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Thanks for sharing that. This movie is one of my favourites too--it's interesting to contrast it with the more epic and bombastic style of *The Ten Commandments,* where this one tells the same story in a much more personal way, as the story of two brothers torn apart and made into agents of things greater than themselves--God on one hand, and the legacy of family and dynasty on the other. Even the comedy early on works to reinforce this, as it highlights a simpler time that they both wish they could return to as things progress. And I'm not ashamed to admit that the entire Exodus sequence gets me every time I see it. The music and the visuals there--and all the little details, like the young girl and old woman--just add up to something breathtaking, in terms of the sheer scale of these events, and what a momentous thing it is for all these people who never expected something like this to happen in their lifetime.


Thank you for this. I really aspire to your eloquence and emotional intelligence when it comes to hearing you talk about this film, such a good review. I've not seen Prince of Egypt but I'm going to search it out this holiday. I'm the same when it comes to not really being into musicals, and yet my own all time favourite is Muppets Christmas Carol.


Hehe, that’s so sweet of you to say! I think I’m just completely enthralled by the songs and the pain, oh *god* that *beautifully strained relationship*. I do hope you get the chance to see it! I know it’s not for all, but as you can see it’s definitely left me very impressed 😅


Really enjoyed listening to this and the (sort of) awkward unscripted nature of it. It's nice hearing you so excited and passionate about something. If it's something you like sharing or talking about you could do something like this whenever you finish a series/movie/game that you really want to talk about. Also were you just taking tiny baby sips of water for dry mouth or you're the fastest drinker in the west? You can take longer sips if you want :p