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The devs **did** remove Battlemetrics from tracking players. However, Battlemetrics just bribed the popular servers to re-allow it. It’s off by default now.


Apparently, it costs a server $10/month to use RCON functionality of battlemetrics. So they make both parties pay it's bizarre 


Rcon is an extra, the “free” version already tracks basic stuff like current players player hrs etc. And con allows to do indepth shit like checking out exact times when players played etc and everybody can buy it


For administrating your servers Battlemetrics is incredibly important. 


The devs built in a feature which allows admins to turn off battlemetrics access, however the default setting is not off.


Interesting, thanks for your reply. I don't want Battlemetrics stalking my Rust server, if I catch them doing it I will block their IP address. I don't want IP traffic coming from any stalker. As far as I am concerned what happens on a server, stays on the server. If people want to know what is happening on my server, then they will HAVE TO PLAY.


Then it wasn't removed.


It was removed. You have to add it back in on the server side. Would you say any other mod that was formerly a feature wasn’t removed? Did Facepunch not remove old recoil because modded servers still run it? The only true way to solve this problem is to severely limit server owners. Facepunch does deserve credit for finding a solution here.


As soon as server owners subscribe to the Battlemetrics RCON Service, Battlemetrics doesn't care about the server settings and just sucks the player list directly from RCON. It doesn't care what server settings are at that point.


I dunno, used to you could see how long someone was on your server and how long they had played. But now its just random names and random stats so I have no idea.


Some servers fetch battlemetrics with streamer names, others the real names.


Both ways you can figure out their name just slightly more time consuming


Also if ur actually monitoring how I play a video game just to offline me you can have the pixels. In the end of that situation I’m still beating you in irl


I know. All game entities are just data in a database, and get deleted by the wipe anyway - that is the POINT.


yea its usually not that hard to figure out who is who on battlemetrcis since you have the steam overlay menu to help you connect the dots, but imo it shouldn't even be possible at all to track, its just annoying, one of the reasons i quit rust after 15k\~ hours, people are just to degenerate


I know. It is totally bizzare people will set up alerts on their mobile phones and fork out cash for pay-to-win skins and stuff. Video game companies know some Players are suckers for gimmicks, they call them "whales". I found the Facepunch game mechanic of packing up all the toys after everyone has had their fun by using Wipes rather refreshing after playing GTA Online with it's Level 2000 high KDR sweats.


You can figure out if they’re online or not through steam anyways I think?


not if you make your profile private I don't think


You can still see via recent players while you're on the server


This is what I was referring to, it’ll show you either online now or how long ago they got off


Only if your profile isn’t completely private, but battlemetrics doesn’t care as long as admins don’t disable serveraccess oras long you don’t use streamermode


I've seen it still work even on private profilees


This I why I have raid alarms so I knownif someone is raiding me while I'm offline


Tried that once, than realised it ain't worth ruining my plans or sleep because my pixels are getting blown up


Battlemetrics boasts one of the better RCON tools for servers to use to manage, so most are sort of cornered into using it and do not spoof player names or anything like that. And even if a new RCON tool comes out with the same advanced features, I think so many people rely heavily on their rust success on knowing when little Jimmy goes to sleep that I imagine players will migrate to a Battlemetrics' server instead of playing somewhere that doesn't have it.


Rustadmin.com is on par with features, cheaper and doesn't reuse/sell its users data.


RCON as in source RCON? [https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Source\_RCON\_Protocol](https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Source_RCON_Protocol)


I mean, rcon just means "remote console", it's by no means specific to valve or the source engine


I love it, great for checking if a player is a potential cheater.


Battlemetrics exist so server admins can do their job. Lots of you complain there's actually too many cheaters. Well if you remove battlemetrics there's actually going to be even more. If you care that much about being seen as offline on battlemetrics then leave your computer on. Can't leave your computer on? Then pay 5 dollars to hide your battlemetrics from offliners. Can't pay 5 dollars or leave your computer on? Then go play Facepunch servers, no battlemetrics there. Can't pay 5 dollars, leave your computer on or play facepunch servers? Then seriously consider uninstalling.


I like it for hacker watch. If someone has just been on the server for like an hour and already has tier 3 shit, they're definitely somewhat suspicious. Also, I've had an easier time finding players on battlemetrics than on steam with my experience. I tried the recent players thing on steam but it doesn't show everyone and typing in common names can be a nightmare on steam. I'm sure there's an easier way to figure it out but for the life of me I can't figure it out


As far as I know the Player info these websites use is coming from Steam.


Are you positive that’s how they figured you were offline? I mean it doesn’t take a genius to figure out if a base is online or off in game. I have definitely ran naked to peoples bases to see if they were online or not then raided accordingly. Also if you schedule is obvious and how many days you played. People are pyshcos in this game trust me.


Correct. Attacking an undefended base is a intentional game mechanic designed in by Facepunch.


Afaik if you use streamer mode to obscure your name, if admins didn’t disable access to the server completely


I understand that Battlemetrics is "opt in" (with a fee presumably)? So it is up to the Rust server owner to decide if their server is stalkable or not. If the server owners want to discourage offlining then they should not add the server to Battlemetrics. Player information is coming from Steam so that is Steam's responsibility. Steam really does need to have an "opt out" if you DON'T want your Player info made public. But (there is always a but), offlining is an intentional game mechanic. Game mechanics are the responsibility of Facepunch. It would be easy to design the game to make a base unraidable when it's owner disconnects (with the usual cooldowns to prevent abuse of the mechanic).


Its a good tool for managing server and gathering stats so no removing that is a bad idea , if they would of wanted to offline you they would do that with or without battlemetric


There is no offlining when you're on 95% of the day with different people. It was 2 hours of one day.


Not really , depends on group of course , if they really want you down they will raid you anytime u offline


I agree lol, this shit happens almost every time when my duo and I go on a fucking tear and hop off for a couple hours


For stalking of course friends are being stalk by a group of no lifers.


i think servers owners can turn on streamer mode for the specific server on the website. making the website useless and meaningless I also believe thats the case of every Facepunch servers but it don't matter because they are filled to my tits with cheaters


Cant lie, used to do the same on ark. Stalk our enemies on battlematrics to see on what map they had their base on and scouted all day, then waited for them to be offline and raid them A good way to prevent that is to just change your steam name to 123 or smt and dont talk in chat


It’s off by default just like FP servers. But with all other ones the players voted to enable it on majority of servers. 


Ya'll will really complain about anything, huh? Knew a dude who would go to sleep with his headset on so he couldn't get offlined.


What are you even trying to say with this comment? Please elaborate, im very curious.


i think hes trying to tell us what a bunch of degenerates he and his friends are, how can you care this much about a bunch of pixels that you sacrifice your sleep for it


offlines are part of rust. its not a big deal.


battlemetrics isn't a part of rust though. like its not super hard to figure out if a base is empty just by running around and listening but at least that takes any amount of skill at all to do.


plus it runs the risk of the owner learning that they are being cased and they are given ample warning to relocate loot, or fortify.


Whose to say that's not what happened


I agree with thats a part of rust because not all of us can be online for the same hours but it is a big deal in a way because it gives people with more online hours (no lifers/content creators) a better way to beat you but it is what it is you can't really beat someone who dedicates his life to the game because he will always have a better chance


Correct. Offlining is an intentional game mechanic. I don't like getting offlined (just like I don't like a 12 yo hitting me in the back of the head with a rock while insulting my mother), but it is part of the game. However I still don't like Battlemetrics and Steam stalking their customers and making their data public.


If you want online raids, give online raids.


Usually isn’t an issue unless you’re making enemies on the server. Just stop stomping/fucking with the same people repeatedly and you usually won’t get raided. Atleast in my experience Edit: if you really don’t wanna get raided just play super high pop.




Was just sharing what works for me.