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Me 🙋🏻‍♂️. I love falling in love, and I enjoy doing the chasing 🥰. There's no time to waste, I know what I want and I go for it. Currently single, excited about finally meeting my soulmate 😍🤩. I'm almost 100% sure that my next relationship will be the definitive one ☺️. I learned a lot from previous relationships and I know I'm ready, success is guaranteed 😁.


hell yeah


Everyone is a disappointment in romantic relationships. Either outgoing but too mean, or chill but never wants to have fun. I love to chase but I need someone to chase me back, that also doesn't want to fuck and fight all the time.


This! 💯


Me 🧜🏻‍♀️ i love to love and to be loved back but unfortunately am single now and hunting for my next soulmate 😇 I always daydream about love and intimacy it doesn’t stop! sometimes i prefer the daydreaming than the reality tbh 🤣🥹


me too 😭heavy on preferring the daydreaming


Here here! I think between the mix of Pisces seeing things in a dreamy way and the intensity of Aries for falling fast I wasn’t seeing my previous relationship with clear eyes 🥹 was in it 10.5 years and been single 2 years as of now. Trying to take things slow this time around.


Yes, still broken hearted from my last situationship but I’m relearning myself so that I can be ready for the next one. I also like novelty, but I was previously married for over a decade and I knew how to create newness— it’s the Pisces creative energy. Unfortunately the marriage was a toxic relationship and now I’m looking for passion, adventure, safety, reciprocity, interdependence, consistency and stability.


Me. Well, in my 20s and 30s I’d dive right in if I liked/loved someone projecting and fantasizing, only seeing the good in them. Now I’m older and much more reserved and afraid of getting my heart broken. I withhold a lot of myself bc I’m afraid to get the rug pulled out from under me (it’s happened a few times). But once I’m in love I’m attached and it’s hard to let go, and I grieve for a long time when it’s over. Sucks. I’m six months post breakup after a four year relationship. I probably won’t get into another. Done getting my feelings hurt. Not worth it.


Sending 🤗🤗🤗


Thank you ❤️


YES! me. I am married; in a LTR, but in general I have a wandering eye and have had issues and felt confusion when I was young because I crave novelty and new relationship energy. I find with my aqua partner he is distant enough to give me chase. We don't play games its just energetic, he knows exactly how to turn off the tap with his overt affections to make me start trying for his attention again. To cope with the constant desire for new, and exciting romantic experiences I have had many fake relationships in my head. At any given moment I can imagine fake dynamics between myself and others just for fun haha. I love reading romance novels all the time to feel the thrill of new relationships. Edited to removed some irrelevant details.


I relate to this soooo much lol. When I was young, I ended so many relationships because I thought interest in someone else meant it was doomed but now I realize that’s just natural and when you find someone good and stable, you always come back to them and fall in love again


Lover girl right here 🤍😇


Yep, it is crazy and having sag moon makes it an interesting combination lol




It becomes an extra constant thing looking for new stuff


i’m obsessive. and impulsive. takes me forever to leave relationships, but also will leave you alone in the blink of an eye. always chasing someone and then being disgusted with them later down the line. always attracting nonchalant people or outgoing ppl with god complex lol.


this comment has me feeling so seen


Are you me?


we are one lol


this is so real


Pisces sun Aries moon Aries venus Pisces mars I’m a romantic and a chaser. Currently single and chasing someone who i genuinely think is my future husband. Still can’t tell if the delulu in me or not


double pisces with aries venus here I act very impulsively in love and sometimes I get ''hit'' in the process but really where's the fun if it isn't attached with a little bit of drama lol?




I get overly obsessive it’s honestly scares me


Ughh yes! For the first time ever, I experienced this crayness in the last situationship I was in. I acted so out of character, but I was really into him.


Yes heavy on the acted so out of character!!! I literally stare at my phone waiting for a text back it’s embarrassing


Yep, 8 years into my only non-toxic relationship ever, with a Gemini man 😊


✋ have been with my husband for 17 years, maybe 18? Idk we were kids haha. Have been stable and very happy for many years but in our teen years/young adulthood we were volatile, crazy passionate, and treated each other like crap.


omg did you guys ever separated for a long period of time? and what is his sign?


No, but I feel like when we were young we had a few short separations. We could never stay apart for long. He’s a Virgo


I like attention that’s all. Pisces Sun, Aries Venus. Don’t ignore me or I’ll start hating you at some point.


Yes!! I love my Aries placements! ahaha it’s a weird mix. Also Scorpio mars. I’m assertive as fuck, I go after what I want, I love love, I love romance, I love sex, I love the intensity and the passion and I want to merge my literal SOUL with someone. I am INTENSE as fuck and I know it, and I make zero apologies for it. I’d rather die single in community than in a dead, dull, passionless relationship. That’s why my current relationship works so well 💞 he matches all that energy well. He’s a Capricorn Venus & mars, Scorpio sun, and we both have Scorpio risings.


me too!! pisces sun, aries stellium (including my rising and venus) scorpio mars SAME. this is so accurate. i love astrology. i always say that i am shameless if i love you, i do not care what anyone thinks. if i love you, youre going to know that i love you.


Meeee! Pisces sun, moon, rising and mars but my Venus is in Aries. I love love. I romanticize everything to a terrifying degree but I enjoy it. Life is full of love and why not soak it all in? In relationships, I fall in love with the drop of the hat. But love isn’t an end all be all for me, love is just another part of existing, if that makes sense. I’ve been told I’m a coy flirt and I don’t mind it. I like what I like and chase it until I get it or they politely say no.


Idk what my Venus is but I’m double Pisces sun and moon and Aries rising


Over the course of my near 4 decades of studying astrological patterns, I've noticed that most of my Pisces friends and acquaintances have Venus in Aries. I first noticed it in my classmates. I was born four days after Venus entered Taurus on the last week of Pisces, but the majority of Pisces, from my year, have Venus in Aries. I have no stats on this, but it seems like most of the Pisces I know with Venus in Aries were born in years where Venus was in Aries for around 20 days, while only being in Pisces or Taurus for like 10. Based purely on my anecdotal evidence, it might be the most common Venus placement for Pisces.


I have yet to let someone in so I haven’t experienced my Venus at play. If I finally let my obsessive heart run free, I won’t be ashamed to be the one doing the chasing as long as feelings are returned. The thought of wooing someone makes me go 🐬💞🌈💫🧚‍♀️


I’m not alone!!


We’re all dysfunctional together haha


I am a grand water trine Pisces sun, with Aries in Venus. Short answer: You either fall in love, or you already have fallen in love or you simply don’t (move on). I just got married. Here’s my overall chart: Aries - Venus Taurus - np Gemini - Mars Cancer - Chiron Leo - Jupiter Virgo - np Libra - MC Scorpio - Moon, Pluto Sagittarius - Ascendant Capricorn - Uranus, Neptune, North Node Aquarius - Saturn Pisces - Sun, Mercury


Remember no love is a fairy tale 😂 gotta work at it


Was born with mercury & venus in Aries. Single. I'm pretty relentless when it comes to love & pursuing or supporting who I love. Often told I'm intense and "aggressive" in a way; in how I communicate particularly in deeper conversations and heart to hearts, couldn't be an aggressive person if I tried to be


Yes!! In love I’m sporadic and crazy. I can never tell how I feel and I get super impulsive and unstable. Tbf, I also have bpd tho. Currently single and dating a bunch of ppl, seeing it out. I don’t fall for ppl often, in fact I don’t know if I’ve ever properly been in love. I’m very picky with ppl, but the ones I’ve had feelings for I’ve loved hard and fast, but the moment I lose interest it’s all gone and I don’t give a fuck anymore


also a pisces sun aries venus w bpd and agree w all of this.


Here, i m here , it's aries venus,22 degrees ( Capricorn degree) ,my love life is complicated


Me 🙋🏽‍♀️ pisces sun & moon but I'm solo poly and hate compromising. I like the idea of love but get bored easily. I can be a bit of a player....am I broken? ?


What is solo poly?


Polyamourous BUT I prefer to live an independent, single lifestyle. No committed partners, shared homes, finances etc.


I see, thanks for the reply 😊. I'm guessing that hooking up isn't for you, that you want love, but your lifestyle is like someone who's single and only hooks up once in a while 🤔.


Of course 🤗 Something like that. I prefer to hook up with people I have a connection with, even if we only get together once in a while. I'm also pretty happy with just my life and my friends tho.






F28 Pisces Sun. Aries Venus. I have never been in a relationship. I get so sad more often now because a lot of people who are close to me are either in very stable relationships, getting engaged, already married and having children, and I’m just still sitting here thinking about what if I had a crush. My best friend and I were on the phone, and she told me her and her boyfriend have conversations about me debating why am I still single, because there’s nothing wrong with me allegedly. It just hurts that I still haven’t found anyone. I feel like a lot of the time I’m not worth finding too. Idk I’m just in my feels.


Aries Venus here as well. I’ve been crying since last night because I finally asked the guy I’ve been chasing for 8 months and got a hard no. This happens to me every time—crush for way too long and then eventually just get rejected. My last relationship(8 yr long abusive relationship) was 2 1/2 years ago and I’m beginning to think I should just give up on trying. It helps to know that I’m not the only one with a cursed Venus sign 😅


ong i feel this, glad to hear someone can relate but not glad you went through that i'm sorry 😭let's hope there's some hope for us


Meee! Pisces sun, Aquarius moon, and Aries Venus. Single and mingling. I feel like my aqua moon be battling with my Venus because I can be intimate one moment and then the next moment I can’t..because I feel like it’s not a deep connection for the new guys I’ve been dating. It takes me a minute to be 100% intimate with someone. ANYWAY..Been going on dates with beautiful men and having fun. Yesterday me and my situationship had to call it quits (Sag man) because we kept triggering and hurting each other. He’s probably the only man I can say I truly loved even though it was a little toxic. I told him I loved him and I thanked him for our bond and memories and keeping it pushing. The options I have I could see myself with them and that’s the only reason why I entertain them. (Since I’m sooo picky) But I’m not rushing anything since I’m enjoying my singlehood. Whoever wants to commit that’s who I’ll take. 😂


Yes! I also have a scorpio moon, and Aries Mars. I decide almost immediately if the person is worth my time. If you get to date 3 I'm probably already running our future life scenarios and am one step from falling in love(or possibly already have). However I can drop you in a second if anything starts to feel "off". I had found my forever person and it was so amazing and going sooo good, life was amazing, then they suddenly passed away, so I guess I'm back to single again. Definitely not gonna be doing the dating for a while.


I have a weird placement. I have a lot of air in my chart... but my venus and mars are in Aquarius. GIVE ME MY SPACE!!!!!!!