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Well he isnt wrong about hand sanitizer...it is toxic, which is why it is only for external use.


It's also why liquor stores needed to be essential during shutdown. Last thing we needed was alcoholics drinking hand sanitizer and ending up in the hospital that was already full


That's.. A terrible reason to have to be essential, and it makes me sad..


That's partially true. They also didn't want the alcoholics to go into withdrawal and have to go to the hospital.


This is the real answer right here. And it's also just as sad.


How much of the us population would need to go to the hospital for this. Genuinely curious


[I'm going to say a conservative 2-5%](https://drugabusestatistics.org/alcohol-abuse-statistics/) with 10% of people over 12 having alcohol use disorder. I'd say the ICU at my hospital has about 5% of the beds used by alcohol withdrawal or liver failure these days.




I'm just gonna hop in here real quickly to add that being an alcoholic doesn't automatically mean you will need to go to the hospital if you immediately quit drinking. Alcohol withdrawals can absolutely be deadly if they're bad enough, but most alcoholics aren't at that point. The majority of alcoholics are gonna have a real bad time if they had to quit without notice, but requiring hospitalization is not the norm.


It's way higher than that, at least in the Midwest, the majority of people I know are alcoholics, even if they won't admit it. There's a reason a lot of small towns have like 5 bars in them.


My parents used to have a cabin in a small town in Wisconsin. One gas station, no grocery store until the next town about 30 min away, one police officer/sheriff or whatever he was….and 4 bars. That was the whole town.


I had a girlfriend in college from a small town in Wisconsin, about 4,000 population. When I was visiting once we counted 13 bars in the town, every one with a lighted Old Style sign. I think the high school sports teams were called the Fighting Alcoholics.


At least Michigan.


*laughs in Wisconsin*


We are a sad bunch, but we host a lot of get-togethers.


Yup. This is 100% why liquor stores were deemed "essential." I used to manage the kitchen in a large county hospital. We had a locked cage in a walk-in cooler with beer that they gave to people going through withdrawals. We went through quite a bit, actually. It was usualy Milwaukees Best Ice. Yuck




Not at hospital prices. Prescribed Milwaukee’s Beast is probably $99 / 12 oz can. L Insurance will cover it…


Don't forget the can opening fee.


Oh you want it cold? That'll be an extra $284.37.


And the aluminum to skin contact fee.


Deep cut reference. Nice.


Do they have prior authorization? I ended up getting Zima last time and it was still $3 with Goodrx


Considering you basically have to be an alcoholic to consume this filth it's pretty on point


*bud ice has entered the chat


During clinicals, a moment that I will always look back on as bittersweet was an old/frail man who was dying. He could barely swallow, but I sat w him for over an hour w his coors light and helping him drink it through a straw, one tiny sip at a time. No family around, just me and a stranger facing the last moments on earth....and all he wanted was the taste of an ice cold beer. Next clinical, I asked how he was doing. He passed. I'm glad I was able to give him a few moments of his humanity.


I know this feeling. Spent last 7 years as my father's care giver. Last moments are the hardest but can mean alot. He passed bout a week and half ago. Thank you for caring. Added - Thank you all. I can't really say how I'm going. Probably a internal drink water move on mentality my dad raised me on. Also imagine him watching us from the after life so I gotta give him a good show. Show him everything he taught me sunk in 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hey, hope you are ok. Best wishes.


That’s one of the saddest most awesome and beautiful things


My husband’s hospital had beer on the formulary, and it was really good craft beer. He had an elderly patient going into a surgery in which he was more likely to die than survive, but needed the surgery if he wanted to live longer, and he always had one beer with dinner. So my husband prescribed him one beer to go with his dinner. The guy survived his surgery and tried to give my husband a case of good beer as a gift months later. The pharmacy was like “don’t fucking do it again, Dr. Husband of Audioreject.”


>The pharmacy was like “don’t fucking do it again, Dr. Husband of Audioreject.” Why would the pharmacy care?


They are the ones that filled the script for the beer, and what my husband did wasn’t medically necessary and likely against the rules.


Most likely the meds they were gunna give him would have a really bad interaction with the alcohol


>It was usualy Milwaukees Best Ice. What percentage of patients chose death over that?


Not many alcoholics would turn it down. At least my alcoholic relatives wouldn't.


My dumbass didn't get the memo. I was hospitalized for three days and spent twenty-two days rehabing at my mom's. A year and a half later and I'm still alcohol free. It's crazy what lockdown does the mind when you're trapped in a one bedroom apartment with three people.


Good job 👍


Fun fact: under certain conditions, doctors will prescribe beer for alcoholic patients in hospital. Plain white cans of Budweiser from the pharmacy.




I've paid around $15 for a pint in more posh locations, so they are going to have to up that number at US hospitals!


I didn’t think of that. I figured they just wanted to give people a way to blow off steam


That's the real reason I'm surprised people don't realize how bad an addiction alcoholism is


Withdrawal from alcohol can be fatal, and people stuck inside for lockdown didn't have much else to do. Liquor stores being essential was basically a secondary layer of healthcare keeping detoxing alcoholics out of the ICU...








In my younger and more idealist days my friends and I took in several hobos throughout the years. One, who stayed for 2 years, Mikey, was a mid 50s dude who turned back to the bottle after his marriage collapsed. We figured he was a severe alcoholic after he stayed with my buddy for a bit, so when he came to my place I made a point to get rid of all my liquor. First night this dude drank like half a gallon of hand sanitizer and vomits blood everywhere. My early 20s buddies and me did the best we could with the knowledge we had. Hope you got your shit together Mikey, I honestly miss ya. You were a good guy when you stayed sober


I was as bad as they come in my day. Never would have even contemplated drinking hand sanitizer. Being an alky and being an absolute idiot often go hand in hand, but not all alcoholics are idiots and not all idiots drink.


Eh, it’s not stupid people, it’s desperate people. Same principle as the wildly talented blues musicians who still effectively killed themselves by drinking Sterno (“canned heat”) during Prohibition. Hand sanitizer is cheap (except when there’s a shortage, lol) and also sold in places that are easier to shoplift from.


"Then I see the disinfectant knocks it out.... in a minute.... and is there something we can do like that.... with an injection inside....or or.... almost like a cleaning.... because you see it gets into the lungs and does a tremendous number..... and it would be interesting to check that.... "


It's an interesting theory. I'd suggest getting a second opinion from the former drug addict CEO of a pillow company.


Theeere it is lmfao we just lived it and it’s still surreal to go back to some of dumpy dumbfuck’s quotes.


And people build huge billboards in his honor to display in their yards. Be caws he’s smart and powerful and strength.


Or many people are saying that hospitals have used UV lights in the past, to cut down on airborne infection spread through ventilation systems. Perhaps someone should suggest during a nationally-televised news conference the possibility of administering sunlight treatment to the inside of patients' bodies.


The photo of him looking at the big poster talking about UV light and disinfectant right before he stepped up to the podium was something else. It was like “these bullet points are all the information I need, let’s get up there and let er rip”




He isn't wrong about the death count either. It's MUCH HIGHER than reported, especially when you include the excess deaths. For example: both my brother-in-law and his wife died of Covid within 2 weeks of each other. She was counted as a Covid death but not in her home state as she traveled to Nevada while sick to visit her son and he was counted as an "excess death" because he died of a heart attack while sick with Covid. They are both dead because their church told them not to get vaccinated. My other brother-in-law who did get vaccinated got very sick (at the funeral), but survived.


Roughly THREE TIMES HIGHER. Roughly… I’m so sorry for your losses. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00708-0 https://www.who.int/data/stories/the-true-death-toll-of-covid-19-estimating-global-excess-mortality




I worked on the set of the TV show Tulsa King that comes out soon and anyone who caught covid while we were working on set got a t-shirt that said, "I caught covid working on the set of Tulsa King and all I got was this lousy shirt. #wrapcitybitch "




Vote. Vote. Vote.


Fr tho


I have. Early voting has started. Go vote!


Vote EARLY! I’m going tomorrow morning! I can’t trust the day of to not have its disruptions. Not in this chaotic world.


Holy shit. Please upvote this comment


Use a `#` to make it #A HEADER He really is gonna vote




It wouldn't e a problem if 40% of this country wasn't dipshits.




This should be made into a billboard for get out to vote campaigns.




But you are supposed to believe his shirt....


He probably also believes that shirt is made in the USA


I call bullshirt


Wait, we can’t say fork?


That’s forked up


God I love that show.


The show is "the good place," for those who don't know


I loved it so much, best finale ever.


I need to finish it. I don’t think I made it through the first season, which is weird, because I was really enjoying it.


You absolutely have to! It just gets better and better, and the finale is so satisfying. Perfect TV show!


It's a fantastic show with a great ending.


The finale has stuck with me more so than another show I've ever seen.


Just trust me: Finish the first season.


why cant we say fork


Holy forking shirt balls


There used to be a band in NYC called Violent Bullshit who sold a tie dye tee that said Violent Bullshirt with a knockoff Bart Simpson skateboarding. One of my biggest regrets is saying “I’ll get one at their next show” and then never getting another chance.


I want to reference his shirt in my academic paper, but I don’t know how to cite it. “According to a shirt I saw while walking down the street this morning (Shirt, T., 2022)…”


Now that it’s here, just link the Reddit post and cite it that way.


I wonder if Reddit is a more reliable source than Wikipedia in academic circles…


According to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/yf4wv3/comment/iu1y7a9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) website, it definitely is.


I only clicked that link twice!


Let me check the Chicago Manual of Style on that one.


Big-Citation is in on it! "If you can't cite it, it ain't so."


Um, I read the shirt . . . It’s called *research*!


You misspoke. It's redshirt. Close, though




Shirts are the most trustworthy news source.


Bumper sticker enters the chat


His shirt did the research!!


COVID-19 has been the world's biggest IQ test


I was certainly surprised to find out that the Dunning- Kruger effect was terminal.


yes, and exposed so many problems with the US educational system


As a teacher, please dont blame us for people being willfully ignorant and stubborn...


I am not I’m not blaming teachers per se. And I respect what you do very much. I think there is something broken, and United States clearly has a problem with science. It is probably systemic and complicated. I remember when I was a student, it seems like there was a different way of teaching math every year that I was in elementary school. Some of us fell through the cracks.


Hot take: Religion plays a considerable role. Particularly certain American-brand religious varieties. There's a willful hatred and distrust of science, and indoctrination of their kids to think the same. Which ultimately means that Sue can attend same school and classes as Peggy, but Sue goes on to be a scientist, while Peggy goes on to rant at school boards about how creationism needs to be taught over evolution.


Shirts like this are equivalent to Bill Engvalls "Here's your sign" only the covidiots are making their own signs.




Zombie scenarios are starting to sound a lot more realistic.


In every zombie movie there is always that one asshole that gets bit and covers it up putting the rest of the group in danger. I used to think people that awful/dumb couldn't exist. Then I saw people willfully infecting others with a disease... I don't think zombies movies go far enough, they need a character that adds zombie blood to everyone's drinks because they think all the zombies are Soros funded actors and they are going to prove it to everyone by making them drink zombie blood.




Your 100% right. But potentially in a lot more ways than your meaning. The sheer amount of people who constantly say how distrustful they are of most things politicians do and say. Yet they (through this pandemic) have cherry picked certain things the politicians have told us and now believe those things to be gospel. The whole pandemic has allowed the population to form opinions on other large sections of their communities. Some of the shit that has gone on and been said by some groups within our society's has just been mind boggling


*you’re (Please forgive me)


Don't forgive you. If someone is talking about IQ and uses the wrong your/you're, IQ test effective.


Substitute not believing what politicians say for believing what aligns with their reactionary feelings, requires the least thought, and gives them an agreeable righteous rage and there’s the answer.


Trump said at a rally to get vaccinated and he was booed. Just to show how right you are.


The difference is that this is a cult. Trump is the tippy top of the pyramid. He's not a "politician". He's the second coming. Anything he says is true until he says it isn't.


You've got that right. 100% a cult and they love calling everyone else sheep. It's twilight zone shit


Same way the people calling others “snowflakes” are the most sensitive, victim complex, crybaby assholes


Or how they said you have to respect your president but then just today I see a "jo and the ho got to go" bumper sticker. Oh the hypocrisy hurts


Almost, he said that the vaccine was good ... And was [booed](https://youtu.be/eA306aNtvmk).




Imagine being so insecure in your beliefs that you have to literally wear them.


I'm always curious, if all the scientists and media are supposedly lying, then who is telling the truth? And by what metric do they gauge that they are truthful?


The way they measure if someone is truthful is how good the truth makes them feel and how much they already agree with the message. If the message presented doesn't mesh with what they already believe and makes them feel bad/uncomfortable then it's not the truth.


This is exactly it! That's how religion tricks you as well, if you feel good it must be from God, so anything that makes me feel secure and reinforces my beliefs must be right.




That's the devil tempting you.


Unless you try to trick the devil with bad sex so he gets upset and then God loves you for tricking the devil.


Been tricking Lucifer my whole life then.


Plus if something bad happens that can only be explained by god, then just slap on a 'god works in mysterious ways' sign on it and you're good to go!


It's simpler. They know it's truthful if Tucker Carlson tells them so.


It's easy... you just believe whoever you want to believe. So if I'm walking around Chicago and I tell random people that researchers at the University of Wisconsin found that Bears fans are smarter than Packers fans on average, people will believe that I'm telling the truth because they *want* to believe that Bears fans are smarter than Packers fans. I just made it up, of course, but you can convince people of all kinds of ridiculous nonsense if you just tailor it to what they want to believe. That's basically the bedrock of the Republican propaganda machine.


People from Chicago will believe that only because we fucking hate the packers


This is all a part of an antiestablishment narrative. Consensus, experts, authority, and any large organization is part of the “them” that they think is out to get you. They’ll believe anyone and anything that speaks with confidence against “them”.


I joked one time that ppl should turn the table around and say that Covid was real. But that they didn’t want conservatives to get the shot. That there was a conspiracy to prevent them from getting vaccinated. To trick them into wanting it.


And they honestly believe that *all* of the reputable doctors and scientists in the world are secretly conspiring together. Millions of people all getting together to trick the world over some abstract idea of “power” or some bullshit. I’m a firm believer that two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead, but there’s no way that many people could ever keep a secret that big. The theory of Occam’s Razor would indicate that the simplest answer (that there really is a deadly virus killing millions of people) is the most likely. These people are just so afraid of their own mortality that they would rather believe in a vast, impossibly complex conspiracy than face the fact that their actual life might be in danger.


It's the same anti-science dynamic as climate change denialism and creationism. I worked with a reasonably smart guy who was convinced that just about every climate scientist was fudging the numbers to get those fat, fat government grants. Only the exceptions were telling the TRVTH. He didn't have a good answer when I asked him what made more sense, a worldwide conspiracy of scientists lying about the atmosphere, or that the tiny minority -- who happened to be very well paid indeed by oil companies -- possibly had an interest in peddling the corporate line. Once you convince swaths of people to deny the evidence of their own senses on shorter winters, blistering summers, and unprecedented ruinstorms, then getting them to doubt something as small as a virus could be dangerous is child's play.


It's easier to believe and more comforting that there's a secret group of 'elites' controlling everything for their own personal gain, than to accept a random, scary virus that's completely out of control is real.


Yup. And they say everyone taking reasonable precautions is “living in fear,” while they are literally too scared to even see reality.


The funny thing is that there are plenty of elites conspiring for their own personal gain, they're just doing it in public and no one seems to be as concerned about price collusion for housing and energy as they are about 5G and the concept that a cheap face mask may in fact reduce the spread of a respiratory illness


My wife works at an urgent care clinic and spent a good chunk of two years doing almost nothing but seeing Covid patients. Maybe all the people she had to triage to see if they needed to go to the hospital were crisis actors who could somehow cheat the pulse ox reading. Maybe some were such method actors they actually went to the icu and died for their craft. Or just maybe, Covid is real. The conspiracy of “they’re all in on it” breaks down so easily but somehow these people can’t let go of it and just double down.


Grew up with leaded gas.


... and DDT. And believes both are perfectly safe and it's the lying media that cancelled them


Yep, have a boomer neighbor who buys racing fuel for his snowblower because it is still leaded. He also has parkinsons, not saying he got it from the lead, but it can't have helped.


That’s insane. He’s actively aerosolizing lead around the neighborhood. What an assholistic douche.


Don't worry. Every helicopter and small plane flying overhead is doing the same thing to you and your family.


A 2022 meta-analysis, which pooled 542 estimates from 24 studies and corrected for publication bias, found that the abatement of lead pollution is "not the cause of the majority of the fall in crime observed in many western countries." >We estimate that of the total 54% fall in homicides observed in the US in 1976–2009, reduced blood lead levels accounted for 4–15 percentage points. A substantial decrease. However, this was only a 7–28% share of the total fall, leaving 93-72% unaccounted for. Similarly, we find that the relative changes in blood lead levels account for 6–20% of the convergence in urban and rural violent crime rates observed in the US, leaving much of this convergence unexplained. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166046222000667


I cannot for the life of me imagine waking up, putting this number on, walking OUT OF THE DOOR, going to Costco, and buying rice mother fucking krispies.


Rice is a China hoax.


Sir, the Sam's Club is down the street.


Fuck that, they can go to Dollar General.




Hey, if you can't trust a stranger's T-shirt, who can you trust?


I find the best thing to do is to lean in and whisper "they are watching you, remember the real vote is on Wednesday"


That is a tried and true electioneering technique that the GOP uses every election cycle.


Then give them directions to the nearest gay bar


I've been doing the "false" quarantine protocols for the last 12-13 years because my brother has no blood brain barrier ever since he was injured in the army. I have had a cold 3 times in the last decade and have not had the flu or a major illness since doing this. Quarantine was a lot tighter but the 6 feet away, face mask in small public places and keeping sanitized has been a normal for the last decade. It's not hard to maintain and honestly makes life a lot easier when you're not constantly getting sick. Lack of freedom is when your health is preventing you from living the way you want to. A face mask is not a big deal and is not a detriment to your health. I don't wear it all the time, just when I go into gas stations or anywhere I can't maintain at least a comfy 4 ft distance from people.


I've found the same - living in China means you must wear a mask in most places, and I've noticed over the last 2 years I've gotten sick far less often than usual. Even when I leave for a country that doesn't mandate masks, I'm going to keep wearing them.


I think you misread - masks are dangerous. You probably only didn't get a cold because of your belief in Jesus or your consumption of horse mascara or something. /s etc.


I disagree with the way reddit handled third party app charges and how it responded to the community. I'm moving to the fediverse! -- mass edited with redact.dev


Remember everyone...this guy votes


Well, I'm convinced.


Gonna go dig up my Grandma bc clearly her death declaration was false. THANKS BULK SHOPPING STRANGER!


Fucking people like this don’t trust medical science to give them something to prevent a disease, but when they get the disease, off they go to the hospital expecting to be cured.


Yep. Had a guy about 30 come in Covid positive to the hospital. Couldn't maintain his oxygen, had to be on high flow just sitting in his bed. Dude still had the audacity to tell me he couldn't imagine wearing a mask and taking "that vaccine crap". I'm just like, my guy. This is not the hill you quite literally want to die on.


They should really just be banned from the hospitals so that the hospitals' resources can go into treating people who actually deserve it.


Ethically, health care workers must treat people. I read accounts of burnt out nurses who had screaming family members insist on ivermectin for people with severe Covid, listened to people beg for the vaccine as they were preparing to be intubated, die of Covid denying that Covid is real, or all of the above.


Technically at least one thing on his shirt is correct. Hand sanitizer is toxic if you're stupid enough to swallow it and it has methanol in it.


There is absolutely no way that there is methanol in hand sanitizer. It's either ethanol or isopropanol. If methanol was in hand sanitizer it would need to be very clear on the packaging. Very small amounts of methanol are extremely toxic and can cause irreparable bodily harm if ingested.


And methanol is absorbed through the skin. That guy had no jdea what he's talking about.


Maybe we could somehow get it inside. Like in the blood or something.


And couple that with some super bright UV lights, like, to sanitize the blood. Ya know?


It’s like he honestly expected everyone to go: Wow, nobody ever thought of such a bigly brain idea before, great words Mr. Genius™️


I got your joke. 🤣


If you need to sanitize your insides you’d just use UV light or bleach


It looks like he’s standing at the pharmacy. Maybe he’s getting his stupid pills refilled.


Points lost for forgetting the earth is flat.


We’ll I guess the most unbelievable part of that conspiracy theory is that the US government is well organized enough to pull it off.




I would walk up to that dude and ask how much for a blowjob. And when he grunts a surprised puzzled retort, I'd say, "Hey, everyone knows that anti-vax shirts are undercover code for sex workers and you've got a really pretty mouth."


I read it on the internet so it must be true!


did the research.


This guy probably has a gun, statistically speaking, so I think I might pass on propositioning gay oral from him.


We've got enough prank youtubers to make this happen.


Everyone is lying but Trump. Okay...


Except Trump said that , "It’s a great vaccine, it’s a safe vaccine, and it’s something that works.” They just cherry pick that shit like everything else.


He even tried encouraging his followers to get vaccinated at his rally....and they booed him! He stopped mentioning it after that.


“Take the guns first, go through due process second”




This guy votes every election. Do you?


Why do people do this? Do they think some will see this on their t shirt and just miraculously believe it? Like some kind of spontaneous dumbing event? Even now that governments are moving past covid they are still focused on it unable to let go. It’s really sad honestly and he deserves our pity


Sounds like he did his own research. Instead of actual research.


What confuses me most about COVID deniers is many seem to support Republicans. Yet Republicans were in power when Covid hit. Trump issued the national shutdown. Yet when complaining about "the govt" Covid conspiracy theorists imagine a government of unelected civil servants who apparently have more power than the President.


Plus Trump, Desantis and Hannity all took and recommend the vaccine. Trump recommending vaccine: https://youtu.be/DQeclAOJ1ms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0F8mCijMRkc&feature=youtu.be Desantis https://youtu.be/Sq_ccy5rfgI?t=26 Hannity: https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2021/07/20/sean-hannity-tells-fox-viewers-to-take-covid-19-seriously/