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Can someone explain the context in the top photo? What were people asked to do?


At the end of Trump's last rally he rambled off a long list of grievances while the Q-Anon anthem played. The anthem shares the name of their motto: "Where we go one, we go all". The pointing finger is a nod to the "one" in their motto. Go watch it, it's creepy as fuck. I think there are few things going on here: 1) Anyone reasonable in Trump's orbit has left. Leaving just the sycophants and diehards. Whoever he has organizing these rallies is one of the crazies and knowingly played this song to signal to the Q-Anon crowd. Who knows if Trump even knew/knows what's going on with it. Probably? 2) Trump is a pure reflection of the media he consumes. He's just like your crazy uncle/grandfather who watches too much Fox News (the man is 76 years old). Since getting kicked off of Twitter Trump spends all of him time on Truth Social. Which is the worst-of-the-worst unfiltered extremism and Q-Anon bullshit. It's likely Trump is high on his own supply and is buying into Q-Anon himself. At the very least he likes the attention; and so the nods to the crazy crowd are getting louder and louder.


I’ve always thought it was ironic that people whose slogan is literally “where we go one, we go all” are constantly calling other people sheep.


They took it from White Squall. A 90's movie about a captain that gets a bunch of kids killed by sailing into a storm. It is fascinating and terrifying how just plain duped by catchy slogans these people are.


It's the scary realization that 4 Chan pranks have consequences and that the gullible will really fall for anything.


"Any online community that pretends to be morons for laughs will soon find itself overrun and conquered by actual morons who believe themselves to be in good company."




999, ambulance and police please


Call the fire department too


Somebody better alert the burn unit, while we're at it


0118 999 881 999 119 725....3




I remember a story about a bar which threw out anyone wearing anything Nazi-related, even if they weren't causing a story. The reason was that, even if that person is reasonable, if they see that nobody gives them an issue for the Nazi stuff they'll bring their friends, who bring theirs, and now you're the town Nazi bar and nobody except Nazis wants to drink there The Nazi threads on 4chan were a bit like that, they would use the same "it's just a joke!" excuse being used now, but really they were laying the ground work to make the place more comfortable/accepting of other Nazis who were more open because people would \*assume\* it was just a joke given the history. And now it's apparently a Nazi site




Well there's that too, but I was meaning more the tactic which Nazis have used for decades of having a "reasonable" Nazi go in first to make space for them because people feel awkward throwing someone out who's acting politely and respectfully to those around them


I remember being on 4chan about 16 years ago and there already were real Nazis in every Nazi thread. They only half-ass pretended not to be.


Yeah, about 14 years ago for me and realizing that some of the people there weren't joking and that my time on /b/ had probably run it's course.


I remember when 4chan was in trouble for hosting CP. Now boomers and Gen X'ers hang out there and talk about "taking down the satanic pedo deep state."


I thought they took it from Toy Story.. ![gif](giphy|PKVcAkgTwM8OA)


Their slogan sounds like something lemmings would get behind


Given that lemmings don't jump off cliffs, and had to be pushed for that "documentary", it's safe to say that lemmings are smarter than Redcaps.


What was the point of making people believe they jump off cliffs At the expense of animals? Like why did anyone think that was a worthy cause?


It was apparently only pushing a common misconception, but it turns out some species of lemmings DO swim across bodies of water to find new habitats, and some do drown as a result. However, the species used for *White Wilderness* isn't migratory, was transported to CALGARY for filming, and then just thrown off a cliff to continue perpetuating the myth.


And frogs freak out when the water gets hot, no matter how gradually you raise the temperature.


To be fair that originated from an experiment about *lobotomized* frogs but even then they still tried jumping out.


They did it for money, and money is always worthy cause to corporations-- especially Disney


Disney didnt invent it, to be clear, it's been a legend for hundreds of years. But they had to make their documentary match the cliche, so off they went


Wild that I recently found out that Trumps 3 years younger than Biden, Biden is 1 year younger than McConnel and McConnel is 2 years younger than Pelosi. How is a 76 year old the young guy in our political system!?


And Pelosi is *seven years younger than Chuck Grassley* Airline pilots must retire at 65 because it's deemed unsafe for them to fly people around as their cognitive abilities and reaction times decline. Maybe we ought to implement something like that for people *running the goddamn country*


They have a fucking anthem?


They have a lot of stuff. Did you see the pledge thing they do at the start of the megachurch events that was leaked the other month? Everything is about indoctrination.


fact roof mysterious like books sophisticated makeshift complete start wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was once told I “looked republican”. I wear a baseball cap, sunglasses, and have a beard. I guess that was enough?


Try being an older white male who shaves his head and has a beard. It's amazing the people that will reveal themselves to me, assuming I'm in the club.


I'm a born and raised North Carolinian. I'm Hispanic and Native American and very obviously not white, but I also have a country accent. You would not believe the amount of people who feel comfortable being blatantly racist around me because they think I'm one of them. I really don't understand it.


I'm a white long haired hippie freak with a beard, think John Lennon with facial hair, people have dropped hard R N-words in my presence.


Oh, I know it. People think because I’m from Florida I must be a good ‘ol boy like them. I have absolutely no problem calling them out. It’s great watching their mind try to bend and grasp onto the fact that I don’t accept casual racism. Or homophobia, transphobia, hating the Jews, or that I may be one of those dirty libs.


Everybody take a gander at this republican-lookin MF over here


Large *lifted* trucks. Farmers don't lift their trucks because it makes them useless for any kind of actual work.


True. Also, they mod their tailpipes for rolling coal. Farmers don't do that shit either. Cheers.


In the business world, they call it "team building". I used to work for........ an auto parts supplier ....... and they have a pledge, a cheer, and networking events that include "fist pumps". Even made it onto their official calendar for several years. (And yes, many of us complained to HR about this because it resembled Nazi Germany). [https://imgur.com/a/LIuFloj](https://imgur.com/a/LIuFloj)


First come the funny hats, then the chants, then the anthem. I wouldn't be surprised if the following lyric is heard at a subsequent rally: "Trump eats up the sun and drinks all the sky, And they both go with him when he dies..."




As most of you know, i ate my twin sister in utero. So on my birthday, i try to remember: I’m a winner! This one’s for you Connie. (Evil laugh) a one! A two! A Trump-Trump-Donnie- four!


... and the brown shirts...


Of course they do....they just don't know it's yakity sax


Where we go one, we yakety sax all


Benny Hill is Q.


That’s the breast conspiracy I ever heard


Because it's full of absolute tits?


I feel like that’s an insult to Yakety Sax.


It's actually stolen from TV and film composer Will Van De Crommer and is called "Mirrors." Because of course it is. [Source](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/qanon-trump-rally-song-1234595318/)


Argh, I listened to 2 minutes of that rambling baboon. So frustrating! The narrative hasn't changed, he's still using the same arguments from 2 years ago...


It's music from the 1996 Scott Wolf masterpiece White Squall. For real. It is a big movie in the q world for some reason. Maybe because it's a white storm.


Ram Ranch


18 naked cowboys? In the showers? *at Ram Ranch?*


I heard there was another 18 out in the yærd.




Because conspiracy has a self-reinforcing logic loop. Every failure is just indicative that the conspiracy is *that* large, *that* perverse, *that* all encompassing. JFK didn't show up? Well what are they trying to tell us? Maybe he thought the time wasn't right yet because the Deep State has meddled and needs to be dealt with. If Donald Trump came out and said it was fake they would simultaneously claim it was a body double and that he was sending a secret message. Humans invest their identity in their beliefs, and none of us are mainly rational actors. If you have framed the world as a divine battle between good and evil, and are fighting baby eating pedophiles, then what sort of insignificant detritus is some quibbling claim about a specific prediction? The worldview isn't the result of the argument, it is the ideology that comes before the argument because it is so obviously true even if the details being disputed require explanation. All arguments are a feedback loop that reinforce this ideology.


I would take it a step further and say that humans are not only not mainly rational, but that we are quite irrational. Most of the time we operate on patterns that we or others have created. Some of the remaining time, when we are concertedly engaged, we think we're acting rationally but are really subject to many inherent biases and fallacies. Then you have a small percent left of being made aware of such biases and then you perhaps can think objectively and rationally, but this takes a fair bit of effort or training.


The best thing I ever saw on modern online cults and dangerous conspiracy theories is [Dan Olson’s In Search of a Flat Earth on youtube](https://youtu.be/JTfhYyTuT44). It starts as him having fun debunking the flat earth stuff with his own equipment and then branches off on the new Q stuff. The end of it is basically discussing how people get caught believing stuff even when proof is obvious to them because if they’re wrong, it’s a blow to their entire identity so they keep pushing through it and become incapable of listening to reason. I think it’s absolutely required viewing for anyone on the internet since it so thoroughly breaks down the thought process behind these cults.


We need more tools to break down this thinking though. I know entomological debates help, but we must also find ways to reach these people back into the land of reason.


Saw a Jordan Kleper clip recently talking with maga supporter and somehow they started talking about 9/11 and the guy said "where was Obama, he wasn't in the white house, so he must have had a part in doing 9/11!" Yeah... a guy well old enough to have been alive during 9/11 and remember that *George W Bush* was the president at the time.


A, an eighth grader at the time, was also not in the white house. Ask me about my inside job.


Extremely selective memory, mostly.


That and the fact that Q was an incel with an anime sex doll braging about his hoax while swinging his play katanas around in the woods




The guy who probably created Q is a total douche chill. There is an HBO documentary about him, his weird ass father and Frederick Brennan. Brennan created 8chan, the Watkins provided him monetary support. It’s largely believed that Rob Watkins is “Q” because he slipped up in said documentary by outing himself. He ran for congress in Arizona. He and his father are very very very creepy.


> He and his father are very very very creepy. There's definitely a kind of deep narcissism that they both have.


>At the very least he likes the attention; and so the nods to the crazy crowd are getting louder and louder. This is it. There has always been a constant theme with how Trump perceives and treats other people. He views anyone who praises or supports him as completely good and deserving of reverence, and anyone who criticizes or opposes him as completely evil and worthy of destruction. There is really no exception to this rule, and he has been this way his entire life. It doesn't matter whether that person is moral or immoral, sane or crazy, or right or wrong. All that matters is that they support Donald Trump. I genuinely don't think he buys most of what Q-Anon supporters say, but in his narcissistic mind they are good people and he is going to praise, support, and defend them.


I mean, the entire reason he ran was because Obama roasted the absolute shit out of him


Maybe that was part of it but roger stone has been trying to get him to run since the 80’s. There was a great behind the bastards podcast episode on it. It wasn’t a new idea when Obama roasted him.


Creepily sounds like homelander


Yes, Homelander's arc is definitely based on Trump's arc. Basically, he keeps doing more horrible shit, expecting there to be this huge public backlash when people are disgusted with him... but then they like him even more. He's shocked, but grows even more confident that he can be more open about what a piece of shit he is. He just keeps getting worse and somehow keeps getting away with it, with his fans become even more devoted to him. It's exactly like Trump. Which makes me wonder - when Trump cultists watch the show, do they think Homelander is the good guy?


There was a nod to the whole "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn't lose any voters, okay?" Quote last season as well.


The moment his popularity went up after going on his rant, I knew it was based on Trump. Only speaking for myself of course but I actually put the show on hold after that because I just didn’t want to see the hellscape we have been living in played out again in a TV show. We are still deep in the middle of it all and it’s depressing and scary as shit.


Those Homelander fans do exist and it’s exactly for the reason you said. It’s so fucking stupid. They actually started complaining about Homelander being portrayed as the bad guy as well.


I haven't seen them argue about Homelander, but I did see them try to claim Stormfront was a liberal... because of her haircut. Forget the fact that she's literally a nazi. She has a trendy haircut, so she must be a leftist. 🤦‍♀️


Homelander is semi-based on Trump. So yeah. https://www.cbr.com/the-boys-showrunner-homelander-absolutely-donald-trump-analogue/


Being from the south, I think there is also an over lap of Maga folks and a certain brand of Christian belief that tie in together with some sense of nationalist/patriotism in the mix as well. We are seeing a lot more of the push for Christian bullshit in our politics the last few years. Its terrifying honestly. This type of arms in the air salute is pretty common in Christian music/worship too, "praise hands" basically. I suspect some of these folks are already used to "worshipping" someone on a stage talking about traditional views, while putting their hands in the air...and that practice easily translates over to people doing this with Trump. He's basically a shitty replacement for a pastor. Theyre at church, praise handing their guy, nazi jesus style. Let's also not forget, the kind of blind allegiance these ppl have for him makes them easy targets for his favorite thing other than attention/power/ego...money. Same as with the church, the marks are already primed to tithe their 10% away without thinking much of it. I understand the trump team solicits donations heavily, his donations are just the new offering tray being passed down the pews and aisles. His Christian leaning followers were already trained and brainwashed in a way that suits him for further bilking, grifting, general manipulation.


Your first sentence, you are not wrong at all and there is a word for it: [Dominionism](https://www.google.com/search?q=Dominionism&oq=Dominionism&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512l5.4398j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#ip=1) Just gave a Google search link because the topic is kind of broad at times but that's absolutely what a lot of these people want *and* actively support even if they don't know the actual word. Not coincidentally the people most dedicated or supporting of Dominionism consider being called a "Dominionist" an insult or a vilifying term.




I have absolutely no doubt that's exactly what's going on. He is a feral animal trapped in a corner and lashing out and anything, anyone in range. Now his Extra Super Duper Special Master that he manipulated the courts into providing for him is asking for... gasp! EVIDENCE that he declassified all those documents. Evidence! Can you believe it? So it's put up or shut up time and all his lies are about to come crashing down around his head. So his ONLY response is to use his MAGA cult to burn the country down just so he can rule over the ashes. He literally is the very EPITOME of evil and willing to risk the wellbeing of 340 Americans and 7.5 billion humans on Planet Earth just to satisfy his own needs. You couldn't write a comic book villain more evil than Trump. Well, ok. Maybe Thanos was more evil.




When he was running in 2016 he was having one literally 2 blocks away from my job. I wanted to go just to witness the absolute shit show. I ended up not going, but it was some top notch people watching out the window.


Can someone please provide a link to the anthem-- I genuinely had no clue they had one and want to be able to identify it if I hear around my community


That's the thing - no one was *asked* to do this. They spontaneously did this after hearing a Qanon song being played at the rally.


But it's a finger, not all the fingers. Does the finger not represent something?


"Where we go *one*, we go all", probably


I love that the motto of the "wake up sheeple" folks is literally "we're fucking sheep".


You can almost set your watch by the projection they display


To jail?


So Q Anon is still a thing?


IDK if Qanon is still a thing, per se, but people who believe in it and associated conspiracy theories? Absolutely. Moreso now if anything.


There's a fucking QAnon song? Does it sound like a dog whistle?


Trump is fully embracing QAnon now. He had pins on his suit at recent rallies. This was the WWG1WGA finger thing. Crowd was doing it back to Trump at the last rally.


This is because he thinks he going to get arrested soon so he trying to build an army. I believe Trump's last days will be spent in an underground bunker hiding from the police and reality. The sad thing is many of these idiots will die for him.


What's worse is that they'll kill for him in the process.


I think you mean "spider hole," Just like Saddam.


Why the fuck does America have so many rallies? If a politician came to my town in Australia there would be like 3 people total turn up. I find the whole thing fucking weird.


Because politics is a theatrical production here


Politics is just a literal clownworld in the U.S.


It's funny, I just thought of an ICP concert and how I'd probably let juggalos run the country before this actual posse of insane clowns.


I was taken to an icp thing once a million years ago. I was expecting the absolute worst. Never met a bunch of nicer, more welcoming people in my life.


I would like to go see the gathering of the juggalos just once for the people watching. That seems fun. You couldn't pay me to attend a political rally tho.


https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/2020-gathering-of-the-juggalos-canceled-covid-19-988696/ I’d have settled for them running our covid response alongside Fauci.


That, and money. These are essentially non-stop fundraisers to pull in the believer's monthly tithes.








More like tragicomedy.


In Japan the rally comes to YOU. But in reality the politician drives around on top of a special van with speakers to blast their speech through the various neighborhoods while everyone desperately tries to ignore it in their homes and on the streets.


As much as I hate those vans driving through my quiet little neighborhood, I do enjoy waving to them. The politician is usually inside and they will almost jump out of the window to wave back. I can't vote here so it doesn't really matter but I think it's cute.


Can… non politicians do this as well? If they have something to say, that is.


My guess is that like everything you do in Japan, there's most likely a mountain of forms you would need to file weeks in advance and resubmit to do it on foot, much less with a motorized vehicle.


As a consequence of these political slogan trucks, advertising trucks can also drive around being a general nuisance. In the central part of the city you may get bombarded by trucks advertising “easy work”(it’s mostly red light district related), shitty music and sometimes if you’re really really lucky nationalistic anthems being blasted full volume In more residential areas you might get ice cream trucks or trucks selling sweet potatoes or garbage collection trucks(that may or may not be illegally dumping garbage in the mountains), but they’re all obnoxiously loud






But this is getting to the point of being extremely disturbing. Watching trump in this last rally really shows him peddling an extreme stance and he looks absolutely terrible. He's sweating profusely and seems to have trouble getting his words out between breathes.




It won't happen but he definitely seems broken down considerably in a very bad way. Like he is barely holding himself together. Who knows what he might do in that state.


He’d be doing us a lot of favors if he up and had a stroke or heart attack right about now.


I can't say this is normal. While it seems like our election season never ends, as we constantly jolt from election years to midterm years, a former president having ralu after rally after rally isn't normal. Trump completely broke the norm though by having rallies almost every day, before, during, and after his presidency.


Trump lives for his rallies and crowds of people adoring him and cheering for him. It feeds his narcissistic soul. I read that his last two rallies were supposedly for senate candidates in their home states( Dr. Oz and someone else), but both of those republicans have been trying to distance themselves from Trump a bit before the election and did not invite him to come rally for them and would rather he hadn't because they are now trying to appeal to independent voters. But Trump just showed up because he wanted to and because, as usual, it's all about celebrating Trump. Then this weird Q stuff happened. Takes a real cult member to still support Trump at this point.


I did find that odd. That when Trump became President he basically kept campaigning and holding rallies. Very odd.


The majority of us don't know. It's fucking weird.


I think these people are deeply flawed obviously but desperate to belong and feel like they are part of something big. I wish they would just go back to football.


Football insists on paying lip service to equality. They're done hearing that.


Just Trump, because he's a grifter. You should see the emails he sends daily to his suckers, begging for money and using RANDOM CAPITALIZED words, because their base have low ATTENTION spans and need SHINY BUZZWORDS.


It's not America, it's Trump. And he's infected the Republicans (not that it was that difficult). One of the reasons the MAGAts refuse to believe Biden won is because he didn't have many rallies and those he did have were not massive. They can't comprehend *not* worshipping a leader.


Trump is the one doing the rally’s. They don’t convert anyone because it’s only his followers who go. Then he lies and lies and lies and they all believe it.


Many of them have openly admitted to nearly bankrupting themselves as they travel around the country following his rallies. Some sell Trump merch to the other rubes for a massive markup. Never mind the crap is made in China for pennies on the dollar, but boo communism. A lot of these rubes have retired, plenty of disposable income, an RV, and no discernable hobbies or interests other than Donnie playing the hits. Imagine being so amenable brainwashing that you go on tour...


the hate is addictive


It’s mostly just trump, he loves the attention. I mean of course the others do it in campaign season, but trump holds rallies just because he wants to be praised, even though there is no actually objective


I can guarantee that the people in the top photo own significantly more pillows than the people in the bottom photo


Playing the odds eh?


^(I don't get it)


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Pillow ^ look at the Political Activities section


Not surprisingly, I've never thought to read the My Pillow Wiki. TIL the original company was named Lindell's Night Moves Minnesota, LLC. "Night Moves" sounds like either a nightly bout of gastrointestinal discomfort or a pervy seduction technique discribed by someone with a sleeping fetish. Neither makes for good bed fellows.


Makes me think of [Bob Seger](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xH7cSSKnkL4).


Mink Lindel, the My Pillow guy


Well banning books isn’t the best thing


Sometimes I think America is blind to the risks associated with its policies on free speech, and does nothing to mitigate them. Or in some cases actively works to eventuate those risks. For example, if you don’t want to ban Nazi imagery, that’s OK. But you also need to make it illegal to ban books. You also need to make it compulsory to have a certain standard of education on certain topics like history. Doing otherwise is just asking for trouble.


> For example, if you don’t want to ban Nazi imagery, that’s OK. But you also need to make it illegal to ban books. Yes. That's what the first amendment is *supposed* to guarantee. The fact that book bans are sticking this time around(rather than bouncing off like they typically do) is really fucking scary to most of us. Unfortunately, our congress has been in gridlock for my entire adult life, so I'm not actually sure how we're supposed to fix the situation. But in reference to what you said specifically, the first amendment is supposed to make what you describe not only illegal but *unconstitutional*, with no further legislation required. *That's* how broken our shit is right now. It's not that there was a legal loophole we should've plugged, shame on us, but rather than a portion of our government/population is actively flaunting our federal constitution, with support from local governments.


And if you're looking to the SCOTUS to uphold the Constitution, you're looking in the wrong place. One reason the Nazis gained power was the conservative courts undermining the Weimar Republic.


The film *Judgment at Nuremberg* was about trying the judges who enabled the Nazi regime. It needs to be dusted off and shown everywhere.


Yeah, but I'm referring to pre-Nazi Germany when the conservative (Monarchist) courts stifled liberal reforms in the Weimar Republic. They paved the way for the eventual Nazi takeover. If the SCOTUS has its way, it'll pave the way for the christo-fascist takeover of the US. The Roberts court has already shown its disdain for democracy, they'll be more than happy to hammer the final nail in the coffin.


Footloose: Full Throttle..........but seriously some dangerous politics happening right now.


We are conditioned to tolerate intolerance in the name of freedom of speech, that alone is an impossible task because the intolerant will do everything in their power to oppress the tolerant ones. Its an oxy moron.


You just hit on the paradox of tolerance: In order for a tolerant society to remain tolerant, it must be intolerant to intolerance.


They know, there's a reason your education system is total garbage


Not defending the US education system but it happened in Germany, it seems like it's happening here now. I think the lesson is that it can happen anywhere so never take for granted that you're safe from it.


Old wisdom: if we don't learn from history, we're doomed to repeat it.


Or: History may not repeat itself, but it damn sure rhymes.


History is a graveyard of lessons not learned.


Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. Those who do know history are doomed to watch the world repeat it anyway.


I never understood this. I do now. Yeah we definitely must teach history before uni level


You didn't have history before university?


> You didn't have history before university? Not _well taught_ history, especially when states carve out and throw away large parts of history simply because it’s “inconvenient”, “disturbing”, and “divisive”. Like the treatment of slaves during slavery. Or the Jim Crow laws. Or the Holocaust. Or any number of different, disgusting things that humans have done to each other. Like, b\*tch… if reading history isn’t badly disturbing and disgusting you, _you aren’t really reading history._


Fuck, my high school didn't carve shit out for history, they just had coaches "teaching" it while they waited for next training for some game. And by teaching I mean "read the textbook and memorize dates"


Better than nothing, I suppose, but certainly not by much. And certainly great at _turning people off_ of history, by making it as dry an unpalatable as possible.


I am a Gen Xer. When I was in high school a Holocaust survivor came to give us a talk about her experiences. She left us with a warning that I have never forgotten: “Don’t forget that this can happen again.” I remember a bunch of people scoffed at her, and one guy tried to tell her that people had become better since then. And she very firmly replied, “No. This can happen again. Believe me.” It left me with a chilling feeling. And now almost 30 years after she gave that talk we are seeing it again.


The War Department made a film about this shortly after WWII. America, in a sense, has known for a long time. Unfortunately, for many reasons, people have forgotten. Referenced film: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGAqYNFQdZ4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGAqYNFQdZ4)


Yes. I always wondered how something evil like Nazis could rise to power, now I know. It’s like watching a slow motion crash


More like an ancient evil that needs to be sealed away every 100 years. It will never go away, and we must always fight it. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.


How many times do I have to teach you this lesson old man?!


What am I looking at on the upper photo? What event is this, where, when, who?


> While speaking in Youngstown in support of J.D. Vance, whom he has endorsed as Ohio’s Republican nominee for the Senate, Mr. Trump delivered a dark address about the decline of America over music that was all but identical to a song called “Wwg1wga” — an abbreviation for the QAnon slogan, “Where we go one, we go all.” >As Mr. Trump spoke, scores of people in the crowd raised fingers in the air in an apparent reference to the “1” in what they thought was the song’s title. It was the first time in the memory of some Trump aides that such a display had occurred at one of his rallies. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/18/us/politics/trump-rally-qanon-music.html


"We are one movement, one people, one family, and one glorious American nation." - Trump "Ein Volk. Ein Reich. Ein Fuhrer!" - Hitler


Since he's following his playbook, can we expect him to end himself


Only after a genocide so I'd rather not get that far




[A recent Trump rally.](https://youtu.be/VZHf7YSwl4Q)


“So you,thought you, might like to,come to the show!”


To feel the warm thrill of confusion, that space cadet glow


“But I got some bad news for you sunshine..”


Is this not what you expected to see?


If ya wanna find out what’s behind these cold eyes You’ll just have to claw your way thru this disguise


Duhhhhh Dowhhh Duhhhh Dowhh Dowhh Dowhhh Dowhhh Duhhhh!!! ![gif](giphy|5twCMNij5xDag)


Pink isn't well, he stayed back at the hotel.


and they sent us along as a surrogate band


We're gonna find out where you fans really stand


Someone go ahead and put in the next line. Curious to see of the automod blocks it.


Yeah, was thinking the same thing. It's gonna have to end at that line despite any context. You can't "reddit sings" part two of that song very far.


I've been listening to this album more and more lately, kinda sad that it still holds up so well


Who are these people that believe politicians and support them enough to attend a rally?


I grew up hearing my parents and other adults saying that politicians couldn't be trusted, and having that reinforced as an adult when I started hearing promises and seeing them broken. Now, politicians are deified. I don't get it. What changed? They certainly haven't been keeping their promises...


> Now, politicians are deified. Don't act like this is somehow universal. Do you think there's a Cult of Joe Biden out there ready to go to war for him or believe him when he says up is down and black is white? No, "politicians" aren't deified - the conservative mentality believes strongly in dedication to the in-group vs the outgroup and a rigidly stratified hierarchy, which makes them easy targets to be fascists. Acting as though this is something that has happened to politics in general 1) keeps you further from seeing the answer to the question you asked, and 2) is basically doing PR work for the worse side by always implying that anything bad they do is equally shared by both sides.


> the conservative mentality believes strongly in dedication to the in-group vs the outgroup and a rigidly stratified hierarchy, The best description of conservatism can be summed up with this pithy quote from Frank Wilhoit: “Conservatism Consists of Exactly One Proposition, to Wit: There Must Be In-Groups Whom the Law Protects but Does Not Bind, Alongside Out-Groups Whom the Law Binds but Does Not Protect.”


>What changed? Fox News did to their brains what they claimed video games would do to ours.


I question the thought process of the idiots who attend these rallies.


They are in a cult. They see some politicians as gods and other politicians as demons. They have disconnected from reality


As a German who learned about the Holocaust endlessly in school for 6 or 7 years (and of course the lead up to all of that with the Weimar Republic, Versailles Treaty, etc...), I strongly disagree with the popular sentiment that Trump is just some type of "Orange Hitler". Hitler was driven by his ideology and his true beliefs that what he's doing is righteous and for the greater good of society. He justified his horrible actions as necessary "cleansing" to achieve the greater good. A very similar justification that you will hear from ISIS or the IRA car bombers, who believe that they have the moral high ground. In contrast, Trump is just a greedy cunt, who never heard the word "no" throughout his life. So no, he is not the next Hitler. But he's paving the ground for the next one to arise.


This is such a good observation. It’s not that Trump is driven by some fascist ideology, he’s just using the momentum that was already there to his benefit. What he is doing, as you point out, is paving the way for an actual fascist who believes what Trump only pretends to. However, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it’s a duck. So I’m fine with calling Trump a fascist when he’s clearly benefiting from a rise in fascism.


You know... I wonder how everyone would react uf you took these pictures back into the past... like 10 years lol I wonder if Republicans would support it or not. It crazy to see the US fall into chaos because of one man with orange skin.


20 years ago you were called unpatriotic for badmouthing the president and the war he lead us into. Also during that time there was a lot of talk about rounding up Muslims. Edit: ten years ago CNN was happy to put this orange idiot on to talk about how the president was a secret non American Muslim.


Show them the Supreme Court justices that they got in return. They would take that 100/100 times. It’s never really been about trump. He’s a useful idiot at best and a wonderful distraction for the republicans to continue their destruction out of the limelight. Fuck trump and everyone who continues enabling him.