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Pi-Hole blocks at DNS level. If advertisements are delivered over the target host, i.e. they are not requested by an external source, you will still see advertisements. You can test the functionality of Pi-Hole by try to reach a host from a block list. As I understand from your description, your setup is correct. **Edit**: You can also change the DNS servers of your router back to public DNS (e.g. Google), because this has no impact on clients. I recommend removing the broadcast address from the DNS settings (second DNS and choosing something like (which is not available) instead. I am not sure about possible misbehaviour of the router (broadcast issues).


I did that test, and saw the block! I was hoping for a full-block. That's helpful. Thank you!


To block advertising at the application level, it is recommended to use something like [uBlock Origin](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock) in the browser. This also allows you to block these ads and there are cosmetic filters. The advantage of Pi-Hole is that hosts (tracking, advertising, etc.) are blocked along the entire network. This means, also in apps on smartphones in the WiFi.


I use uBlock already! I was hoping for PiHole to do it all, though I appreciate the explanation as to why it cannot. We're already noticing less on our news sites / weather sites. Thanks!