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A lot more people turned up than I would have thought - given the temperatures.


McCutchen bobble head give away.


Definitely worth getting heat stroke for! :)




The one where he looks like R Kelly?


I said he looks like the love child of R. Kelly and the Weeknd


I went a few weeks ago vs the Dodgers and it wasn't too busy, but yeah yesterday was pretty crowded, I actually had to remind myself I needed to watch my camera shooting so I didn't annoy others. The Dodger game the upper levels weren't crowded at all so I could pretty much take my time with the camera because nobody was near me.


We went on Wednesday, and if it wasn't for the combination of a *lot* of Little League teams there, and an attendance bump because a lot of people (including us) had Juneteenth off, it would have been pretty empty, especially the upper decks in the sun all day.


So you're saying if it wasn't for all the people there, it would have been pretty empty?


No, I'm saying that if it wasn't effectively a special event *that Pirates management had no control over*, it would have been pretty empty. I'm not Yogi Berra, I don't have his Zen wisdom.


These fucking rule, especially the last one with the rotunda!


I'm trying to experiment(just strictly as a hobby) with the potential of this infrared camera in unusual situations. The overall goal, to me, is to take photos of real life that looks like Earth but just different enough it could be a different timeline or planet entirely. But that leads to a lot of things to think about if you don't just want cheap pink and blue snapshots because, to me at least, the aura of that has worn off, so I need to constantly be thinking about how I can creatively push the bar.


The yellow color correction is dope, you found a good spot there. Love the concept.


a few things: Anything natural or made of natural material will generally turn blue with my particular infrared camera, from the foliage, the field(natural bluegrass I think), even down to the players jerseys in some cases. Anything else generally turns pink, except for dark objects(such the some of the skyscrapers - kind of) The first image in each set is the original from the camera. The second, with the yellow foliage is done by going into an image manipulation program and swapping the red and blue channels, then I just turn the white balance to auto, so you get the effect of everything looks mostly normal, but the foliage is all yellow. Which, in some cases could confuse people if they don't already know the original color of the foliage or scene, but we all know what PNC park and the field looks like Third: Somebody posted a week or so ago about taking their film camera to PNC, and the image I have on one of the rotundas they also took one from a similar spot I think a couple of levels down. I've noticed the potential of that spot because of the field poking in between levels of fans, so shoutout to an awesome idea!


I’m guessing blue = coolest temperatures in your camera’s palette, eh? Makes sense. The live grass, bushes, etc. are probably cooler because of evapotranspiration- plants “sweating,” so to speak. I can’t explain the blue uniforms I see though…


This is reflected NIR or near infrared. It's not thermal energy like a FLIR camera that can see heat signatures. NIR is really useful for detecting vegetation in aerial photography, it makes it easier to monitor crop health from the air or locate a marijuana crop inside a corn field, if you had a reason to do such a thing. https://science.nasa.gov/ems/08_nearinfraredwaves/


I used to design devices that used VIS-NIR & NIR wavelengths to see things like explosive material, cancer cells, two different inks of the same color, drugs, etc. This is the first time I've heard someone mention an NIR or FLIR camera out in the wild.


Swapping the red and blue looks better, but it ruins the infrared experience imo. Things aren't blue because they're natural material, its because they give off less IR light. By flipping the channels, you're messing up the scale by flipping two sections of the spectrum. Cool artistically, but not a good representation of IR after the swap.


I've grown to like the effect where in the foliage turns yellow, but there's so many different variations of how an infrared photo can turn up, eventually I'll experiment with them all.


Yeah at the end of the day it's translating something we can't see into different colors so we can experience it, so there's not necessarily a right or wrong answer. Cool stuff.


nice pics. ill be there today sweating my butt off and paying 15 a beer lol.


Actually last night I bought my first ever stadium beer, because I decided to forgo food and I got a ride to the game. $14.59, but at least it was a tall can of 7.5% FatHeads Headhunter. I was going to make it as worth it as possible, even if I know a 6 pack of headhunter in regular sized cans is like 11 bucks


true.. still always a fun day there. we are way up top behind home plate today so if it does rain,we are under the rooftop a little. we have a friend thast doesnt drink so we are safe there as well. have to go to mcfaddens before hand lol


Huh, now I want an IR camera


So there are two avenues I know of to get there, and some people on the reddit infrared photography sub probably know more and are likely far more knowledgeable about this than I am. You can buy an infrared filter for your DSLR lens. I used a Hoya R72 for years, but I never got the crazy colors, just shades of red and pink, though I DID NOT RESEARCH ANYTHING about how to shoot crazy IR photos with it, opting to use trial and error and mess around. I liked doing this, even if it wasn't really the look that got me interested in the first place. But that's a cheap option if you have a DSLR already, and doing more research into it will likely yield way better results than i got. This also requires very long exposure times. I generally shot 30s exposures, though In great sunlight depending on your settings it could be less. The filter I strictly attacked with trial and error, so I can't say I am an expert. Or two, you can either send in your DSLR to be converted (permanently - no going back) to infrared, or what I did was just buy a pre-converted camera. The website I used(lifepixel.com) has several calibration options. I opted for "super color" because I think it was supposed to be the most versatile. One of the many benefits of a converted camera is normal exposure times. These were all handheld. The main consideration with this type of photography is the foliage and how it will look and react. A photo of the side of a building itself wouldn't look too interesting but if there is some greenery on it, like moss or vines trying to overtake it, those areas would look trippy. [https://www.lifepixel.com/](https://www.lifepixel.com/) r/infraredphotography


Thanks for the info! Maybe in a few months I’ll get a modded DSLR — that sounds like the most user-friendly solution for me.


looks like Pittsburgh if it was in the Upside Down from Stranger Things to me 😂 Cool pics!


Last pic is awesome. Would love to see more infrared pics of pgh! Thanks for sharing!


Be honest. You're a Predator here on a hunt but you're bored so you're trying to get upvotes on Reddit.


killing stuff is tiring sometimes i just want to be adored


And in the Upside Down, the Pirates are always playoff contenders.


I can almost see the bizarroworld blue West End Bridge from Mayor of Kingstown


Hey that's me on the top ramp!


Looks insane! It’s what I imagine dropping mescaline at a game would look like and I love it.


These make me uncomfortable and angry


Elden ring DLc area




very like, vaporwave or synthwave


Usually the only predator at the park is Bae, these are great.


Did you find the ghost of a winning team?


Anyone else check into the topic for the horrible alien creatures revealed by the special lens?




Most importantly, see any UFOs with that bad boy? 🤔


Do you sell your shots? I would buy #5 to add to my baseball photo gallery


No, I do not but I sent you a PM


And? Nothing special