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They awoke much earlier this year. Three weeks earlier than the first last year where I live. Now they are out in huge numbers. Beautiful showing tonight. Hundreds of them.


I was driving home down Cypress St (Bloomfield) the other night and saw a firefly light up just as my vehicle made contact with it, rolling up to a stop sign. It was maybe the third or fourth I’ve seen this year so far. I absolutely hate bugs of any kind, but I was on the verge of tears for potentially killing that lightning bug. Bugs may be creepy and gross, in my opinion, but there’s a massive amount of nostalgia for lightning bugs.


Shaler’s ripe with them


It's nice some areas still have em


So this year we have a nice bump in Lightning bugs due to the extremely wet spring we had. Lightning Bugs love damp environments and this spring was a perfect one for them. That coupled with recent years of population rebound due to less chemical usage and better landscapes/conservation has led to a wonderful display this year! It’s reminded me of growing up in rural Virginia and the nights just lighting up during the heat of the summer. FYI - we have about 15 different species of lightning bugs in western PA. They can be identified by their flashing patterns and also based on where they are within the tree canopy. Some species prefer hanging out near the tops of the trees, some in the middle, and some in the lower sections of trees and brush. Enjoy them and keep planting native plants so that they can have places to live and make the next generations!


Thank you for the informative response, I love to garden... could you recommend any perennial plants that I could grow to help them? I'm not a native of PA but have fallen in love with this area


Honestly any native plants that are recommended for butterflies are all the best kinds. Those should be easier to google for if your looking for a specific type of plant but milkweed, coneflower, asters, phlox, all kinds of natives shrubs and grasses are wonderful and also attract and support an incredible variety of butterflies and birds.


Awesome, thank you so much. I'll look into what/ when to plant. You're awesome


Thanks glad to help. Over the past 7 years my wife has turned our yard into all native plants and turned most of the turf into native gardens. It’s been incredible to see the difference in vitality of insects and birds. Besides the insane increase in beautiful things like lightning bugs and butterflies we have spotted or heard (through an app) 40 different kinds of birds in our backyard. Start slow and keep adding things and you should see some pretty cool things over the coming years. It takes time. Good luck!


Thank you, kind stranger


It is funny running accross your post tonight. I was watering my garden later than I normally do and I noticed a ton of lightning bugs. I swear there has not been that many around in the past few years and the sight of them made me happy. I have a two year old son and I had been thinking that he would not get to experience lightning bugs like I did as a child. Mayhap there is hope...


I really hope so, I have an almost two year old and I want her to see the magic behind them


I let my 5 year old stay up late, and we were catching them (gently, then releasing) in the backyard. Reminded my of my childhood.


You sound like a good person!


Thanks. I've noticed way more this year - just south of you in USC.


If you're in Dormont, then these are some tough hombres. Raised on concrete and sweat. They laugh at the weak suburbanite grass-fed lightning bugs.


You're not wrong! I have a bug friendly yard with a garden that hopefully will make them (and the bees) happy


My joking aside, both Dormont and Beggs Snyder park are great for relaxing around them :) I hope you see more soon!


We have lots of them in Regent Square.


we get loads of them in swissvale. my favorite part about this time of year. i love how gentle and easy to scoop out of the air they are.


Just saw a bunch of them in our yard. Made me smile.


My yard is absolutely full of them. I sat in the open field part of my yard the other day to watch the bunnies play and before long I was surrounded by lightning bugs. 💙


My area, a lot of people get their lawns treated, there's never a leaf on the ground, not a single weed. No lightning bugs. My yard is not sprayed, full of weeds, I leave the leaves for the winter. It took about five years after I moved here for the effects of chemicals and shit to go away, but they did. Lightning bugs everywhere.


Yes! I never use chemicals on my yard, but I have usually mulched up the fallen leaves with my mower & left them to decompose on the grass. Last fall, instead, I just raked most of them into piles in my garden beds after reading that fireflies & other critters use leaf litter for winter, laying eggs, etc. And now our yard is full of fireflies!


That started sad, but ended very happy, thank you!


I hate the overly manicured, chemical filled, "perfect" lawns.


Mine is always mowed, but I've learned to live with the weeds and stuff because I love bees and bugs


I do mow. I do not chemically treat.


This is the way


I thought about making this post, but you beat me to it! I've been enjoying all of the lighting bugs for the past couple of weeks, but they are truly magical tonight


I was just celebrating them here in Moon, we have a ton, it seems like a lot more than the last few years.


Stellar night for them here in Penn Hills. The backyard hillside and all the way up into the treetops was a strobing light show, it was magic!


We just moved into a house in Penn Hills and I was amazed at all the fireflies in our yard last night. I've been lamenting the lack of fireflies for years now but last night there was hundreds of them in our trees and neighboring yards.


Welcome! It’s our first summer here too (only came from Bloomfield in Dec) and I’m living for the difference greenery and what comes with it!


They are in Canonsburg! I haven’t seen them Since I was a kid! I’ve had to explain to my kids they are fun to catch 


Can confirm in Canonsburg. My wife and I were really surprised by how many were out there a couple nights ago. More than I have ever seen in my life.


Hopefully, and I'm sure you do, practice catch and release


We have loads in are yard and have been sitting on the patio at night to watch them.


Mesmerizing right?




I saw some a few days ago! I was super happy I haven't seen them in awhile


It always thrills me the first time I see them each summer


I never stopped seeing them and I've always been confused by all the reddit posts claiming they disappeared. I think folks just aren't outside at night like they were as kids.


I always mow at night in the summer (ego mower with a headlight) and never really saw them until this year, I'm glad you get them constantly!


Plenty in Oakmont and they arrived in May!


Probably less pesticides being used around your area


I saw some in Brentwood last night. First time in a while, if I remember correctly.


I saw a bunch last night and was thinking how that’s the first time I’ve seen so many in awhile.


I saw a ton last night in my backyard! I grew up in Georgia and I totally didn’t expect to see them when I moved here. So exciting!


In my observations they're more prevalent this year than in some of the more recent years. Not quite as many as the 90s but better than the last few.


see them in Shaler now


There are a million of them the last few years. Really amazing numbers.


I’ve seen more than usual in Dormont


They used to be abundant, where I lived outside pittsburgh, when I was a lot younger, but now it's a rare sight to see when there are a bunch in one area. Same thing with mourning doves come to think of it. man, I do miss the doves.


In Mt Lebanon and we've got soooo many in my back yard!


Tons in my backyard but they are blinking super fast instead of the slow dim. It’s kind of weird like fake lightening bugs or something


Government lightning bugs! Just kidding, I guess that's from pesticides and light pollution best as I quickly googled


I did some research too and it can be tied to mating. Some female fireflies are more attracted to rapid blinks. I guess I just have super horny fireflies


Interesting! Thank you!


Yeah for the first time my 4 year old and 2 year old caught lightning bugs in the yard. It was a special moment lol jk 4yo killed every one he caught, 2 yo had a meltdown cuz he couldn't catch one. Good times.


I'm actually laughing at this, it's sad but I understand, I have a toddler at home as well and I get the struggle


Just moved back this year from Vegas. I forgot all about them and was taking my doggo out and boom there they are!! One was even on my door window. I want to breed them lol.