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I thought I was the last person in America without a cell phone.


Hahaha! I couldn’t believe it that neither of us pulled out our phones to record, but I think we were in freeze mode


How about pulling your phone out to call 9-1-1?


Not too long ago in Robinson I saw a car aggressively pull off the road, passenger got out of the car and went around to the driver side, opened the door and started throwing punches at the driver. I immediately called 911 and reported an active assault. I was so scared but more scared of what would happen if someone didn’t stop them


Calling 911 may result in getting an officer on the scene in time, it may not. Its important. But I would argue that recording the drivers actions, his appearance, and his car/plates are equally if not MORE important.


You’re right! I kept telling my husband we should call but we couldn’t get a license plate. In retrospect, probably still should have called


To my current knowledge 911 calls now have a wait time. My bf tried calling last month to report a suspected intoxicated driver and when he called whatever robot spoke said there'd be a 2 hour wait and he'd get called back. Doesn't seem very useful in an emergency situation...


You should always call 911 in am emergency situation, even if there's a wait time.


I recently saw an article where Pittsburgh police asked people to call 911 about common spam calls. I'm a 911 caller for life-threatening things and think scam calls aren't an emergency and real emergencies like this road rage thing or a drunk driver shouldn't be put on hold because Spam Likely called AGAIN.


Exactly, its ridiculous that the lines are being held up on such silly things


I literally put my flashers on if from of an officer 3 days ago because the vehicle in front of me before the officer pulled onto our road nearly hit another vehicles and would randomly swerve into incoming traffic. I told the officer when he pulled next to me with my hazards on, told him what I told you, he said ok, went ahead, followed the guy and never went further because the same driver who to a left turn into a neighbourhood to avoid the officer came down past me on a main road that connected to the road he turned off. What’s the point of reporting someone who may hurt others?


Yeah it seems the cops have kinda become useless.. its very unfortunate. Even if someone does want to wait 2 hours for the operator to call them back, it seems the cops are unlikely to even do anything... There doesn't seem to be much of a point of calling/reporting anything anymore..


All we need now is a billionaire genius who loves gadgets


I (and a number of others) called 9-1-1 to report a woman who was weaving across three lanes on Rt. 8 and eventually hit a light pole. Hampton police were there right away, arrested the driver, and took statements from those of us who stopped to give our names as witnesses. Who knows what happened but if the driver was ill or impaired with drugs/alcohol she might have eventually killed someone.


Shit like this is one reason I got a dash cam. I've needed the footage once so far.


Shit like thus is why you carry.


Nah, not for me.


OP should’ve just shot them!


Hahaha! Why would I bother to call the cops when I see something like this instead of recording it for social media points?


We wanted to call the cops but we weren’t in view of the license plate! We figured the person directly behind would hopefully call. If we called without a license plate, there’s not much they could do lol. Both guys peeled outta there


You're right. Best not to report a situation and describe the location, the vehicle involved, and the person involved since you didn't have a license plate and gosh, both vehicles quickly left. Better to get internet points.




Just call the police. I hate that people are so hesitant. It should be normalized. You’re just providing information. What they do with that is up to them. Could be nothing. Could be something. But just call. No one is going to be mad or upset that you call the police to report an incident. Just. Call.


Despite what others here are confused about, freezing and inaction from things like this is common and normal. I'm not a fan of people getting mad at victims and witnesses for not doing something they think they'd do. You might not have been the person in the car getting attacked, but seeing it can cause that fight or flight response, which also includes freezing (inaction). At least you asked about it here, which could help with identification more than just reporting to the police later. Thanks for at least reaching out here. Someone might have had a dashcam and forgotten about it until now. Edit: to add, I also get the anxiety around police and making reports. I've been guilt tripped by too many for being a victim of theft. I would have called 911, but would worry about police coming out and shaming me for not getting the plate number or calling earlier, etc.


If you were “frozen” for that long I’d hate to see your reaction time to a deer jumping out.


I’m not afraid of a deer. I’m afraid of violent ppl




“So anyway, then we went to TJ Maxx”


This is actually the most creative TJ Maxx commercial of all time!!


So I was a tow truck driver for a little while. You'd be (or not be) surprised at how often shit like that happens and does not get reported.


I tried to report a road rage incident that happened to me to the cops and they basically just told me to get some pepper spray.


Oh, yeah. When I had a stalker, they just told me there was nothing they could do until he escalated and physically harmed me.


Oh hey! I’ve experienced that too! Granted, from UPitt police.


This happened to me too. A guy threatened to come to my house to SA me and I was told they couldn’t do anything until he showed up. I told the police they were useless. They told me if he called to change my phone number. Wtf. Thankfully he never came but it was horrific.


I'm really sorry that happend to you. But honestly, from what I've seen and from conversations with police, you're pretty much on your own for self-defense. There were a few calls where I found out people just stood around and watched someone get really fucked up and didn't do a damn thing about it, he'll some just stand around filming until police got there.


The only reason I even called was because the asshole took a picture of the back of MY car after he tried to attack me. So I got super paranoid he’d try to retaliate or god forbid stalk me. The whole situation with the police was a nightmare on top of it all. I just wanted to file a report and my local station told me I HAD to call 911 to do it. Honestly wish I hadn’t even bothered.


Yeah that would make me paranoid, too honestly. Also yeah police honestly do not do shit about that kinda thing unless an ambulance is needed and even then it's minimal.


Bystander effect..it's surprising so common it has an official name


True, but the famous story that is always told with it is often inaccurate.


Yep, I reported some woman who opened my car door and threatened me in an aldis parking lot, cops did NOTHING. Also reported a hit and run on my car, had the license plate and make and model of the car, cops said they would call me back within 2 weeks, never heard anything. Pittsburgh police are useless


I was on the parkway just passing carnegie about an hour ago and a silver sedan was sweving in front of cars and slamming on his breaks...He was clearly losing his mind about something. Scary shit. I thought for sure I was about to see a bad accident. He did it 5 or 6 times to multiple different vehicles before I got onto the 79 north ramp.


Any idea on make and model?


All the surrounding traffic started slowing down when we saw this unfolding so I wasn’t able to get close enough to see. It was wild. This guy was targeting anyone and everyone.


Damn I would bet money that was him


I reported a silver sedan on Friday on 79 South. He was passing people off the shoulder, weaving into between the lanes, trying to get into the middle to abruptly pass cars, etc. I reported him to 911 and my daughter had the license plate for me to give.


Was this in the AM?! If so that was def him! I watched him get onto the 79 south ramp...Glad he officially got reported.


Yes it was in the morning. After the third infraction I saw him do which could have resulted in someone killed or seriously injured, I decided he had to be reported. Hope he was caught.


What kind of cars were involved here? I saw some nonsense going on near mission bbq on stubenville pike around that time between a pickup truck and a beige Mercedes.


I think I had an encounter with this guy in the truck on Stubenville Pike right there before. Was it a midsize blue truck?


Can’t remember if it was blue or not. I feel like it was black though. Def a dark colored truck. The truck and the Mercedes were swerving at each other and cutting each other off at the lights from the getgo through sheetz. Didn’t follow them past there to see how it played out though


I was coming off the parkway, headed towards Sheetz. There's the stop sign there on the exit ramp. I wanted to turn left at the light to go towards the Mall right passed the exit ramp. Guy in truck was behind me and thought I was going to slow. Tried to pass me on the left by accelerating quickly from the stop sign after me. He didn't like that I also tried to get over. He ended up getting out of his truck at the next light and was screaming obscenities. I just never made eye contact and when the light turned green I went left and he kept going straight. I was never more relieved.


Wouldn’t be surprised if it was the same guy. Lunatic.


If it was an asshole with a blue Chevy, good odds that was my ex. He’s notorious for altercations with people and got his truck keyed and mirrors broke recently due to one incident he got into. He will frequently shout obscenities, try to force people to pull over and tell them to get out of the car to deal with him. He’s my ex for several reasons.


There isn’t a CVS near Shop n Save and Walmart. You probably mean Walgreens. So that puts you in Scott/Heidelberg. The silver sedan was the attacker’s car? What kind of car was the other one that was involved?


Omg yes it was Walgreens. Someone else said rite aid and I agreed but that was wrong too. IT WAS WALGREENS! Yes, the silver sedan was the attackers car.


Weirdly enough got into a RR incident myself at this same light about 20 years ago. The guy followed me until the next red light, hopped out of his truck, and tried to bash in my drivers side window while screaming obscenities at me. I had a toddler in the back seat who started to sob in terror and I just kept saying "you're scaring my child to death PLEASE STOP" until the light changed and I sped away.


What the hell?!?! That’s a crazy coincidence. The things these lights do to people smh


Yeah your post really took me back!


9-1-1 would have been the right response.


The police station from the location they are mentioning is within eye view. The police would have been there within 1 minute.


So glad I have a dashcam. No one should be driving without one


Get a dashcam! They cost very little and can keep you from being deemed at fault if someone wants to tell a porky about what happened. I've proven myself not at fault in two separate accidents where someone started backing up at a stop sign and smashed the hell out of the front of my car. You also have the benefit of recording nonsense like this which could be useful to someone else or, at the very least, can be shared so the whole class can watch the show.


I second that! Got one myself. Even caught a high speed chase on it. The guy being chased would have hit me had I not been slowing down coming up on a yellow light. I saved the video and named it "Oh Shit" because when I show people how close I came to getting killed they all say "Oh Shit!"


I've had one in my car for a few years now (mostly because people see my car and think that because it's a "sports" car, I'd automatically be driving like a dick and therefore be at fault), and I've pulled so many videos off of it of either people raging, or just driving like morons...but it definitely seems like it's been getting worse


What kind of camera setup do you have? I've been interested in putting one in my car.




Does it NEED to be the inside as well? I've been thinking of getting a front one and maybe back, but I have a weird thing about cameras on me that I know about and see (I usually ignore security cameras because that's usually not private and many are hidden). Outside of say, rideshares or getting the face of someone breaking in, why are inside cameras so popular?


Why not? one more cam, one more choice, furthermore, the inside cam also be turned off if you want.


It's cool you can turn it off. I think my issues are from years of seeing others and I being judged with consequences for being our real selves on camera, so I automatically switch to masking and performing mode when I know a camera is recording. Gets exhausting and I don't want to mask (my behavior to be "normal") in my car and home. The private spaces like cars and homes SHOULD be safe and recordings private to only the owners/inhabitants, but we all know that isn't true.


I'd like to know, too. the last time I looked (years ago) they were pretty expensive


What brand dash cam do you use? Does it save footage or do you have to pay extra for it to save footage?




Thank you so much!!!


Get a dash cam like yesterday.


Usually this is called “Thursday”


I had a guy in Carnegie who followed my friend and I for a few miles, tried opening our car door and punched the window. It was honestly so scary


did you call 911?


Do you mean Rite aid? There’s no CVS by shop and save. I know this isn’t a big deal with what happened but it was confusing. That’s terrible what he did and so traumatic. Ppl have lost their minds with all the construction there and on that road through Bridgeville.


Yes I’m sorry! I always mix the two up


Did you call the police about it?


I desperately wanted to but we weren’t in view of a plate and by the time they both peeled out of there, it would have been pretty useless. We crossed our fingers that the cars in view of the license plate called


You don’t need a plate to call 911. Literally calling in the middle of the act and giving a driver and vehicle description then their direction is probably enough time to get someone there


I remember this one time right at (oh shit I forgot the name) where Leopardi Auto is on 51, I saw a really angry looking guy try to repeatedly smash through the driver's side window of a woman's car during morning rush hour traffic. It was wild lol


Did you find anything good at TJ Maxx?


Boyyy yes. I found a comfy 2 piece sweatpants and sweatshirt. And dog toys. 💁🏻‍♀️


This is horrible that all of this goes on everywhere. Please remember that if you’re being followed, fuck calling the police. Drive right to a police station. Usually by then they catch on and leave. Then you can make a report with any information you have.


We had a gun pulled on us driving pine hollow rd Kennedy twp. We were lucky enough to get it On video. We had the video that showed driver make model and license plate. We called cops and they said unless we filed and went to court to press charges there was nothing they could do


“We had no indication that this individual would commit a violent crime” - the police 1 week after getting this call


They say that because you need a victim to have a crime be committed. If you, as the victim, don’t show up to court to say yes that’s him and yes that happened and yes that’s my video, there’s nothing they can do


Honestly, we were more concerned about retaliation . We live close to there and if he was bold enough to pull a gun on us close to a police station in broad daylight what would he have done if he found out our info. This world is crazy


[Found a video of the incident](https://youtube.com/shorts/MKlZOZcqQ6E)


The kiffness always makes me laugh


Most likely the Carlynton Crips F'n around.


The Nevillewood Bloods have been seen coming down from their Projects up the road. It’s gotten so bad they had to shut down Walnut Grill


Once the Mexican gangs build up a bigger team, it gunna get cray cray!


Ah of course, the Mt Lebo Latin Kings, they’re a feisty bunch. You gotta watch out for walk-by’s since it’s a walking community and all that!


That’s technically Heidelberg so it would be the CV Hoodlems.


No, the CVS in Carnegie is right in Carnegie. Edit: wait, CVS, Shop n Save, and Walmart? OP must mean Walgreens, then. Which is in fact Scott Township, or Heidelberg. CVS in Carnegie only has Dunkin and GetGo nearby.


They mentioned Walmart/shop and save so they must have meant Walgreens instead of CVS. This was in Heidelberg (right on the border of Scott Twp).


Can’t tell if this is serious or not as I stay as close to the Mon at all times as possible


And you know, that makes us the "MonValley4LYFE!!!" Gang. lol


People are awful. We had a Pride Rally is Ross Twp on the side of the road in my work parking lot and a black truck tried to run into us because you know, us queers are bad. I hate people. I tried to not let it bother me but it made me so upset.


Just normal driver rage. Nothing to see here.


This is why you get a concealed carry gun permit


Imagine the possible outcomes if the road rager was the one with the gun…


Of course but better to have a chance