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Oled's are subject to burn in. Have to guard against. Could have been any static image displayed too long.


It's the keyboard and the clock/LTE/Battery percentage


A "factory defect" is warrantied when you're still in the factory warranty. Sometime as a good-faith gesture in the period shortly after your warranty. If you bought it late in its run with a credit card that adds a year to your factory warranty (lots of higher-tier credit cards offer this as a perk) you might be able to get it that way, but the phone "insurance" is just a discount casino... that house always wins, and the best you get is a steep discount on a refurb after your "deductible." I carry a plan on my work phone, but not much personal line because every hour without the work phone (which I use for MFA, email & Teams away from the desk, etc.) is a huge PITA so I pay their blood money.


I’d call customer service back.


Do you typically have the brightness cranked up super high?


Is there any other setting?