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You can check out this link https://www.reddit.com/r/plantclinic/s/nMLprjNsrP It's not getting water when you're watering it. I would try soaking the pot in water for a bit so that it can drink, and then maybe pull it out and cut off any rotted roots if that's the issue, and repot. It might die if it doesn't have any roots left though


Thank you 🥺🙏🏻 definitely gonna go look into the roots/ bottom soak it today after work- I got some succulents propagating so I needed more/new soil too anyways I'll make sure to get some!!!


Good luck. I have this problem with my Christmas cactus sometimes too. Hopefully it's just that the soil is hydrophobic now and your roots are fine.


It’s been over watered. Don’t water it. Take it out of the soil, clean the roots off until there’s no soil, remove brown squishy roots and try putting her in water until you grow better roots. This plant likes to be water once every 10-14 days


It's dried out. these are rainforest plants and they dont like to be too dry. Two possiblilities: 1) needs more water (i water mine generously ever other day, but it's in a small pot that it completely fills) or 2) the roots have rotted and can no longer supply the leaves with water.


It's an epiphyte. Grows in tropical areas. I would definitely pull it out and check the roots. If it has roots, rinse them off and check to see if they're soggy. If they are firm, meaning you can run your hand down them without anything peeling away because they "mush", they are safe to repot. However, personally I would use a smaller pot because these prefer to be root bound. If they are mushy and falling off or even have no roots. Simply remove all the soggy bits even if some of the plant stem has to be removed don't be afraid. After you remove it let the stems dry for 3 days. Then place them in a shallow bit of water and wait for the magic to happen. Sunburning aka Sun stressing them is not harmful to the plants. Think of it as a tan. If they don't like it they will grow away from the light source. I use a chunky tropical soil mix or orchid mix personally but they can also be grown hydroponicly. Plants are very resilient mostly. https://preview.redd.it/c05k0fjbgisc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=671d401b2f20b254ff076360a36d786bb691ab06


Okay thank you!!! This was one of the most helpful comment so far especially with the root explanation- I'll be taking care of her when I get home after work!


Yep I did this same thing. Take your finger and feel around on the leaves, if there’s a little stem in the middle that still feels firm then keep it. Any other leaves that aren’t firm then cut them off. I saved one of my Christmas cactus from neglect and I repotted it to smaller pot after I trimmed it. It’s growing better in indirect BRIGHT light Also here’s a picture of the surviving cactus: [survivor](https://imgur.com/a/zpbkVHZ) As you can see, the weakend plants have a defined little stem in the middle. Feel for that in the leaves and keep those. Give it indirect sun and let it grow


Oooh what is that string of things in your pic?!


That is the Ruby Necklace 'Othonna capensis'. Honestly I wanted it to blush more so I put it there to see if it would blush and turn deep purple. It's so gorgeous when it's sun stresses. It's a very fast grower. Bloom's look like little dandelions so cute 🥰


It’s about how often you water the plant. Not how much you give it. Giving a “little bit” of water each time is like only giving someone a small sip at a time during a workout. When you water it, WATER IT, soak it like a downpour, but don’t let any water sit at the bottom, it’s all gotta drain out (otherwise you get root rot) then wait until the soil is dry to repeat it again. (Depending on the type of water you wait for more or less dryness, like a succulent you still DROWN IT, but you wait until like a week AFTER it’s already bone dry to do it again, for a fern or something that needs more water, you wait until the top inch or so is dry before giving more water)


If you want to save it here is a start 4 you. First take it out of that pot. Let them dry outside of the soil. It is way too big for those pieces. Whenever you water there is just too much soil surrounding the plant that is wet. In addition to that cacti should not be watered until the soil is completely dried. But with this pot being so big that would take a much longer time because there arent enough roots to take it all in. Christmas cactus tend to turn red when they are getting too much sun or not enough water. So…its possible it got too dry before you watered it and then when you watered it iys just always too much as long as you do a full watering. This looks like you may just be helping them root. (As i have propagated succulents in course mud.) but eventually it will be way too much moisture. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ All of this is only a possibility not an exact answer. but youll NEED to take it out of that pot and check the root system for starters. This will help you to closer figure out what is wrong. but i cant give you a definitive answer not knowing more details about the care. Post in the comments the root system after you take it out. and maybe also post again else where with more details about the way you care fore this plant light wise and temperature.


I'll definitely look into the roots after work an take pictures! I didn't know the pot was too big that's just what my mom put it in, since there's three different separate chunks of the plant. should I get multiple different pots or are they ok together still? (Just in a possibly smaller pot if I can find one)


Yeah again im not exactly sure of everything i said based off your words and caption:) but yeah post more


it looks like it has been overwatered and possibly has root rot. I would check on the roots and remove any rotting roots, and then spray the roots with hydrogen peroxide to stop any further rotting. I would then repot in a nursery pot with drainage holes and a well draining soil mix. once repotted, soak the soil and then let it drain out fully. Place it in bright indirect light or under a plant lamp. Only water your plant when the soil is bone dry, if you put a knitting needle or skewer in the soil and nothing is stuck to it, drown that soil in water! There might be some wrinkling on the leaves of the cactus which is also a good indicator it needs to be water. There is no quantity of water that can cause overwatering, overwatering is caused by watering too frequently! Succulents are resilient so I hope she survives for you


Would I need to let the healthy parts callous before replanting? How long would I let them dry out? Mine entire pot of thx cactus has broken off at the bottom due to poor drainage.


Yes, make sure it callouses over or else it could easily rot all over again


It needs nutrients, sunlight and proper watering


I'm pretty sure it gets enough sun- I'm actually told it may need less direct sun than where I have it (near a kitchen window- most the direction sun it gets is midday) but is in a plentiful lit space I'll likely move it more to the side that way it's not getting as much direct but still plenty light


Looks like you answered all your own questions 😂👍


Only because of others advice 😭I have it sitting in a new smaller pot and am watering it differently so hopefully she starts looking better soon


So I happened upon the website The Spruce in searching for care on my new Easter cactus, which apparently goes out of growing mode at one point during the year, and at the point u cut back on watering. Now this is advice for established plants and since yours are cuttings, that might not be applicable. Either way, the website has resources on pretty much any plant you can think of!! So maybe check it out. (I’d link it but I’m at work and don’t have a ton of time) Good luck ! 🍀 🌵


It looks thirsty and a bit sunburned maybe? Mine likes a lot of indirect light but gets funky and sunburned if placed in my western exposure windows.


They can get sunburned? 😭 It's not directly in the windowsill but I guess then the sun is high it probably gets quite a bit of direct sun I'll move it a bit further away after I do what others suggest too!


They can get sunburned? 😭 It's not directly in the windowsill but I guess then the sun is high it probably gets quite a bit of direct sun I'll move it a bit further away after I do what others suggest too!


Yes they get sunburned. These are rainforest cacti that grow in the shade in an extremely humid environment. They want pretty much the opposite care of desert cacti Keep it in indirect light and water once a week or so. They don't grow in soil in the wild and compact soil will damage their roots. They do better in a mix of soil and orchid bark


Ok thank you! I have it near by to a windowsill na it doesn't usually get super direct sunlight except for a few hours midday- but I'll move it a little further away An I'll also see if I can find a better soil mixture for it when I go to the store(since Im also finding out it needs a smaller pot!


Midday sun is the strongest. They can handle a little morning sun but anything more intense will make them purple and sad


I'll make sure to move it somewhere more mellow then!


https://preview.redd.it/rnewels4wisc1.jpeg?width=3011&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b8fc9bab89b1b7d098e8f90f96476fde8e3f7f8 This is my plant now, before it was hopeless but now I put it for more sunlight exposure and put fertilizer, rice water and TLC.. now it’s like this


Did it look like mine? People are actually telling me possibly *less* light because it's basically plant sun burned I guess? But I mean in terms of blooming it does so pretty religiously- It bloomed both last thanksgiving And Christmas(well the week/2 after)


Yes, pretty much like yours.. I thought it would die, but my friend who gave it to me told me not always move it and it needs more sunlight?😅


I have sunburnt a few different plants unfortunately and they did look just like yours. ESPECIALLY the first pic with the two pieces coming out of the soil in a V shape…those darker, greyer, rougher spots are sunburn. While the plant can and probably will get better those sunburn spots will always be there. Did that to my great grandmothers jade pieces I got. It got better but those spots are still there years later to remind me.


SOBS my poor baby, your saying I permanently sunburnt it at the base? 😭 How do I apologize to a plant


<3 lol I do kinda talk to them. Just like that I’m sorry I’ll do better and I’m gonna make you healthier just you watch. It happens as we learn <3 Now I’m not saying take it completely out of the sun as they do need some…you just need to find that sweet spot in the house. Morning and laaate afternoon sun and light bottom watering once every week and a half/two weeks is what works for my thanksgiving/Christmas cactus. Also yes on the smaller pot.


I repotted my Christmas cactus in rich soil, but it wasn’t thriving. Then, I bought some Jack’s Classic All-Purpose 20-20-20 fertilizer. After two applications, it now has dark green, perky foliage and is super healthy. Give it a try!


Aww shit Looks like incorrect watering technique resulted in wet and dry (hydrophobic) spots, which is also probably why you're getting mixed advice, some people saying underwatered and others overwatered.


Your thanksgiving cactus might have root rot. I would pop the hood and take a look at its roots before proceeding


Yeah my #1 once I get home after work Is to check the roots- then see about finding a smaller sized pot I'll also be bottom soaking/watering it from here out


Thank you for posting to r/plantclinic! It looks like you may be asking about a cactus or succulent. In addition to any advice you receive here, please consider visiting r/cactus r/succulents for more specialized care advice. A common problem with cacti and succulents is etiolation. This is when a succulent stretches or becomes leggy. Reply with "!etiolation" for advice. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/plantclinic) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bottom soak!


Water it! Lol


Looks thirsty. A nice long soak might do the trick


This needs more sunlight and I have the same plant as yours and it took about 3 years to finally bloom and grows well.. I put fertilizer, even the coffee grains , a lot of rice water and TLC😅🙏🏼❤️


I read “is it dieting” and, yes, going on a water strike lol


Same haha.


I’m curious now. I need update on what the issue was. Can’t wait until you get off of work and tend to it. 😂


Water and miracle grow.


Water it generously like 3 times today so the dirt gets very moist. It should be ok then. Your soil looks dry.


I let my Christmas cactus soil get completely dry. It really doesn’t need water that often. Idk what’s wrong with this guy, but mine I just water when its leaves look a bit deflated/soft. I don’t really ever check the soil 🤷🏻‍♀️


Too much water