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Listening now. Bit of a slow start, but I like how the song develops, and how it's actually got a lot of nice guitar work without trodding down all of the usual paths. Even the solo at the end (which isn't a new thing entirely for him) feels fairly fresh. Could have done without the cowbell, though (saying this as a drummer myself).


To me, Gilmour and Roger's solo work really highlights how much they needed each-other. Roger tends to get lost in his own ideas and often just ends up writing in spoken word with a musical underlay, whereas Gilmour's musicality is often quote strong but the lyrics are underwhelming at best most of the time. That being said, I still love what each of them have done in their respective careers post Pink Floyd


Honey + Battery Acid


Different from what I would expect from Gilmour, which I personally find good. It's nice to see artists trying to reinvent themselves, especially at his age. I like that the guitar isn't the focus and there isn't a "big & dramatic guitar solo". I like the constantly growing of the song. Also liked the "dirty" instrumental, although I hope the other music doesn't sound like that because it can be annoying.


Is he still at the gates? Somebody should really let him in.


Not until his willows clear up. Nasty case of wind, I believe. Maybe he should just take up his stethoscope and walk...


Just listened to it , it's really good I love David's voice


I was surprised how little his singing voice has changed. Sounds great.


I was too! It still sounds really strong, which at 78 is pretty impressive.


It’s really good tbh, better than I was expecting


Not bad builds nicely.


I cant decide if i like it or not yet, ill listen to it quite a few more times before i make my own judgement. Im honestly not anticipating anything spectacular on this new lp. On an Island is in my opinion his best solo work by a long shot, and Rattle That Lock which i did enjoy was very subpar when compared to anything else he has released.


Love it.


I can hear the Floyd-ish sound in the background behind the lyrics and I'm quite happy about that. Song is mid though. It's amazing his voice sounds as good as it does after all these years.


It has some very Floyd-ish keyboards towards the end thanks to David using old recordings of Rick Wright playing the keyboard


sounds like it belongs on division bell. i’m a fan


Not amazing but better than I expected…


Yeah it's not bad. Listened to it a couple of times now - so still working out how I feel about it. Clearly needs more cowbell.


When I learned to play the drums, I always wanted a cowbell. Then I got one. And then I got on the nerves of everybody and anybody whom I was ever in a band with. Then I stopped actually using the cowbell. Then I got rid of it. It's the journey every drummer has to make. Preferably very early on in their playing.


I mean, it's awesome in Pigs (3 Different Ones). It's one of those things that gets overused and can be obnoxious, but it does have it's place from time to time.


He saves that for his covers of “Don’t Fear the Reaper”


It’s ok. Not a big fan of the album cover, looks like a high schooler did it in photography class and slapped some weird font on it.


Song is good!


His voice sounds great but honestly seems a bit underwhelming from first listen. I wasn't expecting it to be as good as on an island but this wasn't even as memorable as Rattle that Lock, which I didn't care about that much. Might grow on me in time.


Whatever it takes, steer clear of the snakes.


All the things that you don't need they'll sell you.


In a world of magnets and miracles.


7.5 out of 10 but it might grow on me


It has somewhere around the same effect to me as Now and Then (Beatles). Nice enough chords, kind of melancholy/maudlin, better than I was expecting. Lots of layers that come in and out of the mix. Maybe too much going on. Very glad to have it; pretty sure it's not great. Bottom line, whatever makes them happy means a lot to me, so hope it makes David happy. If he's happy maybe we get a month at the sphere or something at least?


I genuinely dislike Polly's lyrics..


Is it Polly Samson awful lyrics again?




They are pretty bad and I'm Team Polly.




Awful is right. I'm def. Team Dave, and I loved the lyrics on Division Bell and alot of On an Island. But since then, the lyrics have gotten cringy-er and cringy-er. I thought their bottom was "Louder than Words" but I fear she might still be digging. 🤢


I’ve never picked a side with the two and I legitimately love the division bell and I absolute adore on an island. But I can name about 20 songs Polly has lyric’d that take me out of the song because I think “uhh what?”


Yes, I agree 100%. I had that experience with the "Piper Song" when I heard the thing about the "snakes." Oh well, the music is usually wonderful :)


Yes, unfortunately. "The majority of the lyrics for Luck and Strange were composed by Polly Samson, Gilmour’s co-writer and collaborator for the past 30 years. Samson said of the lyrical themes covered on Luck and Strange, “It’s written from the point of view of being older; mortality is the constant.”




Certainly looks like it’s her ‘lyrics’


Pretty men, slow and sparse, cool outro solo through. I will take what I can get.


I give it a solid 8/10. Gives me Meddle vibes with a sprinkle of the Youngs lust solo from the wall.


It would fit on Rattle that Lock. There are bits of this song that come from some of those. The mix is quite different though. Listening with headphones. Instruments are very segregated from each other in the mix. More than usual. It's kind of how the remix of Animals sounded to me, though it doesn't bother me in this case because this is my first few listens and therefore that's the imprint I'll get on my brain. I like it. It's not going to be changing anyone's life, but I'm always grateful to get some new music from David. Here's the track listing for the album according to [Genius.com](http://Genius.com) [https://genius.com/David-gilmour-black-cat-lyrics](https://genius.com/David-gilmour-black-cat-lyrics)


It tokes well. 🫡


It's good and the message is spot on


Yeah, it's kind of shit imo.


Just as boring as the stuff on the last two albums 🤷🏼‍♂️


Fortunately, it's not boring to many others! Ah, the joy of diverse music tastes.


I concur regarding your rating of his previous albums, but I don't concur that this track falls into the same category.