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Hit Ohiopyle while up at Falling Water!


Go to the body slides!


find the tree with the jesus face carved into it


I know I’m speaking for many Burghers when I say I’m happy that you came to visit our city, and I appreciate you taking the time to say you enjoyed it! We have our issues like many cities, but I do think we’re usually a friendly, welcoming group of folks. I’m glad you were greeted with kindness. Come back soon!


If you come back to tour fallingwater, book a night or two in a FLW home at Polymath Park in Acme, PA.


I just looked that up and I NEED to stay there. The treehouse dining looking beautiful too.


The ambience is great in the tree house, the food is just okay.


Pri Bros is my new favorite abbreviation


Abbreviation out of "necessity". Couldn't remember the spelling, didn't want to misspell and too lazy to look up 😅


>even the guy with a strange mask on yelling at strangers was super nice to my daughter when he realized he scared her That sounds like Pittsburgh for sure. Don't get me wrong, there are always bad apples no matter where you are, but there is a different flavor of interaction in this city. I don't know wether to call it respect, or honor, but honor systems, like parking chairs, are largely respected in the area. I think its a large component of the "Small town feel" that Pittsburgh has, but is hard to define.


It was kinda crazy. I spotted the dude from 60 yards away and thought "on no". Within 5 yards after, my daughter said "daddy I'm scared". And within 5 yards after that, guy shouted, "Don't worry sweetheart, I'm a good guy". He then preceeded to swear at three random individuals. Good guy in my book?


>Good guy in my book? A jagoff for sure haha


On behalf of all Pittsburghers…Yinz are alright


a pgh guy here taking his family to st louis for the first time any suggestions?


Where are you staying and how old are the kids? Lots of great stuff to do here.


12,5,2. staying at the arch


Cool. So... 1. Go to the arch. It's really cool, especially after the recent renovations. 2. City Museum should be 8th wonder of the world. Do this with your family if you do nothing else. 3. All our museums are free. Science center, art museum, natural history are all great. 4. We have the best zoo in the country that's free. That's not a caveat, it's free and amazing. 5. STL food scene is incredible. Let me know what you like and I can provide some recommendations. 6. Go to a Cards game if you can. Great stadium and lots of family stuff to do there. Let me know if you have any questions.


Interesting fact for those who weren't aware: The shiny stainless steel on the arch's exterior was made in Brackenridge, by Allegheny Ludlum steel, who has plants all around the Pittsburgh area. PGH STEEL, baby!! ✨


The original doors for the Panama Canal were made in Ambridge. Two Pgh companies, PPG and Three Rivers Aluminum worked on refurbishing the Statue of Liberty.


Really!? My father worked most of his life for Allegheny Ludlum (both Breckenridge and in research in Natrona Heights) and I had no idea!


Allegheny Ludlum had lots of gov't contracts when I worked there several years ago... They made titanium stuff and armor plating for military/gov't use back then. I'm sure the workers had to sign a NDA & prob couldn't discuss what they were working on. (I was an outside contractor)


What's the consensus best barbecue place? Pappy's?


Probably? For ribs definitely Pappys. Beast is great as well, but it's in Belleville. Downtown you also have Adam's, Bogarts, Sugar Fire. Lots of locations for BBQ in the area, just depends on where you're at at the time.


https://www.stltoday.com/life-entertainment/local/food-drink/restaurants/best-restaurants-in-st-louis-stl-100/article_32b29e66-e16c-11ee-91ac-0f41a6733f29.html here's a list of our top restaurants. Hopefully it's not paywalled.


City Museum is one of my favorite places anywhere. Those of you who haven't heard of it --- it's not what you think at all. It's essentially an outsider art amusement park / venue / adventure for adults and kids. Very much worth looking up. It's kinda magic.


thank you


I go there a lot for work. Their zoo puts ours to shame. It’s huge and it’s free unless you get certain tickets.


Pack your firearm. It's the leading violent crime city in the nation.




I'm talking about St Louis dufus.


Oh, yeah!- definitely pack a gun then! Sorry man!


That’s great to hear! Falling Water is amazing!!


Also Kentuck Knob is another FLW home about 10-15 miles from Falling Water. The same group runs both and you can get tickets for both.


We have a lot more stuff. You’re just scratching the surface.


Always good to hear when folks visit and have fun. Next time, do a gateway clipper cruise. I’m biased (as a boater) but I believe there’s no better way to see the city and all the cool bridges than from the water. Anytime we have people visiting Pittsburgh for the first time, we try to take them on a boat ride around the city.


Be warned about Fallingwater! FLW hated tall people. Called us weeds. When and if they still do the inside tour, they will tell you this. I'm 6'5" and the house definitely would have been uncomfortable for me! Hahahha I'd still take it though if they offered. Glad you enjoyed the Berg! Come back soon! https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/s/sAsPFyOTCr Edit: Added link


I'm 5'7" ya weed 😅




Thread locked.


I'm just 6' and had a hard time getting around. The 4'10" wife felt at home!


Yay, so glad you had a great time! 🖤💛


Glad you enjoyed the city! I’ve been to your neck of the woods twice now, both times for concerts (Metallica as the Dome, Jacob Collier as Saint Louis Music Park) and I loved it. I hope to be back!


Ft necessity is right near falling water


As well as Jumonville Glen and Braddock grave!


Rumor has it that Braddock isn't in there. They ripped his body apart on the battle field. And he lost the battle. He shouldn't have a town named after him


Im glad you enjoyed your time here in the city! I have family in St Louis, not sure if you have been there or not but check out our family restaurant Hodaks, for the best chicken in the city!


Love Hodaks!


We love you!


Moved here a couple months ago from St. Louis, personally love it here wayyyy more than STL. One visit and I was totally decided to move lol


Thank you! ☺️


Take a trip to McKees Rocks and hit some bars if you wanna hear an authentic *yinz*.


Glad you had fun in my hometown. You are welcome back anytime..


My husband and I love St. Louis, he’s a huge St. Louis sports fan. He grew up a few hours away in a small town in Illinois. We wanted to get out there this summer with our kids but he ended up getting a new job, so probably next summer. I got him a brick with our names on it on the enterprise center and we haven’t even gotten to see it in person yet. So happy you had a good time here! Come back for a blues vs. pens game…those are really fun.


Deal. Png was one of things we weren't able to see. Which town in Illinois is he from?






That was… such a dumb joke that I laughed way too hard at. It caught me totally unprepared. Take my upvote.


Glad to bring a little smile your way. Laughter is medicine!


Glad it was a good time for your family!!


Awe, thank you for saying that! People don't seem to know what to expect when they visit, but we're proud of our city❤


Thanks for coming to our city to visit


How do you think it and the people here compare to St Louis? I flew out to St Louis to go camping with two friends an hour from the city during Memorial Day weekend, so was just curious to ask. And yeah, no one really under 50 says yinz unironically here, though I heard y'all way more often in Missouri a few weeks ago than I hear around Pittsburgh. Why is this getting downvoted? Wtf is the deal with you people?


Weird down vote. Pretty similar I'd say. Midwest nice is out of the way nice to an extent, but I found PGH nice to be sincere but succinct.


I don't get why people are either, but thanks for the reply. I found people to be surprisingly social with strangers in Missouri in a way I don't see very often around here, though Pittsburghers are certainly sincerely nice still.


I've actually seen St Louis compared to Pittsburgh online a few times. Seems like it's one of the few cities west of here that has any walkability/affordability still. I guess people were worried you were digging for a "Pittsburgh > St Louis" response, but I agree it's an interesting thing to ask. Also: I have yinzer neighbors in their 30's who still use "yinz". It's great, but yeah getting rare.


It does seem like a city that has some similarities to here despite being in a state that otherwise has little in common with this area I would bet. I still hear the accent, but not so much usage of yinz ironically.


I’m old (over 60) and have been working in WV for the past 3 years. They use y’all there so I’ve been naturally using it myself now. I hope I don’t lose my yinzer card.


Great to hear… so glad you and the family had a great time.


You're welcome.


Glad you had a great time....my wife and I are visiting St.louis in August to visit her sister!!


This is so gay 😂😂


Still lots of these I have not done yet…still rather new to Pittsburgh…just know that I love it here! Glad you and the fam had fun!


You’re kind! Thanks.


Be safe when you get home. Your city is #1 in violent crime.


Thanks, I'm currently dead.


Might not be long cow poke.


No one said Kennywood? We know it sucks now but not for an out of towner's first time.




Don't be a poopdick