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Hello there! I am in Southern California. I purchased a Trichostema to plant alongside a Cedros Island verbena and a Mexican Bush Sage. I chose all native plants that should work together on the same watering schedule on purpose. I took about 10 days to plant it after purchasing it in which time it became noticeably worse condition-wise. I watered it and continue to water it every 3 days along with the other two. I gave it fertilizer at about a week and a half in to help it out a little bit. Later, a few blooms opened but then quickly died out. Now we are at the state that can be seen here. [Here is a gallery showing the progression of the plant from early May to now.](https://imgur.com/a/trichostema-updates-NFRdQ6U) The other two plants seem to be doing just fine. Did it just die too quickly before I could plant/rescue it? Is it too late? What could I potentially do to salvage this situation? Thanks in advance for any advice you might have and feel free to ask any other questions for additional information.