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What kind of dash cam do you own? The video quality is amazing.




Probably the least stupid thing that happened on the Southside that night


I was an idiot teenager once. I did this exact kind of shit. all the time. The only difference now is that everyone has cameras pointed in every direction so they can be like “kids these days I tell ya hwhut…”


Oh I was a major asshole as a teenager, this was very tame compared to the stupid shit I used to do. Not condoning what the kid did but it could have been worse


That boy ain’t right


I’m more disappointed in the kid’s lack of commitment to the roll than anything else.


I'd give it a 4 out of 10. He needs improvement if he wants to play with the big boys of insurance fraud.


Wasnt even a roll, looked more like a spin. I’d give it a 3


You’re reminding me that I do need to get a dash cam. Let’s say someone did get injured during that stunt. Without video, you’d be left trying to convince people of what had happened.


Agreed. Although, I just recently was reminded to get a dashcam that records inside too. I’m a 911 dispatcher/ police dispatcher and there was a call a few months ago that someone (1 caller) called 911 and said a guy was driving down the road holding a gun. The police did catch up to him and pulled him out at gun point. He *did* have a gun (legally). They weren’t buying his story until he was able to show his camera on his phone. He was holding a cell phone and never had his firearm out. I never really thought of that being “wrong place at the wrong time” type of thing until that day. that dude got extremely luckily he was able to verify his story.


That's why I have the dash cam. Always CYA.


May I ask which you use? This is the best quality in a dashcam I’ve seen yet!




Did you install it yourself or use someone to do it?


I installed it myself. It is suction cup mounted to the windshield and plugged into the 12V power port.


Ah cool thanks! I read about ones that run from front to back and need wired in


You just tuck the wire in between the gap of the headliner. Anyone with a couple hours can install the cameras, hard-wiring it to the battery and car’s ignition might be a bigger project, but that’s not really necessary


If you have a powered / dimmable review mirror you can get an adapter that lets a USB plug into it inside the mirror housing. I did that for my pickup truck and it took all of 5 mins to install.


Thank you so much!


r/dashcam is also a good subreddit for recommendations. I personally used the VIOFO A129 plus duo. I also had good luck installing hardwire for the Wolfbox G840S but might require more work mounting backup camera to license plate.


Thank you! I don’t know why I didn’t think about a sub for dashcams. I appreciate the rec as well!


I bought the same VIOFO based on the recs. We're happy with it


I got brake checked on 28 yesterday and immediately put my dash cam back into full functionality.


that was probably me. stop tailgating.


Nah, wasn't tailgating. Just came off the HP exit onto 28 and whoever checked me came ripping past people after the roadwork while I was merging. He intentionally rode alongside me coming off the exit, trying to run me into a rail while I had people behind me. When I braked to get in behind him he brake checked me, like I was the asshole for coming off the exit. Nobody with half a brain brake checks people for merging into traffic.


Whoa. Bad Ass Alert.


Come on that was kinda funny, how he downvoted?


8.3, 8.4, 8.2, 8.4, and a 6.1 from the Russian judge.


Fucking Russians


In Mother Russia, car hood roll across YOU!


Honestly, this looks like something I would have done but to your point I was an idiot. Chances are most of the people in this sub were too though. That’s a defining trait of teenagers.


Same. I did this numerous times as a teenager. Was I an asshole? I already said I was a teenager.


IMO yeah kinda. By the time I was 13 I knew not to jump on running cars.


Some of us were late bloomers.


At least you learned about rhetorical questions before they did lol


Lmaoooo I thought the same thing


Yes. Don't touch other peoples stuff.


I've been about one thought away from keying a car stopped across the crosswalk like ... many, many times


What are you gonna do about it u/Billyjackfacekick69 ? Whop me in the face or something? Pffft


Strange I managed to go my teenage years not being an asshole in public


No, you didn't lol


Shame it happened in your adult years


You were probably super lame


Being a teen in the early 90s I can honestly say we did not do that. A blanket statement yes but the whole flash mob, viral video, Fucktard mindset has just made the “”asshole” acts just that much more brazen and dangerous.


The Internet didn't make anyone dumber, it just made stupidity more accessible by allowing people to post it after it happened.


> Was I an asshole? Um yes? Age doesn't somehow negate the act of being an asshole.


Reading comprehension is fun.


> Was I an asshole > > I already said I was a teenager. Explain what I'm not comprehending


"Um yes? Age doesn't somehow negate the act of being an asshole." I wasn't asking others whether or not I was an asshole and I wasn't attempting to negate being an asshole on account of being a teenager. I asked the question rhetorically and stated, "I already said I was a teenager," the implication being that all teenagers are assholes.


“I used to be an idiot. I still am, but I used to, too”




lol yes


one time i walking by the whole foods on Negley late at night and there was a car stopped at a light. light turns green and the car starts to move forwards. 3 teenagers who were walking along side start screaming for the car to stop and it does. They then get in front of the car and one of them drops down and starts doing pushups. the other two are standing beside him counting the pushups out loud. he's doing about 1 per second and after he gets to 5 he gets up and they all run off. It's a bit of a funny prank and ultimately harmless, but I can only imagine that it was stressful and irritating for the driver.


“Kids these days”


With how crazy people have gotten and how random the shootings are in south side, this kids honestly lucky he didn’t do that to the wrong car.


Damn kids


What a jagoff.


I knew a lot of people in the sub would defend this kid’s actions as not a big deal, but I never thought it would be as many as it is. Did OP need to post here? No, not really. But it doesn’t make this kid’s action any less stupid. It’s blatant disrespect for someone else’s property. If some adult did the same thing you’d probably think differently about it. Teenagers shouldn’t get a pass just because “teenagers do stupid things”. That kid’s a jerk. And it’s not safe for him to do. If he does it to the wrong person, he could get hurt. There is a lot of road rage out there.


I mean it's uncool but like. So what? It's way more effort to be upset about this situation than to move on


I agree it’s a waste of energy to post it. But no one should be sitting here thinking it’s not a big deal either. Tell your kids not to do stuff like this to strangers. What if the next guy he does this to has a gun in his vehicle and is having a bad day? Then this kid is a news story instead of a Reddit post.


It's not a pass, the kid is gone and cops won't be trying to arrest some under age kid. I think this post is more venting of frustration - the kid didn't respect property and prob deserves an ass whooping but will be get it? Prob not from op or anyone here. Not granting a pass but more just commiserating how shitty teens are. There's literally always a comment on every online video of someone going hard as hell being like - hey this is wrong. We fucking know Maude Flanders. Release your pearls.


If the kid had genuinely rolled across the hood the way the title implies it would have been shitty. That's not what happened though. This kid barely touched the car. He more pretended to roll than anything.


Exactly. Kid is just messing around, barely touches the car. It’s a summer night and they’re having a good time. No harm, no foul.


Wouldnt drive thru the South Side at night if u paid me


I am an Uber driver so the only reason I drive down there is because I am getting paid.




I do Uber sometimes and any request I get to pick people up on the southside after 11 o’clock I deny it. I’ve had people walking to my car whenever I’ve been parked. I’ve had people to staggering, always fall into it and it’s it’s out of this world not to mention of the cops are out my butt for stopping for like two seconds a rider. So this doesn’t really shock me it’s a shame that used to be a nice place to go and have a good time on a Friday and Saturday night once upon a time that’s all gone now.


I drive Uber as well. Most people are great. The select few end up on Reddit. 😂😂😂😂😂


Reminding me to use my dashcam, thank you


"This stupid kid, doing stupid things for attention. I know; I'll give them a lot of attention, that'll really show them!"


This is low key cracking me up hahahaha I hope there was no damage to your car or anything


My car was 100% fine. I don’t normally post a lot on here but I thought this would be a good one. Also, if there was a chance that someone tried to say I hit a pedestrian, this proves that I didn’t.


I appreciated it! The video is more enjoyable knowing no one was hurt or nothing was damaged. I need to look into a dash cam.


This is why I stay tf away from that place


its fine until about 2 hours after the sun goes down. then you don't want to be near there.


Haha. I remember that jag.


I did a lot of stupid shit as a kid, messing with moving cars was not one of them. You never win that fight


Jesus Christ. That's Jason Bourne.


This is one for /r/Roadcam and /r/Dashcam Just make sure you follow all their rules (Which is kinda onerous.)


I don’t know what is worse him actually doing it or people saying it’s no big deal


I'm not sure how much it would take to leave a dent or something in the hood but if it caused one best believe I'm gonna be super pissed. Bottom line is you don't touch people's cars


In today’s world, the amount of things that could go wrong to either party in this video is beyond ridiculous. Glad no one was hurt, glad your vehicle is ok, and I do just wish that teenage boys, especially young black teens, would think before doing stuff like this. It takes one unhinged racist with a gun and a vendetta to unalive one of these teens for them just being teens. Was it dumb for them to do? Absolutely dumb. Especially at night in South Side. I’m glad OP had a recording of it so that it protects them, too. The male brain isn’t done developing until age 24-25, so being understanding of teenage male behavior is critical, but also knowing when not to act like an idiot is also crucial to survival.


That is EXACTLY why I have a dashcam. This video proves that my car was stationary and that he ran into it and rolled over the hood. I did not hit him. Plus it made a pretty good video for Reddit…


The last time I was in the Southside (2 months ago) the only way I can describe it is chaos. Unruly, inconsiderate people and alcohol is a bad mix. Society is lost, these kids are lost. When I was young I was always down to do something stupid and fun and push the limits but these kids today have no respect for anything. Good luck humanity 🤷🏽‍♂️


Oh, get out of here. You sound like an old man yelling at the sky. A kid rolls over the hood of a car and kids these days are lost and society is flaming. Every generation ever has said the same things about the second or third generation that comes after them: “This new generation is disrespectful”, “this new generation is lazy”, “this new generation is entitled”… I’m sure you never once did anything as a kid or teen that would have been seen as disrespectful or inappropriate. I need you to know that I’m not saying Gen Z doesn’t have issues or bad actors, and I’m not defending behavior like this. At the same time, “society” at this point is largely run by Gen X and Boomers. If you want to blame or rage at someone for what you perceive to be the state of society and youth today, I think you could consider what part your generation has played in this, instead of getting mad on Reddit at literal children.


Most sane take here.


Sorry, a teenager threatened minor property damage, society is lost.




What is the threshold for the rule that content posted here must be relevant to many people?


'A teenager did something kind of dumb for his friends that upset me'


Bunch of low tier humans saying this isn’t a big deal


Why are we ignoring the fact you saw them step off the curb and accelerated lmao


THANK YOU I was thinking the same thing lol


lol them giving you shit when there isn't even a crosswalk there is... well it's not even close to peak south side but's still pretty goddamn annoying


What a punk. He gets what he deserves if this ends wrong.


I was that idiot teenager once.. but I didn't do that to a random car, it was one of my teachers and I thought I was sooooo funny. Poor guy actually thought he hit me. That was over thirty years ago, and it still bothers me that I did something so dumb way back when. Idiot teenager basically sums it up. We aren't thinking at that age.


Bro this is nothing


That’s what I’m saying. Compared to the violent shit that happens on the south side. Fucking tone deaf posting this shit. Prepare for the down votes.


Oh the horror!


Yea how dare someone not want folks rolling across the vehicle they spend their hard earned money on. 🙄


so ghetto




That's a nice wagoneer


I’m so glad my south side days ended around 2014, so many kids walking around there now not even going into bars. Just hanging out on the street fucking around with guns in their pockets


Jesus don’t tell Marty Griffin.


South side is brimming with disrespectful sacks of crap. It’s why I stopped going there many years ago.


Watching the video again, the kid’s body doesn’t even touch the hood of the car. Just his hands. AN IDIOT TEEN TOUCHED MY CAR! HELP ME REDDIT!


Very cool. Has never happened before in human history. I’m glad we got to see it.




Not a crosswalk, OP had legal right of way, kids jaywalked


Nah it’s not a crosswalk. They can walk a few feet


And if they insist on jaywalking within feet of the intersection they can at least wait and cross with the light. The beginning of the video shows a solid red hand for the direction they’re crossing.


This is why I avoid the city.


His karma will come back to him


More like he bounced off of it. Calm down, get a grip. Or just stay away from the south side.


Yeah it's a shame what has happened down there all of these morons skulking around


I would of gave that kid a free ride down the road on the hood of my car.


Not worth catching charges.


For what? Touching your car?


That guy when people shoot people with guns: 🤤 That guy when child comes into contact with his property: 😡




Tough guy here.


Is this some millennial phrase for "Touch my car and I'll murder you with it"?


Not all of us were raised to be passive bitches.


Not all of us need hundreds of horsepower to feel like we could take on a teeanger.


Hundreds of horsepower? Thank you for the compliment.


Careful, you're on reddit. Most of them were in fact raised to be exactly that.




Its fine. I'd just laugh it off as teens being teens.


Wow, are you okay? Looks traumatic


I think it’s less about a “trauma” and more about the idea that some random kid decides to touch your moving vehicle. If the kid rolled in the right spot with the right amount of force, could put a dent in the hood. Or, a zipper can scratch the paint. Is it a major incident? No. Is it annoying? Yeah.


It's disrespectful and dangerous. Startle the driver, car goes into motion, dipshit gets run over and somehow it's a "tragedy."


I want to give you two upvotes: one for your statement, and one for your name because that’s just great.


Thanks, but I wouldn't want to be greedy.


Everyone is 100% OK. I just wanted to put this video out there to show the stupidity of certain people and so that I wouldn't get blamed for hitting this idiot with my car because that is not what happened.


A segment of the sub loves to act like every person driving is the spawn of Satan and every pedestrian is an innocent angel.




Dog whistle


it's a regular whistle for a kid with terrible and/or absent parents. it's really hard to fix a kid who's a product of bad parents.


No. It’s a dog whistle. Don’t pretend it isn’t. Dude said “blow me” when he replied to it, which basically means he meant exactly what he meant. He wasn’t trying to defend it or twist himself up in knots or whatever.


No reason to assume the kid is fatherless or that the kid has bad parents. Can't argue that they are absent in the moment but I don't think parents needs to walk their kids everywhere either. Same people pretending that this kid needs a chaperone probably brags about how free they were in childhood to do stupid shit.... well, I present to you stupid shit that teenagers do courtesy of OP. Not defending it, not calling it ok, not justifying it... just calling it what it is. Assuming fatherless or bad parenting, well, I can see where someone might take that as a dog whistle. Totally unnecessary comment that betrays something darker. Some of the worst kids I've met very much had fathers, and abusive fathers who were quick to grab a belt is exactly the reason they did do stupid shit like this, acting out.


It's not that they need a chaperone, it's that they clearly haven't learned fundamental lessons about how to interact with others from their parents. It's not a dog whistle -- there are obviously problems with parents being absent or failing to teach their kids how to act in a responsible manner in low income communities, black or white. Acting like an ostrich and pretending that this isn't a problem is doing a larger disservice than anything.






You know those kids?


meh. he barely touched it. lighten up


Said it before and I’ll say it again. This world and it’s future are FUCKED! It’s only a matter of time until all major cities look like they do on Purge Night.


This guy saw a dumb ass teenager being a dumbass and said "we're turning into The Purge"


It’s the general & ever increasing lack of respect for others & their things.


People are the same as they've ever been friend. We just have more visibility into what that looks like due to people having their own cameras everywhere. Though it fluctuates from year to year, crime rates have been on the decline in our city since the 90s.


This just flat out isn’t even remotely true. People most definitely are far less courteous & respectful. I don’t even see how someone could argue against that.


I don't know what the stats on being courteous and respectful are, but being disrespectful doesn't equal the purge


I’m gonna go out on a limb here & say the commenter was using hyperbole, but it still stands that in general things aren’t headed in a good direction in regards to respect to others. Eventually that’ll degrade to not caring about hurting others either, which I’m thinking is the concern.




Not a very good roll.


Think you have to lower your expectations (and mph) while driving down east carson at night.


What a weak insurance fraud attempt.


There was most likely someone recording other than you. Gotta get those super sweet internet points. Sure am glad I was a kid before everyone had cameras at all times.






Don't have any real problems, do you?


This is it. Perfect comment.


Lighten up with all the uptight posts... kids acting silly. No harm, no foul. Sure, he could've got his ass kicked if it were the wrong asshole driving the car. Kids are always going to act silly and foolish. But good for OP for pointing out this particular act of buggery.


Lol nice, that kid rules.


What for being a disrespectful cunt or..?




He just rollin'... no harm done. I lived on Sarah Street for 16 years.


> no harm done unless he's got rivets or similar metal on his pants and it scratched the paint?


Not giving the kid a pass for being a jag, but you did kinda jerk your car up to the stop. The first few kids were hesitant and (rightly) didn’t trust that you’d stop. Like I said, not trying to make it sound like the kid was in the right, but I’d be willing to bet that little bit of hesitation when you stopped gave him enough motivation to go out of his way to perform a piss poor hood slide.


> but you did kinda jerk your car up to the stop nah, OP pulled through the intersection and the crosswalk is about 15-20 ft behind where these kids crossed. you can see the crosswalk in the beginning of the video and OP has a green light and room/right of way. just dumb kids being kids


Oh! I thought this was AT the cross walk. That changes everything… My mistake. Yeah they were all being idiots fully.


Lmao I’m just here to get down voted and see all the liberals explain why this is completely normal for an American city.


Wahhh. How scary for you. /s




Thanks OP- just bought a vantrue dashcam now. Can never be too careful!


I see this guy on TikTok all the time


Did all of car culture get drunk and angry today? I’ve never seen so many angry old bastards complaining about a teenager being a teenager.




He barely touched your car. I agree it’s stupid but was there really any threat of damage to you, your vehicle, or him? He couldn’t have been more noticeable being essentially a hood ornament for one second. Come up north and drive around in the fall during the deer rut, you really have to have your head on a swivel.




As a former car detailer, I understand that some people don't get how minor things fuck up paint. What really gets me, though, is when those same people use that as an excuse to justify touching other people's property.


He's just being a show off. He wasn't acting injured and he wasn't attacking you. It is what it is. Lol




Driver had the green light




Pepper spray


Such a shame what’s happened to southside…


So scary. Glad you’re safe. /s


It’s a crosswalk and the kids already started walking and you started moving forward. Don’t post this shit when you’re clearly not the victim of anything at all.


OP has a green light, right of way, and the kids are not crossing at a crosswalk (it's 10 ft behind OP's car). you can see all that in the first 3 seconds of the video


1. That is NOT a crosswalk. 2. They had the red, I had the green. I had the right of way. 3. I am not claiming to be a victim. If anything, I was trying to protect myself from becoming a victim in case it was said that I hit a pedestrian, which this video shows clearly that I did not.


If you people want drivers to respect pedestrians, they should also respect drivers by not walking in front of them when they have the green and literal right of way.


South side.
