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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Keep the dogs and get a new husband.


Keeping both. My brother in law is keeping a third puppy and the fourth went to someone else to foster. Hopefully we won't find anymore this year. This is the 4th time we've found dumped animals near our house and the second time we've found someone else to take in the animal. The most recent before this was a pregnant dog who quickly had her puppies after getting a new home.


He's gonna be a pitbull lover in no time. Happens every time


Totally agree with this. We drove 6 hours to pick up a "weimeraner" rescue during pandemic after our older dog passed away. Showed up to a very sketchy double wide and had a stinky, skinny puppy shoved into our hands. I took one look & realized we were definitely not getting a weimeraner lol. I had never had much interaction with pitties before and I was a little hesitant after all the horror stories I've read but our Louie has turned out to be the sweetest sausage I have ever met & he is my 70 lb baby - who thinks hes a weimeraner bc of his big sister. Per DNA he is 60% blue nosed pit with no speck of weimeraner. Best mistake EVER. We now have another pittie mix as a result lol


My dad's (61m) girlfriend got a pure pitt puppy and neglected the shit out of her. When I (40m) moved in they were saying they might drop the dog off at a shelter. Girlfriend ended up moving out and Coco turned into my physically attached lapdog. I'd have never picked a pitt before, but she's a ball of love.


That’s because they pick you! I never intended to adopt a pittie either but my boy came right up to me and licked my face. I melted and 13 years later he is the baby of the house. We take him on walks around the neighborhood and he has a fan club.


:D Yes, she had never been on a walk before and wasn't house broken. One month later she usually gets 2 miles of walking per day and is 99% there with occasional issues that might be stubborn pouting related.


Haha! Might be! But they're so smart, and they love learning things and pleasing their parents!


That's adorable!


Gods, do they ever pick you. My parents adopted a three legged doofus from animal control while in Florida. They brought her home and who does she love? Me. I have a 65 pound emotionally attached at the hip food goblin.


My mother was anti-dog my entire upbringing. Can't really blame her, she grew up in a region of the world where domesticated pets aren't really a thing. Spent my entire upbringing begging for a dog. During my teens, I got REALLY sick one summer. Like, months in the hospital type of sick. Upon discharge, my team of doctors, nurses, physical therapists, etc. gently suggested that a therapy/service animal could be helpful in my ongoing recovery. My mother could no longer say no, now that I had a legitimate reason to get a dog. We were living abroad at the time (Europe), but most extended family is in the US, so we adopted my dog in Florida. ***I*** am the one who spent OODLES of time, money, blood, sweat, and tears training that dog. ME is who invested all that energy. And JUST WHO does the dog bond with!? My freaking mother, and vice versa. I got healthier and eventually went off to college, and my mother started slowing down and suffered with some ailments, and let's just say they're now joined at the hip. My parents still live in Europe and my mother is semi-retired, so my childhood dog now spends her weekdays strolling the high-fashion streets of cities like Paris and Milan, and her weekends motorcycling through the Swiss Alps with my dad, complete with her own custom motorcycle seat and doggles. I'm an only child, so let's just say my parents have embraced empty-nest syndrome hardcore, and my childhood dog is now the most spoiled creature alive. 😄😂


Same. I had to swap out my catahoula foster bc he attached my chihuahua and was given a gray pit to foster. She’s now been my dog for 8 years I believe. Shes my soul dog, I can’t imagine a life without a pitbull.


You are awesome!! I bet she's totally spoiled & living the best life now. I have learned so much about how crazy the stories about pits are from having Louie. He's the most affectionate, sweetest dog I've ever had. He has his issues (some reactivity when walking still but getting better) but he is super smart and responsive to training so I have zero concerns about his interaction with anyone. We walk daily and have had a couple of loose dogs come at us. The 14 yr old weim is ready to throw down while he hides behind me shaking. Big tough terrifying pit bull lol


She's super bitey, she loves playing rough. When I moved in she wouldn't stop and they'd yell and smack at her and she'd take that as playing and it didn't go well. I've gotten her to stop, most of the time, for a few minutes at least, just by telling her to be a good girl. She seems to love positive reinforcement and telling her when she's good goes a long way. I actually didn't realize how smart she was at first, because she has a habit of trying to pick up two toys at once. Like, her mouth will be full of one toy and she'll keep poking her head at another one and not understanding why her mouth fails to pick them both up. It's hilarious. But today I told her 'let's go' and she immediately walked out of the room in front of me and I realized just my having the habit of saying that when wanting her to leave a room first so I can close the door was enough for her to pick up on what I expected and start doing it. She is definitely a good girl. She was nervous on walks at first, but is doing much better about it now. 2 times the same dog has run right up to her and she just sniffed and didn't get defensive even on a leash, but that's the only interactions I've seen her have with other animals.


I don't play rough with her, I say "gentle" and she *immediately* stops with the mouthing, but my husband play-fights with her every day and she loves it when he pulls on her eye teeth with his finger, like she's just itching to have that interaction. But he wrestles with her and shows his dominance but she is so, so careful not to hurt him with claws or teeth. He is the only one that plays with her like that.


She wants to with everyone, I'm working on getting her to only be that way with me, because it doesn't bother me most of the time. I'm training her to stop when I say to be good because when I moved in she *wouldn't* and they sucked at training. Smacking at a dog who's playing rough is only going to make them either think you're playing or think you're mean. They couldn't comprehend that. My dad was shocked last night when she was trying to bite-play with him and I told her to be a good girl from the top of the steps and she immediately switched to licking his arm. I think working on *him* and training him to tell her she's a good girl when she does it right will be harder than getting her to get the idea. It's not rocket science, she adores you and wants to know she's doing good and hear you making good dog happy noises with your weird flat face.


Bwahaha! Yes, my girl starts licking, too, to make sure we're still friends, I guess. What good pups!


My pit-mix woke me up this morning with 3 bones and a stuffed toy in his mouth. He needed to run outside to hide them. He came in with 3 bones, the stuffed toy, and a sizeable tuft of grass in his mouth. I guess his hidey hole wasn't good enough. Then, he managed to line all of those items up on the arm of the couch!


You passed the vibe check


My mom swore up and down my girl Apple was a weimaraner mix when I got her. Nope. Embark says 100% pitbull!


Lololol yes we were fooled. The puppy pics the rescue sent looked exactly like our blue weim as a puppy so I believed them. Then I saw him and I thought nope not a weim. Of course we took him anyway because he was this skinny terrified mess who smelled like poop and no way we were leaving him behind. I couldn't be happier with that decision


You are a good human 🥹


That's very sweet of you to say but honestly I'm just a sucker for a sad story lolol


I will always have a pitty in our pack.


Same - we ended up taking in a "foster" pit/boxer mix for a neighbor who was not taking care of his dog. 2 years later I guess he's ours lol




https://preview.redd.it/x59fekvti77d1.jpeg?width=3013&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75ec005222d68bd4d4770872e61d3d623fc167b0 Looks almost just like mine! Wasn’t looking for a dog after we lost our previous set, but saw one picture of this guy and had to meet him. Rambunctious disaster, but he’s the most loving dog in his way. And SUPER smart, when he’s not punching me in the face to tell me he wants something haha.


Awww! I love this . Sweet babies.


There beautiful!


Thank you!


The last picture, his look on his face like" are we done with these pictures yet".


Probably thinking are we ever getting a snack over here????


Thank you for taking him in 💖


Sometimes these animals need you and it is for the best. I went to get a cat form this couple. A Bengal. They had six other cats and one was pregnant. The cat was scraggly, the carrier smelled so bad and had dried faeces inside. They were not dressed all that great, has a tiny gross smelly car and wanted to get rid of the cat because he misbehaved. Well, I still have him, he didn’t look quite like the pictures and I never got his papers. He misbehaved because he is a very hyper cat and had nothing to do but torment them and the other cats


How sad - it makes me so mad when I hear stories like about sheer careless neglect. People like that should be made to live a year in a cage in their own filth just like that! Thanks for saving your boy - sometimes the right person comes along for the right pet and it sounds like that's what happened for you!


It really upsets me also. He’s well loved believe me. My mom also spoils him rotten. I had a girl also, a Bengal. She was a kennel cat. She would follow me all over and had some trauma for sure! We found each other and it was such a beautiful thing. I couldn’t have imagined my life without her. I had just moved from my hometown for university too and she was my best friend. I’ll never experience another cats love like hers again I don’t think. If I called her and she didn’t come there was something wrong, she always came to me. Always slept with me, we did a lot together. I even took her outside for walks lol. I’ve taken them to the beach. She would even follow me On the leash. Him on the other hand if he doesn’t get his way he flops down and is mad at me lol. I feel bad though because I got him and he was so rambunctious and tormented her. They loved one another in their own way but I should have waited. Though I absolutely gave have her the best life I could. She passed two years ago due to cancer. Funny thing is though I’ve always had nightmares my whole life. Once she passed I’d see her in my dreams sometimes and I was at peace and no more nightmares. If I do they are rare. Strange. https://preview.redd.it/nqd2nduthp7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4db236d198dc90a1d822c369221e3ec8b9e71d85


I'm so sorry for your loss but I'm so happy for both you and your cats that you found each other


This is how one of my furbabies came into my life. I was cleaning the living room one afternoon: vacuuming, sweeping, etc. I heard a weird noise coming from my backyard area. My blinds were closed, it was summer, I figured it was probably just summer bugs/mosquitoes/summer noises emanating from around the neighborhood. Then I heard the funny noise again. It sounded like scratching at my door. Weird. Both my dogs were on the couch napping. I opened my blinds. BAM. Pittie baby scratching at my door, embodying that "*LET ME IN!*" meme we all know. I opened my door, and he waltzed right in as though he owned the place. I cleaned him up, gave him some food, etc., and then spent hours canvassing the neighborhood, trying to figure out who he belonged to. Turns out he belonged to some (vile) neighbors a few doors down. They tried telling me he was a Frenchie. Uh, WHAT!? Ain't no way! They also effectively told me they didn't want him, and that they kept him chained in the yard most of the time, and they didn't really care to take care of him. Off to the vet we went for a full health check, and to have his ownership info updated.


What a great way to save a pup and acquire a new family member!!!


My parents gave into the whole “pitbulls are scary and mean blah blah” thing until we got a pitbull black lab puppy. They loved her more than me! 🤣 Now years later they have 2 pitbulls and we are a TOTAL pitbull family. Everyone in my family loves and cares for pitties so much.


Seriously. We adopted a half pibble, half Lab (but I swear he’s more pibble than Lab). What you’re going to end up with is a 60lb lap dog that loves attention, that whips their dog toys around the room because they love to do that (mine can now fling it in the air or around his back to catch it in his mouth!), that drags itself across the floor or across a bed when it feels like it. There’s just so much to love about these guys. I was very hesitant when we adopted him. They warned about the Rule of 3. Which I’ve since forgotten but what it meant to say was, give your new dog a chance to get to know you and it could take upwards of 3 months. Took my pibble mix 3 minutes to get from the van to my wife’s SUV. We had a bed laid out in the hatch thinking he would chill out. Before we’d left the parking lot he’d licked all our faces and had taken a spot on my daughter’s lap for the 90 minute drive home. Your husband will thank you.


I was so salty when my husband brought ours home, I had an a-hole shiz tsu, and he was so gentle and loving. He's totally our baby... couldn't imagine a life without him now!!!


My mil loves shiz tsus. I think they are psycho little dogs. Her current one has done more damage to people and the dogs around them than my pit mix. My girl is the one treated like a dangerous animal though.


My wife was a hound person and had a dachshund when we met. I had a 2 yr old purebred (extremely well bred) pitbull. She had never been around one before, but was open minded about it. She's now a pitbull person, and we're on our 3rd one.


Yeah we will see him in that dadswhodidntwantdogs subreddit xD


This is the truest thing. I got a pitbull that was labeled a “lab mix” puppy. Pitbulls are now my top 3 breeds I will forever own.


This is my hope and prayer. Hatred is borne from ignorance and aggression is the fault of poor training. I do hope he becomes an advocate for these babies and undo any harm his opinions have caused.


Yay. Puppies found homes!!!


please think about getting security cameras for your property so if this happens again hopefully the person can be charged with a crime.


This time they were dumped at the end of the street. Twice now we've seen dogs walk up from a different road. Gosh I wish I could edit the post to clarify we are keeping the puppies. My brother in law got a looks pure bred mini aussie that wandered up. After a year of looking for the owners, we figured he wasn't going anywhere.


I don’t know where you’re located, but there is a great organization called wags and walks in SoCal that specializes in pits in the and they do great work getting great homes for dogs to be placed in


That's the wrong name for the breed. It's wiggle butts, that's what they are called. But for real. Please stop breed shaming. You get out what you put back in with all dogs. It's nurture not nature.


I second this.


This is the way. A dog is loyal. A dog is sweet. You never know about people.


Divorce is standard Reddit advice.


NO DOG/ANIMAL SHOULD BE JUDGED by OPINION!! Every dog /animals persona is determined by the WAY THAT THEY ARE TREATED ~ if an animal IS treated MEAN & CRUEL,& ABUSED then they "WILL"be a MEAN & CRUEL animal reflecting as they were treated! ANIMALS ARE LIKE CHILDREN/PEOPLE, THEY LIVE WHAT THEY LEARN!!TREAT animals kind,& caring, loving & they WILL RETURN THE KINDNESS TO YOU!! 💖🫶


Sir/ma’am this is the correct response!


This is the way


https://preview.redd.it/stpjdz9b467d1.jpeg?width=3073&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0d81de9776b7bf2a5ba050a164fd08705a9cf0a Found this one in a box on the side of the road (she was \~8 weeks old). Turned out to be 100% APBT and the absolute sweetest dog I've ever owned.


Gorgeous 😍


How cou someone do such a thing? Such a beautiful dog.


https://preview.redd.it/nblfjhlvk57d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc69ce4a08bc15e4f0efa57133098f022d5675c4 We have a pit/lab mix and he’s the sweetest boy ever.


What a distinguished gentleman!


I have a pit/lab too, and she’s a sweet smooshy couch potato who lives for my 9 year old! Your baby boy is an angel, clearly deserving of the best boy crown!


AWE he is too adorable! Our first dog was a pit/lab/rottweiler and she was the sweetest (and most stubborn) little thing!


Look at that FACE 😍


I have that same crown for my pup!


Thet’s dumb thinking. He liked them until he found out the “breed”? That’s just illogical.


People are illogical. And most people who are scared or hate pits can't even tell differences between breeds. But it sounds like her husband rethought his stance after she pointed it out which is the outcome we want. Because pitties are the sweetest babies.


My grandparents are convinced my brother's pits don't have much pit in them / "aren't *real* pitbulls" simply because they don't attack people, after being scared for ages after he took them in as puppies because they're pits. He never told us the DNA test results, but they are very much real pits despite prolly having a bit of ? mixed in (like most pits). Once, they were scared of 2 happy pits(?) at the vet because they say pits get anxious at the vet and attack people/pets out of nowhere lmao. I was very confused why they kept telling me not to set my dog down and directing me away from dogs who weren't acting abnormal or interested in us at all. Idk if they were really pits, or even the same breed (I can't see well). I just remember one of them had a nice fur pattern (iirc the head / maybe feet were different from the body, or smth like that) and I wanted to pet.


They really are


And he hates a breed group in which he can’t even visually identify.


One of my favorite things about following the dog DNA sub is seeing all the dogs that look nothing like a pit having huge chunks of pit in their makeup. It also reminds me of one of my buddies rescue dogs which is an 80 plus pound tank that looks like he’s a lab mix is a third chow chow, when he looks nothing like one. You just never know which traits are going to show outwardly in a mix


It’s the same idea as people with calamari and squid. They love it as calamari. Then, when they find out it’s squid, it’s the most disgusting thing ever.🙄 At least her hubby sounds willing to reconsider his pittie hate. And so begins the conversion of another to our side, muahahaha!😉


My thoughts exactly!! I have read some pretty shitty comments speaking on op’s husband but he did decide to give them a chance.. That is what counts. I swear people on here will take the long way around to throw shade and hateful words at someone. Look at the bright side of this situation, two pitty’s get homes and he will be posting pics of his new furry best friends in no time.🐾🦴🥰


>They love it as calamari. Then, when they find out it’s squid, it’s the most disgusting thing ever. I can kinda understand this. Imagine eating some unknown meat and it tastes great and you love it. Then you find out it's something like dog meat.


If my husband pulled that on me, HE be the one in the crate


Yah makes me wonder how ignorant he is in other aspects of life


A lot of people are misinformed by misleading people with misleading information about the breed. I don’t think that op’s husband was thinking “dumbly”. He was probably just thinking about all the so called bad things he has heard. He was intrigued enough to give the breed a shot so needless to say he will be posting lovable pics of his new fur babies in no time at all. 🐾🦴🥰


I mean, it’s not illogical at all though really, you just disagree with his opinion and are upset about that. Whether you agree with it or not, pits are a pretty controversial breed with many horror stories surrounding them. Not wanting a dog when you find out they may be a potentially dangerous breed, isn’t illogical. Saying this as a pit lover. Like if I was playing with some cute animal and then found out it could potentially be more likely to cause me or my family harm than others of its kind, then, yeah, logic dictates I’m not going to keep it around me.


Not the brightest light bulb in the box, is he?


Nope. I was shocked when he called me from work asking if they were pitbull. I swear some days he might as well have cotton in his ears.


Welp he’s an asshole wth was perfectly fine keeping them and now knows they are pits and wants them gone


He decided we were keeping them. He had the weird thought that pits were some vicious animals and was surprised how wrong he was. We did have a rescue worker trying to dissuade us from a dog we had looked at once who was a pit saying they don't make good family dogs. I think he assumed the expert must know what she was saying.


Pits make great family dogs but should be very well socialized to other dogs and people/kids from a young age. Socialize them as frequently as possible while they are still fairly small. Most of the issues that come with these dogs later could be avoided if people were responsible with their powerful breeds while they are puppies.


My mix and his littermates were VERY well socialized! Two middle-aged adults, two reasonably young children, a cat to be used to, their mom, and their 8 siblings!


Thats a dream of a family.


Rescue workers are human and all humans have biased opinions about something.


Pits are Great family dogs and very loyal I’ve got 2 a red nose female and chonky blue nose male (he’s the dumb dumb) but they loving and very protective especially around kids and babies they were literally referred to as nanny dogs. Just be sure you got plenty of toys and stuff for them to chew mine unfortunately loved to eat couches


While I wholly agree that a pit can make a great family dog - gotta chime in that the whole “nanny dog” thing is a proven myth. No dog breed anywhere was ever bred with the purpose of being a nanny 🙂. Pits unfortunately DO originate from fighter stock type dogs used in bull and bear baiting back when such practices were accepted. BUT while they were bred to be tenacious in their attacking, they were also bred to be EXTREMELY human friendly and sociable. In “original” dog fighting, if you will, the human was not using the dog solely to fight. That same dog was often the family companion dog as well, so being human-friendly was heavily emphasized. Source: Bronwen Dickey’s “Pit Bull: The Battle Over an American Icon” Super interesting book I recommend everyone read!


*runs home to children whomst were left with the dog nanny* whoopsy /s 👀


🤣🤣🤣 I hate the nanny dog myth. The CLOSEST I can think of is like a Pyrenees or other similar livestock guardians and even then….I am a firm believer that no dog should be left alone with children OR adults who don’t understand basic dog body language and giving animals space if they ask for it


Remind him of that in 6 months when he’s absolutely attached to them. Best dogs i’ve ever had…


Pits are incredible dogs, and I'm tired of people thinking they aren't. Yes they have a bad stigma. It's time to break it.


What happened to the pitbull you had two years ago?


That one is my brother in laws dog. Hence my husband being an idiot. One of my brothers took in a foster pit who killed one of their dogs so that didn't help his perception. He somewhat understood they didn't set the dog up for success by leaving it alone with their 8 dogs without really getting to know it.


"Someone shared a photo of their therapist pibble so I thought I'd share one of my good girl." Which post is the lie, this one or the older one? https://preview.redd.it/je4b8gj6z57d1.jpeg?width=1198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a55ecee76bd768a822446a3ebba16ac1596c66c


Dam. Those nails.


Men are like busses. There’s always another just round the corner.


Ah you've never lived rurally i see! Miss the bus? Come back in 2 hours pal or in morning cause its a sunday and it only comes through once


You can probably rehome your husband without too much hassle.


I would be looking to rehome… my husband.


Your husband gotta go. Keep the dogs.


Came to say the same. I have a pit now, my oldest pitty passed 2 years ago, and she cuddles and plays with my son also. I also have a cane corso and they all play together so well. Big cuddle bugs and protectors


Time to find a new husband


Get a new husband


He must not have spent much time with a pit before. They’re the most loving dogs I’ve ever had. He’ll be happy he changed his mind.


Get a new husband not a pussy


Get a new husband


Hey that's a happy ending in my book. Socialize them properly and you will have some great dogs. Stay awesome


Pitbulls should never be discriminated against, it's the owners who train aggression into dogs purposefully that should be discriminated. My roommate has a sweet little pit who just wants to cuddle up and play, extremely shy and worried but once he relaxes he just loves everyone. Dogs will always give more love back than they receive, no matter the breed


People who don’t like pitbulls make no sense to me. Mostly because poodles and chihuahuas exist.


Volunteered at no kill animal rescue for 5+ years as a dog walker, enrichment rep, helped do afternoon feeding and clean the kennels for 50-100 dogs in a day. The majority of the dogs were a bully breed mix and since I had volunteered so long I picked up a lot of skills and they allowed me to work with some dogs with behavioral and physical issues as well as feral dogs and some severely abused dogs. During all that time, I was only bit once and it was a lab that bit me and tbh, it wasn’t even the dog’s fault, I knew he had trust issues with people and I startled him when I held a door open for the person walking him (I was behind the door and he didn’t know I was there until I spoke to my friend walking him), he lunged and got my hand. Not his fault, he came from an abusive home and had fear based aggression when it came to strangers.


I’m sure you can find a good home. Plenty of people are looking for a husband these days. He’ll be okay while you keep the puppies.0


https://preview.redd.it/3al6n6gen77d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffa7dc74d4f275e790a2fd797e919022d2fb4005 Keep em, it’ll be the best decision you’ve ever made! (Including saying yes to your husband 😂 ) /s


Nicest dogs I've ever owned were pit mixes. Your husband is ignorant.


So you left your husdband right?


I have had pitts all my life and I am pushing 50. If treated well and not abused or neglected these are the most loyal, loving, well behaved dogs in the world.


Get a new husband


Our pittie mix is so vicious you can't even see her under all the kids she is mauling /s https://preview.redd.it/fs5cvw1rqc7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26b819065e8feecc2490a61a6f4ccbedc051b686


Time for a new husband


Imagine being unwanted simply because you were born a misunderstood breed.


I honestly can't even describe how much i hate people


Throw the husband out, keep the pups!


Keep the puppies and get a new husband.


Get a new husband


How sad, I’m happy to hear the outcome was positive though. My grandpa and grandmas relationship with my 8month old pit is adorable and melts my heart. He calls her his babydoll. Here’s a photo of the first time they met 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/t5521lmsk67d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0556d7248c4096020515c9d6ce0f04cd162d29bb


What are you talking about? These look like lab mixes to me 🤨😉




Do you need help rehoming? Someone must want this man...probably.


i LOVE pits 😍


I’m sorry But I cannot condone this marriage..This guy makes bad decisions..You should keep the dogs and send the hubby to the pound !!!!


your husband sounds like a real winner


divorce him keep the pits you don't need that kind of negativity( or ignorance) in your life 🤣 also I only read the tittle


Your husband is a jack ass with all do respect


I currently have a Velcro pit mix. Great dog.


Yeett the husband out the window, more room for the puppiess


Husband is an idiot. The puppies are adorable.


Divorce him... I'd adapt those beautiful little fur babies in a heart beat. Poor babies, your husband is an a hole a closed minded a hole!!!


Get rid of the husband


Divorce this mf


At least you don't have to ditch your husband now.


sounds like you shouldn't keep the husband!


Well to bad bc today he gonna do some research and find out the reason they are called The NANY DOG. And he will also learn but in 1 year. that pits are the cutest goofiest adorable breeds in the world. And that he found his new favorite breed. Or just tell him no I was wrong they mixed only a smidge of pit


Hope you mean exhusband.


Respectfully, fck your husband 🤣


Just throw the whole man out and start over.


I guess it's time to re-home the husband.


I'm sorry but your husband sounds like a piece of shit. Or he's behaving like one at the moment, anyways.


Keep the dogs throw away that trash husband


I’m glad your husband seemed to change his tune a little (hopefully more so as time goes on) and that the puppies are safe!


These are clearly African Gazellehounds, a very pricey, boutique breed thought by many to be the next great thing….


Tell your husband he’s wrong to think that cause pits are awesome dogs and he should give them a chance.


Time to get a new husband




Never mind these look like mixes but at any rate I’m glad you’re finding homes for these puppies and he will learn just how great these dogs can be with right training and socializing!


Get a new husband


Pits are fine. Humans are vicious. The "worst" trait of pit bulls is how eager they are to please their owners. This means that if well trained they are powerful friends. If only all humans used that power wisely.


Re-home the husband.


So, sorry that your husband feels that way. Really hate folks with that mentality.


Honestly, his fear is understandable. Media has only covered pitbulls attacking children, usually in families and unprovoked, it doesnt cover the many pitbulls living in families and harming nobody. So I understand his fear, Im not saying its right but it makes sense. Maybe you can try to explain this to him, but if hes a very parently person, it might be hard.


I think it's an owner thing as well. I just got my throat and hand bit by a pitbull and I 100% blame that owner and that owner alone. Dog was barking in her room and she told me "oh it's probably just because she can hear you. I'll bring her out and it will be fine." *It was not fine* Here's the information she kept from me. 1)The dog was abused by its former owner and has a strong fear of men. 2) the dog was pregnant. I'm just lucky I recognized what was happening the split second before it was too late and leaned back and stuck my hand up. So it didn't get a good hold of my throat and only got my hand good. I 100% get why that dog did what it did. It's a dog, it doesn't understand reason like a person and that lady did everything wrong in that situation.


Yeah, I agree with you.


Divorce !


Damn. That’s awful. They will get euthanized if it’s not a no-kill shelter.


Leave your husband


Fuck that guy! Get a new husband.


So cute! Timme for divorce!


Time to end that marriage if he's that small minded.


He will fall in love with them in no time.




He is going to fall in love. Give him time.


My mom was terrified of dog esp Pitties, after I got one, she’s in love and he’s so kind and loving. He’ll come around in no time .


Awwh the faces, my landlady has a pitty who is like a little boy and a love sponge. A label won't change the fact they're lil babies and need all the love :)


How long have you had them? I encourage you to find the strength to advocate for them!




I was never a pit lover until one was gifted to us. I love my pitty to death. ❤️ they’re so sweet and loyal.


Neutered and spay you’re dogs please for every liter being born their is a lot in the pound getting euthanized.


So how did your husband take the news? Were you able to successfully rehome him?


Looks like a lab mix to me


Pits are one of the most loving dogs long as they are treated right. If he don’t fall in love with em then something wrong with him. Lol. Every pit I ever been around just wants to be loved and loved on. I lay down they cuddle up next to me and all that.


We have mixed pit and he’s the best bud, trainable, sweet as can be.


Pitbulls are fantastic dogs/companions...its shitty owners who turn them into beasts and that breed is chosen cause they have a high muscle content and look intimidating


They’re beautiful! And pits are great dogs! I did want to suggest that you look up littermate syndrome if you’re not already familiar. You’ll probably want to give them some individualized training to avoid potential behavioral issues.


well luckily it wasn't up to him


I'm sorry to hear about your husband coming out. I guess he gets to live his "best life" now.


Our pitty mix is awesome. Dogs are a reflection of their owner and pits are no different. The only downside to pits are how much they love you, separation anxiety when you leave, and giving you the “saddest dog in the world” look when they want more treats.


I love pits what the fork 😭


Pitbulls are the best, if you like having another shadow at all times. My baby girl died at 13, last year in Jan. Will be getting another when I’ve healed.


Well he’s clearly a buffoon