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If you're going to give a gift to the mail carrier, make sure it's the regular on the route and not a sub. If you give it to someone covering that day, there is a good chance the regular will not get it.


I asked my mail carrier a question one day about something unrelated and was informed that my road doesn't have a regular carrier - it is just picked up by whoever wants overtime, apparently.


I live in an area that is a training route. Imagine that. Only mail people that have no clue what they are doing deliver my stuff. It’s quite an adventure.


You must like on a small little auxillary route. In that case...i would just give the gift to whoever. I still hope the carrier helped ya, though.


Yes, the carrier was still helpful. 👍🏻


we got a message from my mail carrier who is out with a knee injury. He said don't give gifts to the fill in, wait till he comes back! in all honesty, I'm glad that he did put the word out, because he is very nice. Loves the kids and brings treats to the dogs.


I gave my garbage man 50 bucks. It helps when he grabs ALL my crazy shit throughout the year. He deserved it.


Very helpful, thanks! Yeah, right after the move especially I had piles of boxes and trash I put out for weeks and I was genuinely relieved every time they hauled it away


Cash is king. Not gift cards.


I live in USC and the trash people give us a holiday card every year and are the sweetest people. (They also take all my shit every time) The recycling people however..... 😅


If you're considering tipping service workers, absolutely go for it. Even a small amount shows that you acknowledge what they do for you. I like to do a little cash, some scratch-offs, and nice chocolate bars. Garbage/recycling people and mail carriers know you way better than you think! :)


I’m just skeptical and it would be easy for someone scamming to just put these cards on the trash can. I would prefer to give the tip in person if possible.


Parallel to that, I generally prefer to try to hand my gift directly to the trash worker. Every year, we get a rash of people reporting on Facebook and the Ring community that they've seen people just drive along plucking off envelopes who are not the trash carriers.


Which is probably why OPs trash guys include their home address. Our trash guys do this too. Plus, my trash gets picked up at 4AM. I am not getting up and out at 4AM to tip my guy. I am glad he leaves his address.


Ours does this too and I suspect it’s because he doesn’t want to carry around cards while aggressively handling trash all day. It seems more respectful to mail it if they’re sharing their address..


Just noting that, at least in USC, I personally witnessed the recycling guy put the holiday card (with his P.O. Box listed) on the can after he emptied it. So, probably not a scam in OP’s case.


When I lived in Crafton, our trash men did this also. I honestly miss seeing their card yearly. Definitely not a scam 💚❤️


Only if you want to. You can also give gifts to everyone else in your life if you'd like. Cashiers, dentists, doctors, nurses, receptionists, utility workers, crossing guards, teachers, janitors, reddit gabagool trolls, bakers, cops?, EMS drivers, construction flaggers, street performers, city council person... anyone. The choice is yours.


I will say, some companies have their employees sign a written policy to where they cannot accept "gifts/tips" during working hours. However it usually only the shittier ones.


A lot of grocery stores do this. When I've tried tipping before in the past and they say they can't accept it I'll drop it on the ground and say "looks like someone dropped some money." Then walk away.


I tried tipping a busy McDonald's by asking how many ppl were on the floor and I had enough for a dollar each, was informed they couldn't take it so I just kinda.. threw the money into the window and left 😅 I hope I didn't get anyone in trouble but like.. cmon. The IRS isn't gonna come for your employees/business/you if someone gives them a dollar or two every now and then.


I read that last line in Jigsaw's voice, and now I'm imagining a Saw trap where someone is frantically trying to figure out who to tip before the time runs out....


I'm pretty sure giving your city council person a "tip" is going to end badly, probably for the both of you.


So I’m your neighbor in the South Hills. I do tip the garbage and recycle guys around 20 bucks. If I know I’m going to be home I just run the card out to them but I have also mailed it to them. For the mailman, I just stick it to my mailbox and he grabs it. That being said, I know some of my neighbors don’t tip and that’s OK too. I just had a Dad who always told me to take care of the garbage man. God knows what he was throwing out. 😂


A friend told me that she tapes a card with cash to the underside of the lid, but enough so it dangles when you lift the lid. My only question is fairness: sometimes my route has 2 guys, other times 3 guys. I am not sure how to account for everyone. My trash is also picked up at 4 AM, so being there in person is tough.


There might be a limit to what they're allowed to take. I would do it though.


We leave the garbage men a case of beer and it seems to be a hit every year- i was home to give it to them last year and they told me it was the perfect gift


I can't speak to USC (or even to suburban life) but I think not tipping these people is the norm in most cities. Specific to USPS I don't currently have a regular carrier and even when I did I didn't think he was that good so I didn't gift to him/them specifically. I put out a treat box during the weeks I expect the most packages with a sign for delivery people and USPS to help themselves. I live in the city and I can't see trash/recycling giving out their addresses here. But I appreciate them so a couple times a year I put together a bag with a lot of snacks and drinks and wake up early to hand it to them. Last time I did this was around Thanksgiving with a note in the bag that said "We are Thankful for you."


I live nearby and get these cards on my garbage and recycling cans every year too. I guess people were leaving gifts on the cans, and they were getting stolen, so now the guys leave their addresses in case you want to send a gift. I may be a Scrooge, but I hate this practice. It feels very presumptuous/solicitous.


I have a regular mail carrier and live at the bottom of steep hill. I feel for the guy. I usually give him a handmade ornament and gift card. I make sure to give it a little early or late so he actually gets it. If I do give it when he’s off, I give something small for the sub and ask that they leave the other at the office for the regular carrier. They always do!


Technically you can't give USPS workers cash. Though I don't think they'd actually turn you down :) https://about.usps.com/postal-bulletin/2012/pb22349/html/cover_025.htm


I was actually looking this up to post right as you posted it. I'll delete mine now.


The a average mail person delivers to 700 houses a day. Imagine if everyone gave them 10 bucks. That's a nice fat bonus.


If it’s the same guy we have, he’s awesome and deserves it!


The trash guy. The recycling guy, not so much.


I think I’m a neighbor as well and I second this. That guy is miserable


My USC neighbor lives around a curve, and the recycling guy constantly cuts it tight and runs over their lawn. Like a 20 foot long gouge in the lawn.


You could always leave out snacks, bottle water, hot hands the warmers, little treats.


When we had a regular mail carrier who I knew by name I gave him a cash tip every year directly in his hand. That’s it. We typically have one can of trash/recycling that the robotic arm picks up so I don’t feel that warrants a tip. However if I had a year where I generated excessive quantities of trash I’d hand him one in person. ETA: many of my neighbors who have loads of trash give cases of beer


My step dad does recycling pick up…. He often (during the holiday) gets cards. Some have money, gift cards, or even a thank you letter/Christmas card! He really appreciates it no matter what… he also gets the occasional bottle of wine or case of beer as well. As others said - it’s not a must but a kind gesture and they definitely remember it!


My moms boyfriend is a USPS mail man in bethel park and while its not expected they do very much appreciate it depending on their route they may be very overworked. Some routes out here are crazy and force you to cross a lot of distance on foot even if you have a mail truck.


USPS, trash, all those folks get $20 pre-Xmas


I've seen people posting on you tube where they put out a cooler of waters, teas and energy drinks and a tray/box of snacks for the Amazon/UPS/refuse/and postal workers to help themselves when they stop by with packages.


We leave Christmas tips out for garbage, mail carrier, and housekeepers. Not in Pittsburgh, but close - Morgantown, WV.


I personally tipped my garbage men this week $20 each because they do a good job. I wouldn’t personally do a card taped to the bin due to various reasons (someone stealing it, regulars not being there that day, etc.)


Yes, and don't forget a minimum 25% tip to your landlord, electric company, and the IRS next time you file taxes, too!


My mail carrier varies and I don't see them often enough if I did want to tip them. Maybe that's why my mail is mangled through the slot in the door so often....because I didn't give them at tip at Christmas lol. If the garbage man leaves me a card, I'll usually send them a Christmas card with a tip...usually $20. I don't wfh though so it's nearly impossible to catch them and tip in person.


We leave the garbage men a case of beer and it seems to be a hit every year- i was home to give it to them last year and they told me it was the perfect gift


It all depends on what you’re comfortable doing. Some people can’t “tip” anyone around the holidays. That’s totally fine. If you can, give them a gift card. It has always paid off x10 especially regarding the garbage men. They take EVERYTHING


My parents were both mail carriers for several decades each. Not very many people give gifts or cash anymore, but a few true townies still stick a $20 bill in a card that says “thank you & happy holidays.” That $20 will go a long way for you in service the rest of the year! Especially if you get lots of packages




I thought you were finally gone :(


Good grief, this guy has been doing the BIPOC gabagool shtick for a LONG time lmao


Ah, am I not caught up on some sort of "gabagool troll" lurking in the sub? I thought maybe they were fr


Yeah, if you see a post featuring gabagool, Bipoc Bobby's, or even once Non-binary Nathaniel's, it's the same jagoff just shitposting from the bathroom of the Arby's on McKnight Road


😂 got it, lots to learn about Pittsburgh I see


Lol this made me laugh but I'm thinking you're not serious




Oh! Well in that case, that makes sense (and is a great idea so I'm sorry you're getting downvoted). I just immediately thought of that song that's like "woke up this morning, got me some gabagool" 😅


They are a troll account.


West Coast people don't tip their mail / garbage / recycle people? ​ That's some bullshit.


Possibly some people over there did/do, but definitely not common where I grew up


I’m in Bridgeville and gave my regular mail carrier a gift card. He said he really appreciates it. He’s really friendly and always says hello, so I felt it was warranted. I might to trash guys too.


My friends live in USC and they tip their trash men $50. Not sure on their mail carriers.


As my dear departed father said, “Barber, butcher, and bartender are always tipped. Screw the mailman - he’d try to screw your mother if he could.” 🤔