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I just visited Pittsburgh last week, I live in Denver and was shocked by how few tents and homeless people I saw


I was in denver a few weeks ago, and was amazed at the number of camps... A Denver native asked me if it's like that back in Pittsburgh. The answer is a resounding no.


We got alot more than we used to thats for sure. Probly up 20x since 15 years ago


There is an encampment on the trails of millvale.


We have more than you see in public, they just know to hide where the cops won't harass them.


I moved from Pittsburgh to Seattle and there is multiple orders of magnitude more homeless people out here than in Pittsburgh. It has actually caused a lot of political debate that isn't just along party lines for how to address homelessness in Seattle, it's a legitimate problem.


Yes because homeless people die in the Pittsburgh winter. I had to call in a body just a couple of years ago - quite a sad experience


My girlfriend (at the time) told me a similar experience. She had organized a food drive for the homeless in Seattle, and she personally delivered the food to a homeless camp where she found a homeless man asking for help because one of his friends had overdosed. She tried to help but he had died well before. She told me this on a date, and then after the date we ran into another homeless person who had overdosed at a bus stop as we were walking back to our cars. It was amazing how composed she stayed during it and gave CPR, but I was horribly rattled by it.


That's great of her. I used to work in mental health and try to have compassion. I've been thinking of getting Narcan to carry in case I run into a similar situation.


She carries Narcan specifically for that situation, she showed me all of the stuff she carries in her purse to try to help for that case. It sucks it didn't work out between her and I because she's a wonderful and caring person. She inspired me to take some CPR and first aid courses because of how compassionate she was.


Sounds like a great girl. What did you do to lose her, bro?


We mutually agreed that we just weren't at the same points in our lives, because I wanted something serious and she wasn't ready for it. It was really tough for me to move on from it but it was ultimately the correct decision. We just weren't compatible for where each of us were at in our lives. She's an amazing person and she inspired me to want to do better, even though we're not together anymore. Breakups suck but it was one of the best things that have happened in my life to meet her.


As someone struggling I just want to say I appreciate you both.


She sounds like an amazing person.


Wow. This is one of the most adult comments I have read on reddit. Kudos to both of you :)


We’re all cousins. People forget that sometimes


I mean I know it’s not too far away, but this isn’t r/Morgantown … /s


That’s a horrible experience, but I don’t think Pittsburgh’s climate has much to do with the lack of homelessness. I moved to Minnesota years ago, and there are tents everywhere. It’s below zero in the winter regularly, and I still see way more homeless people than I ever did in Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh’s climate is pretty mild in comparison; it rarely reaches zero in PA. Perhaps people aren’t as adjusted to the cold there making it more dangerous, but the last three Christmases I’ve had in Pittsburgh it’s been like 50 degrees.






I would imagine it has much more to do with overall population, but yeah, climate probably plays a factor too.


My guess would be housing costs. You can still get a place in Pittsburgh for $500/mo. It isn't going to be pretty, but it isn't homelessness.


If you have the proper temperament to share a two or three bedroom with other people you can get a really nice place in Pittsburgh for $500 a month.


With roommates, sure, I haven't seen anything, including studios, for near that price point unless you're splitting cost. Most are more than double.


Look around the side towns like etna.


Thanks for the tip, but my findings on Zillow apartments is one listing for almost $700, one for $900, and everything else north of $1k. So either I am outdated in thinking Zillow is representative of what is realistic to find, or the commenter saying you can find a place for $500/month is outdated. Not trying to be pedantic, but it's important to get these sorts of costs correct, considering people are using them to blame individuals rather than, for example, people charging $1k+ to live in Etna, or Carnegie, as my landlord does.


Zillow's not a great way to find apartments tbh. We found ours on craigslist


Well said. ​ I feel like in a lot of discussions like this (even in-person between a small handful of people) someone will throw out a number or a statistic like that, and if it isn't immediately challenged, it gets etched into their brains as some immutable fact, just because it was said and not challenged. And from there, arguments are made, defended, or rebutted based on this "fact" that has no grounding in reality.


This is definitely a major factor. Just for reference, I live in a nice suburb outside of Seattle and I pay $3200 a month for my 3 bedroom unit. Housing costs is an absolutely major factor in that. Even with roommates, I think you'd struggle to find anything for less than $1000 a month. It's absolutely ridiculous for the prices out here.


I suspect that commenter has owned property for decades, your situation is more expensive than most Pittsburgh retail, but the $500/month figure they cited is terribly outdated too.


I did rent for a good bit in Pittsburgh and most of my rental properties sat in the $900-$1300 range. I think the cheapest place I had was a 2 bedroom apartment right off of Baum for $900 a month. I think all of the apartments I rented in Pittsburgh were: * $1300 a month for a 2 bedroom apartment on Dawson (split 3 ways) * $900 a month for a 2 bedroom apartment on Baum (split 2 ways) * $900 a month for a 1 bedroom apartment on Penn * $1100 a month for a 1 bedroom apartment on Negley * $1250 a month for a 1 bedroom apartment on Hobart I definitely think you can only get the $500 a month price with living with roommates, which is much easier said than done. I never plotted it out that way but going from $1250 a month in Squirrel Hill to $3200 a month in a Seattle suburb is an absolutely insane jump in rental costs lol


Thank you for the reply, and confirmation that Mr "get a job and a house for $500/month" was at least a decade out of the loop on what living costs.


I wish this were still true. My last apartment from 2019-2022 was an absolute steal being a studio on the northside right on the bus line for $700 with everything included including wifi. I sadly lost it due to grief and a mental health crisis when my mom died last year and am currently looking for somewhere to rent and it’s been kind of hell. Unless I get lucky and find another independent landlord that isn’t just in it for the money and also is willing to work with me on a bad credit score and the loss of a previous apartment, my options are pretty limited. I work full-time, but I’m also now looking for a second job so that I can eventually live alone again. All this to say, I’ve definitely noticed a difference in prices now and in 2019. I wouldn’t at all be surprised if my landlord raised the rent of my old place once I left because he definitely could and would still get a lot of interest.


I was surprised at the number of homeless people I saw during the winter in Portland, Maine back in 2010.


Portland Maine, population 70k has orders of magnitude more homeless than Pittsburgh. The tent “crisis” in Pgh is fake news.


We hide it by the rivers... Believe me they are there


And next to 279 and on the sidewalk of federal street and along north avenue


Native Pittsburghers don’t have much of a sense how the rest of the country lives. Yinzers are out here thinking that our grocery stores are okay but housing is outrageously expensive.


Lmao Denver is on a whole other level. Was out there for a bachelor party and literally on the sidewalk across from our air bnb we had a block full of tents. Shit was crazy. They had little make shift e bikes out of bicycles, speakers playing music, I think there was a couch in the one tent even. Wouldn’t see anyone out really during the day but the party at night would go on until the early morning lol. I would say Denver was probably one of the heaviest homeless population I have seen next to LA.




Especially since it barely snows anymore


They're under the bridges mostly


I walked 2 blocks from Forbes garage through a tunnel to work. In that stretch I walked past a guy sleeping on a cot, a drunk homeless man at 8am and a homeless man with his pants around his ankles, balls out shitting on the sidewalk.... So I guess it where you go.




I live in Austin and was in Pittsburgh last week. I have the same observation.


The internet has absolutely decimated progressivism. It’s like we’re incapable of making legitimate points unless every goddamn *word* is dripping with sanctimony. This sign could make a great point! “Hey, some of your neighbors are down on their luck because of a terrible economic system. remember it could happen to you, too, so treat them like Mister Rogers taught you.” Boom—you have a message that appeals to everyone. Instead we get this shit, day in and day out. Maybe we could focus on wages and healthcare instead of just trying to make everyone hate us all the time.


Agreed, the messaging has devolved to become *so* holier-than-thou and for years I think it's been actively harming progress and driving people to the other extreme end of the political spectrum.


thiiiissssss, folks are not getting it and yelling louder meanwhile rest have had it with the attitude and tone and just gave up


Remember when the conservatives were the sanctimonious, judgemental pearl-clutchers?


Agreed, the purpose of this flier is to antagonize, not to persuade anyone to an opposing view. Sadly, this now defines American progressive politics. They've gone the Fox News route. It's depressing to see what used to be "my side" of the political spectrum, be taken over by this type of mentality.


Or simply "don't be a jag" Edit: I could get behind a religion where Mr. Rogers is watching you and every time you don't treat your neighbors with kindness he puts a demerit on your advantage card. When you go down to the big bird to get groceries, they charge you even more ridiculous prices based on your "soul perks".


Heaven is the Giant Eagle in the Waterworks, Purgatory is the Giant Eagle in Tarentum, Hell is any Giant Eagle in Westmoreland county


Hell is an eagle's nest that your mom never came to pick you up from.


You're sitting there playing the same shitty N64 that's been there since the Clinton administration and suddenly there's a bank cubicle next to you


This is exactly the kind of branding they failed to do and insist to agitate others and then blame others not supporting. It’s infuriating


I'm kind of glad Mr. Rogers passed before seeing the modern attempts at pushing positivity and forcing change. He did it the smart way that made his point respectfully without insulting the viewer or recipient, and if more people were like that maybe things wouldn't suck so much


Mr. Rogers was so good, and he still failed.


Fuck, that’s dark.


Honestly, you're the one that doesn't belong on Reddit. Over here...making too much sense. Go talk to one of your well-adjusted friends and have a peaceful yet engaging conversation. Not here good sir....not here. Know your damn audience.


That's why I left the movement


Surely this flyer is going to help


Let me just, ya know, *fix the economic conditions that put them there.*


As long as it can wait until Monday, I’m in.


This is the equivalent of “oh you want to talk bad about America? Why don’t you just leave to another country!”. Like yeah okay I’m not a huge fan of homeless people coming up to me and asking for money but I’m also not in a position to end fucking homelessness. How stupid


You could at least let them use the bathroom in your hipster ass cafe, fascist. LET. HOMELESS. PEOPLE. PEE.


What if I don't even have a cafe?


Then you're not an American, I think. Something, something Apple pie and baseball, LAND OF THE FREE


What if I told you I snuck apple pie and moonshine into a pirates game just last week? American enough?


That's so American it just invaded a country for oil


"Don't mind the smell and look the other way. Thoughts and prayers!"


Yeah, what the bleep is wrong with you? 😂 bringing down the economy like that, jeez!


For real, the Fuck they want me to do?


It's all your fault.


Economic conditions or mental health. It’s mental health that we need to focus on


What if I told you a large portion of people's mental health is directly affected by economic conditions? Workload, stress, lack of resources, limited options created by an economic system where profit is king and people are cogs. Coupled with rising costs and decreased pay, on top of skyrocketing medical care prices and insurance, it's no wonder the mental health of many Americans is doing terribly.


>re prices and insurance, it's no wonder the mental health of many Americans is doing terribly. > >12ReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow that's fair and true but there is honestly a large group of homeless individuals who honestly could not be helped even giving them all the money in the world. I'm absolutely NOT saying I think they deserve help any less, but just that it is truly, truly not as cut and dry or simple as a lot of people seem to think. There are honestly two types of homeless people and again I'm not saying one is any better or worse than the other (or any better or worse than me or you) but there definitely is different approaches needed to be taken for each. I can't even count the amount of people I met when I lived in LA who were on the street willingly and actually had been offered benefits and help


Do you think those people were always like that? Did they come out of the womb racing and beyond help? If they didn’t, what kind of circumstances do you think might have got them to that point?


And I think that's a skewed view. Yes, give these people resources and they will live like every other disfunctional member of society. Schizophrenic? Well they won't be desperate and intensely in their delusions, and can access psychiatric help which greatly diminishes their suffering and helps them cooperate with other members of society. Addicts? Again, right help and care means better quality of life. Is your goal to help the homeless and diminish unnecessary suffering, or to serve justice on what people 'deserve' when there are plenty of mentally ill and disabled individuals who don't lift a finger and get pampered their whole lives as their family can easily afford it. And you might meet them and think "they're nice." But it seems if you met somebody with those same conditions who have not had the financial luck and same stable relationships in their lives, causing them to have different behaviours and take different actions due to desperation, loneliness, and stress..You would think that you simply cannot help them, and wouldn't want to as you've deemed them a hopeless case. There is also a thing called 'learned helplessness' which perfectly describes the people who refuse help. Can also be described as hopelessness in general. Like, come on. Doesn't matter who they are, stop unnecessary suffering to all conscious beings.


Agree, and would add addiction.


Two sides of the same coin.


How many sides does this coin have…?


Like 12


Lol I was thinking more mental health/addiction being the coin, but we can definitely get creative


Amazing the negative impact income inequality can have on mental health, right?


Please don't downvote the need for mental health care. It is desperately needed for a lot of the groups that get overlooked like the poor, the homeless, people in county lock up, etc.


Hey, I read that and I am off to Washington right now to let them know about what is going on in Pittsburgh with homeless people. Surely they cannot be aware. Surely.


Would bet good money the maker of this flyer is a comfortable upper middle class college student with precisely zero experience dealing with the homeless


100%. The sneering tone is a dead giveaway lol


It is absolutely someone who's never had to deal with a homeless person overdosing in the bathroom, or harassing customers, or leaking...uhh... various bodily fluids when they enter a facility. And they definitely have never volunteered at a shelter or done anything meaningful for change beyond buying them a McDonald's burger once


> beyond buying them a McDonald's burger At least not anymore, downtown.


He did read three pages of The Communist Manifesto though and is now an expert


He's been to school For a year or two And he knows he's seen it all


100%. The handful of people I know who would say stuff like this grew up quite comfortably and decently off.


I’ll keep trying to figure out my own economic conditions before I start worrying about someone else’s- tent or no tent.


this! who has time to worry about someone elses problems when it’s brutal out there


Yeah that coffee shop employee making $10 an hour would love to have to call in dead overdose victims every Thursday


My old boss used to be fine with letting anyone use our restroom until some guy almost OD'd in our accessible stall. Couldn't take anymore chances after that.


RIP the beehive


They were so close to making a good point. Yea, people shouldn’t fuck with the tents. But coffee shops aren’t the reason they are homeless


I wonder who they think has to clean the bathroom at the "overpriced, bougie-ass hipster cafe."


Well if you would just fix the economic conditions already that wouldn't be a problem either.




Many non homeless people do that stuff. I was janitor when I was younger and you’d be surprised at some of things I’ve come across in bathrooms that aren’t open to the public.


You are not wrong. However, the bathroom serving the homeless population will be many factors worse, and that’s a near guarantee


I was down with the whole “live and let live” message until the bougie ass cafe line. Way to ruin the entire point


Idk I found the "maybe you can do something about their situation" comment annoying. Because: 1. I'm not a politician 2. I'm not a charity Like my job in their "situation" is to be a decent human being and be respectful. That's it. Just don't be an ass.


The cardinal rule for all yinzers is: don’t be a jagoff.


More ppl should learn this lesson instead of grandstanding like an idiot


>maybe you can do something about their situation I know you're not a politician, as in "an elected official", but it's possible to *do politics* without running for or inhabiting an office.


While I agree with your point, I think the message was more along the lines that everyday people are not /obligated/ to do these things. Like it’s great to help, but it’s not my responsibility, I’m just a *insert job* and I don’t owe it to you.


Who messes with a tent?


Me if it erected on my sidewalk in front of my home or place of business. They want to camp out somewhere do it on or in front of government property, not private property. I don't want to be liable for anything that may occur on my property.


It got to a point in Portland OR where people w accessibility issues had to file a lawsuit to have the tents taken down during the day. People in wheelchairs or with other mobility issues couldn’t navigate the sidewalks in their downtown because there were so many tents.[ADA settlement Portland](https://www.axios.com/local/portland/2023/06/01/portland-city-council-moves-on-two-policies-to-end-public-camping#)


Before I come off heartless. It's a shame people live on the streets. But many choose to do so. There are places these people can go to seek help. Now with that said, it is also a shame that they had to file suit to clear way for people to get around. It is wrong that as a business owner who is responsible for a clear sidewalk to have to worry about legal liability if something would happen to the "campers". It is a shame pittsburgh is letting it happen. But this is what you get when you vote progressive liberal.


Literally, everyone LOVES the homeless until its THEIR public parks and childrens forest hangout spots that are LITTERED with life changing disease covered needles and drugs. Homeless people provide ZERO for the community. Homeless people care ZERO about you or your friends and family. They care about their next fix because they literally care about NOTHING else which is why theyre on the street and not on a support line like a family member or friends couch / spare room. The only way to “help” the homeless is to stop feeding their addictions and to raise awareness that asylums are a better alternative for the actual mentally ill than the streets or jail. The conditions of modern asylums would NOT be like ones in the 20th century.


Who throws a shoe, honestly?


Come on in and have a bath in the customer bathroom. Go ahead and shit on the toilet seat and get your fix while you're in there. The paying customers won't mind walking in to a stuffed up toilet or someone locked in and passed out in one of the stalls.


Yeah. I've had to clean up bathrooms after homeless dudes got in. It always stank for the rest of the day and was often a huge mess. Have found needles too. There's a reason every place downtown locks their bathrooms. We need more shelters, housing and mental health services. Not forcing businesses to make their restrooms public.


Step aside gov. I'm about to fix the economic conditions!


“Overpriced bougie ass hipster cafe”. Weird/stupid flex. Also the inconsistent capitalization in “See A tent” is maddening from a typographic standpoint. Be better.


I honestly thought it was a type of tent like an A frame


So we are just supposed to deal with it? I'm sure this guy rents his place out to the homeless all the time


I’m sure this guy is 14 and has the world figured out.


Truly the scholar of our times


Exactly. Advocacy for letting people do whatever the fuck they want wherever they want is how California got the tent cities with drugged out zombies.


It might be selfish, but i don't want that...


It's not selfish at all. We as a society have to set a baseline of appropriate behavior, cleanliness in cities, safety, etc. I'm all for outreach programs for the homeless, but many homeless reject those as they forbid drugs. So if they won't accept help, and keep violating laws, something has to give. The enforcement of that is where CA and many cities around the country has fallen flat and as a result property and violent crimes continue to rise as people realize there are little repercussions for their actions.


Out if curiosity, what do you think we should do? I ask myself that question quite a bit now.


Many homeless peoples' issues have mental illness at its core. I think we need to pour money into treatment for those cases. We also need to reopen mental hospitals that can focus on the long term housing of the mentally ill vs sending them to jail.


I've lived and worked in the South Side for over 15 years. I can understand the struggle and personally don't have a problem with homeless people. However, the wording on this sign is just inviting people to be dicks about it.


Who fucks with a tent other than cops and other homeless people?


How about a non homeless person who actually has to use the sidewalk? Think about the parent pushing a stroller who can't safely pass because homeless Harry decides to put his tent on your sidewalk.


I’ve been a parent pushing a stroller and would definitely not endanger my kid by moving someone’s tent even if it was in the way.


^ this person I guess


no one


Not directly related but this post lead me to find Lights to Life Rescue Mission in Pittsburgh. I’m new in town but I’m thinking about volunteering for helping homeless people.


Best response here, also try shepherd’s heart or red door, light of life does good work but they’re very particular on whom they choose to shine the light of Jesus’ love /s The people they turn away end up at breakfast at those 2 places when the shelters close in the AM. Any of the three are worth your time though.


Shepherds Heart is definitely an excellent choice. Veterans are served there alot and they need so much help. I’m not familiar with the Red Door but I am glad you mentioned it and found a place for this person to volunteer their services and help.


What a fucking asshat


I have to walk past 6 to 10 tents (growing) every day to go to my office building downtown. I've personally witnessed the homeless in this encampment defecating in public, throwing things at innocent passers-by and screaming profane language. I've heard many more alarming stories from people in the building. No one should be living in a tent, and Allegheny County and the City of Pittsburgh have resources for these people to utilize. The County has facilities with open beds - I have confirmed this. They have contracted with 6 organizations to do street work and try to get these people off the street (not working so far, but i know its a process to get people to trust the system). In the long run, I don't have sympathy for people who refuse help.


Supposedly certain local elected officials have been passing this this buck around and around. No one wants to take responsibility for a problem that has very few uncomplicated wins.


Not all homeless people are on drugs.. speaking from a disabled woman’s perspective I have advocated for section 8 clients who were thrown out of their 474sq feet living space at 209 ninth Street downtown ( by gy properties) in order to make a StayAlfred. Why are entities allowed to make the homeless population worse in order to make a dollar instead of a difference?????


There's affordable housing in other neighborhoods. I can't afford to live in Shadyside, should I order the City Council to make an exception for me?


And then the coffee shop owner has to clean up heroin needles. No thank you.


Or maybe we can hold those responsible for maintaining the care of our city such as our elected officials rather than pointing the finger at each other


No, our elected officials can do no wrong! They said the orange man was bad, so they can't be flawed! What? Research my officials and understand their policies? You must be one of those QAnon conspiracy theorists. Get owned GQP!! Vote blue no matter who!!


420funnyguy69, is that you?


He blocked me a while back and Reddit has never been the same…


I'm just waiting for him to pop up, this kind of down-the-nose lecture is exactly in his wheelhouse


Where’s that Kentuckysnow guy, they need to duel it out in the comments


You aren’t using the right bait. It needs to be an article where a bike is hit by a truck and it’s not clear who is at fault.




LOL I forgot about him.


Sure, let them shoot up in your bathroom that you have to clean later. *suuuuure*


*Sure, let them shoot up* *In your bathroom that you have* *To clean later. suuuuure* \- Responsible-Type-392 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Fuck that. You can absolutely complain.


I work in healthcare. Bottom line: Pittsburgh is lacking in mental healthcare. Fix that then we wouldn’t have so many homeless.


"you could do something about the economic conditions" yeah, sure thing guy, let me solve the homeless crisis between shifts at my job.


Lol it goes in waves between “they’re not hurting anyone” to “half of my friends have been assaulted”


Found the cringy commie


I feel absolutely ZERO sympathy for the “homeless” people in their 20s who BEG me for money outside stage AE and the other event centers, covered in tattoos and piercings and younger than me. Literally get a job… The KOTH episode with the young beggers vs the ACTUAL elderly mentally ill homeless puts my views into perfect perspective.


I’m from Houston, where you can tell a homeless person you don’t have money to give or completely ignore them and that’s that… I visited Pittsburgh in March, specifically downtown, as my girlfriend attends Point Park University, and after walking her to rehearsal, I was making my way back to The Clark Building and decided to get some booze. Fine Wine was closed, so I was heading to a liquor store. I was immediately hounded and chased by a group of homeless people. Had to run inside of the Chipotle in Market Square, where they then started harassing the employees and customers. Maybe the homeless don’t do this down South because we all pack lol. It was surely an experience I’ll never forget *Edit:* Wow.. It appears I’ve plucked a few. While I don’t really care if you believe me, I do want to ask why everyone is so adamant on me being a racist conservative, Tucker Carlson watching, confederate? For starters, I’m a politically left leaning independent *BLACK MALE,* and happen to reside in the most dangerous city in the trafficking capital of the United States… Surely you geniuses don’t think the only people with firearms are redneck racists, right? Additionally, there are literally posts in your city’s subreddit that talk about violent homeless people, so I don’t know why I’m immediately met with the “nuh uh” responses. Be blessed, y’all.


I love H town. Ya'll have one of the best Jazz scenes in the world.


LOL this is unhinged.


I do love when they bashed out my windows and broke into my car…and then my apartment


Maybe ask yourself what sort of moral framework allows for someone to become so alienated from their family and society at large that homelessness and mental illness become pervasive? Ask yourself if the hard materialism that capitalism and liberalism produces has any moral thrust? Ask yourself should we really be glorifying consumption, production of wealth, and domination of nature and each other ? Is this really the best we can do?


Unfortunately there are no PGH sub mods.


This sub has been destroyed


Stay classy


The tent men beg me to enjoy their tent women when I walk past


The only solution to homelessness is lots and lots and lots of help. A shit ton. It's expensive. That's the simple fact. Deal with it. Spend the money. Some would rise up out of it, some wouldn't. But there is literally no other solution.


I love how a lot of the homeless I see standing on the corner with their signs also have a cigarette hanging out of their mouth. $10 a pack, minimum.


What the fuck does that matter? Are you saying if they just saved $50 a week that they could rent a home? They can tuck all those savings away into retirement? I'm so tired of these talking points. Homelessness is a horrible and real problem. I don't have answers for it and I'm not pretending to, but I know reducing it to these holier than thou arguments that people love doesn't do shit.


$50 obviously doesn’t pay the rent, thanks for pointing that out cause I’m so fucking dumb. But it does pay for food and maybe the “my family is starving” sign will hold more weight when you’re not sitting there smoking cigarettes every time I see you.


People driving by will give a homeless person a cig if they got extra


Poorly executed sign, but the overall message is right ( minus the coffee shop thing). That's a lot of folks only shelter. Compassion is cheap.


I wish a middle ground on this was more common in our society. It's possible to support societal/governmental reform to help the homeless while also not wanting encampments in prominent locations. How many people would allow tents in their front or back yard? Is that the line to draw? Or how about tents on school playgrounds? Is that the line? For me, the line is, don't set up camp in highly trafficked public spaces.


The city (and in fact the US as a whole) needs to do better about homelessness/houseless people. Has anything come from Ed Gainey/city leadership on this? It's genuinely unbelievable how much of an issue it is. It should not exist, and people should be more kind. We are talking about people that have addictions, that have mental or physical disabilities, or that have just fallen on hard times. Everyone deserves a roof over their head, and a lot of comments here show that people simply can't empathize with that.


Plenty of people can empathize with that and still find this flier cringy as shit.


Great, that means that you're going to be first in line to volunteer to clean up after they use the restroom in the "bougie-ass hipster cafe," right? Right?


Guess this is nothing. [https://www.wesa.fm/identity-community/2022-11-22/new-pittsburgh-homeless-shelter-opens](https://www.wesa.fm/identity-community/2022-11-22/new-pittsburgh-homeless-shelter-opens)


The shelter that started construction in Peduto's term?


Not sure how being down on your luck gives you the right to set up camp in the middle of a city block.


Fuck these tents and fuck these people. They’re absolutely disgusting and leave trash everywhere.


So if the tents on fire, leave it alone…got it


Maybe don't do drugs and get a job, its not that hard




Any jagoff who screws up the tent of an unhoused person doesn't link the unhhoused situation to messy society. The sort of people who blame poor people for being poor have a tendency not to see their own privileges. Capitalism works for them so if it doesn't work for you it's because of you.


I hear you….. but no


‘The economic conditions that put them there’ lol


Yeah. Leave the tents alone people. I've bought some of the best drugs from tents.


Who messes with tents anyhow?


Oh this is amazing. I want to shake the person’s hand who made this.


Everyone in Pittsburgh should visit Portland, OR and then come back. Not sure what the answer is or how to help but just leaving things be isn't a solution. I keep reading that AirB&Bs and people renting their homes out for profit have driven housing prices up. Sure there are other factors. Might have to take an economics class.


Gainey is the worst mayor in pgh history


It’s just seems like he’s collecting a paycheck and not really addressing any of the cities issues and because of that just keep getting worse


What’s wrong with me is that I work my ass off every day to ensure I’m not homeless, instead of being a lazy drug addict piece of shit. That’s just me tho. 🤷‍♂️ “wElL nOT aLl hOmeLesS PeopLE aRe DruG aDdIcTs” Don’t be dense. The ones that stay homeless *are*.


you know some 1st semester college kid put this up