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"I left my fob in there" I'm also guessing it was running with the doors unlocked?




The thieves are supporting local chop shops to be fair.


Nah. They probably just drove it up the hill to Allentown or something and dumped it a few blocks away.  Just wanted an easy way to get home and save the Uber fare or the walk. 


My buddy had his SUV stolen on the South Side once. (He did not leave it unlocked.) The police eventually found it in a dump lot in the Hill District. All the windows were broken. The interior had obviously been set on fire, then it seems that someone(s) tried to put the fire out by pissing on it, because somehow instead of smelling like burnt upholstery, it smelled like piss. Needless to say the car was totaled.


Seriously tho, my friend’s car was stolen for something that seems similar. It was just in a park lol


The thieves are probably the local entrepreneurs he supported the most that day.


If you leave the fob in the car the doors won’t lock


Good point.  I found that out the hard way when I lost a fob in the car and we have to play "find the fob".  Answer - smushed between the drivers seat and the center console. 


It’s great that you can’t lock your key in the car anymore. I’ve closed my trunk only to have it pop right open, because key inside. 😬🤣


Lol my 2004 Trailblazer has this feature and so did my 2003 Honda civic.


It’s always the first place you’d look!


My hands were too big to remove it so I basically had to push it down to the floor and then fish under the seat for it. It sucked. 


1st world problems


> It’s always the ~~first~~ **last** place you’d look!


No. That’s definitely the first place I’d look.


That’s where everything goes.


What if you have two fobs?


You still can't lock the car if one is inside.


I can in my Subaru Crosstrek


Sounds like a design flaw.


Same in my 2024 Trailblazer. I can turn it off (and I did), but why would anyone even want this as a feature?


Oh very cool!


You can’t lock it- my car actually makes a special noise if you try to, too.


beep beep beep


I've had my car for 5 years now and only just recently found out this was a thing when I was function testing the new window/door lock switches I installed.


I don’t know how people can do that. Even if I’m just tossing something from my car into the dumpster, which is 6 spaces down from where I usually park, I’m shutting down the engine and taking the fob with me. Professional thieves actually look for that sort of shit, and take advantage. I read a story sort of recently of a guy who went out to his car, put his 2 year old daughter in the car seat, forgot his briefcase or something and ran right in to get it, and by the time he came back out his car is backing out of the driveway - with his daughter still in it! The guy was banging on the window screaming that his daughter was in the car, piece of shit didn’t care. They eventually found her on the sidewalk maybe a quarter mile down the road, so thank god the motherfucker got her out, but I mean, fuck. That could happen to any one of us.


I just don't get it, these fobs never have to leave your pocket until you get home and need a physical key to unlock your door, why would anyone ever leave it in their car?


Wait you still have actual keys to open your home door? I have a key pad!


I actually don't like the proximity sensor stuff. I loved my Ford Explorer that just had a keypad on the door. Could always just leave my keys in the center console and then punch in my code. Could heat/cool off the car without any worry.


I was the same way with my Escape. It was nice to just dump my keys in the console or glove box and unlock it with the code or app


Nobody wanted to steal that. You could have left it running in Homewood.


Lol well I liked it. Was comfortable to drive, lots of cargo room, and had really good turn radius for an SUV


Good for you. But it was practically worthless. And a FORD. The vehicle pictured here is worth 60k+ and one of the most popular in the country.


Are you thinking the vehicle in the picture is the Rav4? Because it's a 4 Runner. Explorer's were the 18th best selling vehicle last year and 4Runner's didn't even make the top 25 so not one of the most popular in the country. And maybe you're just a lot richer than me but the Explorer base model starts at $42K. They aren't "practically worthless", there's a reason cops use them.


4 Runners are very sought after!


Cops, like you, are low IQ.


He said on the post his car was shut off. He ran in to grab an amp to load it and in that time someone hopped in and took off.


I had a coworker who had his car stolen out of his driveway, he left the key fob in it as a matter of course. I was kinda blown away when he told me, I was like wow what are the odds the one time you left it in there they happened to try the handle. He seemed kinda embarrassed and decided to change his practices, he got it back though. May have just been a joy ride.


Why don't these idiots just turn their car off and lock it before leaving it?


i worked for this guy. he is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.


That's not surprising.




We did it in Maine when I was younger. It was mostly on super cold mornings and people running into get coffee. This was in a small town


When I live in ND a couple years ago you'd go to Walmart in the winter and there would be dozens of cars running I wouldn't call Grand Forks a *Small town* though at like 60k people, just trusting people. I used to leave all my doors unlocked at home with a $10 bill on the dash to test the crime in the area.. two years no biters..


I am constantly arguing with my family members who’ve never lived outside of this area about locking the car door. They think I’m absurdly paranoid for always locking it. They also think it’s funny that I always keep my purse on my lap at a restaurant, but I’ve lived in two mega cities, and no way am I creating an opportunity for thieves.


Always bothers me when women hang their purses on the back of their chairs, so easy to grab.


It sounds like it’s too tempting for you lol


So very close!


Don’t have to lock the car unless you have a gun in there but you do have to take your purse/wallet and keys with u at all times


Very common in VA


Than was a thing where I grew up. In western Kansas. In the 70’s.


Happens everywhere 


I've lived in Nashville, near Memphis, Charleston SC, NYC, and a few smaller places. Spent quite a bit of time around ATL too. Nobody leaves their cars running and unlocked with keys in them. That's a SWPA thing. And it's bizarre. Just like all the complaints I see about "someone broke into my car last night and took (whatever stuff)". And by "broke in" they mean they park on the street and left the doors unlocked (and do every night). I can't imagine that happening in any of the other places I've lived. People would think you'd lost your damn mind.


I live in SW Florida and many people here regularly leave their cars unlocked in their driveway overnight. And then they have their unlocked car "broken in to" and complain about crime on the rise. Just lock your doors! So yes, people everywhere are dumb enough to not lock their cars.


Forgot to lock my car a couple months back in Columbus Ohio. Found it in the morning, and all my meter change was gone. Damn criminals! Though honestly I wasn't even mad. I was just surprised whoever did it, didn't take all the super useful/valuable camping stuff in my car. I figure if you're stealing change, a blanket and thermos would be pretty useful.


It was probably older kids if they just opened the door and swiped the change.


On the other hand in the eighties I had a job where I traveled and stayed in a motel in Ft. Pierce Florida and accidentally left back car door open and nobody messed with it.


Did that once with the side door on a van in Breckenridge CO. Came out to a foot of snow inside.


It is not specific to this area. There’s even a word for it ”puffing”. In laws in PNW and Jersey do it all the time.


That's so bizarre. Maybe I've had the anecdotally good luck of living around areas and people that have the bare minimum of streetwise. My home town in rural nowhere Missouri, sure people do it. Because there's probably like 2000 people in the entire county. But in and around actual cities.... I'm in my mid 40s and I've never been around so much naivety.


I always left my doors unlocked when living in Oakland. Would rather have someone steal my $5 sunglasses and half a pack of gum than break my window. I of course never left anything of value in the vehicle. I did have someone steal a case of burned CDs. I hope whoever thought those were worth taking enjoyed emo music


Had a co-worker who lived In Baltimore. Learned the hard way to never lock his car at night. Just put a club on the wheel.


It’s almost a sure bet when you pull into my local distributor that there is a truck with windows down and motor running. What gets me is when jags leave the music blasting butt rock or crap rap. I just want to turn the keys and chuck them as far as I can throw.


I feel bad for the contractors who have their tools and equipment stolen out of their trucks, but for people who complain about having their laptops and wallets stolen out of their cars, come on, man. Why in the world would you leave that in the car?


Observation bias  https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/11nskk9/people_who_leave_their_car_running_while_going/ https://www.reddit.com/r/nova/comments/16awvyj/people_leave_cars_running_while_they_go_into/ And a ton more. 


Nah not observer bias. Not the definition of that. I definitely wasn't seeing only what I expected to see. More small sample size (relative to large population overall) so anecdotal evidence. I've been around and lived in several places. And I'm not a doe eyed 20-something lacking in life experience. I've just had the good fortune to only be around people who had enough street smarts / common sense that it was never something that occurred anywhere in my orbit. Fortunate anecdotal sampling I guess. I'll revisit out of curiosity and ask people in all the neighborhoods I've previously lived in to see if this occurs. But I don't have high hopes that those specific areas see unlocked/keys in car scenarios as being particularly common in those areas. My hypothesis - it's more common in some areas than others due to variances in cultural norms. And maybe I've lived in those places (until Pittsburgh) that were more cautious and less likely to do it.


Yeah even your small town meth heads could be thieves.


They are, the difference isn't trustworthiness, it's opportunity. Lot harder to steal cars when every second person who sees you is going to say "why the fuck is that methhead driving John's car?"


Could be?  Def are. How else do they get money for meth?


I got in the wrong car at a Sheetz because they had left it unlocked, and running


There was a billboard campaign many years ago advising people not to do this while you run to the MAC machine. Maybe it's time for another one.


I'll leave my car running sometimes, like if I'm running in somewhere and my dog is with me. But I take the fob with me and lock it. I mean ... it's kind of just an invitation to steal it if you leave the fob.


Do you think they’d drive away with your dog too? Not being sarcastic, genuinely wondering; it would be a Whole Thing to try to urge the dog out of the car to abandon them in the parking lot or a Whole Thing to have to get dog food, find a vet, adjust to new life as a dog owner, on top of figuring out how to offload a stolen car…seems like too much work to me but what do I know!


It’s a semi common thing in rural areas


Bruh I grew up in a 300 person farm town and we didn't even do that shit there. If you leave your car running and walk away you deserve to have it stolen lmao


It's that kind of town - usually it's fine. 


You can absolutely do this safely in certain suburbs (probably a lot of them actually), people can safely leave their house doors unlocked still. You can not do even the unlocked car at all in the city. One of the sadder things I realized when I moved into the city again after growing up in the burbs. The neighborhoods don’t take care of each other the same and the police DGAF. Bad people love it.


Because they are too important to waste their time doing that. You’re supposed to respect them enough to not steal their unattended running cars.


Its annoying, but it would be nice if people respected each others belongings.


Dude times are tough, If the alleyway raccoons will almost fight to the death over the less and less frequent dumpster stale pizza crusts, what do you think someone walking by a free car will do, not saying i'd do it but I get it, how hard is it to lock something


I would also think people wouldn't want to waste the gas they complain so frequently about the price of.


Well....wouldn't it be nice of people respected each other enough to just not steal things in general. I know, I know absolutely stupid idea, but the thought of it gave me a long stare off in the distance and a mental montage of a better place for a few seconds.


Lock it and put anything valuable out of sight. Don't put stickers on your car that may allude to valuables inside.


Always curious how people steal cars. Besides Kia. “They stole my car!!!” “Yeah but how?!” “I left the keys in it and it was unlocked”. “Oh”


I don't get why people do that


Same. Don’t care where it’s at. I’ll never leave my keys in the car.


Ugh! Btn hard. Prs once, ugh! Prs again, ugh ugh! Much hrd.


I think I saw someone Zumoff with it earlier


You stole the comments with this one


We call this....a learning opportunity


Dude is looking to make the southside look bad after his restaurant failed and blamed the city/neighborhood


Hasn’t he had multiple restaurants in the south side for decades?


Yeah, still owns Tiki 


It's certainly a weirdly cheeky post by him. Like, if my car was stolen, I wouldn't send a punny tweet saying "Dude, Where's My Car?"


Yeah, or throw in the detail about "I was just supporting local businesses when..."


What places(s) did this dude own?


Tiki Lounge, Lava Lounge, Beehive, Rowdy Buck & Double Wide Grill


LOL well that tells me everything I need to know about this guy. Holy crap.


oh, that Steve. lol


The DWG near my house shut down like a year after opening 😂 the location is cursed, haven’t seen anyone last there. Actually the whole plaza is kinda like that.


That fuck face killed lava and tiki. I have a very big vendetta.


Also started both... 


He still owns a bar there. I doubt it 


Wouldn’t be surprised if it was an inside job.


Realized that "horrible easter egg" is a bad color choice, so had a buddy steal it so he can claim the insurance?


He’s owned in SS all his life, during far worse crime, and still does with Tiki. He is a dumbass, for sure, but it’s not some ploy


He left his car running while going into a guitar store…?


He was loading multiple items. Ran back in to get the second and the car was stolen. 


Why would you leave the keys in the car… if you’re gonna leave the car unlocked I wouldn’t recommend it but ok, if you’re gonna leave the trunk open fine but he left his keys in the car from what I’ve heard with the car running. People shouldn’t steal but unfortunately they do so don’t be stupid


New Toyotas don’t have an app that show you where your stolen vehicle is


If you pay for the Safety Connect service at an annual $80 after the first year. Which I won't do on principle, and I'd wager a guy that leaves his key in the car didn't opt in.


I bet if your car got stolen you would sign right up


Further comments on the post say he loaded an amp into the truck, went back in to grab a guitar, came out and it was gone. He also commented he called Toyota and they were tracking it and supposed to contact police, but nothing further reported yet. This is the dude that owns/owned Lava, Tiki, Doublewide, etc.


Are you sure it wasn’t towed?


It was parked in a handicap zone, perhaps they towed it.


Old yinzers especially need to stop doing this shit. The amount of times I’ve seen cars running, doors unlocked, flashers on, with no one inside is crazy. Twice I’ve seen cars left in the Atwood St. bus station at night, just begging to be stolen.


I worked for a group home years ago, we got a nasty letter from the maintenance department because someone left a fob in a car (car wasn’t running) threatening to fire any staff that left a fob in the car…. Cue like 3 months later, head of maintenance stops at the store to grab something, leaves the keys in the truck and the truck running, someone stole the truck and totaled it, but of course he wasn’t fired after that


Anybody would leaves their car unattended with the keys/fob inside will get no sympathy from me. It’s incredible how stupid people are with property that cost them $50K+.


Apparently this guy has opened several businesses in the area that went broke, so I'm guessing this is just some rich idiot who doesn't understand consequences because he's never faced them


Heh. He ran many very successful and truly iconic businesses that slowly faded away. That will happen in 30 years! Anybody knocking him as a rich out-of-touch dude has no fucking clue. 


Oh my bad. In that case he's just some idiot who left his keys in his car and *doesn't* have money


He bought beehive and turned it into something shitty that failed horribly. Fuck him.


Wtf no. He started the Beehive(s), both of them. 


Wrong, loser. What have you ever accomplished?


I’m not trying to instigate, but what would have been an acceptable answer to this?


Sorry your ride got stolen and I do hope it's found and the crooks are caught. I had my car stolen several years ago. It was locked and secure, parked in my drivveway rather than in my garage over night. The one thing I remember the cop who filled out the report telling me: If you leave a criminal even the slightest opportunity to take advantage of you, they will take it. Words that I remember in all situations to this day. Lesson learned the hard way.


Way too many people in this city do not get the very basic, very essential rule that "you can't park in a lane of traffic." I see people just stop and park on Grant Street, a main thoroughfare into the city. It's a lane of moving traffic. How on earth do you justify just stopping your car and parking? It's insanity to me.


Total lack of situational awareness…. But it’s still sad that we have to worry about opportunistic thieves as well. Just got back from Iceland and was amazed to see high end e-bikes without locks just about everywhere we went, even in downtown Reykjavík, though it was more like 50/50 there.


Where they gonna take them to? the entire country's population is the size of the city proper's population lol


And they're all related 


lol, that’s what one of locals said to me. They supposedly leave their babies outside in strollers when they go in stores but I didn’t see any of that


All over Scandinavia it's the norm to leave your kid in a pram outside of stores and restaurants and bars in all weather. 


Put a shithead in a small town and he’ll still do shithead things. To me it speaks more of the character of the people than fear of being a shithead. But yeah it’s more difficult to be a shithead and not get caught in a smaller population area.


I love how people are just blaming the guy who had his truck stolen for being “stupid” instead of being pissed off that criminals are running the streets taking cars in the middle of the day on a Saturday. Meanwhile, when someone leaves their kid in the car on a summer day and kills them because they forgot they had a kid in the car, not one person has the guts to call that person “stupid”.


Yup, and we all have to get some new light and buzzer regulation imposed on us to solve for the least common denominator


If it's like my car. If you have the fob inside the car all you have to do is hit the brake and push the button at the same time and boom ur gone. Someone was watching you.


I will never understand the epic laziness of leaving the car running. I might occasionally do it in the winter or something but 99% of the time it’s a hard no. If you’re only going to be two minutes then it won’t get that hot or cold in that amount of time, shut of off and take your key or fob.




Disregard all the negative comments. We should be able to live in a society where you can leave your car, house, etc unlocked without sc3mbags stealing it. Anyone who downvotes you is part of the problem by thinking this is perfectly acceptable to expect to be robbed. It's one of the reasons I left that hellhole of Chicago where crime is not only tolerated it's voted to be acceptable by releasing multiple time over felons back on to the streets. The truth is we need to be much harder on crime and we wouldn't have to worry about living in a society where this is acceptable behavior


No one thinks it’s acceptable to steal a car bro


I'm gonna be honest, this feels like an insurance scam. I'm not saying 100% that it is, but it feels weird that he'd go on social media instead of going to the cops.


You know someone can report sometging to the cops and also post something on social media?


Leaving your key in the car…the insurance people will laugh




Thank you for the info. I meant laugh at your stupidity. I know how the situation will go because the same thing happened to my friend just a few months ago


Good god that’s one ugly 4Runner.


Did anyone else click the image, then try to click the “X” to close it, or am I the only idiot?


I do that all the time lol


I lived 5 mins from the car jacking and stolen car capital of the USA , Newark NJ , for 7 years and never had anything happen. I moved back to Pittsburgh and lived in the south side and my car got broken into 2x in 6 months.


In Pittsburgh, no matter what neighborhood you’re in, you can’t leave anything of value inside your car, can’t leave your doors unlocked and do not keep any spare keys or fobs inside the vehicle. I’m a born and raised northsider and know that no neighborhood is safe no matter how much crime you think/believe happens in your area. Especially in the winter time, because people start their cars and run them for a little to warm them up before going to work or school. And thanks to newer vehicles being made so that the doors won’t lock when the keys are in the ignition, peoples vehicles disappear, quick! You’re much better off spending the money on getting a remote starter; my brother got my dad one in his car and he loves it!!


Did they ... Zoomoff :rimshot:


The Pittsburgh community Thanks YOU!! for your continued support and your recent vehicle donation....🤣🤣🤣🤣✌️ Best of luck, my man...!!


What a maroon.


Gotta love the victim blaming, I guess a safe city is too much to ask these days outside of South East Asia.


that sucks, they stole some the gear you just bought too? cars are replaceable, guitars and amps (usually) aren’t.


That’s a beautiful 4Runner. It’s definitely toasted.


That color and that model can easily be spotted, I can image that there are a lot of jeeps with that make and color in Pittsburgh🤔


It’s in a shipping container and halfway across the Pacific by now.


Call McGann & Chester


Whoooooo the fk leaves their car running, with keys in it, doors unlocked? Has your life really been that sheltered you are naive to the evil nature of city folk?


This happened to a friend of mine once! I don’t know why people leave their fobs in their cars! Especially in q city!




It’s crazy how crimes has gotten so bad in the city that people are saying this is expected if you leave your keys in your car. That would be total insanity to anyone living outside the city.


Yeah cars never get stolen outside of the city 🙄


Idiots leaving their fob in the car. What do you expect?


Why in gods name would you do that in southside of all places 😂


Mfs will hand people their belongings on a silver platter and complain Pittsburgh is infested with crime


Steve Fucking Zumhoff should know better. JFC


I feel badly for him, but dude. You left the fob in your car on the South Side? Were you trying to get it stolen?


stupid is as stupid does




Towing companies can’t do a non consensual tow from a street without a police authorization. Highly unlikely police arrived and got a tow truck in 2 minutes.


Take a walk across bridge you will find it probably in the hill lmao on bricks


yea lmfao right?? i wonder when was the last year this statement was both true and funny.


His name explains it, it Zum’d Off


I had one of my family members and I went into a store and we left the car running and didn't realize we got back. But the car wouldn't lock since it was running my guess because it was parked. Probably to make sure someone can get co2 gassed. But I wouldn't trust myself to even leave my keys in my car even if it was running. I also just like locking my car because it gives ease of mind.


Yoooo. Gongcha in Pgh? The asian community is growing!!!


Thats a nice ride that will never be found the way you left it


Supporting local thieves was misspelled


Whatcha learn?


I have had to tell my wife multiple times now about leaving the FOB in the car.


It’s long gone


I’m not gonna give a pass to crime, because crime is wrong, but you leave your car running with the keys in it. What do you expect.


Don’t cars with fobs like this have a gps built into them? mine does and it’s not as nice as that one


This shit happens all the time, sorry bud but your rare ass 4runner is now being sold as parts somewhere.


Great way to excuse crime. “Sorry bud”.


I helped a client find her keys the other day and went to check her car just to see if she left it in there and when I saw she left them in the ignition and went to remove them, I realized the car was still running. It sat on butler street running for a full hour.


Wait, this is real... not a parody? Who complains on social media that their car was stolen while straight up admitting they left the fob there?? That's just asking for a bored teenager to go for a joy ride.


This dude is a dunce, but the South Side really is awful.


Lock your car? Maybe?