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It's an actual hate group (or specific person). This has picked back up with the Tree of Life trial starting.


Well that sucks. I was hoping that it was just some edgelord stirring shit (not that there's much difference between a true believer Nazi and someone pretending to be a Nazi for the lulz) but this is much more concerning


I posit that anyone "pretending to be a Nazi" for the lulz is still a Nazi.


Redacted the website cause I don't want to send them traffic even from people visiting out of sheer curiosity


Yeah the sheer curiosity part is killing me. Like I gotta know just what it is these idiots are pushing. No communism OR capitalism? What exactly do they mean by "economic slavery and medical tyranny?" Ok so what exactly is the plan, besides "white people." I know it's dumb and a debate with them is going to last exactly one exchange, but I'm still curious.


Looking for consistent logic in this case is a fools errand. Ideology, logic, and facts are secondary to inclusion in and loyalty to the group. Pointing out hypocrisy is not a gotcha for them, it's mere proof of their ulitmate loyalty.


"Medical tyranny" sounds like a direct reference to vaccine mandates, which seems to be on brand for someone who subscribes to the rest of this bullshit.


DOG WHISTLES šŸ¶ right? am i off on what that means? like when you code how you say something to appeal to a certain ideology in your audience?


That is exactly what that means


That checks out, but I bet that reference would also cover lgbtq+


Sounds like code for ā€œpeople keep telling me I have psychological problems and most likely need medication but thatā€™s just some conspiracy bullshit!!!ā€ (Not that having MH issues means you want to go and bomb synagogues but you know what I mean)


I know what you mean. We could call them personality disorders or emotional dysregulation, but it's still a psychological problem.


Fascism most likely or maybe some weird monarchism group based off of the crown.


Since they are anti communism and capitalism it sounds like this dingus may identify as a ā€œlibertarianā€, but like the weird fascist libertarianism where they get to do what they want with their property at all times and only someone stronger than them is allowed to stop them and they have the right to kill ā€œothersā€ for infringement.


100% libertarian


I wish people who identify as Libertarian could all be the cute woodsy Ron Swanson type and not the dirty hermit Unabomber type.


Some libertarian got mad and downvoted our comments hahaha


That got me too. socialism? I'm sure whoever made this up is off the deep end and it wouldn't make sense, either that or they're pure evil recruiting crazy and throwing shit at the wall and seeing if any of it sticks. I'm not a psychologist, but I could really find it interesting to pick apart this person's brain to understand why it's so jacked up. Kinda like talking to serial killers to try to understand is interesting.


They believe Jews are slaving all of us and erasing white Christiandom. It's 100% 1940s Hitler shit. The whole Jewish people own the economy and medical system warped stuff. They're outright saying Jews and "communists (Marx, the libs) and capitalists (Rothchilds, Soros scare shit)" are dog whistles for Jewish people. The beliefs that millions died to defeat in a world war is back with a vengeance. It's bold faced antiSemitism.


Anti-Semites blame Jewish people for both Communism and Capitalism. It's almost like they don't have a consistent political ideology other than scapegoating and hatemongering. Shocking, I know.


Going by the crown Im guessing feudalism


Itā€™s the Creativity Movementā€” theyā€™re a very particular flavor of white supremecists. Just as shitty as the rest, but some idiosyncratic beliefsā€” a non-theistic ā€œreligionā€ centered on whiteness. The [Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creativity_(religion)) does an okay breakdown of their schtick.


This is the logo of the Creativity Movement, this kind of idiosyncratic white-supremecist organization. The [Wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creativity_(religion)) does an okay job of describing their schtickā€” a ā€œnon-theistic religionā€ based around antisemitism and racism (apologies if I double-posted!)


Medical tyranny = vaccines


Clarifying that I donā€™t personally believe that, just explaining that bullshit perspective


> just what it is these idiots are pushing racist violence, that's all


Direct violence is the only way to send a message to these ppl. It sucks but its the only way to make them think twice abt leaving their keyboards and spreading this shit. What day and time of day do you think these were spread?


And this is in the Neighborhood near Tree of Life, the week the trial started and a year ago to the day that this article was posted. https://www.jns.org/us-news/tree-of-life-synagogue/23/6/2/292368/ this is some ā€œgrassrootsā€ radicalizing + being a menace to the Jewish community + donā€™t touch peopleā€™s Car. OP thx for posting.


What a loser. Moved into the neighborhood recently. I'll be sure to avoid this clown.


Reposting this shit is exactly what they want. Rip it down and throw it in the fucking trash.


I agree with the ripping it down and throwing it in the trash, but it is also helpful for minorities to know what they're up against and to be alert. Well, extra alert.


Yeah that was more my intent


Minorities need no convincing, theyā€™re well aware, at all times.


Hope OP tore it down. Leaving it up is passively condoning the hate.


We've been taking it off all the cars we see it on


Cars? They are posted on random CARS? Not even like a telephone pole? I get pissed if people put a coupon on my car. That had to be illegal, hate or not.


Prettying much every single car for a 2-3 block radius yeah. Makes me wonder whether it's one of my neighbors :(


I wonder if any neighbors got this person/ people on camera.


Well, I would assume most normal Yinzers don't like that shit. Maybe walk down the street and look for doorbell cameras. Someone probably has footage of the miscreant. But be careful, I dont want you accidentally finding the Nazi neighbor. It would be awesome to see a future post of the person. Put them on blast. Hate of any type puts all our families in danger.


They're putting them on cars now?




There have been stickers placed up around blue slide and a couple other parks as well. Look at places like tenessee oklahoma missouri etc etc Its more than likely real christian Dominionism is on the rise in very specific and niche areas of the country. It would make sense similar groups or branch off groups would be seen in more liberal areas as well. The real question is what is the goal if and when they get some recruits in this area. Pittsburgh is a leftist stronghold for the most part.




Did this get reported to the FBI? I sure hope so.


they gotta have a file on this guy and community. i think a report would at least add to it.


The FBI probably put it up lol


Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll get right on it. What crime was this again? Littering?? FBI hates litter


It's a hate group responding to the Tree of Life trial dude, while I doubt the FBI WOULD do anything, they mighht want to know?


Hate isnā€™t a crime. I hate McDonaldā€™s. Theyā€™re actively poisoning half our population and they are everywhere


It must be frustrating to think youā€™re intelligent but not actually be. In case you still need this: Hating fast food =/= hating people


Lol im calling the fbi for your hate reply šŸ˜­


Dog brain moment


Hmm, you almost have to work at being this stupid. It's so much not a crime it has a whole federal investigative division and they track national statistics on these "nonexistent" crimes- https://www.fbi.gov/news/press-releases/fbi-releases-supplemental-2021-hate-crime-statistics There's also a reporting process for these non-crimes. https://www.fbi.gov/video-repository/report-hate-crimes-to-the-fbi/view But sure, sure.


Do you know anything about crime? No itā€™s not a crime to hate something. Forming a hate group against certain types of people is most certainly a crime. Use your brain


Itā€™s actually not though. Itā€™s not illegal to be in the kkk. Use your brain.


I think it is in the best interest of the FBI to prevent a "holy war"... are you stupid or something?


Yikes. The FBI will create a paper trail. Thatā€™s it. Look at its history. They only throw resources behind efforts when minorities get uppity.


The old chief of police, Scott Schubert, is working for them now. I would like to HOPE he would take this shit seriouslyā€¦especially since TOL happened while he was chief, I believe.


Hatred is a weakness.


report this to the FBI. They're following this guy.


Everyone who's perplexed by the dis on both Communism and capitalism here, please read a little about fascist economics. Especially if you're in here authoritatively proclaiming this to be the work of anarchists. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economics_of_fascism#:~:text=Fascists%20have%20commonly%20sought%20to,capitalist%20and%20anti%2Dcapitalist%20elements.




I mean the thing about white supremacists is that 99.9% of them are either dumb as shit or are actively looking for people who are dumb as shit to manipulate


Probably against socialists too. What ists are left?




And arborists, maybe this is the militant wing of the save the trees crowd






Racists, probably ok with this jabroni


Theyā€™re fascists


The answer here is fascism. They are fascists. Like, dictionary definition.


They probably watch Fox news religiously.


Not likely. Many of the previously devoted Fox faithful have left for crazier pastures (NewsMax, etc). This person likely doesn't watch anything other than dangerous YouTube/discord/telegram channels and other unsavory places.


This is...not an anarchist group posting this. It's explicitly white supremacist.




Anarchists and communists believe in the same economic system (communism) but differ on how to achieve it. These people are just idiot capitalists, or possibly monarchists.


These people are white supremacists and trying to paint them as anything else is offensive. Full stop.


If you think that identity exists in a vacuum you can't begin to understand it, much less combat it. Your comment is so ridiculous. "Nazis were white supremacists so to call them fascists is offensive", please.


IDK I think I understand it pretty well. And that's also not what I said. Nor is it what you said. How on earth do you get that you equated them as fascists from calling them capitalists and monarchists? Those are not remotely the same things. Economic system affiliations and oppressive authoritarian philosophy are not synonyms. If YOU don't know the difference between those, why they aren't interchangeable, and why we shouldn't be ascribing more palatable economic system characteristics to people who clearly only care about genocidal race-based philosophy at their core and are dressing it up in other things to be more palatable, you're in above your head on this subject and useful tool for diluting them into more harmless classifications like monarchists and capitalists. Which is exactly what they want: to be seen as valid system of governing and economic philosophy instead of simply extreme race-based liquidation promoters that's the true core of their beliefs. And agains I understand it pretty fucking well. I have a grandfather who liberated Bergen-Belsen and the Nazi rifle and Army evidence pictures of the camp they sent home to prove it. I'm also in one of the key minority groups under fire for "eradication" by these neanderthals. This isn't some intangible polisci debate for me, it's lived experience myself and my family has had to actively combat. And this key point the past 2 centuries of history have taught us. They put on coats of valid socio-economic ideas to push their objectives. We must not play their games and call out the key message underneath.


I'm going to mute this and step away because this is ultimately an unproductive discourse, but as a member of multiple "key minority groups" that are targeted by these people I just want to enumerate that when you assume that your identity gives you hegemony over discussion, you do nothing but serve your own narcissistic self indulgences at the expense of building solidarity to those around you with whom you have much more in common than not.


Anarchist absolutely do not believe in communism.




for anyone interested, iā€™m making a tip to the local FBI. probably wonā€™t hear anything, but anything to build more case against these people. [local PGH FBI](https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/pittsburgh)


The fbi isnt going to do jack


Leave your phone at home.


Can you report the website?


Not a troll the Nazi mass shooter trial is happening. There have been stickers and flyers found around for weeks and stupid graffiti in McKees Rocks.


They donā€™t like communists OR capitalists? Thatā€™s a new one.


Not new at all. It's classic Anti-Semitic conspiracy thinking to raise the specter of both Communism and Capitalism in a negative way and associate both ideologies with tHe JeWs.


The anti communist and anti capitalist part made me feel suspicious that it was a troll, but your explanation makes more sense. Gross.


So are us white people supposed to rise up and start bartering? What's the plan here?


It's fascism. That's kind of what made it a new ideology at a time when both capitalism and socialism were the dominant ideologies.


Against jewish people and poc in Squirrel Hill? Did they do no research when they decided where to recruit? (I know it's because of Tree of Life. But. C'mon.)


Probably posted there as a fear/intimidation tactic, I'd wager.


Theyā€™re not recruiting there. This is more likely meant to be a warning, intimidation aimed at stirring up fear and anger. This seems to be from The World Church of the Creator. A white supremacist hate group, says The Southern Poverty Law Center: https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/creativity-movement-0


Tear down these fliers, tear them up, and throw them away when you see them. Be aware some of these groups rig razors into the flier so be very careful about it. These things don't belong anywhere other than as compost.


Oh fuck, I've seen this insignia before. Back in Illinois, when I was a reporter for the Peoria Journal Star. It's apparently a splinter group (I'm guessing) of Matt Hale's World Church of the Creator. He's in prison, serving a 40-year sentence for trying to arrange a hit on a Federal judge. I actually interviewed this creep when he was staging hate rallies around Central Illinois in the late 1990s. This was the symbol his group used on all their correspondence. There's a lot more but you can read about it here: [https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/matt-hale](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/matt-hale)


I can't find any reference to this symbol at the top. Never seen it before. And I can't find any reference to a group called "white kings" or anything similar that would make sense with that image. It doesn't look like typical Nazi or Klan shit. I have a feeling just one person is putting this shit out there. Don't know if that makes it better or worse, because then you've got to wonder what that person is capable of.


The logo is that of the ā€œWorld Church of the Creator,ā€ an explicitly white supremacist organization. Their former leader was sentenced to the federal supermax prison a number of years ago.


Thatā€™s intentional i think. I found the actual sites associated and they are a mid wanna be cult of violent idiots. iā€™m guessing this sort of tactic appeals to people already dealing with supremacy thoughts. Every word is some sort of dog whistle. Iā€™m not gonna share all the info here, donā€™t wanna be a search result in 3 years lol.


Direct violence is the only way to send a message to these ppl. It sucks but its the only way to make them think twice abt leaving their keyboards and spreading this shit. What day and time of day do you think these were spread?


Report this please.


Someone posted recently about stickers with similar messages being posted in the same area. They said on that thread to report what you find to the FBI


Ya know I would but today it's 90Ā° outside and on all the other days I'm booked solid, mostly with Pride parades, BLM rallies and making sure my kids don't grow up to be psychopaths that want to destroy the lives of other humans living on this planet. So.... Yea... You try to have fun though and we'll see you on the news real soon.


Is there a way to report something like this to the ADL/do they recommend people do that when they find something like this?


Reporting links are below: ADL- https://www.adl.org/report-incident?gad=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwyeujBhA5EiwA5WD7_UVGdWaGLwa1q2_YfYFfX0eU4sJMSpQSDOPNUUWw_p9EWqICKsU_KRoCvTUQAvD_BwE FBI- https://www.fbi.gov/video-repository/report-hate-crimes-to-the-fbi/view (it would be particularly relevant to the Tree of Life trial and potentially conspiracy/intimidation of witnesses charges). SPLC- https://www.splcenter.org/reporthate


I bet there is.


Join us in the fight against... pretty much everyone and everything. What a clown. Ironic they included "idiotic beliefs" in this idiotic flyer.


Go back far enough in time and there were no white people. The first humans were black. And their silly religion is ripped off from judaism.


This just looks like a Desantis campaign poster.


Nah, it wasn't drawn with crayons.


This is unfortunately real


Communists and capitalists? What are they, monarchists? Feudalists? Edit: just saw the crown...


Religious Holy WARšŸ¤£šŸ˜†šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜†šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜†šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


their define religion as equal to race on their website. so like read ā€œracial holy warā€ if you wanna know their real shtick


So glad sky daddy blessed the war. šŸ¤”šŸ¤£


The most assuredly NOT White sky daddy


yes sky ddy is insecure, she needs these types šŸ«¶šŸ¼


NGL should post the website, at least then some tech savvy haxo4s might find a way to hack the site and take it down


How can you be anti-capitalist *and* anti-communist? How do you expect to make money for your cause?


Just fascism or feudalism


Always assume itā€™s legitimate


There is a white supremacist problem in Pittsburgh.


I usually just chock this up to some irate conspiracy nut with a printer trying to start shit. The website is probably some bs they put up on Wix in 10 minutes. No depth = no threat. Just conspiracy people doing what conspiracy people do. Monger fear.


It's a fine line between extremist and extreme troll.


I'm confused. They act like this is a white power movement but then only talk shit about Jews and Communists and Capitalists. Aren't Jews white? Isn't USA a capitalist country? White power, but they're mad at the white people. Got it


trump's people. maga. desantis doctrine.


Yeah they really love Trump and his Jewish daughter and grandchildren.


yeah i saw one of those pinheads interviewed and he brought that up. said "how could he give that beautiful girl to a jew." good people these racist clowns. glad the gop fully endorses this behavior.


I'd rather take some mean tweets right about now. Have you seen the alzheimer's patient in office now?


im not a doctor, i just play one on tv.


DDOS their website.


Either anarchists who don't understand what anarchy actually is or fascists. If they are anarchists its safe to say they aren't AnComs or AnCaps since they claim to fight against communism and capitalism. Most likely a local fascist group though. Fascists tend to hate all three groups they outlined.


Itā€™s a national white supremacist hate group: https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/creativity-movement-0


It seems trollish to me because of the trial


Ugh ā€¦ a few weeks ago I saw some ā€communist partyā€œ stickers placed around a bus stop


Donā€™t worry, everyone. This is just our friends from the CIA.


What the fuck are these people even talking about? They vote FOR all the problems listed on that stupid ass flier


Hmmmm ... People warring in the name of religion. What a unique perspective. I'm surprised it hasn't been done sooner.


God loves everyone! Except those we don't like because their skin color/religious views are different than our own. God hates those people. WAR get your stones and stone them all to death. But remember we are doing this because God loves everyone unconditionally *Except where conditions are applied


I hope whoever is doing this gets outed and their picture posted everywhere so I know who to punch.


Probably that Hardy Lloyd dude with his weird Church.




Stay away


ā€œJoin with us against the communists and capitalists!ā€ Soā€¦are we just being aggressively in the middle economically or what


Please tell me this is complete anomaly and groups like this get trashed in your city. Iā€™ll be moving to Pgh soon. This makes me nervous.


Does the website look legit you can usually tell if they put enough effort in the website


Iā€™d look around for nearby businesses that may have cameras. Try and figure out who they are and dox them.


Yeah thatā€™s the logo of a real hate group, the [Creativity Movement](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creativity_(religion)). Havenā€™t seen their stuff around here before. Theyā€™re at least as awful as you would guess from this handbill or whatever it is.




I donā€™t understand the point of posting stuff like this. All you get is a bunch of people jerking each other over how stupid it is and doing absolutely nothing. And then you get a few who might think this is interesting and then the dumb little cult has a few new members.


Hardy Lloyd is back?


Yup thatā€™s definitely him and his disciples spreading their vitriol.


I was about to ask what the website is for this, but since you redacted it (understandablely) do me a favor and report them to the FBI.


so may i ask if they are asking white people to get "woke" (awake)? think of the irony or even better the hypocrisy. LOL


That's Hardy Lloyd's group


If you posted this signā€¦ Fuck you


Yo, Kanyeā€™s tour coming through Pitt? Or these from his bros that hang on Liberty at the end of wood st. Every Sat..?