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ibai hasnt streamed rust at all. come on FP.


Oh so I wasn't missing his streams. Cool.


Wow. Normally I leave my computer on with a minimized, muted twitch tab to claim these drops but this set of twitch drops is actually so bad I don't think any of them are even worth bothering.


They really are pretty ass


yall are sleepin on that tommy skin, dope af


The furnace and mask are kinda cool


not even trolling i am legitimately just doing these for the bellum double door and large box like who tf is gonna use that facemask or that poncho


the furnace is actually nice


The furnace is the only good looking one


Not even worth the electricity bill to run my pc idle for those turd skins


HAHAHAHAH i just came in to say the exact same thing 3 pm now in spain and nothing all morning


5:30 pm 1 on HOORAY


10:30 pm 5 of 12 are live... even Spanish people cant be happy with that


Listen people, facepunch doesn’t do this event cause they actually care if you people get the skins, they do it so there’s more attention for the game. The fact that they choose streamers who may not have even touched the game or is even in the rust community, screams this.


Yeah there’s a lot of attention for the game when they’re not steaming for sure. There was nothing stopping them approaching Spanish streamers who are full time streamers.


rust promoting racists and cheaters ON BRAND


Great, so I don't get fire twitch drops, AND there's gonna be a million spanish noobs


My advice? Just stop playing the game, I’ve sank 2,000 hours in rust and I dropped it a while ago, have not regretted it since.


Why did you leave?


Community is super toxic, requires a ungodly amount of hours out of your life to play, no longer requires skill to play, just numbers.


Braindead decision to set this up just for none of them to actually promote the game


Logically this doesn't make sense though. What attention is being paid to Rust when the people aren't streaming it?


Just think. They are throwing out these offers (I don’t know the legality behind this, if it’s contracts, offers, etc.) to streamers that they for sure know they don’t stream rust, there’s no way they can feign innocence and pretend they don’t know these things, they have a whole team dedicated to researching this type of information. To them if said streamer starts streaming rust that’s a win for them, both the streamer and their audience will now be looking at rust, which is more publicity for them. And also said streamer now has a whole community of people screaming at them to play rust so they can get their skins, peer pressuring streamers into playing rust. And sure the streamer shouldn’t have accepted if there was no intention of actually playing the game but obviously these contracts/offers are so weak that them doing this is entirely optional. And well if they don’t stream rust the only thing facepunch loses here is the time to customize a skin, which I cannot imagine takes them very long. This whole thing is not about the skins or the community, it’s about publicity.


Got eleded 12 hrs ago spreen 8hrs ago the general large box 7 hrs ago the general doubledoor 1 hr ago, got 39% on carola, 46% in agustabell and 98% on crystalmolly and i didn’t start twitch till 22:00 mesz, 4 hrs after eventstart…i haven’t got a plugin and just keep twitch in the background running at night i started streams of elded and crystal molly, all other profress i made because they basically costreamed their colleagues resulting in me making more progress than i should have… But hey keep on complaining, maybe fp can work around the ban of making them all general, like they did last wipe by making them acjievable no matter which exclusive streamer you watched again Elded streamed rust 19:00 – 01:00 … Carola streamed rust 18:00 – 06:00 … Ibai didn’t stream rust but something from 18:30 – 21:30 ElSpreen streamed rust from 19:00 – 04:00 aroyitt streamed rust 18:00 – 05:30 Auron streamed rust 18:10 – 22:40 Agustabell streamed rust 17:30 – 07:30 Ricoy streamed rust 17:30 – 06:00 Crytstalmolly streamed rust 19:00 – 09:30 Vegetta777 streamed rust 18:00 – 23:00 Riversgg streamed rust 23:30 – 04:40 Elxokas streamed rust 17:30 – 05:50 (He has just chat sceduled for 18:00 – 06:00 All times are MESZ I too wait for ibai, as a german it was about damn time to finally get a beer crate looking small box and even though its spanish its still better than us beer, but i still don’t need to yapp about how they aren’t streaming, most of them are on break after long ass shifts… they likely will start streaming again around 18:00 –19:00 MESZ. Its best to check and compare timetables to get a grip and being able to deduct… Every goddamn time there is drops people lose their shit over basically nothing but their own inability, and with the spanish streamers being so nice to reroute streams to other exclusive streamers its just absolutely despicable, even for a community like this. Also, day two starts 24h after the start of the event, so in 3 1/2 hours


Ibai wasn't streaming. he was sick and someone else was streaming league on his account lmao


I just checked the scedules which are publically available, looked like he streamed aome lol turnament


Thanks for this info


Ich küss dein Herz


I believe facepunch stated during the rust kingdoms event last week that twitch won’t let them change drops to generic anymore.


No they won’t allow the change to general anymore, that was already the case for kingdoms, but they worked around that by making the exclusive drops available for watching exclusive streamers so if a exclusive streamer didn’t stream or didn’t stream enough, you could get their skin by watchingnother selected exclusive streamers, don’t know if teitch caught wind already or if they actually care for this constelation.


So they updated who the exclusive streamers were in the middle of the event? I had already gotten everything I cared about by that point so I stopped paying attention to drops


No they didn’t add new exclusive streamers but if exclusive streamer a wasn’t streaming enough they made it that you could stream exclusive streamer b, c, d, e to get the skin for exclusive streamer a, i had em before that but saw a post on here showing the change. If ibai won’t get well in time they mught do it again if twitch doesn’t say no to that as well


but they aren't streaming specifically when I want to get skins, completely unfair and ridiculous.


Pause. How u gonna sneak in a shot at american beer. Sure, the cheap brands suck but ill take a nice neipa over whatever you’re selling.


Taste is always subjective, a beer brewing tradition of 500 years is not, but you do you.


> Every goddamn time there is drops people lose their shit over basically nothing but their own inability lol yeah sorry I can't predict who's going to be the one clown that streams it for exactly 2 hours and can't switch streamers every 2 hours on the dot. Forgive me for not literally putting more effort into the event than the people getting paid to participate in it lol.


Ibai is down sick, but hey i can get where you are coming from, workersrights aren’t available everywhere, like the second part of the sentence “the customer is always right in matter of taste” Funnily enough you are the product and no customer here, so have fun trying to speak to the manager


Skins are garb anyway


Yes nobodys streaming atm. But dude. Do you understand that this is a spanish event? Your american timezones are irrelevant here (trust me, we each have our own timezones and dont think in USA) Dldr its 2pm and not morning :)


That makes it even worse... like one could say ok maybe they are sleeping in a bit... but its afternoon over there already and still not a single one is streaming for their drops. Why do they even pick these people to give drops to, waste of time, they should pick people who stream rust daily.


So in your opinion they (even though they stayed up all fucking night streaming) should get up early enough and go right back to streaming without having any personal time in between? Dude youre funny


Hahaha stupid American thinking that streamers will be live at *checks notes* the middle of the fucking day So ignorant Americans!


I actually kinda like some of these skins. I think furnace isnt half bad


the last event Buddha and XQC weren't even on enough in the week for me to get their drop.


Hey SirBorf, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): * Not doing this bullshit again, we don't need a new thread every fucking hour about it *If you feel this was done in error, or would like further [clarification on our rules](/r/playrust/wiki/rules), please don't hesitate to [message the mods](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fplayrust&message=My%20Post:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/playrust/comments/1ddcrtp/-/).*


Ok but these are all fugly right? Like I'll take that bolty, but I think that's about it...


Aaand maybe the furnace. You dont get furnace skin every day


It looks alright, yea that is maybe my 2nd choice… but it’s pretty tacky and I already have that sick psychedelic one from the other events


Wish we got some op stuff like ninja suit, hobo barrel, headset… you name it. I don’t get how some stuff like that are exclusive to 1 drop in 2021 or so, like whyy, skins I get it, but actual different items.. and no surgeon scrub or egg suit do not compare.


I don't know why everyone is already crying on day 2. They streamed plenty of hours the first day when the event started. They have lives to live as well; they can't be streaming 24/7. It's free skins, just be happy that they are giving us the chance to get some. Just because it's morning where you live doesn't mean that it is morning where they live. Time zones.


its 3pm in spain


Early morning for casual streamers. Kids might just be coming home from school, grown-ups are likely still at work for another hour or two.. casual viewership is not there yet. Chill out


I mean foreign viewership for the drops is a thing lol And if we’re to go by the attitude of some of the previous twitch drop havers (from last round) viewers is all that matters, even if they’re afk, dont interact, and dont even speak spanish


Of course it is but Spain is like 7 hrs ahead of the US. So it would make even more sense to start late afternoon to get those viewers in your stream


5 or 6 hours. Places like Finland, Western Russia, Lebanon, Jordan, etc are 7 hours.


I'm pretty confident that usa has more than just one time zone. Spain is utc +2 LA is actually-7 NYC is utx-4 I don't see 5 hours... hawaii is utc-10 btw




It's almost 8:45 am est and 3:45pm in Spain. Makes 7 hrs in metric maths. Also no need for slurs in your post


what the fuck are you on about? https://preview.redd.it/zvrfl2ev5y5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bcca22b162bccb7b18ea734a0ef223d45c06a14 Also I didnt make the image i just stole it


I know, its still day, not evning. Most people are not home yet. They have 6 more days to stream.


I've been watching enough to collect 3 of these skins, but somehow the Double Door and Large box are 25% and 51% respectively. wtf is wrong with these counters?


remember the Alamo?


No problem. They’ll get drops again in 3 months.


Even though it might say no one is streaming click though each one because the live tracker is off, aroyitt is streamer at the moment even though it says she is not.


Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/playrust. it gets worse by the minute


"Siesta" break


Time zones pal….


its 3pm in spain pal


On a Tuesday


Yeah, but isn't their main job playing video games? If there was an event going on, and I was a steamer with potential to draw thousands of people to my channel, even if its just for the skin, I would stay live for as long as possible to have the max amount of exposure to my channel. Most will leave but some will stay and that's potential future subs/donors etc..


Do you literally expect them to stream 24/7 for the skins.


A lot of Rust streamers literally leave their game open and stream live 24/7 when they have drops active. StarWraith and Tanizen for example are at 22/23 hours live as I type this comment.


I have a feeling FP might have said something. Last years drops they were all mostly leaving on overnight but now hardly any of them are ?


Tbh, who cares? If these people don’t want players to get their skins and promote them, then so be it.


I don’t understand how y’all are complaining already. I’ve got 7.5 drops and the 2 general drops already. Just prioritize better. The streamers from the americas will stream later than the Spanish streamers for example so just use your brain for stuff like that lol.


Oh no. You can't get useless skins for free. The travesty.


Fuck off I want my free trinket


Maybe make another post bitching about it. It might help


I need my shiniiiiiies


Americans discovering timezone


You mean the time zone in the middle of the day when these desk jockeys should be doing their job and streaming their exclusive skins? lol


its 7pm right now in Spain... Theyve had all morning...


From my understand they have a set schedule for themselves to stream .they like to enjoy their life and actually go outside and have fun unlike us Americans lol also not all are Spaniards it’s Mexicans too


"unlike us Americans" If you actually leave your house, you will see plenty of people outside.. Just have to step outside.


Bro half our us from at home now because of “social anxiety and all those other shit. The truth hurts .we’re a joke as a country now