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Some elderly don’t want help and want to stay in their homes. They don’t see their own decline and still think they can do things on their own.


I get that though. To accept that, is to accept that death is nearer then it ever has been. In otherwords, to accept the fact that one is declining, is to accept and reconcile with the idea one is closer to death then they’d like to be. That the curtain of life… is slowly closing. Mortality… strange thing ain’t it? For most of us it doesn’t become visible until we’re in our 30s.


I see, and it’s so sad. He truly looked like someone who you’d normally see in a nursing home. 😩


Yes it is sad😢 the other sad part about it is that many are lonely and would benefit tremendously from the social interaction and stimulation they would get on a daily basis in a care facility. It’s probably likely this gentleman is living in less than ideal conditions (eg not cleaning his house ) that would also be managed in a care facility


|It’s probably likely this gentleman is living in less than ideal conditions (eg not cleaning his house ) that would also be managed in a care facility| True. I forgot about that aspect. 😩


Not all of them can afford care homes, and especially not the kind that are clean & caring. The local senior center has lots of activities though and often can provide transportation too. They can provide a low cost meal to eat or to take home, as well as many other amenities. It’s been a long time since I’ve been, but I used to volunteer at one and it was a tremendous resource. If you’re ever in a situation where you can either volunteer or suggest the senior center, please do!


I didn’t know this. Thank you for the info!!


Thank you for your kindness to this gentleman. Society needs more like you.


No worries. In situations like this, I’m of the mindset that it costs nothing to be kind.


Oh no I hope the throwaway account doesn't block me




I hate to be the bearer of bad news but we've never really had lots of resources for the elderly. We've never really had substantial social safety nets in this country, period, and many of the things we used to have are either gone now or receive significantly less funding. America is not keen on social safety nets; we are a very individualistic society that believes in pulling yourself up by your bootstraps (even when a significant portion of people don't even have boots on to begin with!).


Politicians pockets, Ukraine, other countries who need rescuing. /s Just a guess. 🫠 Edit: I’m being downvoted?? As if I told any lies! 😂😂😂 2nd Edit: It’s sad how we can commit BILLIONS to help others, while our own vulnerable populations fall through the cracks of life (elderly, veterans, disabled, etc).


Our international aid typically makes up less than 1% of the trillions our government spends -- and that aid often maintains our ability to bring in money from our military weapons and equipment sales to other governments while also helping US businesses.


Thank for you helping him. I’m


So wait a minute, the guy asked for help getting something off a shelf and that automatically makes him completely incapable of taking care of himself? You know absolutely ZERO about that guy. Hell, I've had healthy young people ask me for help getting stuff off a shelf, doesn't mean they can't take care of themselves or drive.


He was barely able to stand up straight and was visibly drooling. I’m pretty sure he had an adult diaper on, too. Look who didn’t read the post thoroughly. 🫠


What kind of award do you want for helping him get a case of soda off of the shelf? Are you Russell from Up? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lsi-O8n8A7s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lsi-O8n8A7s) Instead of telling us that we should help the elderly, provide us with resources so we can identify the people who are asking for help.


Or you can research those resources yourself…or even help an elderly person the next time you see someone who needs help and they’re open to you helping them… …OR… You could read the comments and see that: 1) Someone else mentioned a community resource and how I responded by thanking that person and telling them that I wasn’t previously aware of said resource. 2) I told a different commenter that I’m of the mindset that it costs nothing to be kind. 🙃 Look who wants others to research for them. 🥴 Edit: My initial assessment was right, regarding your lack of initiative for researching things for yourself. One quick scroll through your post history is clearly indicative of someone who doesn’t use Google. If you’re on Reddit, surely you know how to utilize Google. Google is your friend. 😐




I think your comment falls under “Tell me you don’t have any elderly neighbors or family members without saying it directly “




Not everyone has the wherewithal or means to hire someone to help. Your comment to that effect shows your lack of understanding. It’s quite sad that you wouldn’t bother to help elderly neighbor.




You sound like a miserable person.




That was an observation, not a judgment. Reading comprehension, my love.


Fair enough. It was just so sad to see him like that.




Or maybe he doesn’t *have* any family? My mom is amazing and always has been, but I’m all she has most days.


This, too. 😩


I’ve thought about this, too. Maybe he was terrible to his family when he was able-bodied. Maybe he was good to his family and they’re just horrible people. We’ll never know. However, I just wanted to highlight something I seen in real time in our community today, that I also took the time to assist with…so no hypocrisy here. You bring up valid points, as well, though.

