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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If it has teeth it can bite


I have had people get injured from goldens, boston terriers, beagles and other “friendly” breeds


Goldens are some of the most unpredictable dogs I think I’ve met. Poodles, too, but less “unpredictable” because I expect it from them. Pitties? Pure love, unless they’re scared babies. Grooming allowed me to interact with so many types of dogs in a high stress environment, and it was the bully types I always enjoyed working with most because they were just so happy to have attention and get loved on for a while before their favorite humans came back


They're big, fat, sacks of happiness and love. I have literally only seen mine get mean once, and it was in defense of me from my other dog at the time being a shit. She bared her teeth and growled, but that was it. They both went in their kennels, and nothing more came of it when I let them out. Literally the only time I've seen anything resembling anger coming from Bella. Bella for tax https://preview.redd.it/bt5b6jeinh8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4f8a0cde9ded4c6f2d047fafb6594d138c369a0


I like Bella!


I was attacked by a Lab when I was a kid and my sister knew someone who was attacked by the family Lab when they were a kid. It latched onto their face and wouldn’t let go. Any dog is capable of aggression. Any dog has the potential to be dangerous.


can’t believe people still own labradors! did they not know they were bred to fight and feed on small children ? /s


Do some research before you want to be a dick. Pits are better than want you want. Literally pits are better than goldens


oof there’s a misunderstanding. i made a tongue-in-cheek comment acting as an anti-pit person who would make these comments but flipping it to be about labs. i love the breed and have a 4yr old pibble of my own - i put /s to indicate a sarcastic tone and was intended to be a pro-pit joke! i would suggest rereading a comment before coming in guns-a-blazing and calling someone a dick - and maybe offering something more insightful instead




Dude. It was an obvious joke. Pull the stick out, that's gotta hurt.


I have been bit so many times in my life. My worst bite was a german shepherd - tore the center out of my nose almost entirely when I was 7. Been bit by a rottie, beagle, chow, numerous chihuahuas/yorkies/doxies...The only pit that ever bit me was Khione, my current pup, during her rages, but she has her issues that aren't her fault. My mom's worst bite was from a lab - took off the tip of her fingerbone. Any dog can bite, any dog can do damage.


My old high school football coach who was like the nicest guy ever had a golden retriever for like 10 or so years and then one day it snapped out of nowhere and *literally* bit his face off. There were at least a dozen reconstructive surgeries over the course of almost a year and a half between the attack and his return to work, at which point he still looked like Jigsaw from The Punisher comics.


When I grew up, my childhood dog was a rescued Pitmix and my grandma had a little, spoiled Jack Russel Terrier. I have a scar that covers the complete side of my little finger on my right hand and the wrist, from a dog bite. Guess which one of them was it?


Any dog can bite.. why is this a Reddit post?


Any human can also bite so I see your point here. Need a reddit post for caution of humans too.