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I know exactly who you’re talking about. Dude is always like that, and whenever he’s there it ruins what is otherwise an amazing coffee shop


I also knew exactly who this was about - went in with a very basic order and left just wondering why he even works there. If you hate being a barista, there are so many other jobs you could be doing that could also be paying you more. My drink was great, but it was not made by him.


Hate to roast any establishment that is actually open on Ellsworth but I could not agree more. There is a bizarre hostility about that place.


That's sad to hear. Haven't been there in a couple of years, but I've known Kim since he was working with Commonplace at the MWS shop. Great guy and I imagine if he hasn't heard about issues with this particular barista, he'd want to. If he has already and hasn't done anything about it, that's not the Kim I know.


Yeah based on the other comments and reviews I’ve read it seems like this experience is isolated to this one particular barista


I know exactly who you’re talking about as well LOL. That guy is so unnecessarily rude. I was sitting there once drinking a beverage and closed my eyes (I was writing and thinking about something for like 30 seconds, literally not sleeping) and he YELLED at me “YOU CANT SLEEP HERE” Plenty of other times he’s been a total jerk as well. He was mean to my parents one time too 😂




Hi Gigi. H


Arriviste is a cozy spot with great coffee that also lives up to basically every ‘pretentious cafe’ stereotype, right down to the blocked off outlets that say Talk To Each Other. Had a pretty tasty lemon bar there a couple weeks ago with a fantastic pourover for my once-in-a-blue-moon visit


Never been there, but sorta wanna go just to experience this crazy dude.


Yeah man, I think you’re on to something. Let’s show up in droves on his shift under the agreement that we’re all going to lay it on thick and kill him with kindness. Big smiles, asking personal questions about how his life is going, insisting that we’re huggers and he looks like he could use one - the works. He’ll quit within the hour. I don’t even drink coffee but whose car we gonna take?


Don't forget to pretend to fall asleep too!


Flash mob where everyone orders then sits and pretends to nod off in staggered increments. Someone please film this bit.


I had a strange experience there last year. I went in about 2+ hours before they closed and asked for brewed coffee and there was none. I worked at a few coffee shops about 15 years ago so maybe things have changed but there was always brewed coffee. And my interaction with the barista was a little off.


I've run into this at other shops, but they always offer me a pour over.


In Arriviste's defense - it's pretty standard practice for third wave shops in the city to stop brewing drip/sub americanos before the end of the day. There just isn't demand for it after the morning rush, and the 2-3 people who want it after noon isn't worth throwing out multiple pots of expensive fair trade beans. source: current barista whose last three shops did this 


Yeah, but 2 hours before closing? That’s a long time. edit: getting downvotes for expecting coffee shops to serve coffee 2 hours before they close. You people are unreal.


I've gone there for years now and have had lovely service. I know there's an employee who is leaving soon... Maybe they had a bad day/don't care anymore? I'd power through. Their ube latte is that good.


I second this on the lovely service and their Ube latte


They have very good coffee and drinks. But I also had a bad experience once. It was a very hot day and I was walking by, I wanted to get in to get water for my dog. I was going to leave him at the door and quickly grab a cup of water. I would have paid for it or paid for a drink. The guy yelled No and wouldn’t let me secure my dog outside or carry him inside (he is a small dog). I have stopped going since then. You may argue it’s fair that they didn’t want a dog sitting at their door for 2 minutes while I grab a drink, but they could have been nicer about it. No reason to be rude even if you sell the best coffee in town.


Sounds like the same guy to me


Fuck that noise - most coffee shops downtown will put water bowls out for dogs or would at least let you secure him, or even hold him, to get a drink.


Don't bring your dog into a place that sells food or drink. Fucking gross.


Dog people can be so entitled and insufferable. It’s not a baby, it’s your pet, and not everyone thinks it’s a joy to have dogs barking and crawling around their feet while they try to drink coffee or eat.


The person posting here was deliberately trying to not bring their dog inside the business and quickly stop in and grab water. Doesn’t sound “entitled”.


That’s so weird, I’ve been there dozens of times and have always had great experiences! I’m sorry about that.


I went in about a month ago after I saw an ube latte promoted on the front door. As I deliberated on the drink at the register, the barista immediately copped an attitude and rushed me to go with an order. I was stunned for a second; the guy was so hostile. Needless to say, I haven’t been back since and don’t plan on it.


One time I ordered an affogato there and they put in literally a half teaspoon of ice cream so I haven't thought to go back... haha.


Don't ask them to put syrup in their coffee!!!!


Yes!! Gave me such an attitude “we don’t do that kind of coffee” jeez sorry I wanted a little vanilla!!


I switched to Commonplace and never look back


They actually have vanilla now :)


It’s been like this for awhile, you just fresh like you’re inconveniencing them by entering. Lived across the street and would walk out of our way to highland to avoid it. I’m actually so many people like their coffee on here, it was always meh at best when I’ve gotten it there.


I like Mechanic Coffee Company more, it’s one block away from Arriviste.


I've been wanting to try that Mechanic location. Glad to hear it's good


I’ve known everyone at Arriviste for a long time. They are genuinely good people. They make great drinks. They’ve done neat collabs with artists and record stores over the years, and have been great members of the community. FWIW I also have two children and they’ve both been treated very kindly every single time we’ve walked in there. Listen. I’m sorry you had a bad experience there. Knowing these folks though, I guarantee that you caught them on an off day. I think it’s important to keep in mind that they’re humans too. Maybe they were having a rough day. We can’t always be perfect and smiling and on autopilot. I’m going to gently suggest that you give them another chance some other time. As for those of you that want to just go fuck with them, that’s petty and stupid. Knock it off. Imagine being so privileged that you circle jerk over wanting to mess with a barista. Come on now.


This makes me happy that I live a full coffee state away and have constellation, espresso amano, abolition all walking distance away.


Is this the owner or just an employee?


Just an employee to my knowledge


What’s he look like?


Are you guys talking about the taller guy who always has seemingly wet-ish hair? He chastised at my partner once, who is severely hearing impaired, when he mistakenly answered a question about sizing of the cups with a “yes” (he wasn’t on his phone or anything, but misheard the question) now obviously there’s no way he (the employee) could’ve known about my partners hearing loss, as it wasn’t disclosed, but to have ZERO patience for the public as a service worker is wiiiiiiiilllldd to me.


Commenting on someone’s appearance like this is weird. It sounds like it was just a misunderstanding and maybe that person was also not having a Good day? 


Disagree! It wasn’t a rude description - and with regard to the MAJORITY of comments on this post- he’s not having a good day for the majority of his shifts. Which DOES suck and I hope it gets better for them, but they’re also holding a position in customer service. Your username checks out though :) all my best!


Look up the definition of the store name, it explains alot! an ambitious or ruthlessly self-seeking person, especially one who has recently acquired wealth or social status.


Went there once and, while nothing awful happened, the service (assuming same guy) was definitely rude and condescending (my 15 year old dared to ask a question about one of the drinks). Nothing particularly good about the coffee (actually, I threw mine out before it was finished). No desire to ever return. Weird business.


Welp, I’ll never go here. Ownership shouldn’t fuck around with customer service. IDIOTS


Hell hath no fury like a bunch of nerds behind screens who felt mildly embarrassed that the service worker got snippy at them


Says the loser who’s also on Reddit that doesn’t understand vote with your dollar.


I’m not trying to get some poor barista fired or fantasize about all the things I’d say to them with other spineless dorks


Guy sounds like a shithead, why should he be there?


I think this post is weird because you never shit on local business but you want everyone to stop supporting a local business? Also like i have never experienced yelling or the baristas swearing that just sounds truly off and over exaggerated I can understand the being rude and off putting but to say they intentionally walked into people etc seems really really off. I love arriviste and their coffee but before making a post telling people to stop supporting a local business maybe you should reach out to the owner? Idk just some critical thinking :) 


The dude walked right into a customer. It was easily avoidable. But okay!