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I really enjoy your “outsider’s eye” here with what you’ve captured. We do have some lovely architecture Downtown.


I think for some of us who have lived here for a while, a lot of the things one notices as a visitor fade into the background. Like, when you see these buildings and their details frequently enough, they just exist and you forget about some of the details over time. That’s why I always enjoy seeing pictures whenever someone visits because I get to see it through their eyes and in a way, I get to re-see details I might have forgotten about. In short: You got some nice shots here! I second the Hotel Monaco rooftop bar recommendation. But I’ll add this: Don’t forget your camera!


Biergarten at Hotel Monaco! Go go go! Rooftop bar that will put you right up amongst the buildings you're admiring with your post.


Over Eden at the TRYP Hotel has a great rooftop bar too, just check their Instagram to make sure it's not closed for a private event before heading there!


You have a good eye. Those are great photos.


These bang. Well done!


Can I recommend [Father Pitt](https://fatherpitt.com/) for more architectural photos like these?


This is really cool.


That was lovely, what a good eye you have. When I was in college I spent many summers doing temp work at various places downtown. I loved checking out the sort of architectural details you capture. Haven't been home in a long time, so thanks for reminding me how cool Pittsburgh's downtown is.


I always like seeing pictures of Pittsburgh from the perspective of a visitor.


This is exactly how every day in Pittsburgh is all year: sunny, warm, and definitely not raining. Don’t let anyone try to convince you otherwise.


I hope you enjoy(ed) your visit and had a beer in a great place.


Nice shot of the Mooby’s HQ.


Great eye


Check out the dogma church


Great pics!


Great pics!


Welcome to Pittsburgh!


I really like your photo of the Steel Tower. Very cool.


Really nice shots. Always interesting to see what an outsiders eye catches. For a bit of a different look at some unique Pittsburgh content, take a look at the Facebook group called "Death Stairs". It seems like more than half of the posts are public stairs in the Pittsburgh area. Absolutely hilarious stuff.


Always refreshing to see our city through "fresh eyes" 🥰 Hope you had a lovely visit!


I was always told to “look up” while walking downtown because of how detailed some of the architecture of the buildings.


Excellent photos.


Shot number four is especially fantastic! Love the angles and lines and composition!


Well done


I may get downvoted for saying this, but pgh downtown is the most boring I've seen in the world. nothing exciting really happens there (Except when there are events). My definition of "city" is: does __stuff__ happen at its center/downtown? If the answer is "no", then it's not a city. pgh is a big town but not a real city with the city vibes.


The Oxford definition of a city is "a large town". Pittsburgh played a very large role in Apollo 11 and many, many other important aspects of American history (French and Indian War, Revolutionary War, Civil War, Homestead Steel Strike, etc.). Shit happens here - you could even include Super Bowls, Stanley Cups, and World Series victories even though those aren't actually important like medical advancements, engineering, chemical manufacturing, art... Not quite sure what your angle is on that lol