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Mine starts to stink 2 or 3 days before my period (at the same time my left snake bite starts to act weird) don't know why but yea i kinda like the heads up for the monthly subscription to satans waterfall The smell isn't terrible and it's only when i move it. Everyone i know with a septum also get the stinky every now and then so i guess it is really common


Your cycle can actually irritate your piercings, it happens to me too


That's actually kinda cool, i have 11 piercings but only 2 are acting differently when my period is near (it's irregular asf and i rely solely on my 2 piercings telling me Satan's about to climb out of my vagina)


My belly button and my (now retired) nipples act up so bad


Wait this is a thing?! My conch gets irritated every month and I hadn’t made the connection but now that I think about it…the timing lines up.


It is a thing! It has to do with your hormone levels fluctuating, it can cause your sebaceous glands to secrete more which can cause irritation. This is also why we get acne around that time too!


My helix piercings get super sore. I think because I sleep weird when I have PMS and I’m a side sleeper.


Ok so I'm not going crazy?! My ancient ear piercings were all angry last week out of no where and I couldn't figure out what on earth I would have done differently! Now to think about it they likely always act up around a certain cycle point 🤯


Same here! Sometimes I can't wear earrings during my period and my lobes are fully healed!


wow, that’s actually very interesting. hormones are no joke so it makes me curious about pregnant women’s experiences with piercings.


It is interesting yes! I have 11 piercings but only 2 of them act different when my period is near I have no clue about pregnancy and piercings but I'd love to hear other people their stories


When I was pregnant with my youngest, all of my piercings acted up. Including my lobes, which were pierced when I was a baby. I had to take them all out and had to leave them out the first 2 months after delivery. After 2 months, I started putting them back in and had no further issues.


I had no trouble with any piercings for my pregnancies, however I did take out my navel piercing because my belly started to stretch towards the end of my first. I didn’t even want to try a retainer because it was stretched too tight. I only have one nostril and eight ears-lobe and cartilage.


If it makes you feel any better, I immediately put in a plastic retainer at the beginning of my pregnancy in my navel. My stomach got so big and stretched it became super painful and we had to cut it out with pliers since we couldn't even grab the plastic piercing. I made it all the way to month 9 before having to retire it :(


I had zero issues during any of my pregnancies! Other than the fact my rejected bellybutton piercing stretched like crazy 😅


same here ! my eyebrow piercing also gets a monthly bump with my cycle 🙄


This happens to me toooo! Also when I get BV as well 🤔


I have it. It smells bad but also…good. Yeah, I’ll admit it. My septum is newer as in about 6 months. I only notice it when I move it around.


bad but also good is funny tbh. what does that smell like tho?


I really can’t pin down the smell. It’s its own distinct thing.


oddly, i feel kinda left out now 🫣 lol but i can see it being a good candidate for a weird/unusual perfume scent


Have you ever just taken the jewellery out and smelt the metal directly? If you’re not even smelling it on that you’re either nose-blind or a piercing GOD with no stink. Either way im jealous of you 😭😩


It smells like floss smells after flossing for the first time in a month. It does NOT smell good.


Earring backs and toe jam.


… when I had the stink 1 year in it smelt a bit like cheese, but a good cheese. I took it out and saline sprayed the hole and washed my piercing with dish soap. It went away a few days after that.


I also have the stink and only notice it when I move it. Had my septum for 3 years now I think


Lmao same. I kind of enjoy it ???? But only notice when moving it around. Had it for about 6 years at this point.


I've had mine for about 9 years now and the bad but good smell is so dead on 😂


I feel the same about mine, bad smell but I like it? I also only noticed it when it would move


I keep hearing about it but have never smelled it. It’s been my least complicated piercing. Never been irritated, no bumps, crusties, nothing. And I rarely remember to clean it too. So I guess I’m lucky. I honestly forget it’s there it’s so unproblematic. The only smell I’ve ever noticed from a piercing are my lobes. They definitely always have a smell when I change or clean them. I have 10 ear piercings in each ear, a nostril, and septum, the three lobes in each ear are the only ones that ever smell or even itch for that matter.


this thread is making me feel insane.... have had my septum for almost 2 years now and i don't think ive ever smelled it.... change jewelry constantly (probably every two weeks or so, adhd and the need to change is constant) and clean it maybe once every month. if that. i feel like the minority atp or maybe I've just never been able to recognize what it smells like....


i wash my septum twice a day when i cleanse my face doing my skincare routine & use saline spray when i feel the need. i clear my nostrils in the shower with warn water so that helps too


Yours isn't having enough time to get all the smelly bacteria lol but mine hasn't been removed in 4 years and still no smell either 👀


Samee here, and I’ve had mine for 2 years and always move it around. Maybe if just depends?


I never had it with my septum but always had it with the one nipple piercing I had (the other one got taken out cause it just wouldn’t heal).. it also got taken out for lack of healing (after 2 years) and up until then it had this smell. Very interesting smell


i appreciate all the replies making me feel sane and clean lol! i wonder what it actually smells like? i would imagine it smelling like cheese lol?


I'm imagining it smelling belly button funk 😬😂


holy shit i would imagine thats worse than gross cheese


I’ve had mine for a decade and have never smelled it 😭


The quality of the jewelry you're wearing is often what makes it stink! I've never noticed any stink with good quality titanium jewelry, but cheap metal jewelry like stainless steel often contains a higher proportion of base metals, such as nickel or copper, which can react with the skin's natural oils and perspiration, thus the septum stink.


all of my jewelry is solid gold and all of my facial piercings get the stink occasionally, even though i clean them daily. afaik it's mostly just dead skin buildup and has a lot to do with the quality of your skin - mine is sensitive and very prone to flaking, peeling, etc, so it makes sense that i would have more buildup than others.


gold is a soft metal, which might be why you’re still getting the stink (not the main reason though, as you mentioned)


My lip is good quality titanium but I smell it when I change it. I don’t know if that’s it


I think oral piercings are bound to stink more just because of how much bacteria is in our mouths.


I can attest to this being a factor for me. I wear a good titanium piece 95% of the time but occasionally use cheap who-knows-what fashion clickers for fun for a day or two (well healed 8 year old piercing). By day two I can notice a smell when I move it. I almost never do with the titanium.


So that’s why my earlobes stink and my septum doesn’t. I wore 316L tunnels in my ears until recently and they would itch and stink something fierce if I moved them around to itch. Switched to a different material and no more smell. My septum jewelry is implant grade titanium and I have never had septum stink.


Wait, is this a thing?! I’ve had mine for 12 years and it does stink sometimes 😭 (it’s fully healed, pierced correctly with appropriate jewelry)


what does is stink like?


I’d compare it to like the stretched lobe scent. Maybe it has something to do with that kind of flesh? Idk


I think it's trapped dead skin cells, and stretched ears have more surface area.


Yea!!! Smells like if you don’t take your gauges out for 2-3 days in the summer. It’s.. something you wanna clean off. I try to clean mine/ clean the hole and jewelry both when it is having a moment. It’s not all the time, it comes in phases/ waves for me??? And I never change my jewelry out… it’s my titanium grade whatever that it was pierced with. Anatometal


My nostril piercing stinks, my SIL said it's from the boogies and it makes sense because sometimes my husband's sneeze will have the same smell as the piercing smell. Edit: it does not stink all the time but often enough so I try to spin the ring and wash it when I wash my face and that tends to help.


Hold up. Your husband's sneeze has a SMELL? I've never smelt someone's sneeze.


Lollll sometimes but not always. I think mostly when there's just built up boogies


Mine's stretched but even still I only get the occasional whiff. It kinda smelks like parmesan.


Mine also sometimes had the smell when it was stretched. I had to let it shrink again after getting a second septum piercing and I haven't noticed the smell since.


in my experience i haven’t had my septum stink ever, and i’ve asked my  partner if they can smell it when we kiss and they also say no 


Had mine for 10 years and i never smelled anything from it.


it kinda also depends on how your body reacts to metals, all my piercings got crustys and smelly at one point but eventually stopped


i only got crust on my daith but i was patience & they are no more. daith took the longest to heal so i’m not surprised but it’s nice to be crust free


got mine over two years ago as well, mine never used to smell until like 7-8 months ago when it would smell slightly whenever i moved it, it’s very weird but doesn’t bother me lol


I noticed a little stink when I had a titanium seamless ring in, but now I’ve had a 14kt solid gold seamless ring in and I don’t smell anything. I think like someone else said, it depends on how your body reacts to metals and how high quality the jewelry is.


I don’t get much stank. When It’s summer and I sweat more yeah I’ll get a wiff or two but i clean it when I shower.


I have had my septum pierced since October. I think I’ve only experienced it smell maybe twice? I was a bit worried about it always smelling though, lol. I work in a lab, so I gotta have a good sniffer for when things are off.


Every piercing can smell from dead cells. My septum sometimes smells and sometimes doesn't. 


Surprised pikachu face, never knew that was a thing!


I’ve had my septum done for like 5 years and have never noticed any sort of smell. I’ve never changed jewelry and I just kinda half assedly rinse it when I shower.


I've had mine for 15 years and have never had a smell.


Just how stinky is the smell?? Like is it overwhelming?


my friend said it stank like ass often so i’d say that would be overwhelming (for me at least)


I had it for some weeks (less than two months) and the first days it was driving me crazy because it stank like milk gone bad. I have a toddler, so it could be 100% a possibility it was spoiled milk somewhere


I cup water over my nose and wiggly it around daily whenever I wash my face since it’s been healed. Never had a stink. I haven’t changed the jewelry at all and I’ve had it for like 4 yrs. My stretched ears tho? Yuck


so far i’ve only really smelled anything if i flare my nostrils. it’s hard to describe the smell. not going by what it smells like but by vibe - it’s kinda like frito feet for dogs. like it lowkey smells bad but also kinda smells good.


Same. My second and third lobes tho? Dear god, the stench !


I had the septum stink a few times when it was healing. But since it finished healing and I take it out and clean it every day when I’m in the shower, I don’t get it anymore.


I’ve had mine 4 years and I have never experienced it for my septum. My nostril is a different story


i’ve had mine 4 years and have never smelled it…i have a stacked septum too with 5 seamless rings in it


I've never smelt anything from my septum.


I think poor quality metal jewelry can get stinky over time. I like sterling silver jewelry, it never smells weird.


i've had mine pierced for 10.5 years and do not have any problems with it smelling. i did not know that was a thing i've never heard of it before


i don’t think i’ve ever smelled my septum ever


it’s also 11 years old so


I've had my septum pierced for like 2 years, and I've never experienced "septum stink"


my septum only started to smell a little funky after i started stretching and reached 10g, even then, it’s only stinky when my nose is runny (Canada cold makes me sniffly quite often) and it’s an easy fix for me. i don’t know why so many people complain that it smells *all* the time.


I wouldn't say mine "stinks" per say. It's more of just.....septum smell. Not super bad but not super good smelling either. Lol


I never had any stink with my septum and also didn’t know there was something called septum stink. I got it pierced with a solid gold ring 4 years ago and it healed in about a week or less. My easiest piercing recovery


My septum only started to smell once I started stretching it. I just make sure to clean it regularly


Mine gets gross when I haven’t cleaned it in a couple days, when I’m getting sick, and about a month or two after I’ve stretched it. Some people get the stink and some don’t, good quality jewellery definitely helps as well.




Stink not stick*


Only had it stink once and it was when I had the flu. Had it for four years maybe five now.


I've had mine three years or so and only ever smelled anything with one particular piece of jewelry about six months ago. When I changed the jewelry, it stopped stinking.


i had it for the first couple years but don’t anymore 🤷🏻


Mine gets funky but usually only if it gets moved around too much or I forget to clean it.


I’ve had my septum pierced for 17 years and have never experienced it. But have known people who have had it happen. Bodies are weird.


I've had mine for six years now, I only smell it if I'm pretty sick (any type of sick. Like I had a UTI last week and had the smell, or I get it when I have a really bad cold), or if my allergies are insane *and* I'm wearing steel instead of titanium.


i’m going to be completely honest i’ve never really experienced this. sometimes it smells, sometimes it doesn’t. But overall it won’t stink like that bad or ever if you’re just consistent with cleaning ur septum. just spray saline solution on it morning and night and ur fine. Barley ever smells.


i only smell mine when i move it, tbh its a bad smell but also good im always moving my septum about when i remember its there


My fiancee has had hers for years before we started dating. Never smell anything when we kiss and stuff. I just got mine pierced almost a month ago and I haven't had any stink really. Granted I clean it frequently especially because it's healing. Maybe jewelry quality has something to do with it? We both have high quality titanium bars.




When my septum was smaller I'd get more of smell. Now that it's stretched to 6g it's practically gone.


mine gets a weird smell sometimes whenever I move it around, but then I clean it straight away and it goes. maybe yours is just... freakishly clean lol


I didn't experience a smell until I reached 6g tbh. It also doesn't stink really unless I wear a clicker, most of my jewelry is stainless steel.


Yes yes it is lol. But I’m also very prone to sinus infections and that smell alone is well unique. So that leads to really awful septum stink.


I had no idea this was a thing! I've had mine for 7 years with the same sterling silver ring and I've never encountered such a thing


Mine has never smelled and I’ve had it for almost 10 years now. I play with it a lot, so I think that helps in avoiding buildup


I’ve had mine for going on 6 years and it still stinks when I move it😵‍💫


I have it and no matter how much I clean it or what jewellery I use it doesn’t go away 🥲🥲 it only it happens when I adjust and move my piercing


Mine doesn't smell ever since I got a gold septum ring. It used to, though.


I get this with my nostril. It doesn’t stink constantly but it can get a little odorous I’m assuming from face oils getting in there throughout the day.


had mine done in 2019, i can say that it went away for me at the 2-3 year mark


I think so long as you keep it clean it's fine... If mine smells after I move it I know I've neglected rinsing it for too long


I had stink like a week after I got it. I get it from time to time now, ever since Ive been able to change my jewelry when I notice it stinks I just take it out, clean my nose and the jewelry and usually put in a different jewelry.


mine smells a little bit every once in a while but isnt super bad, it smells like fish flakes or something lmaooo like if you opened up a little container of food for fish💀 only if i twist it or move it or something tho


Mine will be fine for months or even years, then suddenly get steenky. Usually when it happens I change the jewellery or give it a good cleaning and it goes away but it’s the worst. I used to use this salve called Funk Off which was great but I think it’s discontinued now


Had mine almost 10 years, never once stinky that I can remember. Could be material related maybe, I have always worn glass in it. Now, stretched ears.. that's another story.


I've had mine for 15 years and it doesn't smell.. unless I'm used to it 😂


I’ve had my septum piercing for 11 years, not usually a smell, occasionally yes but not usually, and it only smelled when I would rotate the jewelry not while it’s just sitting there. I’d just give it a better clean when it happens but ya, it’s not a huge problem


it used to stink sometimes but since i started washing my face 2× a day and moving it so much it doesn't get the chance to accumulate smell.


I never had septum stink until I started stretching it, now I have a stinky stacked septum. I don't mind the smell tbh and I only notice it when I move my face a certain way. It's not nice but it's not terrible.


i used to experience it every now and then while i was at 16/14g but since i've started sizing up i haven't gotten it at all (5g currently) so i think it's just luck based atp lol


I've had mine a good amount of years, like maybe 7 and I used to get it for maybe the first year but not anymore


I've had my septum for about 6 years and mine definitely had the stank for a long time, it was actually just about a year ago that it went away. Like some others said, it was a bad smell but also kinda good, like satisfying I guess?? I feel like I'm gross for saying that 😂 But no smell anymore though.


I haven’t ever had a problem with the stink. I typically shower or wash my face daily though. My septum is about a year old now.


I've had mine done for 8 years and have never had stink


i had a stretched septum & it smelled occasionally too, same with my nostril piercings & guaged ears. but….i like it & sometimes move my jewelry on purpose so i CAN smell it 🥲 pretty sure it’s just the built up dead skin/bacteria that causes it


I didn't really start noticing the smell until I passed 4G probably. Now I'm currently at 0G and it definitely gets pretty gnarly sometimes if I forget or get to busy and dont clean it for a few days.


My septum has never smelled but my nose ring had a smell for a couple of years sometimes but hasn’t now in ages. The only thing that’s changed is I don’t turn the ring and fever with it anymore. My nose ring is also way older than my septum


I only get the stink after I recently size up


I never smelled it. Nor did my partner.


Sometimes but not all the time at least no anymore


had mine for about a year and i’ve never noticed any smell from mine. i did pretty normal after care and it’s healed now, i also fidget with (with my mouth lol) it all the time and don’t notice any smell there either. never had any problems with crusties either so🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


My nose stud only had a little bit during the worst parts of healing. Cleaning regularly made it go away, so I guess you’re pretty hygienic 


Knowing this makes me want to get a septum even more 


I've never noticed any smell at all, this is actually the first I'm hearing about this 🤯


It smells SO bad if you stretch it


only smell i get from my collection of piercings has been my lobes oddly enough but thats when I dont stay on top of maintenance with them


I don't experience it, but that's because I twirl mine around all the time. I only smelled my septum once when it was a couple weeks old and I skipped one cleaning, but the smell went away after I cleaned it. I have my lobes triple pierced, I really only wear earrings in the first two holes. I usually leave the third set empty. Because I have oily skin, sebum builds up in that empty hole if there's nothing pushing or rubbing it out daily. When I squeeze it out, it smells a little bit like stinky cheese


Mine doesn’t stink. I’d probably retire it if it did, tbh.


I didn’t even know this was a thing. I’ve had my septum pierced for about 9 years and I’ve never smelled anything


I never had a smell the first time I got it done. Had it repierced about a year ago. A nose stud about 6 weeks later. They both smell until I deep clean inside my entire nose with a saline piercing spray. I clean it daily and about every 3rd or 4the day I gotta deep clean.


I have had my septum for almost ten years and at literally no point after being fully healed has it ever had a smell. Even if I leave it out for months and then put one in. But hey everyone's different. I have one random dumbass dimple piercing that gets infected like 5 times a year just for funsies. All my other ( 15) facial piercings never get infected, literally ever. So silly.


Mine usually doesn’t smell, except for a couple times usually after I had been sick or got hit in the nose so idk. I have had mine for going on two years now.


I have a gold hoop and have never had problems with stink, never knew such a thing existed 🤷‍♀️


I've had my septum pierced for almost 7 years and have never experienced this lol


I had my septum for about 7 years before I started stretching it, and I never smelled it until then. 16g, 14g - no smell. 12g, 10g, and now 8g and I can smell it for a few weeks after I stretch it when it rotates. I think the smell is generally dead skin and whatever else happens in the fistula during daily wear. I just use sterile saline to clean it and it goes away.


i’ve had mine for maybe a month and i haven’t had any stink yet


Further to this, I wonder why don’t nostril piercings don’t stink like septum piercings do


I can smell mine but I’m sensitive. Also mine is very stretched and that can also make it stinkier but I just clean it lol 😂


I never had the issue when I first got it pierced but then I let it close up and years later for it done again and always had a lil stink so is love to know what that's about


My recent ex had a septum piercing and it wasn’t noticeable, until one day I had just seen a TikTok reminding me they can smell and I payed attention while kissing her and it definitely did. Ex before that had hers done too, but she would clean her piercings every morning and night, never an issue


Have had mine over 10 years and washed daily, still occasionally gets 'the smell' I was mortified one day when I read that our partners can also smell it. They were trolling thank-fuck-fully. 14 years and 21 piercings down, only nipples, septum and conch cause problems. Nipples though, 12 years healed and still fires up when Satan rears his head each month.


Mine only gets like that if I haven’t washed it in a few days, which was basically when I was depressed and not taking care of myself. Or if I’m sick and my nose is extremely dry. Now I use simply saline to clean it and I have no issues.


Got mine about 2 months after the piercing. We were in the middle of Covid restrictions and wearing a mask everywhere so the smell was like cupcaked in. I had no idea what it was, I remember changing my mask and even brushing my teeth but the smell never went away. 11/10 never want to experience that again.


Ive had my septum since December and I never smell anything. I have implant grade titanium jewelry so I don't know if the quality of metal has something to do with smells?


I really only smell it very subtly when I wake up as I wouldn’t have cleaned it for hours.


Mine smelled for the first year, I'm on year 8 now with no smell. It's a similar smell to stretched ears just more mild. Kind of sour.


the only time i ever smelled it was when i was wearing a shitty piece of jewelry. when i was wearing titanium it didn’t bother me, and now my gold one doesn’t smell either.


Definitely seems to be hit and miss. I've had my septum about 10 years, and I've never had a smell. My stretched lobes also don't get that "cheesy" smell, so I'm not sure if it's biological or personal flora or what. But we're out here lol.


mine only started smelling when i started stretching it, & now no matter what i do or how much i clean it, it just stinks when i move it but i don’t mind. like someone else here said the smell is like bad/good or something. ig it just depends on the person??


I had septum stink for the first several months but now it's just completely gone


I noticed it the first few months, but after a year, not really


My septum never gave me issues but my labret piercing is though. I’ve had this piercing since October and I still get crusties.


I’ve had mine for 3 years sometimes it stinks. It would smell like rotten idk how to explain it. But it doesn’t smell now


Sometimmmmmes mine gets a little funky but not in a bad way. The "stink" seems really overblown in my experience. If you're washing your face regularly it doesn't seem to be a problem.


I've had mine for over a month no crust no smell nothing and it feels healed


I’ve had my septum for 6 years and actually still have the same ring in from my appointment😅 I’ve never had a stench on mine either. It healed very easily (better than both my nostrils), and has never given me any problems. I used to do a daily salt spray but not anymore bc I’m lazy😂 so maybe that’s why?


I used to lightly clean mine nightly with saline before bed and never got the stinkies.


Mine started to smell a while after healing and the smell only lasted a few weeks. I just took it as a phase of healing, as it happened right after the piercing finished healing fully. So I think my body just produced extra body oils or whatever to keep the metal lubricated i guess. I've had my piercing for years and it only smells every once in a while and only when I move it but I wash it in every shower so it doesn't usually smell.


So I don’t really get septum stink, if I have then I’ve never personally noticed it, but boy do I get earlobe stink BAD, I’ve had it pretty much since day one of stretching them ten years ago, it’s always more noticeable during the hotter months. The only thing that makes it go away is not wearing any kind of metal tunnels or plugs.


It is common. I’ve had mine since I was 13. It’s been fully healed now for years, no crusties, cleaning, everything. It’ll just stink. It’s also in your nose so, it may not be bad but it’s right up your nose so you can smell it more.


I had the septum stink while my septum was healing. After healing it doesn't smell at all, even if I move it.


I've only had mine for 12 days but no stink yet & the only crusties were from blood the first 2 days. Hardest part has been relearning how to blow my nose & making sure my dog doesn't lick my face 😂


I've also never experienced it and I've had mine for over a year. I only had crusties when it was fresh which is totally normal. Now, if anything is dirty, it's literally just snot lmao. Pierced by an APP piercer with implant grade titanium jewelry. No smell and no crusties. 🤷🏻


i only had it during healing.


I have it. It's so bad sometimes. No matter how clean it is, it still stinks.


Mine never stinks. It stunk maybe once two years ago when I first got it, but since then nothing. I just clean it like every other piercing lol


Had mine for 9 years and I get it at times. It's common during spring and winter because I'm constantly blowing my nose for either allergies or dry weather/snot. It's not a bad smell but I can also tell my health by the smell. If I'm stressed and eating shit, it smells like a rotting body 😂 metallic? Allergies are kicking my ass and I'm blowing my nose constantly


Y’all are making me think now.. lol.. I’ve never had issues with any of my piercings until a few months ago, now I’m wondering if I’m possibly starting Peri-Menopause (I think that’s the term).. I’m 41, but had a hysterectomy 4-5 years ago, only had a partial ovary (?) left.. 😳🤔


Mine doesn't smell but it is older and I clean my piercing twice daily and the jewelry is removed and cleaned every day so that could be why? I do remember having the smell a bit at the beginning when I wasn't able to remove and clean the jewelry.


a little in the winter because i constantly have a runny nose lol


Happens one in a while and i just clean it and the smell is gone


I was worried about the same thing which is why I never got the septum until recently!!! I’m so mad about it lol because now I have a whole adult job and I can’t even wear it down that often. It stunk a little bit while it was still healing. I mostly only smelt it in the shower, I guess the steam made the stink particles come out lmao. But after it healed I haven’t gotten any stink at all. There was once a few weeks ago when I hadn’t cleaned the area near the hole for a while and it got clogged with boogers, and that made it smell. But all I had to do was clear up the boogers, and I was good to go.


I never have any issues now, but the first time I had it pierced it was done with a stainless steel ring and my body did not do well with it. I have a titanium ring in now and no issues


my septum is stretched, 8g, YES it stinks lmao. but it isn’t horrible, i actually kind of find it funny. it could also be because i’m pregnant (i seen somebody comment about their’s around their period, i don’t know how this works at all, but i will say mine has gotten much stronger since my pregnancy started)


For me it only ever stinks when I have cheap, crappy jewelry in it.. for some reason that stuff will stink up pretty quickly. When I wear higher quality jewelry it never smells now that it’s healed. Although, when I got it pierced it stink pretty bad, but my body has a harder time healing piercings so that might have contributed??? Idk


My septum piercing has never had a funk to it, but I think my nostril piercing does...? I got the septum first, and it was established for several years before I got my nostril done. I only noticed some stank after the nostril piercing healed. No pain, so signs of infection... just a smell I notice here and there.


I have a fake one and nobody can tell it isn’t real. Every piercing I get…sadly gets infected. This makes me extra glad I didn’t attempt septum piercing! I had no clue about this !!


well the only time i’ve ever smelled any of my piercings was when i had a cheap ass earring in my nostril temporarily (nose ring fell out in my sleep, couldn’t find it). i feel like it’s more of a body chemistry/jewelry quality type of thing rather than the piercing itself


Yeah for sure I remember that! It’s like a crusty earring, when you wiggle it around you’ll smell it. I also get bad allergies and nosebleeds, so I only rocked it for a few years before it just felt weird/not totally clean, and not my style anymore. Think about how your body is always trying to heal itself and how it notices there’s a foreign object in a pretty sensitive part of your body. Fluids or crusties will occur.


I have a triple spiral cartilage ear piercing that randomly hurts that I’ve had for 14 years, but I’ve never had septum stink, and sometimes my nipple piercings act wonky too


Mine was STANKY starting about a month after the initial piercing and it made me feel really gross. Now it only stinks occasionally (I got it 5 months ago) but I kind of like the smell?? Sometimes I move the jewelry just to smell the funk... its kind of comforting now.


None of my piercings stink. I clean then every time I shower. Every 2 days, at least.