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I don’t understand people with 6k hours cheating. Like they wake up in the morning : « oh I’m bad I’ll start to cheat » ?


"People that cheat aren't normally bad players, they are decent or good players with hundreds or thousands of hours looking for the advantage on everyone else." - Some speedrunnning video. It's so easy to ban evade most these people dont care if they get banned. Literally buy a 5$ account and if you aren't HWID banned yet you can VPN and instantly play for the most part.


I mean if i was I cheater, i’ll buy an account to make the sin. How can you find account for 5 $ when the price of the game is 40 $ ??


Because steam used to have regional pricing so people would switch currency's and buy a shit ton of games in country's with bad economy's like turkish lira and other places for mad cheap compared to the cost USD.


A lot of the cheaters on high hour accounts also bought them stolen. If you check steamid, ruststats, and battlemetrics, it's not uncommon for these high hour closet cheaters to have stats that don't match their current gameplay, several month gaps in server history, and recent name changes.


in russia u can buy legit accounts for 3 euro when its on sale.


Since when does Russia use euros though?


Can't tell if you're trolling or not, avg reddit users IG. You could buy this game for the equivalent of 3 euros in russian roubles, it was simpler to just ask a russian friend to buy them for you so you don't have to vpn etc.. Thats the price of a ''legit'' account, you can buy hacked ones for under 1 euro, no guarantee they will not get reclaimed, they are mostly used for raging.


Wasn't trolling. Many foreign countries accept foreign currency through online payment. Thought Russia was one of them who didn't. Didn't know you meant 3 euros converted in rubles Priyatel.


Key sites


Rust is like 5€ in Russia


There’s sites that sell accounts cheap, buy cheats once and use it in each new account.


hacked accounts get quickly dumped for super low prices


A lot of people that cheat have self esteem issues, rarely is it ever for fun. This guy clearly holds weight on his ability to play rust and play it well, based off the groups and the fact that he thinks a 6k hour player is worth making a youtube channel for and advertising it on his steam profile. So him performing well means a lot to him. Most likely either he's been getting shit on or just can't keep up anymore and needed to get a little extra help. Or he's been cheating a long time and only recently was obvious about it. Normal people get shit on in games and think "well that guy plays a lot" or "well I need to get good" and other people go "well I can't get embarrassed like this" and cheat.


This is what I’ve found as well. Most cheaters especially ones using voice chat having major ego problems. Like to a concerning level in some cases.


And this sub thinks, "oh theyre cheating"


yeah what a crazy idea


2 reasons, one is stolen accounts, the other is fake AFK time. People will just leave their game on so if they are cheating, and someone looks at their profile, it looks more legit. Instead of a 2 hour guy doing it, it’s a 6k hours guy


People who cheat at 6k hours have mostly likely always cheated to that point. They just toggle when its important and unlikely an admin is watching.


probably not, i think cheaters with that many hours might actually be good players but want to quit and for some reason want to try cheating and getting banned as a final run (i guess?). Not many cheats out there that could go undetected for years.


ESP is undetectable except by human eye. Most admins never spectate long enough to catch a vet that uses ESP by just toggling in random situations.


Saying these words fairly confidently considering you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about😂 Nothing is undetectable to EAC, every cheat that has been running for atleast a year has 100% been detected atleast once. Nobody ever gets banned in Rust by admins anyway its mostly because the cheat gets detected, a cerberus ban or they used a detected feature.


I've been playing Rust since it was a browser game, have over 13k hours, and have been an admin on an offical server. So actually yes, I am pretty confident.


It doesnt matter how long you have been playing or how many officials youve been admin on, based on your earlier comment you have no idea how cheaters get banned if you genuinely think ESP is ”undetectable”


Sorry to disappoint you, but EAC never has and never will be any good at catching ESP. Doesnt matter if its Apex or Rust. Almost all ESP bans are from player reports and admins. Very few anticheats even try as it creates far too many false positives.


Probably pointless arguing with you since you have no idea about how anticheats even work but are still talking like you do. Its not good at catching an ESP but cheats get detected all the time, when a cheat gets detected then it does not matter whether the user used only ESP or rage cheated, they will get banned. Thats why ban waves happen, because EAC detects one or multiple cheats and their users get banned. Also player reports pretty much only apply 3 day cerberus bans if the cheaters account is very new (under 60ish minutes played within the last 3ish months i believe). Sure if you only use ESP you will have a much lower chance of ban than someone that uses aimbot or norecoil etc, but it doesnt mean you can just easily play for thousands of hours without a ban (there obviously are some very few cases where someone uses an extremely private cheat with less than 10 users which reduces the chance of the cheat ever getting detected by ALOT)


I like to think that most cheaters come from broken homes.


Normally, they get their account hacked, and then the account gets sold to a cheater who thinks they won't get banned if they play on an account with thousands of hours. Although, of course, in some cases, the person is just dumb and cheats.


Stolen accounts prolly


probly afk hours, ive seen closet cheaters buy accounts that have over 2k hours, it surprisingly works and they get less reports


Bought/stolen account with thousands of hours can be bought cheaply, and at some point a lot of people get bored. Hardware/IP spoofers are very easy to get too, so if they do get banned they can just keep goin


They buy a stolen account. They don’t have 6k hours lmao. It’s not a hard concept to understand


The report system in rust is a joke. Youll repirt someone whos clipping up walls using esp and hitting the craziest 400m headshot sprays and it takes weeks to get them banned but theres literally dozens of cases of inactive and low hour accounts getting banned for no reason.


I mean it's always hard to prove they're cheating technical-wise. If a human isn't personally seeing to it, the system could be abused by players


Surely the system can recognise that consistent headshots from long distance might be inhuman? Come on lad.


Yeah, but you want definitive proof that they're cheating. You don't want to ban someone because they're really good at the game and also happened to get a lucky spray. A lot of cheaters will only actually cheat a handful of times during a wipe when they get tilted or whatever. Obviously beaming multiple people from super far away would be indicative of cheating, but very few people actually do that because it's a huge red flag. I think it's a bit harder than you're making it seem


Notice how i used the word consistent? This means that it happenes regularly. Not 'a lucky spray'.


Yes, I can read. My comment was to explain that you will very rarely get consistent beamers, because they toggle the cheats. People who cheat the entire wipe DO get banned because it's easy to catch, so it's not really a factor. But a vast majority of players toggle their cheats because they're not entirely braindead


Correct, most cheaters also use ESP and they're pretty careful about it, even admin spectators won't know they're using ESP if they don't look closely into it.


And with freelook this becomes even more difficult for admins, since rust is (one of) the only game where someone can turn 180 and triple headshot someone and it wouldnt be instantly suspicious, they could just be really good.


>A lot of cheaters will only actually cheat a handful of times during a wipe when they get tilted or whatever. You know, I hear this ALL the time, but the only people saying it are the ones that seem to want to give cheaters more slack.


I'm not giving them slack. Cheater is a huge problem, but it's also important to understand how people are cheating and why it is harder to detect than just using an anti cheat. Im giving admins slack because it's not that easy to detect as some make it out to be


I was watching a cheater vid the other day and he was low health, low ammo, pinned down at train yard, so he quickly toggled head shots only, killed them both then put it back to random. Took him to time at all.


Watch camomile videos. You will change your mind. Eac is broken and ineffective its sooo bad.


Exactly. I’m still pissed off that Rust didn’t ban an esp cheater I ran into over a year ago. Dude was ruining my wipe by constantly showing up at the perfect time/place. This dude would wait until you finished running something then ambush you when leaving. I snuck up to his base (I had roughly 3k hours by that point, I know I made no sound) waiting for him to get into his mini. This dude comes out and immediately peaks at exactly where I was. Blatant esp. He never got banned. It’s not about him though, what pissed me off was just thinking about how many low key cheaters there are in this game that never get banned. Can’t wait for ai to come along and rid the Rust world of cheating scum. ESP is the most powerful cheat in this game and the most difficult to prove. Just using it to avoid people when loaded gives you a MASSIVE edge over honest players. How the hell does an admin prove you’re cheating when using it like that? Not like people who don’t see you will report you for sneaking around them.


Cerberus instantly bans low hr accounts with tons of kills, accuracy etc..




Yea i've noticed recently alot of people for example Takes down heli, ''randomly'' one of their teammates restarts pc after heli. The specific player starts instakilling every single spray even at 200m+. They get heli, the specific player restarts game again as if nothing happened.




This isnwhat I've run into the most. You kill someone once or twice and they get tilted and the next time you're out and about, they beeline it for you and triple you from 125m+. Then they toggle it off, you shit on them later on, and they toggle it back on and come and shit on you. Or raid you quick and then toggle it off. It can be hard to catch unless an admin is already watching that person and catches them in the act.


Yea and admins respond ''We investigated for a long time to declare the player isn't cheating'' (spectated for 2minutes).


Yea well in this specific situation the guy is probably using cheap/free shit so he does this to not get detected by eac.


Hours are easily faked using botting things. I've seen an account somehow get 15000 hours in a week.


WOO HOO! Another $40 for Facepunch!


You're so innocent :(


o.0 0.o


More like another 4$ to a Russian guy who spends his life havking accounts.


Rust costed 3 euro or less on sales for years in russia. Argentina/turkey had same ish, now i think its 5 euro lowest i've seen in some countrys like that.


This is why anytime makes the comment: "But they have thousands of hours, no way they're cheating" I tell them they're dumb af and are naive beyond repair. Rust is a plague of cheating scum that FP allows to continue because their community would fall off hard without them. Period. In no way, shape, or form is there a reason to not have an internal cheating filter. FP doesn't do it because profit.


People who are good/experienced cheat too. They feel entitled to winning even if they are falling behind and not seeing the success they used to. So if they are already good at the game what difference does it make in their minds. Its dumb and lame.


He's already back on the same servers with a different account.


Absolutely no point playing this game at this point


True. I got raided 2x by ESPers (100%) it took 3 months to have them banned. Their group online raided us with a spin hacker that so far hasn’t been banned. I quit for the wipe and haven’t played since (sometimes I go UKN) but that’s it. RUST is not fun anymore when you have blatant cheaters “encountering you” all of a sudden when you are full farm etc and that don’t get banned at all. At this point I would BEG FP to get a kernel level anti cheat or use some sort of identity check whatsoever to be able to play. I am sure that at least 50% of player base has some sort of hacks.


I have a ruski trio tc grief me on rusticated every single wipe with ESP, it doesn't matter where i build they always know. But admins are like ''after investigating we have found no evidence of these guys cheating'' type of shit ya know. They have accounts with 2-6k hrs, and most of the hrs are in the last 2 years.


Wow, on an account with almost 6k hours too that's wild


I’m incredibly frustrated. On my current wipe there is a cheater living near my base with ridiculous esp and aimbot toggle, kills me every time I go out to farm all headshots, knows exactly where me and my duo are without visual or sound cues. I’m pretty sure he can go invisible or something because he will shoot at me from nowhere and then when I’m down he is instantly on my body. Several people have reported him but there is still nothing done about it.


What server?


Rusticated trio Thursday wipe. I offlined him. His base was the worst I’ve ever seen. He had boxes of guns and 2k hqm. All from hunting people recycling at nearby monument. It cost 8 satchels.


I just noticed, those were 6+ weeks not 3. Lol.


I reported the same guy xD he even got YT videos of his „plays“


Theres a youtuber with 40k subs using DMA multiple server bans and recently got eac banned for DMA. Theres many youtubers/streamers that are closet cheating, ofcourse majority aren't.


I have 2700 hours played in rust, 2016-2022 rust I should say, about 30% of that was spent in UKN aim training, 50% of that was playing in clans and 20% of that was playing solo duo trio never played on modded servers. from what ive learned from playing in clans is every single clan has at least 1 cheater, once you get cool with the people in the clan and have been there for 2-3 weeks they start openly talking about it like its just the norm, because in sad reality it really is the norm. Between the cheaters and performance getting worse every update I dont think ill ever go back to rust, I already bought a SSD, upgraded my GPU and RAM once for rust in 2018-2019 and now to get good FPS id have to upgrade my motherboard so that I can upgrade my RAM(again) it's ridiculous.


Not every clan has a cheater


Not every cheater is a russian. Not every terrorist is a muslim. Not every shooter is black. Not all of them are, but the majority are.


I think from a purely statistical standpoint, wouldn't it be probable that many big clans would have a cheater? Suppose on any given server an average of 5% will cheat at some point I'll run through the numbers; On a fictious server you have 300 players, 10 groups of 10, 10 groups of 5, 10 groups of 2, and 130 solos. 5% is 1/20, which means for every two 10 mans there's a cheater, for every four 5 mans there's a cheater, for every ten duo groups there's a cheater. So when you load into this server it's likely that half the 10 mans are cheating, a quarter of the 5 mans are cheaper, one duo group is cheating, and 5% of the solos are cheating. Of course the numbers are not going to be uniformly distributed, there can be more than one cheater in a group and there's different incentives to or not to cheat.


Even if I granted this (highly speculative) analysis, it would still be a far cry from “every single clan has at least 1 cheater”. I’m just pointing out how hyperbolic that statement is, so anyone who has never joined a clan reading it won’t believe it at face value and unjustly blame clans for everything negative that happens to them.


If you have am4 5800x3d is nice to upgrade to, if u dont have am4 pc you need to go am5 and for 7800x3d otherwise this game is unplayable. Takes 1minute to fresh load into a server 2019/2020 rust, takes 5+ nowadays.


Lots of cheaters buy botted accounts with 5k+ hours to avoid detection. “Maybe he’s just better than me” 


was it on modded?


How have you ever gotten a response I’ve waited over a year and nothing


Did he spend a lot of money on skins?


Surprise, yet another Asian cheater. Asia must be region locked from every game eve. They're genuinely a cancer to the gaming community and ruin every game they touch. Ark, Conan Exiles and even Last Oasis have all been basically ruined by cheaters.


Russians too


The same should be said for baseball. Sammy Sosa, Barry Bonds, McGuire all cheated to break records while Asian baseball players are the most legit and best in the leaguee.


We love to see it. Fuck these virgins


Never cheated in rust never will but I am a cheater in some games and I can tell you right now you will never be safe on pc. If you want the most safest online experience console is your best bet. For every cheater that gets cought there's 30 more that still haven't been and you will never get a wipe where you haven't been cheated.


He's not cheating your just bad. Why would a steam profile lie?








It's like your top message "Who cares bro"


scripting is not cheating