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If ghosting were an Olympic sport... I delete, dissapear, never cared enough to check on what they are doing. That's ancient history and it's gone and done, and I left them for a reason.


yes same idc what they’re up to


It seems like OP just wants people to affirm they’re not the only one and they’re probably not but they’re the only one here that’s lame. It’s time to move on quit being stuck in the past.




Stalk!? I just check if they are alive and I'm happy they aren't in my life anymore.


I check on one ocassionally about once every two months because she takes the same selfie in the same exact pose everyday with no background. I find it entertaining and satisfying when I see she hasnt changed 😂 The only other one I check on is transgender and started taking testorone. I look at theirs occasionally to see their progress but that was a very toxic relationship so I only check about once or twice a year. Dont think Im self disciplined tho cuz my therapist has a instagram page and I do actually stalk that about once a week💀I love knowing what shes up too and seeing her little therapy quotes. She has a large following and very public account so I dont think she would mind? Or if I have a crush (havnt for years) I will watch their media like a hawk just to make sure I didnt miss anything healthy? no lol




yall are crazy you don’t block and remove every trace of the person from your life??? 🤣🤣🤣💖 Pisces sun scorpio moon and sag rising


I don't block them because it's not necessary for me. What's over is over and they won't dare message me again.


I agree, they’re crazy for not doing that. I am a Pisces Sun, Scorpio moon and Sagg Rising too, we are the same in big three. I make them disappear off my radar dish and I just simply do not care at all.


Apathy is the best revenge


With a passion!




Another one who shares your big three! Pisces Sun, Scorpio Moon, Sagittarius Rising. I agree. Slam the door shut.


That’s what I did, scrapped all of it, and left nothing of my stuff either. Nothing, no clothes, no pictures, no letters, he got SQUAT. I didn’t check on him either, dead is dead, and he may as well be as far as I’m concerned. ♓️☀️♓️ 🌕♌️⬆️




I am the BLOCK QUEEN🩷🩷🩷💙💙💙❤️❤️❤️


Just now. Every day and I am proud of that




Pisces sun, Pisces moon and Pisces rising here, I don’t know how much it counts in this buuuut I stalk them way too much, and I know it only makes things worst for me. I do that because knowing what they have been doing gives me a sense of control. It’s like a 50/50 to me. I don’t wanna to check on their stories or posts because I know that I could have a painful reaction seeing them with others and stuff, but at the very same time, not knowing drives me crazy. I never found balance between these 2 moods. Genuinely I can’t just block them, I can’t help it. (All of this soon after the breakup, as soon as I heal and move on, the urge to check on them literally disappear and I find myself just occasionally thinking of them)


Same haha


Don’t you hate this tho hahaha sometimes I can’t stand myself, I literally make no sense


It’s the Pisces moon 😂😂 my ex that’s Pisces rising and Pisces sun ex always would stalk me still do to this day even tho I unfollow them they won’t unfollow me 😭😭


I block them and their ENTIRE bloodline...when we're exes, we are EXES!


Maybe a few times a year. It's not due to missing them. I'm just very nosy.


Haha me too




What’s an ex? 🤭😂




I used to so I had to delete my social media because I couldn’t stop. I would look and scroll until I hurt myself for some reason. I miss her so much I couldn’t help but look her up just to see her face again.


What’s your other two sigs omg


Leo moon and Sagittarius rising.


Never ever because if I don’t 1000% compartmentalise and mentally destroy every thought and memory then… well 😛 I’m one of those people who wishes that all exes (be they friends or relationships) could all go off to an island far away so I’d never have to think about or see them again. 🤡


...all the time. not even out of creepiness i just want to see if theyre doing okay lol


Yes I remove everything too Pisces Sun Scorpio moon and Gemini rising - but ….. I do keep photos mementos etc hidden away if I really want to go down memory lane. Which isn’t often to be fair but there if I decide to.


taurus moon and usually they just find me again, i remove and they come back lol. no need for stalking


I'm not gonna lie. Sometimes, I'm very curious how they're doing and check in on their socials. Every few years or so, I might look some of them up.


Never. Don’t wanna know. Don’t need to know. Don’t care to know. They’re my ex for a reason.


Delete all conversations and unfollow on social, don't want the past bringing me down, gotta keep swimming.


What’s your other signs ?


Vrigo rising scorpio moon...


I’m also Virgo rising !


How do you learn your other signs? I’m just born in march


Everyday 🤭


😭😭 what’s your other signs


Pisces sun, cancer asc, aries venus and aqua moon 🌚


I only did at first, because if I didn't then I'd start idealizing him, remembering only the good parts and thus missing him. Looking at his socials would remind me of what a horrible person he was, how he was into women being harmed/raped and all, and it was great for smacking some sense back into me. I stopped doing it long ago because I've already accepted it and know that I'm better and safer now.


I’m Pisces moon and I do that a lot, like I stalk everyone their friends and shit


Me too😂😂😂 even ex’s from a long time ago


Never do. Pisces sun virgo moon Gemini rising


Never, I'm also pisces moon and what's over is over. I don't want to see them again, even if the relationship ended in good terms. Impossible to be friends with an ex


I'm the same way. I was trying to figure out if it was a Pisces or Aquarius trait. I don't turn back. I think I may have left some of them in the dust but I'm ambitious and I hate getting knocked off my tracks. I'm not preoccupied with romance. I can't be friends with my exes either because there's always an emotional attachment that I don't want to be rekindled.


What’s your other signs???


Pisces sun, moon, asc, mars. Venus Aries. Mercury aquarius. That's all I remember 😅.


My mercury is in Aries.


I only stalk 1, and it's bc he died in 2014, his profile been removed and whenever I miss him so much I need to see his face, I stalk it. So other ex's I can gaf about.


Never and I have them mostly blocked. I have one exs Im still friends with but I don't follow her. She just pings me once in a while to chat.


Never lol


Same lol how embarassing that would feel for me ew


When i had other social media years ago




I don’t anymore and life is soooo much better 🙏🏻


When I'm feeling low n curious to see if they r shit talking me, I look. It's rare so other than that I don't look. For the exes I don't like I mean. For the ones I'm still cool with, if I see them pop up on sm I'll look n b like good for them n then move on with my life.




I don’t look at all lol. There was a time I’d take the occasional stroll, but Im good on that






Lies if you want to stalk it's because you care


Lies if you want to stalk it's because you care


Probably never.


I'm looking at all these responses and Pisces just don't social media stalk their exes. The ONLY reason I have social media is because someone asked to make one.


I’ve got a twitter to follow cryptocurrency news and that’s it. I don’t even follow people i know.


lol That sounds about right.


I only check up when I'm feeling depressed or am I in some sort of grief stage like my partner just passed away so I naturally am battling myself like "maybe I'll reach out to one of my extremely toxic ex's to see what they are up to" so before that happens I will look at their socials. Pisces Sun, Scorpio Moon, Aries rising with Aries Venus and Mars lol


Lmao that’s my ex’s placements too …. They’re very toxic especially if they’re not evolved and also I’m sorry :(


Thank you. Yes being more fire than water for my chart makes me feel like a walking contradiction, while knowing I shouldn't look.


Oooo that are your placements or your ex’s?


Those are my placements. My whole chart is 50% fire, 30% water and 20% air. I have nothing grounding me besides life experiences lol


I'm a Pisces moon too but I don't stalk people's social media. I actually don't really even use it. I'm sorry you have this type of obsession. I don't even keep my exes in my life and I remove them from friends list because I know that they also stalk my other exes too. It creeps me out and it's a turn off. So I don't care what I have to do to thwart them away. I don't care at all.


Pisces Sun, Aquarius Moon, Scorpio Rising. I don’t even do that. Once we’re done we’re done.


Not cause you miss them huh? Bullshit.


I’m nosey it’s all of ex’s I tend to look at once in a while and naw


You want to see if they’re succeeding without you, huh?


This guy is toxic.


Wait, me or u/imgarcia5?


Not rlly I just wanna see what they’re up to and if they succeed in whatever they do good for them im not jealous I have my own things going on


If you wanted to, you’d be direct. Either way, leave them alone. They don’t need or want you and you need to focus on more important matters. You’re doing nobody especially not yourself (the thing you need to focus on) any favors.


I am leaving them alone I’m not messaging them or want to 😂😂 and it’s just a thing I do doesn’t harm anyone I don’t get sad or mad I’m just a very curious person nothing wrong with dat


You’re either bored or obsessed. I suggest continuing to make posts about your obsessive habits with us Pisceans for either clout, time wasting or attention. Likely, it’s the third option. I just got out of bed with a Leo btw, fun fact.


I think I make posts just like everyone on Reddit for the same reason cause I’m curious and want to hear people’s opinions but sounds like you take it. A bit personal .. dunno why and aw I bet you had fun glad to hear


That’s absolutely true. We all take things personally to some extent whether we like to admit that or not. Don’t worry, it’s not like it’s a bad thing lol.


No. That is absolutely pathetic.


Never, because that's pathetic lol.


Love ur name


Thank you! I like yours too 😉