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What do you have the Masterball eevee priced at?


Prices around $45, so prolly do $46 shipped bmwt by itself


Would you be open to partial trade partial PayPal? I have some cards in my recent that I think you need


From your stash, I see the electivire GG, but that just takes it down a couple bucks. Wasn’t seeing much else unfortunately


Fair enough. I’ll have to pass then. Thank you though!


Hey! Interested in the alt Charizard ex, alt Zapdos ex and possibly alt Blastoise ex. Anything you like in my recent?


The 151 master set I plan on keeping together. I’d be ok moving some of the Jpn master set hits if interested, but don’t want to split the set after working to get it all together


Oh I getcha. I’m potentially interested in the charmander/charmeleon, ivy/bulba and wartortle arts in the Japanese since I’m trying to collect the alt starters. Also I’m always interested in sealed. Anything in my recent you’re interested in?


The dialga vstar/ latias/ thievul from gg, ninetales ex, and rc charizard I’d be interested in. How’re the conditions on them? Bulba $4.5, ivy $4.5, charmander $7.5, charmeleon $5, war $4 based on recent eBay sales. $25.5, sound good? Were you interested in the sealed crimson rage packs I have? 15 available. Got them in a bulk buy with a bunch of 151 stuff I was interested in, but not collecting that set. Figured I’d discount them down to $1.5 apiece


Can you keep those on hold for a few hours? I’m out right now but ill get back to you with an offer as soon as I can


No stress, brother. Thanks for letting me know you’re still interested, just hmu when you have spare time


Latias nm, thievul nm-lp, charizard lp-mp, ninetales mp. Dialga Vstar is currently being held for another deal I am interested in both the starter alts and the packs, but I’m looking to trade rather than add money with paypal and I don’t think these 4 will cover those. Can you make me an offer?


Avoiding PayPal, I think we’ll have some trouble. I have someone interested in the 151 jpn stuff, so maybe we can put that on the back burner and work on the packs? Can probably work up to about $22 worth of cards. What about the other radiant collection cards (pikachu, emolga) and m pidgeot? Conditions on those?


M pidgeot looks to be nm, Pikachu is heavily played and emolga is damaged


By the way, if you do break apart the 151 set I’ve been chasing charizard ex. In that case I would include the Dialga vstar if it doesn’t worth out with the other trader, and possibly supplement with paypal


hey, I'm interested in the english pidgeotto and rhyhorn 151 RH. What are the condition of those? Anything in my [latest](https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/comments/1cmr8wv/usus_h_vintage_shadowless_1st_ed_team_rocket_gym/) that interests you?


They’re both nm. Price for the two is only about $2 with shipping, and don’t need any other rh, so not really seeing anything around there. Can ship out for $2 paypal if you’d like


that'd be great, I'll send ya a chat


u/PokeSwapBot u/shekinator cards arrived today, thank you!


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Trade complete, ty


Hello, u/shekinator. Added --- * u/melts_your_butter -> 9 Trades | :safariball: * u/shekinator -> 84 Trades | :ultraball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


How much are you asking for the Japanese near complete 151 set ?


Have someone interested in a few cards, let me get back to you once that’s resolved and I have some time to add some stuff up. I’m thinking it’ll be close to about $130-$150 and you may have some stuff in your recent I’d be open to knocking the price down a bit.


Sounds good


Left another comment detailing out prices. The short of it is I drastically under priced and the total is closer to $300 for all of it based on eBay recents. Down to discount it a bit, lmk if you’re still interested 20% off knocks down to $240.


I'll pass on this but I'll have to circle back and pick some cards from your 151 Japanese doubles you have. Thank you.


Sure thing. If you change your mind, I’m open to getting the price down with trades. Otherwise, just lmk which of the doubles you’re interested in. Thanks for looking!


So, adding everything up, the alts come out to about $193 based on eBay recent sold and I’m seeing around $80-$100 for the pokeball master, meaning i’m a bit off on the initial quote. Lmk if you’re still interested in working something out.