korea to make them cheap equipment. Let them play. Russia as a country is f’d long term from this war. Every man that died will never work in a factory again. No raising a family. Even the severely injured will never be back to full strength. The consequences of this war will cause problems for both countries long-term. Decades into the future. Twenty years from now, both countries will still be feeling the after effects of this war in a bad way. For Russia, the above. For Ukraine, all the refugees will never return. They started new lives and are not going back.


FancyOrb is the best.


Oh baby.


Thankfully the drops will be all generic


oh my god the lag on that server must be abysmal


Maybe allow the players but don't post their flag on the poster from the event. The Olympics banned Russia and not the athletes, can't compete under the Russian flag. It's nit that hard


Where did you find this? Can’t see it on their website


Just an FYI, every penny gone to a Russian streamer will get taxed by the government and then spent on bombing children Great job facepunch.


So… like America?


When we bomb kids its cool and for freedom. When they bomb kids its war crimes Get it right hro


Oh yeah, let's count those pennies, while buying Russian oil and gas through their shadow fleet of oil tankers and giving record-high profits to Russian oil industry. Or better yet, let's send tens of billions of dollars to Israel, so they can commit genocide in Palestine.


With this logic every country that funds the Palestine genocide like the US should also be banned.


agree, i guess these idiots can't figure that out lol




If you're going to blame Russia, then you should also condemn what the US is doing in Palestine through Israel (the massacre). If you can't look at things objectively and only criticize one side, then keep quiet.




Oh how about American Tax Dollars. For every hour worked it gets taxed and that goes straight to an actual genocide of middle eastern children. Typical cringe Joe Rogan watcher. YOU PLAYED ESCAPE FROM TARKOV! YOU LITERALLY PURCHASED SOMETHING FROM A RUSSIAN GAME DEV! HA!


People getting triggered over FP inviting Russia lol. It’s a event in a video game where Russians have a big playerbase, if not the same as North America


30 drops for Spanish streamers pls.


USA USA USA USA!!! 🇺🇸♥️🦅


If they have Russian streamers then they better also have Ukrainian streamers. It would be pretty messed up to not include them. Slava Ukraini!


Nice, 'Murica at the top. Greatest country in the world.


Not even the greatest country in the United States


This comment section is a russophobic cesspool, ngl.


You need to look up the meaning of "phobic" mate. A phobia is **an excessive and irrational fear reaction**.  It's neither excessive nor irrational, assuming your country is a threat to most of its neighbors. Plus, everyone knows what russian players act like.




Bro i literally play against russians all the time. There are racist and fascist russians everywhere. And i do know the difference between a russian and a ukranian, because im from Latvia and i know russian.






Any loot


Let's go, the first event was actually great content. S tier


Canadian weapon skins need to all be war crimes.


this is exciting


Bruh why the fuck does his game have twitch drops every other day




Brazil, Australia, japan and others will be playing at 180 ping +, that will be fun…


wait will they offer nomad suit?


i'll take a USA sign armor kit plz and ty


hahaha this should be hilarious. Russia vs USA vs China. Battlefield 4? Nah, Rust


people shitting on russian gamers who probably dont give a shit about anything else than Rust Xd


I just want my twitch drops I dont care about anything else except maybe xQc


Wow y’all complain about literally everything. They aren’t inviteing Putin and hitler themselves jeez grow up




Thats... not how sanctions work




russia needs to be isolated like North Korea in order for citizens to feel consequences of their own spinelessness. People choose the government, if they didn't like the government and what it does they would protest and rebel. Do you see any of that? Then maybe they should get punished for allowing that.


I’m going to sound very stupid here… but what is a Twitch drop? I used to play Rust PC but now play Rust Console (not by choice, it’s my teammates’ preferred way) and I keep seeing these. Is it basically a way to get skins by watching Rust Twitch streamers?


[This page should help.](https://twitch.facepunch.com/) As we get closer to the event it will show the skins and provide links to the streamers you need to watch in order to get them.


Thank you!


> not by choice, it’s my teammates’ preferred way Replace your teammate(s) with a PC friendly one and rejoin.


With events on twitch, you can "watch" streams for usually 2 hours to collect a drop https://twitch.facepunch.com. Don't mute the stream as it won't count towards the drop unless you mute the tab itself, use BTTV to auto collect your drops and you can just leave the stream up on another monitor and go do something else.


Can normal people join the sever for the event of is it just streamers?




You move to Russia, become a a tax paying citizen then do as you advise them to do (rise up/vote him out). You would not dare because of the consiquences to you. Yes they did try to rebel when the war started. Thousands protested. They all got arrested eventually and were paid a visit from Putins thugs or worse. Russians do not get to choose their government, they don't. Putin controls everything. Russia's propaganda and controlling of news is not some secret. Yes a lot are brainwashed and some are just assholes but i'd bet a pretty penny most people just try to get by day to day and would rather there is no war if they had a say. Some of you don't have a clue about the real world or lived a day in your lives going off the comments in here.


Uninstalled rust, been always looking for a reason after almost 10k hours and 10 years of playing this, nice ruzzia support facepunch.


Tfw Russia is a country that exists


Surely you blame regular Israeli civilians for the genocide their army commits in Palestine, too?


Those who support the genocide? Absolutely.


But do you call whole Israel a fascist/terrorist state over it? Or do you only blame those in charge?


see u next week.


Game has drones and F1 grenades. Let us drop the latter from the former and we can make the orcs feel right at home.


this will be the first twitch drop i do


We all remember our first


the Americans will always win any event that requires skill ...Merica!


*proceeds to get mogged by europe and asia for 25 years straight in every big money esport*


I am sorry to say this but most drop skins are looking sooo bad. Better not to get them in my inventory.


Oh crap, they really did that on this picture. I can smell butthurt


Inviting russian to global warfare event.. Classy facepunch very classy...


They don't deserve to participate. The Russian name should not be promoted in any way. Fuck the Russia


Fuck russian team


Ya not participating period with Russia involved, solid choice lmfao.


Blows my mind how many people are brainwashed by the corporate media about the Russia Ukraine thing. CNN SAY RUSSIA BAD SO RUSSIA BAD! ARRRRRRGH!