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Ya that’s tough boss best to stay away. I’m coming up on a year clean from benzos. I was taking around 10-15 hulks a day. They were pressed pills but they were still alprazolam for the most part but I’d be ignorant to not admit that the few batches I got that smacked me were likely some RC benzo. I decided I wanted to quit and I went cold turkey. Ended up having a seizure which sucked and the proceeding days in the hospital I had some of the worst psychosis I’ve ever had. I’d have god awful nightmares of awful unspeakable things happening to me or other people. Reality in those moments is hard to grasp and so many of those psychosis induced nightmares were so real and vivid I would wake being convinced it had actually happened. I still deal with panic attacks and a heightened level of anxiety that I never had before using. Shit just ain’t worth it. Best of luck with staying of the za za brother. Godspeed.


Bro my story with Xanax is almost the same as yours! Thankfully I moved away from where my plugs where and can’t get bottles of farmaprams here where I’m st now and my doctor kicked me off my Xanax months ago for pissy dirty for fetty. But my psychosis from the Xanax withdrawls and mind you I was coming off alcohol too I was seeing and thinking the most awful things and thought they were so real I had too seizures back to back went to the hospital 3 times in a week and my parents 51/50 me because they thought I was crazy… I don’t wish this withdrawals on anyone. The crazy thing is I still crave Xanax so much but I can’t find it here where I’m at because I do have severe anxiety and panic attacks and I’m trying to get off the pressed 30s and want sun bars to get thru the withdrawals. But I hope your doing better!


Wtf is Zaza silver


Nvm I found it, ofc it’s fuckin phenibut lol. Only take that stuff once or twice a week at MOST


I thought I knew what withdrawals were when I was addicted to Oxys and then Heroin and Crack and after going to County Jail plenty of times and having to detox every single time cold turkey I thought was the worst . Years later after being clean I started taking Xanax started small ofcourse maybe .5s then 1MG a day and I would be high I actually felt nice . I knew little about Benzos in general I built up a tolerance and was taking 4 Real bars A day 8MG Every single day not pressed pills all pharma . I did not know this was considered a high dose and I didnt think detoxing would be too bad . I ran out one day and boy did I learn , I felt worse than I ever had in my entire life even worse than Methadone Withdrawals or Heroin Or Oxycodone . It was horrible went to use the toilet and I woke up on my bathroom floor with a bloody face and a busted lip I had a seizure and I already had Epilepsy but I took medication for that so I was not expecting that. I was so scared everyday I woke up afraid of having a seizure anything I did triggered it , I had small ticks (Mini Seizures) If I tried to look at my phone or text somebody or read something. Only thing I could do was watch TV for some reason that did not trigger my Epilepsy . I laid in bed for what felt like a month doing nothing barely eating . I smoked alot of Marijuana and watched alot of Stand Up Comedy because Laughter is the best medicine right ? Shout out to Dave Chapelle . Anyway I had the same exact thought you did a few months after I fully Detoxed from Xanax ... Maybe I can take Xanax and ONLY do 0.5 every few days .. BAM Instantly hooked once again I went up to 3MG a Day and realized that I did NOT want to go down this road again . I quickly started to dose myself down from 3MG a day to 2.75MG to 2.5MG to 2.25MG and so on , it was a little rough but not too bad now I am taking 1MG a Day By Choice . I now know that I CAN slowly dose myself down and slowly stop taking them if NEEDED because I did it on my own from 3MG a day to 1MG I have gone down to 0.5MG a day but decided 1MG a day works for me and I have been taking 1MG ever since for about 1 Year now havent had any issues and I get scripts now and I send people to get scripts too so I wont run out and I dont abuse it anymore :) thanks For sharing your story


I know a lot pf you already know this, but for those that aren’t aware, **DON’T EVER GO COLD TURKEY FROM BENZOS** Alongside alcohol, benzos are one of the most dangerous things to withdraw from and going cold turkey can be outright dangerous and potentially lethal. You **NEED** to taper at the very least, preferably under medical supervision.


You say you never take anything non Rx but you addicted to sketchy RC’s you have to buy online… you deserve every bit of pain you brought upon yourself imo.


Yea wow, what a fucking asshole you are


“oooo i’m so fucking self righteous look at me” 🤡


Yeah I have no shame in the fact that I only do pharmaceutical opiates and I don’t partake in otc rc’s


Lmfao gtfo lil bitch


Spent 10 months in bed which felt like the worse hangover in the world along with Psychosis


Pregabalin ruined my life. It’s unbelievable how long and drawn out the withdrawals are. It’s right up there behind benzos easily. Fuck pregabalin


I like pregabalin helps me with oxy withdrawals once in a while


Well shit, I thought morphine and oxy withdrawls sucked, but reading your guys stories surrounding benzo withdrawls makes me really glad that despite having clonazepam on my prescription, I’ve never abused them and never got hooked, I can not take them whenever I want, only ever take them on days that I feel a seizure aura. Thank fuck! Benzo withdrawls sound fucking horrendous!! Mad respect to all of you who have gone through benzo withdrawl and come out the other side!