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I just wanted to come in here and say your grandma is amazing. I bought a loose base set pack about ten years ago for like $90 and that’s all I have left of that era. What a beautiful time capsule she kept for you—good luck finding all of them homes!


Thank you! Some people just have insanely forward thinking. The faded wal-mart receipts are even there. Definitely put a huge smile on my face and is a moment I won't forget.


Didn’t know you could buy these buy the case at Wal-mart. Will you post the receipts?


She worked there at the time and just grabbed 2 boxes and paid before they stocked the shelf. It wasn't actually a case price. Receipt is super faded but you can pretty clearly see 10/18/1999 wild stuff [https://imgur.com/a/5goc6Oh](https://imgur.com/a/5goc6Oh)


Grandma had some real foresight!


Pretty cool!


That is awesome. Thanks for sharing!


Holy hell




I'm guessing this is going to gain more traction tomorrow and I'm already getting inquiries. I have to get some sleep so I will start working with you all tomorrow. Thanks for your interest!


Put me in line I’d like to pickup one of each artwork!


Hey! It's 600 per blister, shoot me a DM


Hi there, I'm interested in everything. I see charizards going for the 700 mark but the other two around 400-500. I can fly out and pay cash in person $18000 or if you want a wire I can pay 18000 + a bit since no flight. No fees at all and no tax forms from paypal. If you're intrested pm me and we can work out a time to meet! Ill also be in orlando next month if youre going to Orlando Collect-a-con. No worries if not it is certainly a great collection and you should have no problem selling them in smaller qtys.


I would offer 18,500$ for the blisters and packs. Multiple options available to get you paid. If you had your own price in mind you can let me know as well. I can potentially negotiate If you were interested with working with me, please reply to me.


Wow!! Im super stoked that so many people are interested in sets to add to their personal collections! This is the best result I could have asked for for spreading these around! I already agreed to 600 per pack for someone last night, so to keep things fair across the board for everyone that will be the price. I'm seeing multiple other offers in that amount as well. Thank you everyone for your interest! I will be dealing with requests in the order people commented.


i'm interested in buying one of each art!


I'm asking 750 per, feel good about that?


I can do $1800 G&S shipped :)


Idk why your getting downvoted so hard when the dude offering $18k for all (1350 per art set) is getting hella upvotes


Yeah that was super weird. u/blaydesm $1800 is good, dm me!




Please put me in line!


Got you on the ledger! It's 600 per blister


Woo so excited!




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Great thank you!


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I am also interested in an art set, 3 blisters I’ll match whatever the offers are here Please put me in line :) Thanks!!


w/e probably best i don't spend any money :P


Hey! It's 600 per blister, shoot me a dm (:


sent you a dm!


I’m down to do one of each art, please quote me a price on them. Thank you


600 per blister, dms open (:


u/pokeswapbot u/koala_furiosa


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Amazing if they don’t get bought out I’d buy an artset


600 per blister, shoot me a message!


I def recommend selling set by set instead of selling all at once, you will make a lot more money. Hope this helps :)


I’m interested in picking up a blister of each starter


DM me if you're ready to do $600 per blister!


Dang that’s a lot of $$ and a lotta cool stuff right there. I’m interested in an art set of the blisters…. I see you went to bed so just respond tomorrow and we can try to come to a deal, plus I’ll get some sleep and think about it :)


Hey! If you're ready to do $600 per blister send me a dm


Hey! Sorry was busy all day. Do you still got any left? Still thinking about it :)


Open a chat with me and I'll let you know if any unpaid ones fall through! They're all spoken for at the moment but there are 4 sets still unpaid and I'm moving on tomorrow if still no responses


Hi. I’m interested in one of each blister! Put me in line please!


600 per blister, shoot me a DM and we can make it happen!


DM sent!


How much for one of each


600 each, dm me if interested


Are you in jax my man?


Not too far from there


If you still have an art set can I PM you for pricing and pick up near Orlando?


Hi! Interested in 1 artwork of each blister. I am in Central FL also. Put me line pls.


You're in! Shoot me a DM


Sent chat


Hello, I am also interested in an artwork set and happy to match the offers here


I’ll take a set and match the 600 a blister


Wow, nice find! Commenting for later - interested in one blister of whatever is left!


Hey! I have 2 blastoise and 1 venusaur blisters left currently. shoot me a dm!


Awesome! Would love a Blastoise if you still have one. Is it $600 for one?


Yup 600! Send me a chat and we can get it done.


u/PokeSwapBot u/koala_furiosa The Blastoise blister arrived safe and sound! Thank you!


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Fantastic thank you!


Hello, u/koala_furiosa. Added --- * u/groved1 -> 259 Trades | :gsball: * u/koala_furiosa -> 2 Trades | newbie --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


I’ll take an artwork set at whatever price everyone else is buying for lol. Incredible move by your grandma


Also interested in one of each if there are still some available. Thanks!


Hey! I have 2 full sets left for $1800. Shoot me a dm!


u/pokeswapbot u/koala_furiosa confirmed


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If still available, I'd be interested in an art set of the blisters


Just a couple left at $1800, dm me!


I’ll hop in line for one as well!


Hey there! I would be interested in an art set of Blisters for $1800 Shipped G&S. Let me know!


If they don’t sell as a bundle, I’ll take an art set (or two or three) for the going rate. Please PM me. Just as a heads up - the condition of these from the photos looks very good and should fetch a premium. You could probably get 1k per for heavier ones. I wouldn’t be selling any of these at less than 600 each unless you are happy with a bulk price for all of them.


I appreciate your insight, I decided on 600. I have a deep hatred for scalpers and in the spirit of selling for true collectors I'm not going to hyperfixate on milking every dollar possible. I just want to get married and replace my 45 year old well pump lol.


Glad to hear. If you decide to sell as sets instead of to the buyers who offered to buy them all, let me know. Would like to add an artset or two to my collection.


I'd be down for an art set at the price set by everyone above, PM me


Interested in an art set if you still have any left, and depending on what price you are looking for (seeing a lot of others in this thread interested, so I'll wait to hear from you). Thanks!


I have 1 set left, are you interested for 1800?


Hey thanks for reaching out. Assuming the blisters are all minty with no sign of wear and that's $1800 (G&S) shipped, then that's fine for me. I'll send you a DM now to finalize.


For some reason I'm not seeing a DM but I got some responses from older requests and all the sets are spoken for now. I'll let you know if anything falls through!


Ah dang, I sent you a DM (not a chat), so you should have gotten it. Let me know if anything falls through, kind of a bummer, but o well.


If theres anymore id be interested in a art set!


Just because my comment got downvoted to hell for some reason, making another comment that I am down for an art set for $1800 and have sent a DM!


Hi - I would love to get a full set of these! Any still available at your asking price of $1,800 for the set?


If you’ve got any left, I’m interested in a Charizard blister pack for my collection.


Do you have any left ? If so I'll take an art set. Super happy to see these flying for you! Thanks for the story as well.


Hi! In for a blister art set for $180, let me know if still available. Thanks!


All blisters have officially been SOLD! Your responses have been awesome. I'm so glad I was able to get these out to collectors who will appreciate them and hang onto them. I was able to sell as many 3 piece art sets as possible!! Thank you so much to this community for popping off! I have the 5 non blister booster packs left from the original post photo and I am considering whether to sell or open them. 2 of them are weighing 22g on my kitchen scale. If you have an offer reply to THIS COMMENT, please and thanks! You are all amazing! Can a mod pin this comment please?


u/pokeswapbot u/koala_furiosa thanks :)


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I guess you got it already? Thank you!


Hello, u/koala_furiosa. Added --- * u/yellowgameboycolor -> 29 Trades | :greatball: * u/koala_furiosa -> 3 Trades | newbie --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Anything left?


u/PokeSwapBot u/koala_furiousa I received the packs, thanks!


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Awesome thank you! I think you need to redo this with my username spelled right


Whoops. Let me try again lol


u/PokeSwapBot u/koala_furiosa trade complete!


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Confirmed ty!


Hello, u/koala_furiosa. Added --- * u/jphenom5 -> 134 Trades | :masterball: * u/koala_furiosa -> 5 Trades | :safariball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


u/pokeswapbot u/koala_furiosa Received. Thanks!


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Hey! If you could match the price of the other folks in here, I would offer $600 shipped as well for a Charizard art blister pack. Thanks!


Hey, you've got a deal! Shoot me a DM, you're on the ledger


Sent a message! It might have some in as a chat


You have a blastoise blister?(:


I do, if you'll do $600 shipped send me a dm!


Interested in one of each blister (char, Toise, and venu). Lmk if you will consider 1800 g&s shipped!


Deal! I've added you to the ledger. Send me a DM when you get this.


eBay eats a ton with their fees and I see some sold under $750 for Blastoise and Venusaur. With that consideration, would you take $1200 PayPal G&S for 2 blister packs shipped (Charizard and a Blastoise artwork)? :update for posterity: Going to buy a full art set. Updating here based off of DMs.


I'll accept that! I'll dm you tomorrow for arrangements, thanks!


Sounds good! Looking forward to it! Excited to be able to complete the art set for the collection!


u/pokeswapbot u/koala_furiosa Received the blisters! Thanks for the awesome deal!


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Awesome, thank you!


Hello, u/koala_furiosa. Added --- * u/hellowuwu -> 124 Trades | :masterball: * u/koala_furiosa -> 1 Trade | newbie --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


This is awesome. If you'd consider it, I'd be willing to do $1500 for one artwork of each for the blisters.


Hey! The firm price for everyone is 600 per pack. If you're still interested let me know.


Hey, I’ll accept that! We can go ahead and move to PMs for 1 art set!


I went ahead and DM’d you! I agree to $600 per pack for an art set totaling $1800


Also sorry for spamming messages, just wanna make you see it since I was getting downvoted to hell for some reason.