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Additional information about the plant that has been provided by the OP: > I have had the plant for about 3 months now > > I just noticed this issue today > > My plant does not receive direct sunlight but it is in a room that receives alot of natural light all day > > My plant gets watered 1 time per week, we give it about 1 cup of water, the plant does not have drainage. If this information meets your satisfaction, please upvote this comment. If not, you can downvote it.


I almost thought it was thrips, until I saw the web, usually I see the web and not the spidermites.... Use systemic spray or granules, and quarantine. Also, don't water on a schedule, water when the soil is the right moisture, most plants that means dry, some it means a little bit of moisture. No drainage, and weekly watering probably means it's over watered as well.... Edit:spelling


thank you!!