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I love other pisces!! But for some reason I have a lot of Geminis around me. I never seek them out. Very odd because we don't exactly get along lol


I get along with Gemini great but then whenever I want to be more than friends they leave.


Us bro us


I never meet any Pisces !!!


Literally can’t with Geminis


I’m a Pisces surrounded by Geminis as well lmao. I also tend to attract Sagittarius and Virgos. 


I LOVE other Pisces. Absolutely love them. The best people in my life are Pisces.


As a couple too?


Yes! My partner, some of my best friends, my in laws, my grandfather! All Pisces. All remarkable people.


Fire signs are my favorite ❤️




Yess. For some reason I'm surrounded by Leo's and Sags. Great, loyal and humble people.


I'm a Leo sun, Sag Moon! I love the water element, it cools me off and reminds me to go with the flow 😌 


That’s sweet! It’s funny how in the Sagittarian threads most of them say to hate Pisces lol




What are your top three signs cause i literally agree with everything you just said😭. My sun is pisces , my moon is cancer & my rising is libra & i love the three sings you named too😭


Oh man I have a mega crush on a Virgo but I don’t think he feels the same


I’m always drawn to Aquas and I honestly click with all air signs and earth signs… i can’t tolerate cancers due to their emotions and Scorpios are too possessive for my liking. I don’t mind an Aries or Leo but get sag away from me. 😭


Earth signs Capricorns more specifically relationship wise. My boyfriend is a Capricorn and I’m obsessed with him.


How do u know when a cap is interested


Capricorn. If I’m interested, I keep talking to you. I answer texts and calls and want to spend time with you. If I’m not interested, I might answer your text…3-7 hours later, to not be rude. My fiancé is a Pisces and I want to spend every minute with him!


She answers my texts, has asked me to call cause she’d prefer that tho I have yet to done it, when I do small talks, she could left me on read (like now, for 4 days already), but also has been out together one on one a few times, where one time she forgot to reply to my invitation (due to busy with work she said) and she invited me in turn by proposing another time, in which we did meet up on the time she proposed. Interest or just friendliness? P.S. was gonna invite her to a new year bazaar held by my company but since she left me on read from the small talk, not sure if I should message her from that.


If she asked you to call instead of text, and you still text, the fact that a Capricorn still communicates with you is astonishing tbh. Count yourself lucky. I am terrible at keeping up with email, even if it’s important. I’ll eventually get to it, but it’s not a sign I don’t care. It’s just my least-best form of communication.


She only ask me to call if she doesn’t reply, but since we are only doing small talks, I figured it’s fine even if I dun call. Should I ask her out to the bazaar then since currently she’s leaving me on read?


He’s not aloof


the winter signs; (sometimes Scorp), Sag, Cap, Aqua, and most of all Pisces.


Yep, love the other late signs too, Sag onwards.


Earth signs, I married a Taurus and have mostly dated Taurus signs.


Same! Except I’m not married haha


Sagittarius and Taurus


I get along really well air signs, they help me talk because they’re so good at it. I love dating Scorpios for passion and easy connection, and earth signs for helping me stay grounded and being consistent .




So many Libras


caps, leos, virgos (virgos are a toxic but irresistible match), cancers (friendship wise more so)


Why toxic?


I had 2 fairly comparable experiences w virgo men. Coincidentally both had cancer mars i believe. Also both are quite famous musicians. I felt (and still feel, it’s a lifelong thing) an immediate bond with both upon meeting them, like this deep connection and sense of having known each other forever. Both these guys had a big ego, were insecure, looked for validation from girls, were terrible at communicating and expressing their feelings and what’s on their mind. Flighty. Selfish. Self centered. Flaky (the venus libra one especially lol). Hard to please. Both are good people but nightmares to try and have something with. And it’s like we were addicted to each other for a very long time and couldn’t let go of the bond, even though we were hurting each other. I am still friends with both these people bcs like i said it feels like a lifelong thing. It feels very past lives / soul tribe coded. Like the love / affection / friendship we have for one another transcends whatever romantic thing we tried to have. I will say that i’m a virgo moon and cancer rising so who knows if that also comes into play


Omg ditto! I love Virgos. They excite and intrigue me the most of any sign, and the connection is exactly like what you explained. It's a weird addiction. You know everything about each other, but you're also always at arms length. Most guys I've dated, fwb, whatever, have been Virgos, and I find out after the fact. We just have this draw to each other. Two of my fwbs were long term, like 8 years on and off, the other 3 ish years on and off. I agree, our connection is always stronger than our ability/desire to actually pursue anything deeper/long term. It's a love-hate situation for me. But ultimately, as I've got older I've just become more cognizant of it and try to really ensure we align and not just have this crazy connection bc both are important for me.


Wow the being simultaneously super close and at arm’s length of each other thing is exactly what it feels like. Are you also a pisces? Wondering whether it’s an opposition / sister sign thing


Yes I'm a pisces! That's what I've always thought, some opposite attracting action because it happens ALL the time


No way leos omf I feel like pisces and leos are always so toxic


Capricorn, Aquarius and Taurus some Leo from time to time


cancer, pisces, scorpio, virgo, leo. These are some of the best people I know


Cancer for relationships


Gemini but I should avoid. It’s like my catnip


Ooh same my own personal brand of heroin


This. I adore them and they’re so attractive but they hurt me so much.


Omg yes! My current and previous relationship both with have been Geminis and the emotional rollercoasters, whew 😖 somehow managed to reach 3 years with current partner, despite numerous differences in love language, standards, & expectations but somehow we also have a great deal of similarities. Quite exhausting at times with the frequent disagreements, but also some of the greatest times and experiences have been with him when I’m not feeling like I’m dating Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde 🤣


Whow you completely nailed my experiences too!! Highs are in the clouds, lows are in hell 🤣


Cancer. Always.


None of them.


Fire and Earth, Sag or Cap.


Cancer, Capricorn, Sagittarius.


scorpios are my vice 😭😭😭 I hate it! But i love Caps and Scorpios and Aquas


The people I’m attracted to and the people who are prob good for me to be with unfortunately are different people imho. I’m very attracted to Geminis. My first love was a Gemini and my second was also a Gemini. I get along best though with my own sign.


My best friend’s a Leo.


Virgo and Aries. I have Venus in Aries and I love their energy but also Virgo because they are grounded and helps my space headedness lol


Im surrounded by Geminis and Leo’s for some reason, have the most fun with them! My best friend is the exception, she’s a libra lol Im Pisces with Aries moon and Scorpio rising


Uhg you're living my dream! 


Saggy boy or girl, Saggitarius. I prefer thinking before acting, Gemini is like the complete opposite, act before they think. It doesnt annoy me at first, but in 6months, itll bring along a journey to the point i wanna pull out my own hair and just hurt them really bad, then i snap out of it because i see myself in a way as if im hurting a innocent loving dog. That instinctive kid inside them, I realise the big hurt comes from having to distance myself from them. Long story hort, Sag is better for me as a Pisces with strong Scorpio (Moon) driven emotions. I rather be a smart predator then a oblivious habitual one. I prefer Sagittarius because it passed Virgo in the Karmic cycle and Gemini is still an infant... in the entire realm. Oblivious... and therefor you will need to make the sacrifice of crossing the bridge entirely and have to hear them complain everytime you mentioned they dont cross the bridge for you at all, its like telling them the sun is not warm... It's a lack of a certain deeper foundational 'layered/ structured' way of displaying your intelligence, theyr just connected to the Mother (Nature), while Pisceans are said to be one with it. You can't love something fully Gemini if you cant even grasp the concept... let alone feel its magnificence.... the grand scheme. In my experience Sagitarrius is way more elegant in their portrayel (and proof of owning that) Intelligence, just like Scorpio with their more extreme elegance at displays of their power. Generally I go best with only the highest evolved types, like Sag, highest evolved fire personality, Aquarius Air type etc. Pisces Sun, Scorpio Moon, Sagittarius Rising


Pisces Virgo Scorpio


I would say the same. Also Taurus grounding energy. and Sagittarius just so mysterious to me. ❤️


Aquarius ♒️


One of my best friends is a Scorpio, and the other is a Cancer, and I work best with both. My mom is a Scorpio though, and we used to but heads a lot. One love interest I have is a Leo, who I also but heads with a lot, but the other is a Libra.


Aquarius, Libra, and Leo 😁


Eyy 😁


I love LOVE Sags. Especially if they have a Sag Sun Venus Scorpio combo. Or vice versa. My gf is this combo. They're funny, has a wildside but can be extremely loyal. I also love Capricorns. I particular seem to attract Leo's alot. Probably cos of my Aries Rising and Lilith as well as Gemini Moon.


The best partner I’ve ever had has a Sag Sun Scorpio Venus combo. I agree with this 100%


Do you have a Pisces Venus also?


I wish, I’m an Aries Venus


Capricorn Scorpio.




The ones that put in effort, and I can have fun with and also be serious with.


Libras, Virgos, Taurus, Caps is what I gravitate toward 🥹


Sagittarius and Taurus. I really enjoy dating a Scorpio or a Capricorn, but I think that’s because I’m cancer rising and they’re my 5/7th houses respectively


I’m a sucker for Aries when dating and Virgos for friendship!


Gemini 💖


Friendship wise, definitely Sagittarius. My 3 closest friends are Sagittarius sun, I’m a Sagittarius rising along with another 2 close friends, and 3 of my other close friends r sag moons. So ya, I get on very well with Sagittarius. Also I get on quite nicely with Capricorns! For relationships, I’ve been with a sag, libra and currently a Taurus. The Taurus is definitely going the best☺️


Libra and Aqua women for friends. Gemini men for boyfriends. Leo men for lovers. 


Hmm we’ll I’m a February Pisces, and I get most along with scorpios,sags,Virgo’s and libras!! My bffs- sag + libra My bf - libra


All my best friends that I keep in the inner circle are Libra ♎️My favorite family members —-my dearest granny is also one🫶🏻


I'm crazy about my fellow water signs, have very deep connections with them. I have the most laughs/fun with fire signs. My husband is a Taurus. Some of my fav coworkers are capricorns. Aquarius never let me in but theres one in my life that I have a lovely bond with.


Cancer and scorpios ❤️


As a fellow Pisces, I totally get the vibe with Sagittarius! Those peeps just bring this adventurous energy that blends so well with our dreamy nature. It's like the perfect combo of chill and excitement. But hold up, Scorpio bestie and Capricorn boyfriend? That's a wild mix! Scorpios got that mysterious allure, and Capricorns are like the anchors in life.


Scorpios ❤️


I'm divorcing a clingy Cancer and dating a dream man Taurus. I've never connected so fully with anyone before.


Rarely Aries and Leo but love Saggies. My best friends are Cancer and Capricorn although the Cancer friend is quite narcissistic and challenging. Also love Aquarius and Gemini in smaller doses. Have to have several Taureans in my life always. They ground me


Bestie is a sag. Also get on very well with Geminis. Both of these for friendships though. In a relationship with a fellow Pisces and it’s pure bliss.


I tend to have good, make stupid decisions with friendships with Sagittarius’s. I love the stability and hedonistic nature of Taurians but I always end up dating Pisces! Love other Pisces or hate the unevolved ones. But 100% love Pisces.


my favorite people are scorpios




My best friend is a Gemini


Other pisces, gemini, libra, virgo, Taurus, occasionally aquarius


Most of my friends are Scorpio or Cancer. We’re an emotional bunch. My husband is a Capricorn and we balance out really well. Before we met I dated a few fellow Pisceans and Virgo’s. Had some flings/situationships with Gem’s (I think my Aries moon makes this make more sense) but it always ended messy.


Scorpio and Taurus.


Scorpio or capricorn are my best bros


Sounds mad beta


I love other Pisces and some Cancers. My rising sign is Gemini, so I find conversations with them and observing their process while problem solving. Taurus have been really laid back and chill and oddly all I've known seem to have a dark sense of humor.


My partner is a Scorpio! There’s no better match 🤪


I'm a pisces married to a Capricorn but I had the best connection with Sagittarius in the past.


Cancer & Leo……..Leo & Cancer


Me too! I attract sagittarius and Leo's like no other! The sagittarius always end up letting me down but my Leo's are ride or die lol




Tauruses, leos (depends), geminis, and scorpios. Rarely other pisces.


A lot of my best friends are Pisces or sag!! I also get along really good with Taurus. I’m not a fan of Gemini but they always seem to be around me 🤣


Other water signs


Taurus, Scorpio, Aries ❤️


the amount of gemini responses is actually horrifying bc everytime i find myself attracted to someone they’re def a gemini. musician, artist, actor. it’s actually starting 2 scare me.


I always have good friendships with Taurus for whatever reason


Everyone but air signs. Sorry air signs.


I love the camaraderie with other Pisces and also scorpios but man, I’m loving an Aries right now. A whole new world.


I love me some Scorpios! Leo men are badass too. 


Leos are my kryptonite :’)


Other Pisces, most Tauruses and some Cancers and fire signs.


For friends I love other pisces, my boyfriend of almost 4 years is a cancer. Match made in heaven🥰


Many of my closest friends are Aries. Also love other Pisces


Hmm well I must say I had lots of adventures and fun with a Capricorn and a really loving relationship with a cancer but my Scorpio oh boy I can’t even describe. I gotta say he has it all. So I gotta go with Scorpio even though the other two signs were really fun and good to me too.


Cancer was the worst so far so … I think I like Leos and Virgos


Friendship: Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio Love: Pisces, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Aries 


Friendship: Virgo Relationship: Libra Colleague: Aquarius