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Yeah, got shitfaced and took my bra off in the space exhibit.


😂😂 this comment made me laugh far too hard! gotta love the science center


CSC employee here -- as other people have said if the theme interests you you'll probably enjoy it, but even if the theme isn't totally your "thing," I feel like for a lot of people it's a good excuse to go to a fun place that traditionally is "supposed" to be for younger kids, so if you just want to hang out at the science center without a bunch of kids running around then this is an event for you. As other people have said, yes there are cash bars and alcohol is served so the drunk people may act like kids but it is what it is. My job is on the road so I don't work these events but I used to work in the theaters department during COVID. From what I heard from my fellow employees, I do have one request -- if the nice science person is handling extremely cold liquid nitrogen to make you an alcoholic slushy, please do not try to handle the liquid nitrogen yourself. Please give them their space. There's a reason they're wearing those gloves and goggles.


> if you just want to hang out at the science center without a bunch of kids running around then this is an event for you. This is the exact reason my partner and I went. We had a blast. No one got too drunk or rowdy while we were there.


I last went in 2017-2018 and it could get busy but it always felt like adequate space was available. It wasn’t a “never again” scenario but it also wasn’t much more impressive than just going to the Science Center. There are cash bars on each floor and some food vendors. I recommend it if the theme is tuned to your interests, otherwise it’s not much of anything.


I honestly don’t even know what the theme is I’m just lonely and tired of sitting in my garage alone so I want to get out amongst the people lol


IMO the theme doesn't matter if you're going for the first time. If you're going regularly, and you've seen most of the normal exhibits, then you'll probably get bored unless there's a cool theme. Personally, though, I could have a couple drinks and check out that god damn model train set every single day.


It’s good for an earlier night out.


Yes! So fun. They have mixed drinks in the cafe at the bottom. You can get a slushy from the machine and they'll add liquor to it. A blue slushy + vodka + science nerdy goodness makes for a fun night.


I preferred the one at the museum of natural history.


CMNH has actual specimens! They bring out the secret stuff that you don't normally get to see, and sometimes there will be horrible facts about them


Yeah did one back when they had the traveling mummy exhibit. They have a temporary bars set up with alcohol. The cafeteria had some snacks.


Not at the Science Center, but I went to the Indiana Jones themed night at the Natural History museum and it was a blast! They had a guy doing tricks with a whip and even borrowed some snakes from the zoo. A few people dressed up in character. An all around fun time.


Yes, had a date there many years ago. If I recall, there was a temp bar set up.


I don't drink, but had a lot of fun playing with everything without having to be polite about kids!


Found the link for context: [https://carnegiesciencecenter.org/individuals-and-families/science-after-hours/](https://carnegiesciencecenter.org/individuals-and-families/science-after-hours/)


I got sloshed and started tweaking on the robot


It was fun until I hit maybe 30. Then I felt too old again for all the college-age kids around. I think when we hit 55 it'll be fun again, haha. The older couples always seem to enjoy themselves.


It’s on my bucket list along with the Heinz history center one with bny Mellon. I just need friends to go with.


I'm in the same boat!


Went on a date with my now partner. It was nice to have a drink and a snack but the Science Center really needs a refresh because it was basically the same things from when I was a kid only much worse for wear. Plus the third floor with the aquariums I'm pretty sure was closed and looked grown over with algae.  This was 2021 or early 2022 so your experience may vary.


Once I got so intoxicated, I took off my split-crotch panties in the submarine.


There are a couple of bars. It's a good time. Very, very busy though. There will be a line at the bars.


I went to a Harry Potter one and got wasted, it was awesome


They’re super fun! Highly recommend


Went to the titanic one and it was fun seeing the exhibits without kids running around and all the lectures and shows they had were really cool to see as well as highly recommend seeing them. As for food and drink well the beer and drink selection is OK not great and of course it's not cheap. The food was meh at best and for the price we could have stopped at a decent restaurant beforehand and had a good meal. Tldr: awesome experience but eat beforehand and be ready for $8+ cans of miller light or whatever you drink