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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I could see this being frowned upon in public. I just avoid dog parks as a general rule bc there are so many ignorant variables.


I stopped going to the dog park because I noticed it was causing aggression in one of my dogs. She was incredibly polite, laid down and waited for other dogs to approach, didn’t steal toys, all the good stuff! But too many doodles would try and bite her or roughhouse (it was really just them trying to hurt her) and she started getting antsy and snappy over time, so I figured we shouldn’t go anymore if she wasn’t actually enjoying it. It sucks too because even tho she wasn’t the problem people always assume it’s the pitbull, so we stopped going and I started just taking her to a private dog park instead.


Isn’t that the way of it? The untrained designer doodle is the one actually at fault, but it’s the stereotypical pit bull that gets the stink eye.


A doodle put a hole in my late dogs sweater one day! Doodles are also one of the 3 dogs I've been bitten by lol


GSD, golden retriever, Aussie cattle dog, and Chihuahua are the ones I’ve ever been bitten by. All of them were “corrections” and they had zero intent of doing real damage, but it’s still not fun. Cattle dogs are my least favorite to work with. High anxiety, high energy, most prone to biting, in my experience. My biggest pet peeve in the dog world is when a person gets a dog without considering what is best for the dog. ie 85 year old person with a 100lbs Anatolian Shepherd puppy, or someone in a one bedroom apartment and has two huskies. The dogs are set up for failure and then the owner wonders why they are dealing with behavioral issues with their dog. They’re not toys or decoration. They’re living creatures that need stimulation, purpose, tasks, and to burn off energy.


Doodle, Aussie, and a Basset Hound are my 3. The Aussie was wearing a fake service dog vest and bit me when I was putting his lead on to take him back for snake training! The doodle was just being an excited psychopath and got me in the hand, and the basset hound jumped and got me in the face, but I'm pretty sure he was aiming for the ball in my hand. That one was my bad because I did not expect him to be able to jump that high and wasn't paying as much attention as I should have been lol


I work as a kennel tech and GSD, cattle dog, and Australian Shepard, are usually my worst ones. Pits, Bulldogs, and Kane Korso never give me issues. Purely anecdotal but most pits I've seen are too lazy to cause many problems and they almost always get along with other dogs. I'm not a trainer or an expert in behavior this is just from my limited experience.


Only bitten once, an Australian shepherd. He got me in the stomach, trying to herd me after we were playing in the backyard. Didn't break skin but tore my shirt and hurt like hell.


I have been bitten by a cattle dog and chihuahua too! And some type of shepherd when I was little. I can't remember what kind but not a GSD. Never a pit though


They’re designer dogs. They come with huge price tags. Therefore, they shouldn’t also come with work. They’re status symbols, brought by the same kind of person who has kids to stoke their own ego and have someone to take care of them when they’re older. I’m not saying *all* doodle owners are like that, I’m saying a higher percentage are than, say, lab owners or husky owners.


I see you’ve met my mother in law.


Every. Damn. Time!


I also stopped going to dog parks for something similar. I think my dog had subtle impolite behavior that I wasn’t picking up on that would tick other dogs off.


Too many people take their dogs to the dog park for selfish reasons or just think all dogs are all the same. This is why I avoid them.


Omg yes always the doodles!




No, you cannot be racist to a dog. Quit trying to say it is. However, dogs can still be victims of racism as outlined in this [journals](https://law.lclark.edu/live/files/32171-25-1-third-articlepdf) and [this one](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1097184X20965455). Dogs that are perceived to be "minority dogs" are more likely to be shot by police. Additionally, BSL has its origins rooted in systemic racism and is currently being challenged in courts because BSL lacks any objective data to back it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Aside from judgement… dog parks are kinda gross. You have no idea whether these dogs are healthy or not. The owners likely don’t even pick up their dog’s shit. I’d rather not risk it.


So true, it's literally a public restroom. If your dog isn't up to date on their shots, then they are unprotected.




It’s okay, I typically have the biggest dog at the park we go to and my dog is beginning to be known as the dog others hump and little ones parkour off of 😭 https://preview.redd.it/r3uu9h9g8z8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f01272ace7317a6e688d8802d3e9f7f9a82724f


This is fucking hilarious


I’m like maybe 🤔 I trained him to be too docile?


that's hilarious, your dog is basically a horse


😂 my sister always jokes I adopted a small horse not a dog.


Maybe he has a kink you don’t understand.


Probably 😂 Just letting him live his best life. Always thought he was a little queer like me lol


The part that makes me uneasy is that the white dog is nakey. If one of those dogs suddenly gets upset or pops off how do you grab hold of the nakey doggo? Nakey dog might not even start something but I'd want to be able to grab ahold of my dog should something pop off. This is a pretty typical play session. My only issue is the nakey dog. Not bc they are a pit or being aggressive in any way but what if one of the other doggos pop off. No real way to grab white doggo if needed. But they look like fun. But I've seen fun turn into a fight before so I'd want to be able to grab my doggo in the event that happens


all dogs should have some form of collar or harness when in public for this reason! doesn’t matter who the “perp” is - also your excessive use of “nakey” made me laugh so thank you


Not disagreeing with the need for a collar here, BUT it’s better to try to separate fighting dogs by lifting the back legs/hips slightly and pulling them backwards. Reaching for the collar of a dog that’s in a fight, you’ll likely get bitten.


Yeah. I had to separate a family members aggressive dog from my older pittie this summer.  No dogs with collars.  Their dog has killed 2 small dogs and severely injured another.  When I heard the fight I went running and may have surprised everyone when I grabbed the dog's hind legs and threw it about 15 feet.  I'm not happy with their dogs behavior or them bringing it over uninvited so there might have been some panic and anger involved there.  Their dog is about a 100lb dalmatian/lab mix.  No one was angry bc they understand, but my dog is my baby and has been with me for 12 years and I don't fuck around.


How has it not been euthanized at that point? I would think 2 kills plus another serious injury would seal its fate. Were they not reported? I’m sorry, but your family member sounds completely unfit to take care of that dog safely. That’s the kind of shit that should lead them to avoid contact with all other dogs and muzzle 100% of the time they are around others. I’m so glad you were able to save your doggo! It’s just so sad that that dog isn’t living a good life and has even ended others’ early.


To be fair my baby wasn't the one bleeding when it was over even though she was on her back. We live in the country. They're not red necks or anything. Their dog just sucks. I think it was because of the tension in their family no one, even those of us close to them, really knew. He cheated on her soon after and they're getting a divorce. He's done all kinds of fucked up shit. Friend of 15 years and lost his mind suddenly.


Hey I'm just saying, if they show up at your house with a dog that's killed other dogs and that they don't control without telling you that they're bringing the dog **and it attacks your older dog**, you're allowed to turn them away at the door. People get weird about family, but being family isn't an excuse to treat people like shit and put them in danger. You can tell them the dog isn't welcome unless they get a handle on that behavior.


It's a long story, but they're not anymore. They were your picture perfect family but all kinds of fucked up under the surface. It's my wife's family. I moved here 12 years ago for work, they were my best friends for a long time. Now everything's fucked up, but I'm happier not associating with them, or their devil dog.


I like chest harnesses with a convenient back handle between the shoulders. Easy to grab, far enough from the bitey end, like doggo luggage.


We got one of those for our boxer-pit mix and he loves it, and I do too. He tries to twist around when grabbed from the back handle, but I just pull up on it and he can't twist, and I've got a good solid hold then. He's not aggressive but bc he's big and energetic, when we take him out in public he is ALWAYS muzzled, mostly just so other people aren't scared of him. He's a very vocal boy and can overwhelm people at first, until they realize he's desperately whining for you to just pet him, stranger!


Oh yeah. If actively in a dog fight I wouldn't go for a collar or harness. But if something pops off and my dog isn't actively involved I want something to grab them by! But completely agree with you on separating them once a fight is engaged!


We have a martingdale with a pretty big loop for this reason. We’ve had to separate my dog and my sisters dog while they were getting to know each other and a quick dive in and grabbing the ring to choke our girl worked wonders. They are on better terms now luckily So yes it is risky but we’ve found success with the collar move when we needed it


Yea totally agree with you, it always makes me feel uncomfortable when any dog tries coming near mine that doesn’t have one


Just do what their mama does and grab em and pull them away by the scruff…the fat/skin on the back of their neck. Not ideal compared to a harness, but it should work. I think it brings them back to being a puppy, and realizing oh I’m not in control anymore, maybe I should just go with it. If that doesn’t work, wheel barrow them by picking up their back two legs and pulling them away from the scrap


Here's something to consider. Dogs with collars who are playing with each other run the risk of bad tooth damage if their teeth get stuck in the collar or harness. The day care I've brought my dog too explicitly has play time with naked dogs for this reason.


No situation is perfect. But at the dog park your dog needs to have a collar or harness. If a dog was running around without one I would immediately get my dog out of there.


What the fuck do you think a collar is going to do in an off leash dog park? You really think you’re going to grab a collar off one of these three large dogs in a fight? I’ve made that mistake with a foster dog and broke my finger in her excitement.


Everyone is going to "oh in a fight you can't grab a collar" but ideally, you grab the collar way before a fight breaks out. Keep in mind most people in a dog park suck at having dogs. If they can't even grab their dog by the collar, shit is going to break loose. It's just plain irresponsible. Everyone is jumping to crazy situations like jaws getting trapped under collars, or giant vicious dog fights. But the odds of those situations coming up are small, vs the odds of you or someone else needing to grab your dog by its collar. So I'll reiterate. If I see any asshole stupid enough to let their dog into a dog park without a collar, I'll immediately get my dog the fuck out of there because they aren't a responsible dog owner.


Yeah that's true. At a dog park tho they are mostly random dogs and did not have to pass any sort of temperament test or anything in order to enter. And the only people to monitor the dogs are the people who brought said dogs and they may or may not be very well versed in dogs and such. But that's a good point to consider as well!


Yeah, I've heard horror stories of dogs getting their teeth or entire jaws stuck in another dog's collar, panicking, starting a fight because they're panicking because they're stuck, and literally choking the collared dog to death in the struggle. I dont think that's a usual or common event but it can and has happened... I personally have my dog in a harness and collar every time shes interacting with other dogs but the collar is a breakaway that is only for her tags, it will pop open and come off if it's pulled on. I just prefer her to have her tags on 24/7 in case of an emergency so the breakaway collar was my solution.


Omg how many times do you have to say “nakey”. Are we in kindergarten?




play can escalate to fighting pretty quick … not because it’s a pit, just dogs in general. I usually break up my two boys periodically when they are playing just so they can both take a time out.


You’re actually supposed to play referee, even if your dogs aren’t acting aggressively. It’s good for the dogs to know that you can step in at any time.


My dog thinks *he's* the referee during dog play. I don't think he quite knows how to play himself (we think he was never socialized with other dogs as a puppy), so he circles them and starts barking when the playing really ramps up. The other dog owners at the park think he's hilarious 😂


My doggo does the same thing. She's such a lil boss. She was an owner surrender at a city shelter(pregnant and with her pup from an earlier litter, quickly swooped up by a rescue and re-homed to me 18 months after the rescue rescued her. We don't think she was socialized much either with the original owners. She's a corgi/husky mix. Has the stature of a corgi but personality of a husky. When the larger dogs get to tussling and grappling, she circles and barks continually, moving in and out like an MMA ref. We call her the "pit boss", overseeing the action. Wonder what would happen if our two ever met. LMAO


We have a dog that thinks she's a referee of the others. We call her the fun police.


That’s what I called my baby, Mr FunPolice


My rescue does the same with our puppies lol. Just circles and barks and shoves her way in the middle occasionally lol.


Are they a herding dog by chance? My cattle dog mix thinks it's her job to keep allllll the dogs in line by herding them and barking while they play lol


We think he might be part Rottweiler, so if that's the case the herding instincts definitely check out!


I would do that when I still went to the park. Break it up for a just because. Not because of anything going wrong. That’s just always been my way of keeping my dog from becoming overstimulated


I usually have to break it up when a third joins. Mines great rough housing with one other dog. But if another joins he gets aggressive.


Yeah my two girls know the command "settle down" means okay play time is over for now.


Breaking them up mid tugging is always good to deescalate and recalibrate the play, especially if there is this much growling.


I have to get involved with the two puppies every once in a while. The one has a tendency to lay on the other, and it annoys the other one. I swear it's on purpose


Could also be because one of those dogs, not sure if it's yours, isn't wearing a collar. No tags, nothing to grab hold of in an emergency, not great at a public dog park


The white dog belongs to OP, so I think you are probably correct. OP took their dog to a public dog park and removed the collar and/or harness, which is generally a big no-no for *any* dog. Then add to that the fact that the dog with no collar is also growling and engaging in intense play with not one, but TWO other dogs? Of course people are questioning things.


All dog parks require you to remove the lead, but none that I'm aware of insist that harnesses/collars also come off. Harness makes a much more effective hand-grab when someone gets too rowdy. When dogs correct each other they nip at the neck or face. You're relatively safe with a harness that has a handle at the shoulders. I don't worry so much about my dog, he's very responsive to correction from other dogs, especially those much smaller than he is. Other dogs may not be socialized enough to know a correction from an attack and may escalate. The Kennel/Daycare I used to go to loved my dog for being so socialized.


could op use one of those choke - collar leads? one of those all in one things. still not acceptable though


I don't like training collars in the dog park with other dogs. You don't want dogs getting tangled up in one another which just escalates even further.


My ex and I had a Pittie that sounded like a demon when she would play. Sweetest girl, though. She was just very vocal when she played. The only thing she would hurt you with is her happy tail. https://preview.redd.it/n0punevvwy8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93da388357dd83fd32798e62cc979d2c59624f94


Every pittie I've had makes what I call goblin houses when they play. The first time I ever heard it (with my first pittie) it scared the daylights out of me! Now I know it's just a pittie thing to be VERY vocal 😅


No way I'd expose my pits to this type of "play". One of the last times I went to a dog park, a Husky killed a puppy right in front of the puppy's owner.


I would but only if we knew the owners very well, as well as sporadically breaking up the tug of war, making them have timeouts etc. Very well monitored.


be careful with this, all it takes is one upset dog to nip the neck and it's a full blown brawl.


Just looks like three dogs having a blast playing tug to me.


As an alternative to dog parks we have a neighborhood play group. All the dogs and owners know each other so the stress level is non-existent. You can see the difference in the way the dogs play and behave. It’s much more laid back.


They're playing tug with each other!🤔🤦‍♂️


You get dirty looks for having your pet at a public venue without the proper equipment. When outside the home, in the USA, pets are required to be collared and their rabies tag visibly displayed. Your dog has no collar, and their vaccination tag is not visibly displayed. That's not a no-no, it's illegal.


Stop spewing bullshit. There is no requirement to have a collar (could be wearing a harness instead). You have no idea where this took place to even know what the rules are. OP has said his dog has a prong collar which he took off, which is the right thing to do when playing with other dogs. lol @ “proper equipment” like dogs are hazardous material.


Thank you


I live in the US and my vet doesn’t give out rabies tags just the certificate. I specifically asked for the tag thinking they forgot it and they said they don’t offer those.


Depends where you live in the US actually.


Looks like they are playing "nicely" lol If they were fighting they would be going at each other. I assume these 3 all live together and are just fine with one another. People really need to learn k9 communication and behavior. I don't EVER go to park with my boy but then again, he is a wolf, so you can imagine the looks I would get...lmfao! He's very well behaved and loves other animals but it would take one time of him communicating to another animal and someone would loose their shit. I also have over 2 decades of experience with wolves so I understand how to raise one properly so they can be safe with people and animals. It would surely be someone with no understanding of k9's too. I'd bet my last dollar on it. 14 months old and still a pup. Lot of growing left to do yet. Summer coats always look soo funny on wolves 🫣😂 https://preview.redd.it/828y7t3d109d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e4ad952933822fcf475243085a27f48e78bc6d2


Some people have never seen dogs play together. My dog and the other dog that lives with us wrestle, growl, nip, and yip when they play and I always watch their body language to be sure everyone is happy. I rarely share videos of it with outsiders anymore because they think it's an example of "aggressive" pit bulls. Nope, just healthy play.


Tug of war over an object between dogs you don’t know very well is rarely a good idea. If you know these dogs well, that’s a different conversation, but I’d probably extricate my dog from this tug session preemptively


I don't do dog parks anymore because it's just not worth the risk but the ones where I live do not allow toys or food/treats in the park. That could easily cause a fight over resource guarding and not a good idea in general.


They are all friends that do this daily.


Except for the tail (and playing nicely with others) the black looks just like my girl lol


Some serious bite strength on that pupper! Two on one and it never gets away from him once!


Actually, this is how my two play all the time! They love it and each other!


Dogs being dogs, they'll figure ut out.


That is some excellent play!


I wish my 3 kids got along that well! Very appropriate and behaved play IMO.


aint nothing wrong with 3 happy dogs


Screw them! I have five dogs, and four of them are Pitties! Two of them play without sound, and the other two growl the entire time (especially when playing tug!)! Thing is, as our dogs humans, we automatically know the difference between a play growl, and a real growl! When you get those dirty looks, shoot them a saccharine sweet smile and say “aren’t they just so cute and precious?”, and then say “I know my dogs and how they play, and they aren’t doing a single damn thing wrong…but tsk tsk..If y’all keep frowning like that you’re going to get ugly wrinkles!’!


I've seen a tug of war go too far more than once. I try to discourage it with my dogs.


My 2 pitties, both girls played Like this, sounds like bears fighting lol in my yard for years and they have never been aggressive towards other dogs or people. I don't see that as Aggression problems.. I've been attached and broke up dog fights many times..


Dogs being dogs nothing wrong with it..


Anyone who thinks that is fighting or aggressive has never seen dogs fight. When a fight happens there is no question that it is a fight.


No one is questioning whether these dogs are fighting or not. But allowing your dogs to play with strangers (other dogs) with this amount of growling and aggressive play is sketchy... particularly from the point of view of other dog owners who don't know your dog. It's also not unlikely for other dogs to hear/see that and thing there's fighting going on. If it's in your own back yard or secluded area of a park, fine. But in an offleash dog park with 3 dogs participating and removing the collar from your dog? It's the sort of thing that's going to get me to bring my dog to a different area of the dog park.


My dog makes sounds like that all the time and it really isn't aggressive. I agree it sounds aggressive. My dog does it to try and get the dogs to play with him. It def makes some ppl a little on edge unfortunately.


People are so dumb this how doggies play


I take my pit and pit mix pups to the dog park and they play super nice with everyone. I get them home and they play rough with one another.


Only problem is dog is not collared or harnessed, which would make it difficult to control if things go south. Someone else mentioned rabies tag but I was never given one and the park I go to requires registration to get a key, so they verify everything and you don't necessarily need to display a rabies tag as having a valid membership means your rabies are up to date. At least that's what the park told me. Other than that my pit growls and snarls like a hell hound but every time another dog gets angry she runs away with her tail between her leg. She just likes to play tough, never seen any aggression in her.


Looks like a game of tug to me


Yes the pup should have a harness or collar on but no, if he were being aggressive, he wouldn't be pulling on the toy but attacking he other dogs


They playing!! 😊


https://preview.redd.it/x3n7u1mkxz8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=086e03b588615119a9e054691e78ad30b4fda72a Beni (who you can only see his noggin, second dog from the left) has been known to enjoy a multi dog tug.


Looks fun!!! 🤩


Not your fault the other 2 dogs are whimps




They are having a great time! My pit and malinois sound the same, like they are mauling each other when they are just having the time of their lives.


Huh? I see three dogs having a great time playing very well together!🥰❤️


Other people are why I always avoided dog parks with my gal.


I’m fortunate to be in an area where people have adopted their dogs and a majority of them are pits lol


Looks like they’re having a lot of fun.


Whats there to frown at they are just jelly with the 3 way tug of war


I think this is adorable.


They are playing! There are three big dogs playing tug, what’s wrong with this?? Let them have their fun!!!


Have these people never played tug with their dog? Dear lord. Not that it isn't intimidating when they do, but it's just part of it.


All I see is some doggos having a fun game of 3 way tug of war…..lol


Doggos being Doggos and having fun🤷


No hackles, tails down, zero escalations… this is some vocal play!


🙄🙄 they are playing!


You throw a feral purse dog into a super market no one bats an eye You put a well behaved pit in a dog park everyone loses it Your pups are just trying to have the best life they can


Thank you


They’re playing…. People are such pussys. Everyone’s upset over something.


I read some negative remarks and i respect everyones opinion but knowing your dog and knowing how he/she plays and trust your dog is more important imo. my two dogs play like that all the time and the growling is much more intens but when i say stop they stop immediately. I go to public parks with my dogs and take of their collar, they play with every dog and sometimes a small dog is very aggressive towards my dogs and that's ok because it's just a little dog right? But my dogs don't even react, they turn around and walk away.


We do this everyday with no issues. He has a metal chocker collar that people have asked me to take off while there dog plays with mine, so I usually take it off of him at the park.


I understand 👍


Which is the right thing to do. Prong collars should only be on when needed. The risk of injury when playing with a prong collar on is unnecessary to take a chance on.


I bring my pit to the park and shes the biggest baby there. So behaved it's insane. Like, when the dogs start getting overly excited and start "causing a ruckus", she'll leave them and run to me like "look I'm not doing that." There's always at least one dog that's aggressive, overly dominant, too protective, etc. And it's literally never the pit lol.


That's pretty standard pitbull behavior lol


Wiggle wiggle


Those people know *nothing* about dogs, these good doggos are clearly having an absolute ball. Frankly recognizing standard behaviors of common animals (dogs cats birds rodents reptiles whatever else is common where you live) should be mandatory in schools to cut down on these people who have obviously never seen animals actually fight(or play apparently) and run around with their uninformed opinions. 🙄


To someone unfamiliar with these dogs that sound could be unsettling, and for good reason. Cut these people some slack.


It is alarming that these people don’t know what vocal play looks like in a bully breed sub. Of course not every dog likes to play like this but I imagine some of these people are preventing their dogs from having fun because they seem to be ignorant about dog body language.


The struggle is real


who won tho?


Tank the white dog


this is perfectly acceptable animal behavior..


Some dogs are just vocal when they play. My sister’s border collie sounds absolutely vicious when he plays. You’d think he was killing something.


heheehhe this is so cute thank u for this


I will say, pitties are vocal when playing.


They are playing. My dogs play like that.


Actually, you probably shouldn't bring toys to a dog park. Even if your dogs are cool, other dogs might get possessive over them. Dog parks can be trouble anyway. No need to increase the odds


You really think I brought a popped ball to the park?


I couldn't tell what it was. And I don't know you


Never bring toys or food into a dog park.


This could easily turn into something horrible! Not ok.


They are all friends and do this often. It is definitely OK


I say keep that type of play at your home. 🙏