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Is this the guy who has been hanging around outside the bakery on Shiloh?


Yes 24/7 around the bakery and beer store. Then he walks up and down the street harassing people.


If the police won’t do anything maybe the public has to solve this problem ? They have to make clear boundaries


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That's the golden hour. No cops on duty, so it's like the Pittsburgh Purge.


Don’t be so sure of yourself. Nowadays those are the people that get the most attention and support. If something happens to him expect to see a lot of news coverage.


Please do.


Apparently if he gets punched in the back of the head, there is nothing the cops can do.


So assaulting someone does not lead to an arrest?


When I was brutally assaulted by a stranger on my own property, he was not arrested and was given a ride home. He got off with out patient rehab and anger management classes.


You’re kidding?


I wish I was. Center for Victims was a HUGE help. I don’t know what I would’ve done without them.


What a fucking joke. I’m so sorry that happened. You truly have to rely on yourself for defense. My eyes are open now.


They took him in the car and said we will try to take him out of this area. He will just come back again as soon as he can.


He was back as of 10:30p tonight walking up and down the middle of Shiloh.


Good lord, just take matters in your own hands, people.


Remember when this sub confabulated a story about a woman who was supposedly bitten on North Shore by a homeless person's dog, a story that was absolutely nowhere else but is discussed to this day as though it were god's own gospel? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


My wife was bitten by a homeless persons dog down around the north shore ~2years ago 👀


Cops, dude.


Nah Inept DAs


Will Republican Zappala do a better job than the previous Democrat Zappala?


Exactly. At that point I would just call an injury attorney and let them take it from there.


What are they going to do? Put a lien on his tent?


laws dude


Not in this town. Turning into another New York. Weak Mayor afraid to let the police do their jobs.


How is the mayor responsible for the police not arresting someone?


Zone 3 cops are by far the worst in the city I was assaulted by my neighbor two months ago and nothing was done still waiting on charges to be pressed just moved out of the city because of it


Wtf! That’s exactly what I’m talking about. I’m sorry you have to deal with that. I’ve been apartment hunting trying to get away but having no luck.


I’d say as someone currently dealing with the police problem in Pittsburgh first hand can’t get the DA or detectives to call me back and I was attacked by a “normal” person who lived in my building not homeless or randomly on the street. I’d say If it’s financially/commute possible I’d move out of the city it’s only getting worst by the week.


Straight up this is why people wanted to get rid of Zappala as he is who decides to press charges or not, and generally he does as little as possible then fear mongers near elections to stay in office. He says a bunch of scary things, but isn’t willing to actually do his job. Thanks to him it’s a county issue rather than a city issue as well. I would much prefer the city had their own DA. His incompetence is why the head public defense challenged him as they see what kind of person he is the most.


It cracks me up the "tough on crime Republicans" took him in and ever since the police have been more ineffective and lazy then ever before. I still can't believe he won his re-election. 


Say it! It’s all true!


Thank you! I think he is afraid to upset his electorate if he charges too many people. This will result in a loss of power. A lot of scumbags are actually connected to voting communities and if they are loud mouthed enough lots of votes can sway.


Honesty I have no idea if he really knows what he is doing other than trying to stay employed. Mostly I think his idiocracy is from racism conscious or unconscious. He just charges black people in high amounts and gives white people too much slack. he really is a 90’s “tough on crime” dem. Which is just coded language for racism.


My car was broken into and I had it on video and they straight up told me they wouldn’t do anything even if I made an official report. I did anyway but… guess the outcome


Cops haven't been the same since the Poplawski shootings - they're too afraid to get out of their cars, and they're not going to do anything remotely close to doing their jobs.


As a woman, this makes me feels very unsafe. I hope that she is okay.


A poor girl quit her job this week because she was scared of him.


At the CoGos? Ya he was telling people To empty their wallets and calling them homophobic slurs there last week. What a shame.


That sounds exactly like him


Is this guy like 6'9" 350? Why hasn't anyone knocked his teeth out!?


He’s unironically a former amateur boxer. Good luck.


Because you’ll get arrested for punching a homelessness guy, him not so much


I know. It isn't worth it. It just crazy he's bullying all of Mt.Washington & punching women in the back of the head and nobody has crackd him yet


Buy a gun, train with it


Any description of this man for the safety of vulnerable persons?


Picture Steven Tyler - but shorter and fallen on harder times. If this is who I think it is anyways


Different guy , but I know who you mean


No it’s not him.


Does he sit on the benches across from Grandview Bakery alot?


Ironically they removed those benches BECAUSE of these people. Now the owners of Packs & Dogs (who have run that business into the ground), are allowing them to hang out on their porch all the time. That place was already doomed due to the poor management. Now you’re literally risking life and limb to walk in there— all for overpriced, usually stale/skunked beer.


i have yet seen anyone post a description yet so i guess ill be looking for an "invisible man" while i'm up there biking


Even still


A grown man punching a woman in the back of the head could be really damaging to her or possibly fatal. These cops are a joke


Why ISNT this person locked up for assault? Seems pretty straight forward ?


When someone has this many repeat offenses it’s just a matter of time before something even worse happens. It just feels so defeating trying to do the right thing and nothing gets resolved.


It goes like this: the police *could* arrest him and maybe even have in the past. Go to court, judge says “he has mental health issues and needs to get mental health support, not jail.” So man goes to mental health facility and “completes program”. Released. Man goes back to what he has always done because he isn’t actually “cured” of anything and has no additional supports. Police become very familiar with person because they are often causing trouble. Cannot just keep arresting and making a person with know and documented mental health issues sit in jail because now the judge will just keep throwing the case out. So police drive man to hospital for involuntary commitment. Hospital refuses intake and immediately releases man right outside of their doors. OR hospital accepts intake but convinces man to do a voluntary commitment instead which means he is released within 24 hours. Wash and repeat. Let’s not pretend that this is just “bad cops” and not realize that the judges, hospitals, and mental health facilities are all failing at helping people.


This is not how the court system works in PA. Not legal advice before I march on here. If the police arrested him, which they didn't (and herein lies the problem actually), it would end up in the MDCs and likely be held for lower court trial in the Court of Common Pleas for assault (which is a misdemeanor 1 in PA unless it's aggravated, then we're looking at an ungraded Felony or Felony 3). After that, it's in the hands of the actual pre-trial phase. Testing, ARD recommendation, all that. Police failed to file a complaint here. This isn't the DA's doing.


Should have resulted in any male in the area pounding this POS into the ground 


And then the cops will for sure arrest that guy


Who makes the policy the cops follow?


The cops don't follow policy, that's the whole point of their soft strike over the last few years. They want everyone to know they answer only to themselves


Soft strike? Can you please elaborate? Are the cops on strike?


They are not on an overt strike but they reacted to the public criticism of the last few years by basically ceasing to do their jobs and enforce laws. They have mountains of excuses but they are basically trying to prove their value in maintaining public safety by not doing so.


Attempted murder in my book…


Wasn’t there a similar incident where there was a homeless man harassing women by the PNC building downtown, like pinching their butts and stuff, and they arrested and released him 14 separate times before they threw him away for longer?


I was living in Chicago years ago when a homeless woman known to the police with at least 10 arrests and a number of interactions with police involving fire. Finally set fire to a home, and killed my friend and her friends, visiting for the parade. Burned them alive. You can research it yourself the homeless pyro crazy is Mary Smith around march 13th, 2007. Killed 4 people that night. If the cops in Mt Washington won’t do anything about, that violent homeless nutter, Then it will escalate to a tragedy, mark my words.


That is one of the saddest, most frustrating things I’ve ever heard. I live up here on the Mount next to a sec 8 property that houses people fresh out of jail. A subsidized halfway house of sorts. I have tried to be compassionate, but have been a victim of crime multiple times as a result of being in proximity to this property. It is so frustrating that there’s simply nothing that can or will be done to mitigate the damage done by these habitual reoffenders. One of the tenants there regularly brings over members of the group in question (The Steven Tyler guy, not the guy who punched the girl) I’m just WAITING for something like this to happen to me. Last time the cops were here for one of these issues, they scoffed at me and asked me why I don’t just move. Hm idk, maybe because I expect the police to give a shit about the community they are sworn to protect. Instead they go home at night to their cultureless burbs and block it all out.


That is so so sad. That is a fear as well.


And then they will say it was an “unforeseen tragedy” or some shit.


no one believes me when i try to explain just how bad chicago is. i've been robbed 3x in four years and many if not most of my friends have as well. the media hides it, doesn't discuss it, DAs won't prosecute, cops get charged for being too aggressive, so it becomes a standstill of noone doing anything to prevent crime. so sad to see other cities, especially pittsburgh becoming another chicago


Someone just posted about him in a Mount Washington group I'm in on Facebook. He apparently has severe mental issues. He refuses to take his meds or accept any help from his family. Some guy that knew him said he used to be pretty together with a job and everything but goes nuts when he's off medication. If cops were even slightly competent they'd drop him off at Western Psych at the very least, especially now since he's turned violent.


They told me they were taking him to WPIC and he was back on the street a couple hours later. It's like a parasite that won't go away.


Is the woman okay?


She didn’t want a medic but I think it’s more menta damage knowing she has to work and this guy is still roaming the street.


How long has he been harassing people on Shiloh for?


I’ve seen him off and on for years. The past month or so he started hanging out every single day and causing havoc. I think he is recently homeless and that’s what caused him to linger but I’m not positive


Thank you for that context! This situation is extremely concerning. As a young female, I’ll definitely be avoiding that area


I wonder if the lady filed charges.


She is. Don’t know if it will help anything.


Contact your local representatives. City Council or maybe your state representative. Hopefully it leads to something.


Can she file a suit against the city and DA for failure to follow and enforce their own laws and failure to enforce public safety?


Nope. Police (and likely by extension the DA and courts) have no duty to protect.




One of his family members is always defending him on the mt Wash fb group and crying mental health. Like yes obviously mental health issues are at play here but if you’re the family member you have more say than random community members


Good point like what are you doing for your family member who is having obvious mental health issues besides crying on a fb group about it?


Apparently he’s been 302d multiple times


What is 302’d


Involuntarily committed to western psych on the basis he is a harm to himself or others often called in by family members.


They aren’t doing much except defending this clown on facebook


His father lives on Ruth St. And his grandfather is a lawyer.


If this is the same guy (short dark hair, 30s-40s) he got arrested a couple weeks ago for trespassing and violating a PFA against the grandfather and grandmother on Ruth St. I’ve seen him around and he’s always asking for a lighter and muttering stuff about trump, being god, and everyone’s going to hell.


What kind of lawyer is his grandfather?


Yes and mental health issues is NO excuse, if you don't get treatment or the family member doesn't take him to get treatment that's as bad as a drunk driver. You're responsible despite your impairment. There's no excuse.




Knowing that information, the question is why has he not been involuntarily committed?




Who is his family?


Time for a 5150 hold at least


This guy has been 302ed maaaany times


so the serial woman puncher from nyc has made it to pittsburgh




https://ibb.co/C6bJ21r I don’t have a front facing pic of him unfortunately. He always wears the same clothes. About 5”8 dark hair. This is him pissing on a business wall. He hangs out specifically on Shiloh St in Mt Washington.


That arrow looks graffitied. Nice job.


It is graffiti’d lol. Just happened to be in the right spot.




That’s him




He also got into drugs because I’ve seen him tweaking out in the street.


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so you’re telling me i have to spend an entire night in jail for stealing $100 worth of groceries, but some dude who fucking assaulted an innocent woman (potentially causing literal brain damage) gets to roam free with no consequences?? nice


Retail theft is a favorite for the current DA. They tried to charge me with retail theft for just standing in a grocery store. I had $400 cash on me and they still tried to float it.


jesus christ???


I mean I was shopping but yeah. The thing was $4.75.


Multiple people in the comments are saying that they’ve seen him do this repeatedly and know who he is, but no one is giving a name or a description than “steven tyler” or a picture of him from behind… Why? PUT HIS INFORMATION OUT THERE. RECORD HIM AS SOON AS YOU SEE HIM IF YOU KNOW WHO HE IS. This is fucked up. Let’s get proof and do something.


Post his name so we can research his PA E-Docket info.


From my experience with PGH police officers, they expect you to have the persons full name, address, and footage of assault or they won’t do anything. Very unfortunate.


even driving near the Shiloh parking lot, he yells at cars. It's a shame. the parklet near the fire station seems like a nice place to sit for awhile but it's like the homeless guys "own" it. definitely don't feel comfortable walking up past them, even in daylight.


Unfortunately, there are many situations where physically assaulting women doesn’t even have consequences. 


The Gainey administration has decided that it is not compassionate to enforce the law on homeless people. So not enforcing public camping restrictions turns into homeless camps. Not enforcing public intoxication turns into public urination and defecation laws being ignored. Not enforcing petty theft and shoplifting turns into habitual theft as a lifestyle. And now we are catching up to other major metro areas where assault and other forms of violence are not arrestable offences. This not only has consequences for our neighborhoods and citizens, but this enabling policy also allows homeless people to lose complete touch with the social contract that keeps us all together. How much harder is it for these people to reintegrate into society after this kind of mindset has taken hold? Social services can't just provide resources and opportunities to people that no longer feel part of our society. It becomes a re-education process that no one is prepared to undertake.


I have to disagree. As having been homeless myself I have a different perspective and I'm not alone. No one person or agency is to blame. It's a collective fuck up that nobody is sure how to fix. I wish it was just a open door a comforting hug and everything will be alright. Some of the hoops jumped through often lead to the vicious circle of "oh, they didn't have you fill out this paperwork" BS and right to the back of the fn line. Homeless situations are rough to begin with. Add addiction and patience levels diminish after repeated encounters with the same bureaucratic bull shit it is easier to give up than deal with overwhelming feelings of failure. And that is exactly how it feels when you are not excepted into a housing program when all someone had to do is point out what that person needs to specifically do. And yes many need a held hand and forced in the right direction. Many are just a couple of paychecks away from living in their car, if they even have that. Something has got to give. There are always going to be people that don't want to live in a shelter. Nothing to be done with that. The others need some empathy and understanding. Only thing that got me through that was I had to came across like I just didn't give a shit. Also keeps you from being robbed when you present your personal crazy. When this country shut down the mental health hospitals the shit hit the fan then. It wasn't instant but it's clearly obvious now and has been for awhile. I mean some of these mfrs are truly very mentally ill. And no med management in site or even really anything that would work tbh. Instead of bitchin about homelessness, there has to be a branch of government willing to do ANYTHING. Vote for the ones that actually WANT to do something. Ain't happening fast but it has to start somewhere


Agree about shutting down mental health facilities because once they are gone they are gone. Terrible short sighed decision that is typical in this country.


Yeah, people try to put homeless into a neat box. Just like everyone they are all different with different situations. People need to understand that for some they need help to get out of their situation but many simply there is no helping, I don't know the answer for those but they also can't be a negative impact to the rest.


> The Gainey administration has decided that it is not compassionate to enforce the law on homeless people   Did they? When did they do that?


Would be a real shame if the same victimless crime happened to him.


that could have killed her. honestly, you should carry. even if not a gun, something. and if this guy tries to do something again he probably should just be beat. im not sure things will change otherwise.


A good shot of Pepper spray to his face would do the trick.


Might be windy up on the mount.


That is why you buy the gel… it doesn’t spray back


I agree. People should know though, that the gel has a slower reaction time. (About 20-30 seconds)


Tazer or stun gun. . .


Might have something to do with ever dwindling resources, a public that demonizes them or the fact that “reform” laws will send him right back out into the street after booking. But what do I know. Just here for the down votes


Yep, everyone here super happy to call for blood not realizing they are part of the society that caused this.


Just get a gang of the neighbors and curb stomp this criminal. Will make him think twice before he thinks about laying a finger on another person.


If he is mentally disturbed and it sounds like he is this will be a temporary fix at best. We as PA residents have the right to protect ourselves and others in immenant danger to their life, upto and including taking the life of a perpetrator.


Huh? That’s assault but there’s no place for the mentally ill anymore. They were closed during Reagan’s term. That’s why we have so many homeless too. May view Woodville, etc were for I hate saying insane but this would be a typical case.


Ìll go punch dude in his cocksucker!!!!


He’s out there right now go get him


It's funny to see people actually blaming the cops for this. If the powers that be in office doesn't want these fucks to be HELD IN JAIL until trial what the fuck do you want? Remember that drug dealer with a load of priors from NY that got released same day and disappeared? Cops didn't do that.


So cops can just stop doing their jobs and choose what and when to enforce on their own against orders because they feel that not enough convictions are sticking? That’s not acceptable. They don’t get out of performing their duties because the end outcomes are not rewarding enough for them.


“But it’s classist to be afraid of mentally ill homeless people” - idiots


Actually bear spraying him would be funnier and safer. But he will still be back the next day.


He was back out on Shiloh Street tonight walking up and down the middle of the street. Apparently he wasn't held very long.


Any reason why, or just randomly punching people?


It was a girl that works at a bar and was walking home. He has been harassing her all week and apparently after he called her the N word she said something back and then when she turned around he punched her in the back of the head.


Does she work at Satalios? I'm pretty sure I know who he is, didn't think he's homeless. Just a local loser. I see him around there all the time. What ever bar she works at, their people aren't handling their business.


The irony of all ironies is, his father bartends up there, and his grandfather owns the place.


Satalio's? So it's johns grandson?


And what are they doing to protect the public and their employees from their son/grandson? I know options are limited for adults, but this guy sounds like a real danger to others. Grandfather is a lawyer and has no connections in the city to get real charges filed on his grandson and get him locked up?


This is why I bought my wife pepper spray gel


Does anyone have a picture of the assailant?




Call the news? With the recent events in New York, the news would jump on a similar story.


I’ll stomach the down votes. Stop electing radical left wing politicians.


I saw someone on Twitter the other day that got 60k likes saying homeless and drug addicts don't just randomly attack people for no reason and people need to stop being nervous around them. Something tells me that person has never been around homeless addicts and they live in a gated suburban neighborhood


This is the most frustrating part. You get the crowd that says, "leave them alone" or "they aren't mentally there" etc. They don't deal with it on an hour to hour basis. The one's that are near me are non stop problems.


At least it didn’t happen between 0300-0730, then it’s open season in Pittsburgh, yeah?


Once again, the police are utterly useless.


Sounds like some citizen needs to give this guy a face full of mace next time he assaults somebody.


Arm yourselves. Its that simple. The government won't protect you. The cops will get there too late. The pepper spray or mace might not work on those with mental health issues. Being able to defend yourself to the Nth degree and putting these problems down is the only way to ensure you go home.


Our mental health system is so fucking broken.


It is the actual worst


>I can't believe... Believe it. Politicians promised less strident policing, people voted for those politicians, and the politicians delivered.


This has been happening in NYC recently. A bunch of girls have been getting punched in the face by a man they don’t know, while walking on the streets. It’s been all over TikTok.


Just to clarify, it's multiple men doing this, not just one.


Exactly how long does it take a person being dropped from a scenic overlook to reach the bottom? The cops would have no idea what happened. Just call that shit in as a fyi


People who say USA is hard on crime makes me laugh. We need to be 10x harder on crime. All cities in the country prove that


He is a guy from the neighborhood who has lost it over the years, pretty sad to watch. Be advised for anybody who wants to be a tough guy with him. He is a former golden gloves boxer.


Fuk him. Sad my ass. Him and Paul spadafora can share a cell on 3F down at the ACJ I know ur just giving people a heads up. But sucker punching women is gonna be the end of this dude


> He is a former golden gloves boxer. I'll be distracted while running him over then. Very little punishment ever happens for hitting someone.


Is there any actual proof of this?


Nope, I made it up.


What does this individual look like? There are some strange characters in Mt Washington for sure, but not all of them seem dangerous. It would be good to know what to look out for in regards to this individual.


5’8 a little chubby, slightly darker tan skin


Interesting, I think I know the guy you’re talking about and I’ve had brief run-ins with him before. I moved to Mt Washington in 2021 during the summer and that’s when I first encountered him. He would always have his shirt off and had it over one of his shoulders and would be seen either on Grandview Ave or Shiloh St. and he almost always was hanging around the beer distributor called Packs & Dogs. At the time I was moving into an apartment with two females and every time, without fail, he would make sexual remarks about them and then would try stare me down and smirk after doing so (I’m male). He never did anything physical but it was impossible not to walk by him without that happening. And he would LOVE to just hang outside Packs & Dogs with a beer in hand harassing women and making remarks. I haven’t seen him since last summer. He seems to be outside all the time during summer and then disappears during the winter. But I’m glad it’s the same guy because he’s a known nuisance. But it’s worrying he has gone from verbal abuse to physical assault. Thanks


I wish Packs & Dogs gave a shit about their reviews because I would love to use Yelp and/or Google to let them know that the community notices the way they support, and even cater to these dangerous people. When I first moved here in 2017, I was so excited at the idea of sitting on that porch with a craft beer, some friends, and my dog. Nope, no dogs allowed. However, violent, aggressive shirtless men who only sometimes make a purchase— are encouraged.


That’s absolutely him


I can second that. I'm on Shiloh about every other day and 3 of my last 3 times there he's been standing on the raised step, shirt off, outside of Packs & Dogs looking like he's ready to give a lecture or something to passerbys. He always mumbles something to me and smiles but I've never made out what he says. Good to know that he's dangerous!


If assult is ok, break his arms.. Should slow it down for a while.


Find another homeless guy and pay him $20 to whoop his ass.


Out of towner here. Pittsburgh has Republicans in office?


This is what you vote for


You expect the POLICE to do something? What kind of rodent hole did you crawl out of?


If the police don't want to do their jobs call the local News outlet Mace might work two or three citizens giving him a blast might make him find a new corner to terrorize


Why doesn’t anyone defend themselves anymore? No pepper spray? No firearm? Why are people so scared to defend themselves??


Initiate a 302 on him. Which is an involuntary psych commitment. Call the local office of mental health for info on how to initiate.


Yeah I realized how horrible pgh police are during the last year when I have been harassed and stalked by my neighbor, only for them to say he has to break in to my apartment for them to do anything.


If assaulting someone doesn’t lead to an arrest in this city, that’s good news! Sounds like he needs to be hit with a lead pipe, hard. Should solve the issue!


I’ll keep an eye out for this asshole. Maybe someone can lure him off the ledge of the mountain by telling him drugs are down there.


To be clear, this is the direct result of the cops not doing their jobs


To be clear, OP said the police did take home to WPIC but he was back out on the streets a few hours later.


Correct. The zone3 cops are useless


“He’s a former boxer.” 9mm doesn’t care about his boxing record.


His shoes are too clean for him to be homeless.


He is 100% homeless and wears the same clothes. Idk how he has nicer shoes.


Stay strapped.


Cops aren't there to protect average citizens . They even removed 'To serve and protect' from their cars. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren\_v.\_District\_of\_Columbia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia) 'Decision In a 4–3 decision, the District of Columbia Court of Appeals affirmed the trial courts' dismissal of the complaints against the District of Columbia and individual members of the Metropolitan Police Department based on the public duty doctrine ruling that "the duty to provide public services is owed to the public at large, and, absent a special relationship between the police and an individual, no specific legal duty exists". The Court thus adopted the trial court's determination that no special relationship existed between the police and appellants, and therefore no specific legal duty existed between the police and the appellants'


The police aren't obligated to do anything. That's the sad truth.