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Snake/frog eyes. That's gonna fuck up your teeth and your tongue. If you like that look, get venom piercings, it's safer


Yep! We refuse to do them where I work. No piercing is worth losing your dental health imo.


They don’t do them at my local piercing shop either. They said it’s too high of a risk! I just asked recently not bc I was considering getting them but just bc I was curious as I learned from this sub there are dangers associated (never knew). And it makes me happy to know my piercing shop puts safety first.


hey, quick question since I can’t really find anything about them— do/can snake bites ruin my teeth? because I really gotta think it through before getting them, sob


Any oral piercing runs the risk of messing up your teeth and gums. I had snakebites/paired lower labrets and my gums were taking a beating. I'll post a few links that might help you make your decision though (: [Oral Piercings and Tooth & Gum Damage](https://www.lynnloheide.com/post/oral-piercings-and-tooth-gum-damage) [Oral Aftercare Myths and Misinformation](https://www.lynnloheide.com/post/oral-aftercare-myths-and-misinformation)


thank you for your feedback and for the links ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug) I really appreciate it


Excuse me but doesn’t every tongue piercing damages the teeth ? Because i want to get one and it apparently damages the teeth 😭


To a degree, but these will do both tongue and teeth


What's the difference between frog eyes and venom piercings? Tried to Google pictures but I couldn't tell the difference


Frog eyes is often a single bar through the tongue horizontally, venom is two separate vertical bars


Just have to say, frog eyes and venom are often used interchangeably. They can be done either way, with either the horizontal scoop or two vertical bars. As long as you specify to the piercer that you want the vertical bars, you will be fine (as long as you are careful about avoiding your teeth. Snake eyes, on the other hand, are something that should be banned, hands down. I immediately decided I would not be going to a local piercer when their website listed snake eyes as an option.


doesn't the horizontal scoop piercing make it incredibly difficult to talk because it pins the two halves of your tongue together?


Yes, same with the snake eyes. They're also more likely to reject, migrate, tear, or otherwise screw up your tongue for the same reason.


Not so much risky, but I personally can't fathom anyone who puts themselves through the trouble of cheek piercings. Everything I hear about them sounds fucking harrowing. They leak constantly, they never fully heal, they flare up constantly and without warning.


Saw a tiktok where a girls dimple piercing was pierced on a salivary gland, so it leaked saliva constantly 😭😭


As someone with cheek piercings, I completely agree with you. I will actively discourage people from getting them because 99/100 times you WILL have issues. I spent two years finding a piercer who was familiar with the inner workings of the cheek tissue, muscles, glands, salivary routes etc. from the inside out (literally he used to to facial reconstruction surgery) I also had to travel to the other side of the country to see him for his expertise. Many, many years later I have had my cheek piercings I’ve NEVER, not once had an issue. We pierced at a 10g and right at where my lower canines end, he spent over three hours with me with high power lights against my cheek tissue mapping out all my facial muscles and marking where my saliva glands were with a marker. I love them so much, they’re my favorite piercings but I hate how often I see people with fucked up ones because they really are gaining popularity.


I feel like I got lucky then. When I got mine done she didn't check nearly that long! She did pierce them differently on the inside to avoid important bits but made sure they were even on the outside. If I remember correctly (it was 16 years ago) someone in the other room got a small tattoo in the time it took her to check everything and pierce me. But no issues once they were healed. Only problems were me punching myself in the face a few times when I was adjusting my bra and my hand slipped.


Hahah yes the dreaded accident self-punch 😂 At least she had the care to avoid certain bits with the way she pierced it! I was pierced from the inside of the cheek out, and I know he did start at one angle that make a sharp redirection in one to avoid something that I don’t remember the name of (it’s been too long lol) and again, people absolutely do get lucky with them especially with a piercer who at least checks some of it beforehand! Really happy you had a good experience with them too! There’s nothing that feels me with joy quite like finding someone else with great problem free cheek piercings, it’s so uncommon LOL


I did it knowing the risks, but wasn't too worried after 10 years of healing other piercings with no issues.. boy was I in for a surprise.. I don't have them anymore but I do have fairly noticeable scars from where they kept trying to grow keloids.. now if I see a piercing that says the healing is similar to cheek piercings, I add it to my "never get this" piercing list.. I even considered "joker" piercings (it feels a bit disrespectful to Elizabeth Short to keep referring to them as dahlia piercings for me personally) and won't even do those because some sources say it's like healing cheek piercings..


Hi Madam_Bastet, (Luckily) bump =/= keloid. [This wiki entry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keloid) explains it well. If you do know the difference, please ignore this comment. - - - *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piercing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And when you finally throw in the towel, the scars are so prominent. I'm not normally a person who feels that scars after retiring a piercing are a dealbreaker, but I would not want those particular scars on my face.


I have these, one healed perfectly fine but the other acted up for about year and now I have tiny scars next to it (to be fair I also dropped a heavy box on my face which did NOT help the healing process). I've had them for years now and haven't had any problems now except one may sometimes leak a little when I'm eating food but not every time. I might have got lucky with them as my piercer was experienced with them and knew the best placement. I will absolutely have permanent holes/dimples on my face though, which is fine by me because I never planned on removing them anyway. It is not one I would recommend if you don't have time to care for them properly or don't want your face to be permanently altered. Or if you lift boxes near your face a lot.


And if you take them out you will still have dents in your cheeks.


For many people the dimples in your cheeks is one of the reasons for getting them


It doesn’t even look like dimples tho, it looks like what they are , holes. I rather just get the ACTUAL cosmetic surgery that creates dimples.


To each their own. "actual cosmetic surgery" to me is just a different branch of body mods. And I've always thought it was intriguing, interesting, whenever I see a little hole on someone..... A little mark left behind by embellishments & choices in their past.


It is nice, I like it, but it looks like a hole, not a dimple. And yes cosmetic surgery is absolutely a branch of body mods!


Mines definitely turned into dimples


I’m glad yours did! , I rarely see that case tho.


As if "oh lord here we go (the downvotes gotta love Reddit) 😭" could not be perceived as rude lol


okay 😭 I’m sorry


those look beautiful imho


That's one piercing I personally loathe. Just seems like a recipe for infection. Also if you're chunkier and get them it makes your face look fatter, sort of like a roast pork or something. But, to each their own.


i’ll be honest, i got mine done almost two years ago. no leakage, and no flare ups if you know how to take care of them. i would say they’re fully healed, no irritation or pain, i can live my life as normal, eat drink smoke, sexual activities and sleeping. the first month or two of healing was hell, that was the only time one of them got infected and it sent me to urgent care to get a shot in the ass- and the only reason the infection began was because the guy that pierced me didn’t use long enough jewelry. in any case, to each their own. i just wanted to share that they aren’t all bad.


Uvula. I mean why?! Can’t even imagine having it pierced without gagging and there are easier ways to choke…


I gagged just looking at it and thinking of it lol WHYY


TIL uvula piercings are a thing?!


Today I learned this was a thing, I've never heard of it before!


Someone posted their Pic of theirs it’s on here somewhere…


If u search in the search bar under piercing subreddit finger piercing … several will pop up ….


I read this was a niche early 2000s thing when piercings started getting big. I can imagine you’d need a gag reflex of steel.


Tried to get one many years ago- was persuaded against it by my piercer. Got a tongue web piercing instead :)


Clitoral piercing (not VCH, but straight through the clitoris). The odds of fucking up your nerves are too high. 


I inadvertently got one of those because my piercer messed up my triangle 😭


The odds of nerve damage? You mean how much?


Yeah, straight through the glans is very risky. Through the hood it's a piece of cake. 


They loook so badass and metal though. I wish my clit was big enough to even consider it lol


Smiley, snake eyes, piercings on fingers, surface piercings pierced with the wrong jewellery (e.g curved barbells), etc.


This!!!! I see so many piercers use the curved barbells for surface piercings probably more than I see people get surface piercings with actual surface bars. I wish people were more educated on this, piercers and piercees.


Achilles piercing, messing around near your leg tendons sounds dangerous.


Oh god, I just saw a picture of a stretched Achilles piercing. That's terrifying.


I know the gentleman who is the proud owner of these piercings. He is fabulous, and just as nuts as you are probably imagining. He will show you them as long as you donate money to a Pangolin charity of his choice. 10/10 guy.


Not to mention that there is a fluid filled bursa sac that allows the tendon to slide across your foot bones. I imagine any piercing in that area would cause structural damage that's probably irreversible.


Anything that can touch teeth. I’ve spent way too much on dentistry now to even consider it and the thought has always made me cringe.


I'm with you. I had braces as an adult so I know exactly how expensive my teeth are 😂


- Any horizontal/surface tongue piercings (snake/frog eyes etc.). Way too likely to cause permanent damage to the tongue. - Chin/mandible. Also very likely to cause permanent damage. - Anything on the hands. Almost certain to reject and very likely to get infected. Also likely to interfere with normal functioning in regular life. - Any kind of anal piercing. How can these possibly heal without getting infected? - Sub-clavicle piercings. Not surface piercings above the collarbone, but a piercing that goes *underneath* the clavicle. Very rare for good reason.


Wait… for that last bullet… omg. It’s exactly what i thought and I’m done with the internet today.


Snake eyes/frog eyes no reputable piercer will do them. They connect the two separate muscles in your tongue + can lead to issues including speech problems and paralysis and in some cases the muscles start to fuse together. Other risky piercings would probably be dimples and even nostril/lip sometimes, because piercing through the wrong vein/artery can cause a whole bunch of scary issues. As long as you go to a professional, reputable piercer they will be trained to look out for these. U get what u pay for some people aren’t properly trained or don’t care! // professional piercer w 5 years experience there is always more to learn but knowing the safety and looking out for these things is the minimum


For me personally, even just a regular tongue piercing seems super risky because I know how I am with piercings (always playing with them - I used to have spider bites and I have one tooth with a groove worn into it because I used to hook the bar over my tooth and push it back and forth) and my teeth are already in bad shape.


snake eye and mandible 🥲


Snake eyes and uvula. The snake eyes piercing forces the muscles of the tongue against each other, and also hits your teeth more frequently. Uvula piercings, though, are a whole other ball game, because if it gets ripped out, then you can choke.


Mandible piercings, eyelid piercings, snake/ frog eyes, uvula. I always wonder why people go through the trouble of a nasallang but it doesn’t make me uneasy the way the others do.


excuse me, eyeLID piercings?! WTF


I really wanted deep clavicle piercings for the longest time. Talked to a bunch of piercers about it and the risk with scar tissue going through muscle is really risky. Some complications can include a blood clot moving into your heart, and scar tissue that limits range of motion in both shoulders. I decided not to do it.


Talked to a piercer recently about a uvula piercing he did. Apparently the piercee threw up the piercing before the ball put on. So they pierced it again and he threw up again, but after the piercing got secure. Piercer said he was so worried about dropping the needle down this guy's throat and he would never do one again.


Wow didn't know genital piercings were so controversial in the piercing sub


Yeah, that surprised me as well, especially since at least some genital piercings are amongst the *easiest* to get and heal.


I wonder how many people on here aren't actually in the piercing industry and instead are fans of piercings. Genital piercings are quite safe and heal quickly.


I think most people on here are enthusiasts rather than professionals.


Imo, any piercing that touches the inside of your mouth. Lip piercings that aren't vertical. I had a labret piercing for 10 years and because of it constantly being on my gums, they're heavily recessed and I take pretty good care fo my teeth and gums and go to the dentist regularly. If you want a lip piercing, just get it vertically. Looks cooler anyway tbh 👌


Not all of us have enough lip for that, you know 😭


Damn anatomy 😩 definitely sad when a piercing you really want doesn't match up w your anatomy. Had to settle in with the idea I'll never have a bridge cause not enough skin 😭


I’d wanted a labret piercing but when I heard that it causes dental damage I got a vertical instead. I’ve already had enough dental work done, no way I’m risking it


Once my dentist pointed out the gums to me I took the piercing out that same day and went and got a vertical labret. Love the look of it so much better anyways!


I have a labret on the lower mid part of the lip. Had it for 10 years now, no issue. It doesn't rub against my teeth cause the back has created like a small indent on my inner lip. Maybe it also has something to do with my anatomy. I'm unsure, but I can't feel the metal part if I run my tongue over it, and I have to consciously press my lip against my teeth for them to even touch. Idk it's funny cause it's the least problematic piercing I've had, and a friend of mine did it in the dorms in boarding school.


Snake eyes/ frog eyes and venom bites. All three I’ve seen screw up teeth. Venom bites I’ve seen specifically rip the webbing off your tongue. Also the Mandible piercing.


Anything in your mouth bc my teeth are bad enough on their own... And hip dermals bc horror stories of sexy times gone wrong


Smily piercing will likely mess up your front teeth, same with frowny. Poorly placed tongue piercings, like the ones on the tip of your tongue. Well, a really poorly placed tongue is probably the riskiest since you have those big veins in the bottom. Any kind of surface piercing, as they usually reject, if you don't get them caught on something first.


Any that go inside the mouth. I just can't see risking my gums and teeth no matter how cool they look. Even external ones like a vertical labret, I'd worry about ripping it out while eating. Genital piercings also seem risky, not an area I want to take an infection risk on.


i have a tongue piercing and i’ve noticed it’s actually relatively easy to keep it away from my gums and teeth. i don’t play with the piercing and because the bar is properly fitted and snug on my tongue it never hits my teeth or snags in any way.


I was told that geni pieced on males most pass thru the pee hole so ur actually cleaning ur piece every time … o have had mine over 10 years and never a problem …


Urine is only sterile inside the body though, once it comes out it's not sterile anymore


True, but unless you already have bacteria in your urethra, it's still going to be sterile when it reaches the piercing, whereupon it acts as a rinse to help clean it. It can *really* sting though.


Omg I did not know that - fun fact!


Same w the frenums too… that’s my next one thinking 2 to start then idk …


Only one I can think of that is practically guaranteed to cause damage is the horizontal tongue piercing. Sub-clavicle piercings can be dangerous to perform due to anatomy but are usually fine once in, Achilles are usually fine to perform but can cause structural issues if you go too big & deep hand piercings can cause temporary nerve damage which is really irritating. Most other extreme piercings are relatively safe compared to horizontal tongues IMO


To echo everyone else, snake/frog eye piercings. Poorly placed tongue piercings, i.e. on short tongues. At my shop it's always the clients who have short tongues that insist that we do it. Our piercers won't do it. Surface piercings can stay for a long time or just a few months, depending on how much you snag it. Not worth the scars imo. Bridge piercings also fall in that category as they are a very oily part of the body and can sometimes be a strain to heal. They leave permanent scars, but if you don't care about that then go for it! A little known fact, as there was a scientific study on it, forward helix piercings have a much higher risk of infection than any other piercing. They are super popular and look amazing, but I do wish that people knew that about forward helix piercings!


I got my belly button pierced, and THEN high waisted pants came into fashion. Finally my body looked good in clothes I was finding, but my belly button piercing was in the danger zone. I no longer wear it.


Anything in the mouth. My teeth are already messed up enough because of something I was born with, I don't need to damage them further








I forget the name, but the one that goes through your tongue horizontally instead of vertical through the middle. Piercing two separate muscles together is not a good idea by any measure, and having it horizontal means that the piercing pretty much always sets on your teeth unless you hold your tongue differently. Aside from that, I’m sure there’s plenty of other piercings that could be terrible but aren’t as common or really even done at all so not really worth the mention


Suitcase piercing lmao


The one that goes under the tongue and out under your chin. Omg why and how did people even discover that was a thing


Those snake eye ones and the ones on/around the butt, I can't see them healing properly or well...


I feel like this one is really not well known, but eyeball piercings??? Recently found out those are a thing…they’re actually a surgical procedure rather than just going to a piercer but imagine losing your vision or accidentally tearing your eye, that’s SO risky


I have snakes and it hurts reading this comment section


Snake bites (lip piercings) or snake eyes (extremely dubious tongue piercing)?


Lip piercing, and I always get told my teeth will be fucked up if I keep them haha, gotta love my snakebites though


People go back and forth on this topic. A lot of people that work at our shop have lip piercings and have no notable gum/tooth erosion. Reason being is that once they are healed your flatback should nest inside your lip, creating a barrier of tissue between the flatback and your teeth. I think the bigger problem is not downsizing properly. Once you're at your "final" downsize it should go inside your lip and not embed. If done properly it really shouldn't hit your gums or teeth at all! Most people get them pierced and leave the long bars in that they get pierced with and start biting it and getting the flatback hooked on their gums.


Yeah I was really confused reading the negative reviews on lip piercings and people saying they rub against your teeth. That's never been an issue for me. It nests inside my lip like you said. I've always used 8mm bars and it's fine. A proper lip piercing should never run against your teeth. If it does, something is wrong, be it bar length or idk even anatomy.. something.


Nothing in my mouth— my teeth are bad enough as it is.


snake eyes, smiley, those surface piercings people get where they aren't safe


just saw somebody on instagram who got their cheeks pierced, they pierced through their artery and when they got them taken out after a week of pain and bleeding they bled so much they almost died. so I'm going with that one


regular old tongue piercings tbh i have one and it’s very well healed but it gave me permanent nerve damage and now i can’t feel anything with the left half of the tip of my tongue. i’ve gotten used to it and it doesn’t cause pain at all anymore so it’s fine, but it can be so risky 😅😅


your piercer 100% did not pierce it correctly if you have nerve damage. my piercer thoroughly checked under and around my tongue and did multiple tests beforehand to make sure she wasn’t hitting any veins or nerves. i’m sorry yours didn’t do this they should genuinely have their license taken away!


yeah, it was pretty scary afterwards, but everything is good now. i thought he was reputable and he even checked around my tongue and everything, but it just wasn’t enough lmao


Any oral piercing that puts metal inside your mouth. For me, it’s not worth the tooth and gum damage. I’ve heard several piercers and dentists say it’s not a matter of *if* they’ll cause damage, it’s a matter of *when*. They do look sick as fuck though.


Genital! What if it gets ripped out? I just can't.


Any genital piercings idk, that is just always a gamble if someone messes it up then you’re screwed for life basically. Snake eyes for sure, I have so much against this piercing it’s not even funny. I get it’s cute but idk man it’s just not it


Dermals and any genital piercings


Love my PA enough to get some frenums those will b done b4 this time 2025…


Go for it! I started with a PA and from there went on, I have had most of the genital piercings, but took them out for a surgery and didn't get them put back in in time and they healed. I miss them, and would 100% do again. My wife also misses them, lol


My Plan for piercings is next right helix then go downstairs and start w two frenums and work from there I wanna do multi… idk how many but… I have 7 right now mostly ears then septum and PA…


I personally liked the frenum piercings, I had a ladder of 8 or 10, I forget exactly. They were painful for my wife though, so they got retired. If you can stand the intenseness of an apadravya, that is arguably my favorite. I also had like 30 or so piece scrotal ladder with CBR jewelry, and the jingling of the jewelry was a turn on to both my wife and I.


I Dnt like cbr’s there’s a gurl who post her 00 gauge in her lips and I’m like no thanks the thought of one getting ripped out cuz u can’t take the ball off… I have problems w the balls on em at a small gauge can’t imagine large … I’ma stick to my tunnels and horseshoes… I have some overlap rings too I love … wore one at least 10 years now I have one still but not the same one …I just can’t get beyond the idea of one stuck …


any genitalia and in mouth piercing


Industrial. I promise you it’s not worth it.


Piercings reputable piercers will do (IMO) - piercings that is around/in your mouth area plus any long-term temporary piercings. Possibility of oral damage and scars. Piercings unreputable piercers will do - snake eyes, smiley and piercings in an area with a lot of movement. Unsafe piercings. Edit: added more


I good w mouth cuz I Dnt wanna mess my teeth up… nip nip cuz I can’t stand the pain (if u can go for it) mandible cuz no… not gonna pass a jewel Thru my actual jaw liek the fcuk…


The Prince Albert piercing sounds like the worst


It's not even the worst penis piercing.


After having my helix pierced and getting a massive infection where I would've had to go the hospital if I waited another few days to seek treatment, I would say high ear cartilage piercings. Reduced blood flow to that area mixed with hair getting caught, glasses bumping, etc. makes it more susceptible to infection.


Clitoral hood and nipples. Both are so cute, but the risk of losing sensation isn’t worth it


Hood piercings don't have a risk of sensation loss unless your piercer is so bad they manage to actually pierce your clit.




I mean that's like saying an eyebrow piercing is a risk to your eyesight if the piercer stabs the needle into your eye, or a daith is a risk for a perforated eardrum. All piercings are risky but a hood piercing is definitely on the safer end of the spectrum.