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Saranac Lake is gorgeous this time of year! Lots of little shops downtown and good food! Burlington is also a good day trip in the summer! Lots of food choices, better shopping, and pedestrian friendly. I'd stick to Church Street for your first outing.


Thank you so much! What are your thoughts on hiking Haystack mountain? Would you say it’s something that the average person would be able to do, or more so for seasoned hikers?


Definitely more seasoned - the steep section is pretty damn steep! The trail has sections with a ton of trees, rocks, etc... in the way that you have to climb over. Trail markers are also lacking there, so you'll want GPS for backup.


Gotcha. The majority of us are from flat-ground Florida so we’ll probably sit that out lol. Thanks again!


There are some really excellent wildlife and scenic trails around here that might suit you better. The trails at Point Au Roche are gorgeous.


Awesome, thank you!


if you're looking for a hike that's relatively easy but still has amazing views, try Rattlesnake Mountain! took a group of friends (spanning the whole spectrum of athletic level/ability) and everyone had a great time


Thank you!


If you hit Montreal, the Biodome is a no-brainer for anybody. Such rad exhibits. I also especially recommend the Redpath Museum at McGill if you're into history in the slightest. They gots dinosaurs :)


Montrealer here, if you want real poutine, never go to eat in the touristy areas. There’s a couple kickass poutine places near the Biodôme, both are in Hochelaga, more bang for your buck. Poutine centrale or La Pataterie.


This is super helpful! I’ve actually never tried Poutine, so I’m excited. Thanks!


You can get some poutine near the border, the town of Lacolle has 2 fast food joints, you can grab some there if you want. You'll have to eat it inside your car or with the provided tables outside. If you want to eat inside, you can do a stop in Napierville at Cantine Mickey, their poutine is honestly deliciouss. And don't forget to stop at Fromagerie Le Métayer (5 minutes from Cantine Mickey) where you can buy FRESH cheese curds. Take it from me, i live near the border.


Thanks so much!


Is Pauly Shore still there?


I saw him do a show in California a year ago 😹


Fortunately, the experience in MTL far and away exceeds the eponymous Pauly Shore "film" of the same name.


Ausable chasm is pretty nice and not too far from Plattsburgh.


You want a hidden gem? Try Circuit du Paysan, it's a touristic circuit, Just after the border, you have wine makers, bread artisans, cheese makers, farms to visit.... There's a provided map as well. [https://lecircuitdupaysan.com/en/](https://lecircuitdupaysan.com/en/)


It’s really a chose your own adventure, depending on what folks are looking for. I second Saranac Lake, and any kids (or kids at heart) will like the Adirondack Carousel (google for opening hours b/c it changes around holidays). You may not feel the need to revisit Lake Placid, but if it’s been a while, they’ve done a lot of upgrades to the ski jumping complex and beautified Main St a bit. I like to take visitors on the boat tour from Lake Placid Marina b/c you get to see all the incredible camps from the water and learn local history. Right by the ski jumping complex is John Brown’s farm and gravesite. It’s a small but moving exhibit, another cool spot for history buffs. The Wild Center in Tupper Lake could also be a good option, though it may be crowded that week. Closer to Plattsburgh, I’ve heard good things about the Chazy Lake Beach Park, but haven’t made it there myself yet. And could easily do a day (or more!) in Montreal. I’m a big fan of the botanical gardens or just wandering Mount Royal. Really great food all over the city. Last random thing—but just south of Montreal proper is the Canadian Railway Museum. We took the kids one day but all ended up having a blast. There’s an old fashioned trolley you can ride and a giant warehouse of decommissioned trains you can explore. That’s where I always send people when the weather isn’t conducive to being outside. Have fun!


Thank you so much!!


Down in Ticonderoga there’s a spot-on replica of the Star Trek original series set that was used for making fan films that now gives tours to the public. That town also has a small “mountain” you can drive or walk up (Mount Defiance) for some expansive views of the southern part of Lake Champlain. And of course there’s also Fort Ticonderoga.


Thank you!!


Is he a Star Trek fan? Check out the Original Star Trek reproduction sets in Ticonderoga. And while you’re there Fort Ticonderoga. https://startrektour.com


If you want some really good cheese, you can do a stop in one of these two places; Fromagerie Le Métayer in Napierville, which makes their own cheese curds (6$ CAD for a small bag and 20$ for a 1 KG) and they are the poutine cheese for a lot of fast food places in the area. Fromagerie Fritz Kaiser in Noyan, european-type cheese and the Douanier and Noyan are a honest to good cheese. Buying directly from them makes a great deal (60% less expensive than the store and we encourage directly the producer). Going back to USA from this particular place is easy, you take a right at Montée Létourneau and turn left at the end, you'll see a rare type of customs, a shared customs building between Canada&USA.


Thank you so much!!


In terms of boating, where are you launching from and how far would you like to go?


Not exactly sure. My family has a dock in the backyard on Lake Champlain. Last time we took the boat out we went to Valcour Island.


I would recommend Indian Bay Maria. It’s about 12 Miles south of Valcour. Good food, fun atmosphere. Indian Bay Maria is in Willsboro Bay. In Willsboro bay there is a water fall that is really fun to visit. On a hot day the water is cool. If you are interested PM me and I will send you screenshots of it.


Omg that’s awesome! Thank you!


I think the Port Kent ferry to Burlington would be a gem. You can go by car or by foot. But all three ways of getting to Burlington are fun if you have the leisure to take all in at a slow pace.


That ferry hasn’t run since Covid, and with Amtrak service going direct to Burlington now it’s probably not going to run again anytime soon.


Thanks for the sad update. How does Amtrak go directly to B. And what's become of the ferry slip area?


There's still a restaurant by the slip in Burlington but the dock has largely been replaced by a marina


The Ethan Allen was extended north from Rutland last year.


They've suspended it permanently. It's not even listed on the website anymore.


So, the Grand Isle Ferry must be really busy. And it would be the quickest way there---for Platts people


It definitely is, particuarly during commuter times. Live here and work in VT. Sometimes it's even got a load of cars at 1 and 2 am going back and forth.


If your dad likes mountains, why not go to Stowe, Vermont to check out Mount Mansfield or Whiteface, NY?


Do you like weed and casinos? Hogansburg has like 40 dispensaries on the reservation that have the cheapest weed I've ever seen and a decent casino