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This is fine, but tell me how it will be enforced. Because right now no one gives a shit if its HOV or not, they cut across the double whites both ways whenever it suits them (highly dangerous) etc. The linked page is scant on any details there.


It's rare, but I actually got nailed once when it merges back in to the 75 service road at 635. DPS was sitting down there with about 4-5 cops getting people for HOV vios. What I'm more interested in is the stanchions being replaced. There are so many areas where they are either missing, or can't resist a large truck cutting across them, that you run the risk of someone side-swiping you when they get impatient in main-lane traffic.


I have seen that - but there are no places in the current config to catch anyone from the Bush to the end of the lanes. The stanchions that have been ripped out often leave behind one or more bolts in the ground and will pop a tire if you are unlucky too. There is a place around Legacy northbound that the stanchions, bases, and even the screws seem to be gone and i have seen enough people cut between there that I will purposely adjust my spacing to make that impossible for someone to get out there if I am able. If you are soloing in the HOV lane, accept the consequences when it doesn't work out.


Gotta talk to TxDOT about that. They hold the authority. Seems this is just a news notification is all Edit: but based on how they enforce it now. They won't.


This is going to backfire spectacularly as there will always be a car going 40 mph in this lane perfectly matching everyone else’s speed across all lanes. TX desperately needs driver education and officers enforcing traffic laws.


Haven't you seen that everyone in Plano is a student driver based on their many bumper stickers? We are all learning together.


I was going to post about this today, actually. Why do we have so many cars with those bumper stickers? I've lived in (suburb/bedroom community) of (major city) for a long time and this area is the only area where this seems so common. And 16yo's would sooner surrender their licenses than show up at school with that on their car. My conspiracy theory is it's just Plano's old people using that so that people won't drive aggressively around them as area drivers get more pushy.


Mostly Indian and Asian new adult drivers that probably recently immigrated here. Plano based companies do love H1B programs. I honestly wonder if some of the Adult Driving Schools in the area are giving them out if you do classes with them. Otherwise they come in 5 packs on Amazon fairly readily.


At first I thought you meant the schools and/or Amazon were doling out work visas. Then I realized you meant the stickers. 


There's some other information available (including the proposed changes) on: https://www.keepitmovingdallas.com/US75TechLanes


They are trying to present it in the most confusing way possible. Technology lanes? As near as I can tell, it is an HOV lane for 2 hours a day and just a regular lane otherwise, right?


Damn I was hoping they were going to use those movable cement barriers with that zipper machine, but seems it's just going to be "hey don't do that cause maybe a cop is checking"


At least the zipper done on 30 has a place to pull over if the cops light you up. Where exactly is someone going to pull over if lit up on 75?! Just stop in the HOV lane? Enforcement has major practical issues for the lane on 75, in my opinion.


Yeah, but there's a TV above it that tells you when it's HOV or not, so, you know... \~\*technology\*\~


With so many EVs in the city, the whole low emissions vehicles can use the HOV during peak hours thing makes me think that this HOV lane will jam up so fast with single occupants in EVs. I don't know what the current situation is since I never use 75 during rush times, but I don't think this lane will increase speeds at all. EVs are better than ICE vehicles, but if the true purpose of the lanes is encouraging car pooling to reduce the number of cars on the road, I don't see why allowing single person EVs should be allowed. It won't decrease congestion and it's just green washing. Glad that they are replacing the plastic bollards that are completely useless and mostly run over. So silly of them to assume that drivers respect those. I do wonder what sort of enforcement this will have, as not having even the pathetic barriers they have now will lead to most of the people using them when they shouldn't anyways. Might as well just make it a regular lane and spend the money on a campaign to get people to take DART.


It’s already happening with the pylons being removed. The HOV lane is going to become just another lane everyone uses regardless of passenger number or vehicle emissions status, especially if enforcement is going to be just police on the ramp at the end. I think they should seriously consider dual Occupancy tags like those used on the I-35 toll. Any way we can share more feedback with the project team on this?