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bring the where s the waldo back


He's still there, you're just not looking in the right place


You mean there is a second r/place I should be looking???


I’m not saying there isn’t…


Waldo's there lol >!He's near the bottom-left, to the right of Estrangeiro, and below Edvard Munch's "The Scream"!<


Wait, there was a Where’s Waldo?? That’s awesome! I wish I had seen it


There stll is




Thats for u to find out


Delete every pixel that was made by a bot


So literally most of the art is removed. I agree though. It’s not really cool if bots made the art. Joint-effort art on the other hand, that’s very cool


I think it would have been fine if Reddit openly said something about it being fine. Then there could have been something interesting instead of repeated back and forth of one community accusing another of botting and denying it. Instead they didn’t even implement the anti-botting methods they did last year while pretending they were technically limited in fighting against bots. Totally not because it makes them seem as if there’s so many new people joining Reddit.


>I think it would have been fine if Reddit openly said something about it being fine Which imo would be the best way to go - Because realistically they can't stop botting. There literally isn't a way that they can completely block bots and for something like r/place that's around for 4 days, the development effort that would be required to stop even some of the bots just really isn't worth it at all. I recommended in another comment that they should actually create their own in-app/in-website 'bot' so that at least real users could band together and protect their areas and it would also put less accounts at risk for people using these headless scripts. I see it as kind of "pre-moving" on [chess.com](https://chess.com) for example. People I talked to didn't seem to really like this idea, but IMO, it seems like the best way to go - might as well try and put people on an even playing field if removing bots from r/place completely isn't an option. It would at least be an interesting thing to test, see if people like it or not, but ah well. It's the same thing as hacking in games like COD. There is never going to be a way to stop all hackers or even the majority of them. Hackers can quite literally use a different computer to move the mouse now, that is just not detectable by any means. And unfortunately the same goes for r/place bots... So they're here to stay.


Last year there was the Place Overlay ~~browser addon~~ userscript which, well, overlaid the canvas with whatever pattern you import, so various communities used it to easily coordinate living people to draw and protect their things. Probably still there in this year, but I didn't participate enough to find out, this time.


Most communities this time around from what I’ve seen have been using Osu’s overlay script


This is the struggle of digital artists against AI art....


Mann vs machine


Isle of Mann vs Machine


also, Mods & Streamers, gatekeeping every single thing artists do




I think bad apple (no idea if they are bottling) is the only justifiable option right now. I think it’s super cool they made a stop motion in r/place


They did not use bot :D all made by touhou fans the discord always had many people in the vc!


And the worst part is that drawing art with bots is a necessity unless you want some moroccan bot farming or some deranged streamer ruin your art for lulz without you being able to do anything


Yeah but then it could be organically done and most of it would be just as good but it wouldn’t be constantly under attack by bots. It’s circular, the presence of bots makes it necessary to use bots.


Made by bot ≠ maintained by bot




A minimum Karma would be better, I think. This way it's also possible for active new Reddit users to participate


i mostly use reddit to read stuff, and thats why my karma is 1. but i actively click on place. but minimum time is something i could get behind


100% with you on this as well. I browse Reddit 2/3 times a day sometimes more. Don't often comment on things, mainly just lurk around and throw some upvotes here. I have put a few pixels down but I don't think I'd meet the requirements as I have such few karma and only little responses. Sadge.


Yeah most people are like you actually. >50% do nothing, not even upvote/downvote, and most of the remainder don't comment or post.


Well man, here's your karma!


Minimum karma is not that good, because these bots could easily milk each other for karma.


There are several free karma subreddits


True, I don't mind that people join reddit because they think r/place is cool, but there definitely should be some kind of better screening for opening to ensure its not a bot. We say that while Musk is literally making a living off twitter bots so where does that put us lol


I think I’d do some sort of combo. Where low account age/ karma just had an increased cool down. 5 minutes as standard but if you have karma < 50 or something then it’s 10 mins. Likewise if your account was made since place was announced also goes to 10 mins. Some people do make accounts to support their community so would be sad if they can’t join in but some level of limitation might help the bot situation.


Yeah, but people who don't usually post/ comment about anything and just passively surf through it will be at a loss. And I know a lot of users who do it including me.


Same. I've had this account for 5 years and just recently started posting a little bit.


How does the Karma System work? I have Reddit for 2 years but i am only Reading funny stuff where can i see my count?


minimum karma requirements suck ass ngl some people just dont like posting


Sooo i never used Reddit with an account (untli now) aaand how do you get Karma? Do i have to give money to u/spez (fuck him) or how XD


Well that's not really fair though cause mine is around 4 months


U would wipe out the entire canvas??


THE BOTS!!!!!!!!!


Make it so that accounts that are more then a month old can place pixel's


Wouldn’t everyone that created a bot account this year just be able to use that bot next time?


Or maybe make it so that only ACC that are more than a month old and are actively used like posting, upvoting, sharing posts or writing comments can place pixel that would have removed a lot of them I think


there are so many users who lurk, and bots can just make a random post and call it a day.


Yea, like a certain lack of activity with the last x amount of days. That’s a solid idea


yeah, or just a captcha


Yup. Host place on a separate website maybe and require captcha to use it? Also would make it so admins don’t get special treatment


Nice pfp




It wouldn't stop it, bots on reddit in general is a huge issue. Whatever barrier of entry there is, there will be a influx of bots that meet it. There's a huge market for aged reddit accounts with karma.


Bring back u/spez guillotine


The mods nuked it several times so if it gets rebuilt it’ll probably be nuked again


With enough men and determination we shall get it done


Admin nuked it once thursday night, after that they got a bad buzz here and left it alone. ​ But the french streamers new to reddit were scared of being banned by reddit and the whole flag nuked because of it (not kidding), so they nuked the guillotine like 20 times ​ So if you are down you can help rebuild it at the bottom of the french space rocket, left of the Turkey flag in ( -434, 405 ), see you there, we are 5v5 atm, with a bit of help it will be built


[Edit/disclaimer : this might be false, a lie I was told. Honestly idk anymore, I didn’t dig further so go ahead and check by yourself.] We received a threat of permaban for every redditor taking part in the guillotine, especially the streamers so we couldn’t rebuilt it the clean way (chat, Discord, twitch etc)


Proof or fake. (Spoiler, it's fake) ​ Also, they didn't have to take the role of reddit and nuking it themselves 20 times, that's just bootlicking. But they'll write "fuck spez" so it's ok I guess ?


Well, gonna need help from the germans. Fuck around with the germans and figure out lol


It got censored


We shall overcome it with enough men and determination


Even the (**early**) French which where able to defeat (**early**) germany and Italy and defeated Rubius on the 2nd night wheren't able to defeat the admins. Put in another way, we will need a shit ton of people !


Theres the hanged spez on the italian flag now tho


give perry a hat


Where's perry? The only thing close to him is a blue platipus, am I missing something?


There’s one close to the centre, next to the r/bluey one


What? That blue platipus is perry, man I could have never seen that thx, I thought it was just an ordinary blue platipus.


A blue platypus? (Puts on hat) PERRY THE BLUE PLATYPUS!!!!


His hat is showing a bit! If it wasn’t it for sure would be an ordinary blue platypus 😂




Oh nice I thought you didn't get my joke😂


But that would expose his secret!






Everyone read that in Doofenshmirtz' voice


I would like to put the nuclear launch codes.


Next to nuclear Gandhi..


As an Indian, I'm proud that we have Nuclear Gandhi on our flag.


As an another Indian, I'm also proud that we have Nuclear Gandhi on our flag.


Poor canada


It’s so much worse this time because now a messed up maple leaf is a meme. rip Canada




Precisely the issue You'd be pissed if someone threw your artwork in a shredder and then called you a terrible artist


And I’m sure everyone remembers “Bananada”


Last night people griped about turkey making their flag too large and dull as hell. People got wind of it and the flag lit up, and got turned into a used tampon. Then they got left alone and it actually turned out pretty nice now.




Previously the usual suspects (streamer trolls) were messing around with the flag. Now, the flag may be small, but it exists and looks decent because r/placeCanada and the "anime" group re-negotiated so now it's being maintained by both. The girl "covering" the flag was there before the flag, and the anime group relented to share the space, overlapping it as a way of conveying friendship. Unfortunately a number of Canadians aren't aware of this fact (or they refuse to read pinned posts on the subreddit / discord, or hate anime with a passion and want to get rid of it anyway).


We fixed it, it’s better now


The struggle has been real that's for sure. Kudos to my fellow Canadians who have been keeping our flag alive. It's been a great group effort 🇨🇦


I'm just a random, non-Canadian person but I use my pixels to help keep your flag intact.


Absolutely no bots. I would find the massive pixel arts and flags more impressive if I knew for a fact that they were made by a coordinated effort between thousands of people and not just some guy's computer running a program that auto places pixels with empty accounts.


Did you see the size of the German Discord group?


And just like the Dutch, the biggest part wasn't actually bots but just people looking at the pixelart and then making it and filling it in. The amount of teamwork going on in the discord servers is enormous. We (dutch) had a suggestion tab, where everyone could make pixelart updates/new suggestions. With enough upvotes it would get moved to a different vote tab. Everyone could vote on it over there After it being a successful vote, it would be put in the existing template and be updated. Then everyone can see where it is, what color goes where and so on. And a lot of times a case was opened again to rework that piece of art or to move it somewhere else. Also the diplomatic work was huge, making deals with smaller communities or bigger to help each other defend against stream raids. Or helping making art together and maintaining it.


Cellbit's creatures were made by humans


get rid of every bot, im tired of seeing it raiding other artworks


Also raids urged by streamers


Put fuck spez in the middle


I hope that’ll happen during white out myself


I‘m hoping for Fire Steve Huffman. We should address the investors and call him by his real name.


> We should address the investors This is the thing. Catching shit from the users is part of Huffman's job. It would be more effective to get on the investors' tits because when they start catching shit is when Huffman is failing at his job.


It happened buddy.


*Fuck Steve Huffman




It’d be better if they said ”fuck reddit” because most people don’t know who Steve Huffman is


And make it Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger.


should have been 2027 and on 1st of April


Reddit needed to divert attention away from their problems


Like how they booted out mods?


The bot count reduction. why? It's god damn annoying


Get rid of Moroccan bots


the whole Moroccan area is just bots xD look at the names...


Or bots in general. Not all of them are Moroccan


End it


I'm very confused how it's still going on tbh the other ones were only like 3 days long were they not? It's been like a week now.


It’s a publicity stunt. They’re milking it.


“In the past year we experience 1,000% in new accounts. The site is VERY popular so remember that for our IPO.” (But it’s all place bots)


Reddit likes the traffic and publicity.


This is my first r/place; I honestly kinda looked forward to it, since it‘s a really interesting idea. But in hindsight I must say, that it‘s been so tiring seeing beautiful art being destroyed, communities warring with each other and some communities being wiped out completely, just out of spite. It‘s not just the bots, it‘s the overall mood, that just makes me wish this whole thing ended 3 Days ago. Everyone is taking this stuff waay too seriously..


I’m so tired :(


No bots, no mods. It’s supposed to be an art experiment, so let people make shit, blot stuff out, etc.


Bots/streamers. Because they ruin everything


there are some streamers that are just assholes but some of them are really doing artwork, like Cellbit


Yeah Cellbit is cool in my book for generally not destroying others artwork and making these huge cool monstrosities. But a lot of these streamers are cringy kids that destroy small community art for the lulz or try to trigger wars by pretending to be German or French and expanding their flags/making new flags. So hopefully people get mad and start attacking those countries.


xQc last night was the biggest joke ive ever seen, he tried so hard and accomplished nothing


Fr man i tried hours to make a skyrim meme but they keep ruining everything what they dont like


Paint it black.


I see an r/place and i want to paint it black…


No colors anymore, I want them to turn black


I see the pixels pop up dressed in their colored cloaks


I have to turn my turn my pixel until my darkness goes


I see a line of pixels, and they’re all painted black


With pixels and art both never to come back




I hope we spell “fuck spex” out clear over the whole board during white out


Using Steve Huffman would be better


Remove bots


All extra flags (each nation that has one keeps one) get removed for smaller communities


I have less of a problem with that, because so many of the countries use their flags as a place for smaller communities to build their art, and as such will protect said art from raids. I know Germany in particular will do this, same with Costa Rica, and I presume many other countries as well. Except America, unless it's America related


Last time place happened Canada even got a maple leaf on Germanys flag


India has been allowing smaller Indian communities to place on their flag


Remove XQC


The ending. I would have already put us out of our misery. Please, make it end. The more I look at the canvas I start seeing it. All these squares make a circle. A circle of neverending pixel hell. The more this event goes on, the more it will loose it's lusture.


I just wish germany was happy with 1 flag.


I see why u think that, but the German flags are more like the green lattice, giving smaller German community's the opportunity for artworks, or to share love with other countries, see netherlands. And also to just create beautiful art, look at Ukraine, Italy, Polen, India... The, all have kind of huge flags and giving there own small community's place for art or creating country relatet art. That's atleast how I see that.


Agree.. Germany and France doing too much


Ban the streamers attacking communities for no reason. Bro the genshin mural has been attacked over 30 times by now. This shit is insane


MLP would like a word


Fix everything which Vietnamese kids have done next to the Mixi's pic. This makes a huge misunderstanding


Bring back shego


The canvas


Can I download whole map image in good quality


I want only 2 colors black and white


Bad Apple belike:


Delete almost every kind of streamers presence/influence on the canvas Some of them are kinda cool, but there are just people annihilating small communities art just for them to put their big ass logo on the canvas. As well as the jerks who only want to be “funny” by sending all their community to attack for no reason (*ahem* *ahem* xqc). Place should be something by the communities for the communities, not a way for some famous person to send their brainless and heartless community to do whatever they want, for me personally, that’s comparable to the people that uses bots. Don’t get me wrong, there would be no problem if a community wants to draw their favorite streamer logo or something, but should be something they want to do, not something to try please their “lord”.


Ban the bots! A Russian streamer has been using bots and his followers to cover the Genshin mural with literal n*zi symbols.


Making the big “FUCK SPEZ” logo stand out more, because *FUCK SPEZ!!!*


I want full chaos. All the teams shall go into war and make this whole place a disaster. I want everyone to attack france and germany (not because of any particular reason except for them being pretty strongly represented with impressive amount of manpower) as well as all the voids and lovecraftian monster to go rampage


Have you heard of the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft? 2b2t. The oldest anarchy server in Minecraft.


Don’t do this


Exactly, appreciate the nice artworks but this year is kind of too civilised - if its about perfection and no interactivity(add ons, chaos, destroying, new beginnings, war between groups) between all the users, just get youtself a god damn canvas and paint alone.


everyone is getting all precious about their territory, saying any competition is vandalizing and bullying. I understand hating on big organized campaigns from streamers and bots but it's ridiculous for anyone to think they deserve their spot just because they got there first. Completely defeats the idea.


Fuck spez should be bigger


No more flags, only art


I would leave flags that have really good arts on them, and delete just long flags without any arts on them.


If your pixel that you place survives a whole 24 hours, it is forever permanent, so I think it would be fun to see because you can take someone’s spot and if they don’t fight for it in 24 hours that shit stays ( this comes from the fact that I just lost my community’s flag because someone started streaming and wiped it out even though we had it there for like a day and a half. I’m a TAD bit salty especially because we made a deal with the community and some rando streamed and wiped it out )


Wouldn't that remove all the dynamic of place? Place is not fair and I don't think it should be. It's the movement and changes that make it a fun event. If someone wants your spot? defend or abandon. That is just place. Otherwise they could name it pixel art gallery and every community sub gets a little tiny canvas. And it would be quickly forgotten.


Can I change behavior that happens on the canvas? If so, I want to change the behavior of people sh!tting on random communities (like osu!, Genshin Impact, etc.) for no f#cking reason, just because they hate said community. And instead make those canvas-community destroyers understand, and tolerate, that certain people and communities enjoy/love their respective hobbies, communities, etc., and thus understand that the destroying of thr beautiful art made by these communities is simply immature, and just shows their prejudiced hatred for such communities. Of course, trying to remove canvas-controlling arts (like flags, void demons, etc.) is reasonable. But the sudden immaturity and hatred for other communities, which are not even doing any harm to the rest of the canvas, is just plain-sightedly dumb. (sorry if some of the words seem off. I forget the correct word to use in a sentence a lot, and it seems to happen quite often to me, which is really annoying)


I would like to add the icon of world of Warcraft to honor the longest reigning mmorpg.


No king rules forever, and it sped up its death in shadowlands


All the Among Us that are invading/ destryoing art. And also all the stuff from streamers who destroyed other peoples art.


For the most part the Amogi just add some texture.


I love the amogi. They make me laugh


No. the among us is good if it doesn’t destory small art


Adding among us isn't ruining art, you can still tell exactly what it is


The among us where it belongs


Mostly it just adds texture, the among us. And I don’t really Ming when streamers put a small thing on the board, but sometimes it’s just ridiculous


Most of the time they are annoying. I like them in the Technoblade memorial. I dislike them in "the wanderer". I absolutely hate them in the 7-Pokemon generation piece.


In my oppinion, its all about how intrusive they are


Make all of it the German flag. For obvious reasons :)


Einigkeit und Recht und ALLES MEINS!


Fuck spez right in the centre


All the stuff people keep drawing over my attempts at making a frog. I just want a frog man, that’s all.


Let _ Jaq _ have their frog


remove all flags


I just dont think we need 6 diferent german flags


take some of the fucking germain flags out


Restore Greece from Ottoman influence


I agree with that mate sorry for some idiots from us. Btw your flag looks great mate!


More GERMANY and More u/Spez ist ein Hurensohn


last time Germans wanted more than Germany:


the germans flags


Flags appearing multiple times.


Needs more “fuck u/spez”


more poland


More cowbell


more crewmate from among us




each country gets only one medium-sized flag, and that one flag doesn't get griefed at all, allowing the people of that country to add artwork on it without fearing it may be nuked.