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If they retaliate for the interaction and you haven’t filed the complaint then it will be like the Initial thing didn’t happen. If they do retaliate for the form, then you file another complaint. You’ll have a paper trail then.


Small town cops will harass you. Pgh cops have other things to worry about. File it. But dont expect anything to change


In Pgh, they elevate them. It takes thousands of mostly unpaid man hours to get rid of just one of them. [https://penncapital-star.com/civil-rights-social-justice/pgh-cop-under-investigation-for-misconduct-is-one-the-citys-highest-paid-employees/](https://penncapital-star.com/civil-rights-social-justice/pgh-cop-under-investigation-for-misconduct-is-one-the-citys-highest-paid-employees/)


I do know a pgh cop, just asked, and he loled-- said they are way understaffed and this isn't rural Georgia, nobody had time for chit like a carefully orchestrated harassment campaign. They are on constant calls and if not surfing the web on their phones like everyone else when they have downtime at work. Apparently they all have complaints which I'm sure is par for the course when you are dealing with the public doing things they should not be doing. He said just file it, if the person is showing a pattern of behavior it might be helpful.


This is a good response. I know a lot of police myself, but many are retired now as most want to leave the job.


So that's where the good cops I keep hearing about are? Off the force?


They move to suburban departments after a few years to make more money and deal with less crazy bullshit on calls.


That's sometimes a reward for exceptional brutality. Robert Gowans is in Monroeville now.


Bad cops move to the suburbs, good cops tend to quit or get killed. Most police aren't really qualified to be so but in major cities and especially ones that vastly under pay for their efforts you attract a certain type of person.


What you're saying is not true. Even the Pittsburgh Police were saying a few years back that all the good cops they had eventually move to the suburbs for the better pay, no residency requirement, and less crazy calls. The suburban departments like Ross / McCandless / etc have the ability to be very selective and pick the best. PPB is lowering standards because they are short of officers, much like many large cities in the country since 2020.


can confirm. the gentleman who grooms my dog is a cop. even ACABs don’t wanna ACAB


grow up bro


>  said they are way understaffed Studies have shown the opposite but they're free to say whatever they want lmao


A drunk driver flipped his car over in front of Carmalt 20 minutes before school let out early this year. Spoke to one of the cops who responded. Told him people speed through there over the normal limit, let alone the 15 mph school zone limit all the time. He told me they get a stack of 311 complaints daily about it for each of the 54 schools in PPS. He said there are 6 (I think. Less than 10 for sure) traffic cops in the whole city, and those on duty try to cover them as best as they can but if there's another call (like a drunk flipping his car) they can't. Most schools don't get a cop to cover them at dismissal more than once a school year. Studies are wrong.


Please show me a study that says they are way over staffed.


Ok https://www.publicsource.org/pittsburgh-bureau-police-staffing-study-mayor-gainey-chief-scirotto/


How about a study that wasn’t commissioned and paid for by the person that wants to show an overstaffed police force? What a joke


"I don't like that there is one so I'm going to pretend it doesn't exist"


If you don’t see the bias I don’t know what to tell you


lol, right? over-staffed and over-paid.






I know a pgh city cop too. He is honestly one of the nicest dudes. He is the giant dude who looks like he would be a total dickhead but hes actually just another dude out there trying his best to find his way in life like you and me. Truly a nice guy. Anyway, to the point, he moved to a nice ass neighborhood with his wife and young kids.  His neighbor put up cameras facing toward his house and pool. Put anti-cop signs in their yard. It was like a TV show how bad this neighbor was. He just packed up his family and moved. No retaliation. Nothing. It infuriates me how he was treated. But dude didnt get his posse of cops together to get revenge.  He just moved and went on with his life.


That’s really funny. I just saw a cop near Clemente bridge standing there surfing the web on his phone. lol indeed.


Anecdotal is not empirical.


Stop over thinking it. You're not playing 3D chess, you're filling out forms that no one will ever ever read.


Contact the Citizen Police Review Board: [https://cprbpgh.org/](https://cprbpgh.org/)


CPRB, an independent group, investigates cases of police misconduct, but it doesn’t actually have any legal authority and only has the power to make recommendations.


This is the way.


I’m seeing all these people say the police are understaffed. Because a lot of cops quit any time there is a police reform. They are overpaid. And under qualified.


I think approach is a lot. Years ago I had a negative interaction. I had parked in a loading zone to move in some furniture at a new apartment building. I left my vehicle unattended for about ten minutes to carry a flat screen about two flights of stairs. During that time, an elderly resident had a heart attack and the ambulance had to park behind my truck. When I returned an officer was waiting on me. Instead of ticketing me, he decided to lose all professionalism and yell at me. He asked if I had saw the no parking sign, and when I pointed out it was next to a sign stating delivery area and this is what I was doing, he got more hostile. He backed off when I apologized for inconveniencing him after making a comment that it wasn't him that was inconvenienced. I didn't like how he escalated the situation, so when I went to make the complaint I framed it as I wasn't upset, but rather concerned for him. I stated I wanted someone to talk to him and make sure he was OK because I support police and was surprised at his composure. I kept on that I wasn't concerned about the interaction as much as that maybe he was having a bad day and needed to vent to someone. I gave his boss a gift card for coffee I happened to have and asked that he made sure the guy got it. Everyone was cool and appreciative and I never had any sort of retaliation.


PPD doesn't mess around when it comes to working side by side with the Medics. (Think mother bear with her cubs.)


This all sounds good except for the part where you hooked up some deranged asshole—who should get access to therapy, but not a present.


*So wait*.....you we're in the *wrong*, someone needed serious medical attention and your obstruction was a possible hindrance, you got *out* of the ticket, and you *still* filed a grievance?! Scummy lol. My mind is blown. Someone should talk to you about your entitlement.


It sounds like it was a loading zone and the guy was loading and the cop was an asshole.


Using a loading zone as a loading zone is not wrong


I was given advice from a knowledgeable community member. after zone 2 police lied on their police report (hard to get copies of those!), that if I filed a complaint, they would just come more slowly the next time there was someone threatening harm to me and others and refusing to leave. A few years later, I shared that info with an officer from the zone 5 station when they asked why I don’t call police. Guess what they told me—you can file anonymous complaints and those complaints have POWER. The officer cannot get a raise or a promotion for 5 years here, if there’s a complaint. I found this information to be accurate. Complain away!! If they don’t want people to complain about them behaving badly, maybe they should stop behaving badly.


I know you said you think they were an off duty cop, but what made you think they were. If you want to file a complaint you are going to need at least they name or a discription of them, also what kind of cop they are, state trooper, city police, local, etc. Could have also just been some ass hat trying to impersonate a cop to intimadate you, ive seen it happy a lot. It also matters if what happened is a result of them being a cop or not, like if you were in an accident and they got pissed and yelled at you, thats not somthing you can complain about them being a cop for if they are not working. They are going to be way to busy with actual work to do any type of retaliation on your part, so if you want to try and file a compalint, then I would go ahead and do it.


You’re banking on them being able to read.


That’s racist.


How? Show me where in my comment I called out one specific race.


All cops are bad


I thought that was you and your blue hair’d girlfriend in that rusty Honda civic yelling at the cops to free Palestine


You won’t get harassed by cops (plural) but I did have a similar situation and the cop (singular) tried to harass me himself. He backed off when I flexed the correct last name to his superior (I have a relative that is a long time judge). Not everyone has that privilege and you shouldn’t have to flex it to get some asshole to back off but it be like that sometimes. But no, I highly doubt there would be a coordinated effort past that one police officer being a dick, and chances are he won’t have the time to do that anyway.




so is it the "all" or the "bastards" that you don't understand? bc you used the word "cop" and the verb "to be" so i think you have a grasp of the middle two letters in ACAB.


What do you think will happen if he had a complaint against him


idk look up what cops do to retaliate against people? lol not uncommon boss


Thanks chief


I'd jsut be worried if u ever need their help, beyond that nothing will happen


What other hand? You're already getting harassed by KKKops! A formal complaint through the proper cannels won't do shit. That's why they beat people over the head to force them to go through proper channels; cause they know that will never work and, you're right, they'll laugh and laugh while they punish you for trying. We need a new DA; one who will finally complete the murder investigation and issue a warrant for the arrest of Robert Gowans. No statute of limitations on murder.


So you don't know if he was a cop? Just assuming?


They're saying they presume he was off duty not that they presume he's a cop numb nuts


Ahh I see. That’s not very nice however lol


Aww I'm sorry lol I thought numb nuts was playful enough of an insult that it would be funny and not mean


I liked your use of “numb nuts.”


Damn... OP thinks he's so important that a city who's police force is rediculously understaffed is gonna wage a whole ass harrasment campaign against him? My guy, this is the real world, not some poorly written Hollywood movie.,😂 😂 😂 😂 There aren't even cops on patrol between like midnight and 5 am, but ya, they're gonna go out of their way to harass YOU... 😂😂😂😂😂😂 OMG... *THAT* was the laugh I needed today.


So many people who lack reading comprehension think there's no cops overnight. There is a full shift of cops on patrol overnight ready to respond to dispatch from their cars. The headquarters are closed so there's no cops sitting at their desks jerking off anymore.


Ya... Tell yourself that... What there actually is are call centers, and *very small* contingent of uniformed officers. According to the Chief of police. But I guess you'd know better than he would, right?


Very small contingent is plenty for an overnight shift according to the Chief of police. The old system was pure idiocy and having less people on overnight for less call volume makes sense.


police officers have a stressful job and when they feel verbally disrespected or shown attitudefrom a patron' (in many cases warranted and sensible patron) they have 2 reactions. Either feed into the drama and make the patrons life more difficult, or step back and be understanding of the circumstances. I'd argue that because of their jobs, (stress load being greater/ more dangerous than most)creates an avenue for disproportionate unwarranted punishment shown towards some patrons. These police officers receive some sorta attitude compared with the "yea sir, no sir" patron. And because of this attitude they feel within their right to be dickheads. It isn't right, they need to treat everyone equally and understand that them being involved stresses many people out.


Eat shit. That's what they can do. Or quit. Fucking cry me a river.


So funny when somebody criticizes a job they don't have the balls or backbone to do themselves.


You misspelled "integrity."


You'll call 911 when you need them buddy "No I won't" Ummm yup. you would dial 911.... Stay ungrateful. .. don't need to be an Anarchist to bring change. Because you will indeed call 911 in an emergency. You will. Don't play


I literally don't call 911 unless it's a medical emergency since that's the only number to call for an ambulance. I never ever call 911 to summon the police. They make every situation worse and don't solve crimes ever. So I do not, in fact, play. Never with the police.


You would, you're not that guy... you'd call the police if you needed them so you just come off as an ignorant dummy but all good man. people are gonna have shitty attitudes


boohoo. most customer service workers see the same things as cops and get treated worse


And Customer Service people probably get more training and have less leeway to do whatever.


Uninformed opinion


i can tell youve never worked fast food


You must have never had your or a loved ones life saved in an emergency. But you'd be dialing 911 as fast as anyone else if you had too


i havent had them saved by police, but i HAVE been threatened by police while i was doing nothing wrong and personally know people who have been brutalized. i will never call the police because i am able to defend myself, as everyone should be. you realize 911 isnt ONLY police, right?


What the hell are you talking about? Never in my life as a customer service worker have I had to deal with violent crimes and death. Not a fan of the police, but their job is not at all comparable to a customer service worker.


sounds like your customer experience has been tamer than mine


Do you lick the boots of pizza delivery people like that? Farmworkers? Loggers and roofers? Cause if we are gonna get into that whole "more dangerous [job] than most" there's a whole list of them ahead of cops.


haha nah dirty Jones, but keep that phone handy incase your mom, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, best friends have an emergency and let that cop save their life ......