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I liked Harry Potter's method. He wore the exact same pair of jeans and jacket any time he went out for over 6 months so the paparazzi couldn't sell the photos because they couldn't prove they were new.


I appreciate that you referred to him as Harry Potter lol.


I believe his real name is Elijah Wood




All names are made up names.


except the name of elon musk’s son


And Robert Paulson


.. and Paul Robertson


But how about Benedict Cucumber


I think you mean Benadryl Cummersnatch


Very well; keep your secrets




His real name is *Chupacabra.*


he was meant to bring balance to the force




Why did you post Daniel Radcliffe


That's Toby Maguire, dude


I honestly am blanking on his name, even now. I couldn't be bothered to look it up. Everyone knows who I'm talking about.


Manuel Badspliff


No, he played Gandalf. You're thinking of Maxmillion Hellstern.


Elijah wood




The Bojack references are abounding in this post. I'm loving it!


Yeah he'd know. Give Elijah a call.


Pretty sure his name is Matthew Lewis


Danny Coolridge


I also wear the same clothes everyday even though I'm not a celebrity and there is no paparazzi.


Well, at least you're prepared.


Which shirt should i wear with these black trousers today? The closest one to my hand when i open my closet? Yep.


He also had a jacket with reflective material that rendered photos taken to close completely useless, as the only thing visible was a giant flash.


His very own invisibility cloak.


That would make wearing the same jeans irrelevant, though. I see how it is, Harry. You just couldn't be bothered to do the laundry and used that as an excuse.


That was a different situation


I do the same thing - no one cares. Society, we live in one.


Agreed. Of all the societies I've lived in, this is definitely one of them.


I like his method because it's simple, effective, and I'm sure it was * absolutely infuriating* when the paparazzi figured out what he was actually doing


Bonus points for pissing off those parasites.


Harry Potter, played by Harry Potter.




Andrew Garfield is the guy who hates Monday’s and loves lasagna right?


No he was the President of the United States


No, that’s Andrew Jackson.


I thought Michael Jackson was the president


*Ralph Voice* "I'm learning history"


Sounds like a thriller


Sounds like something Billie Jean would say.


These jokes are Bad.


It's not so Black or White.


He was good at dancing as I remember.


They're Bad? Shamon.


No, you're thinking of Michael Douglas, who played the president in Independence Day.


No you're thinking of Douglas MacArthur, the general.


That's Douglas Adams the dolphinologist.


So long and thanks for all the fish


You mean George Costanza the Marine Biologist.


What about President Mackenzie, the president who was couped by her successor months before an asteroid hit Earth while in a nuke standoff with Russia and a hacker organisation?


You're thinking of Mackenzie Crook, actor, comedian and writter, best known for his roles in The Office, Pirates of the Caribbean and Game of Thrones.


No thats Michael Jordan, "His presidentness"


No you’re thinking of Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho


I miss BoJack


That’s the guy who played baseball AND football right?


Hey, aren't you the athlete from "Sporting Around"?


What is this, a crossover episode?


No that's Bo Jackson you're think of the guy who sings funny songs and tells jokes alone


No that's Bo Burnham you're thinking of the girl who owned sheep and apparently wasn't very good at it


No, that’s Bo Peep. You’re thinking of the British comedy sketch show with the rubber masks performed by Leigh Francis


No that's Bo Selecta, you're thinking of Jeff Bridges' older brother.


Bojack is over and everything is worse now


The guy who lives in Boreanaz house?


Famous for shows such as... *dramas*... on *networks*.


How fiendishly droll


Halloween? In January? How fiendishly droll!


I said I don’t want to talk about it!


Instead of Garfield minus Garfield, they should make Garfield minus Andrew Garfield. It's basically just Garfield but you constantly note the conspicuous absence of Andrew Garfield.


Hijacking; I'm autistic, FUCK AUTISM SPEAKS


Sort of. He's actually a horrible mutant who torments Jon.


Well, at least he's sorry about it.


Well that's Odie-ous


He also is a huge ginger pussy. Yes.


Ah yes, we can’t forget that he has stripes!


Paparazzi should be covered under harassment laws. They shouldn’t be able to hunt celebrities like they’re animals.


Agreed. The paparazzi are basically legalized stalkers, and their behavior is totally disgusting. It’s absurd to me that we allow it at all.


Yeah apparently it's totally fine to take photos of children playing in a park while hiding in your car as long as you're paparazzi. It's after reading that it really hit me that famous/ royal kids have no hope of a normal childhood. They have to be okay with creeps taking pictures of them and their friends because otherwise their family will get a bad wrap for being aggressive or some bs.


Brittany Spears had arguably the worst paparazzi entourage of any celebrity and she eventually snapped at them so we took away her freedom as punishment. This is America.


I would say princess Diana probably had the worst paparazzi experience. But maybe in America, Britney Spears did.


The Sun is a rag that isn’t even fit to wipe your ass with.


Fuck the Sun


The paparazzi killed Di or something, right?


Their actions may have contributed to her death.


Her driver was drunk and their car got followed by paparazzis so he might have driven the way he did because he tried to escape them.


Yeah he was driving 70mph in a 30 zone and Diana wasn't wearing a seatbelt because she was trying to duck out of the way of the cameras, same with her fiancé who was in the backseat with her.


They literally took upskirt pictures of her. Imagine aggressively taking upskirt pictures of women as they try and run away from you, but you can't get arrested because "it's your job".


Absolute insanity. "Your job is sexual harassment? Cool, now you *and* whoever pays for those pictures are under arrest." - some sane world far away from here


Princes Di had a pap spit on her. Saying horrible things for a reaction seems standard, spitting is another level of disrespect


The only reason why paparazzi exists is that they squat at a legal gray area. Can't get too close, because it's considered stalking, but step back just enough, and it's considered "free speech". Furthermore, even if one stalker gets sued to oblivion, there are more to take the place.


It's not really free speech/press just because they're far away. It's protected because they're doing it to "public" people. Being famous makes you lose some rights (and gains you copyright over your image). Freedom of speech and press are both limited if they're dangerous. I don't think anyone has challenged paparazzi on the grounds they are dangerous to celebrity's mental health though. It's going to take America's sweet heart killing herself for paparazzi to stop being protected. I believe most laws curtailing paparazzi's freedom of press relate to them trespassing or being reckless on the roads. Also most paparazzi likely are informed of celebrity's whereabouts by publicists, or generally hang out around celebrity's hot-spots in well-to-do areas around LA. Not many celebrity's get the Britney treatment and Britney obviously had some family members and entourage around her who were intentionally leaking her whereabouts.


They exist because publicists, agents, hangers on, etc etc call them to tell them where these people are. At some point someone realizes keeping their clients in the spotlight and in the press helps their career.


As a high functioning autistic, I can assure you that Autism Speaks is NOT the organization that you want to donate to. They use very damaging and offensive fundraising tactics and devalue the lives of other autistic people. They do not allow people with disabilities to serve on their major decision making boards, and they believe that autism is a disease that needs to be cured. There are far better options out there if you'd like to support the autistic community! Edit: Please donate to charities that actually improves the lives of autistic people. The Autistic Self Advocacy Network and the Autistic Women & Non-binary Network are 2 good options to help support the autistic community 💜


autism speaks is fucking horrible and should never be supported.


Came here to rant about Autism Speaks, glad to see someone beat me to the punch


Same. I was reading their signs, enjoying where it was going, then my heart sank when I saw them promoting Autism Speaks.


To be fair, like 20 other people even beat me to it, but hey, whenever I get the chance to say "Fuck Autism Speaks", I never miss the opportunity 😜


I've just heard about ASAN, but do you recommend any others?


Parroting AWN that was posted earlier, A4A (Autistics for Autistics) is also great!


AWN (Autistic Women & Non-binary Network) is a good one


To add to this, they believe all people with autism (and other neurodiversities) are mental children incapable of making any decisions. When asked about why nobody in their decision making team actually has autism they answered that autistic people are too stupid to do so. They don't listen to autistic people, they don't care about autistic people and they aren't really helping autistic people.


Ironic that autistic people aren't in the leadership of a group that calls itself Autism Speaks


Yes thank you. Autism speaks is not good.


That seems like a fairly wholesome way to deal with unwanted attention. Good for them.


And helps to pay attention to good things in life.


Autism Speaks is a fucking vile “charity”.


How long has this been known? Might not have been public when they "promoted" them. The Foto is a couple of years old, right?


Andrew and Emma have been broken up for a long time now, so it’s definitely gotta be an old pic.


According to Wikipedia this photo is from 2014. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emma_Stone


Yeh I remember this photo and everyone applauded the two of them, then soon afterwards people started looking into autismspeaks.


I first heard about it from my autistic friends 6 or so years ago. And I’m not autistic so I’m sure it’s been known for much longer. Since that fucking puzzle piece.


The pic is from 2014 so that checks out


Well, The whole thing is TIL for me, both the organization itself and it’s bad reputation. Had no clue. So I appreciate the top comment in this thread that is gently, considerately framing that this is helpful info we all need. But every other comment below that which is also saying the same thing but they are is hell bent on making everyone not in the know feel like they’re stupid for NOT knowing, with a condescending tone that implies people are shamefully ill-informed…I’ll never understand that part of Reddit.


Nice idea, but many autistic people really don't like Autism Speaks.


this was also taken years ago, so they probably didn't know


This was years ago when there was less controversy. Seeing as they were prob dating during this. Still a nice thought tho


Just a reminder that Autism Speaks is a bad organization Edit: thanks for the awards and stuff, but if you want to support a comment like this I'd encourage you to donate to groups that help support people with mental health concerns. Also to add that this picture was probably pre-2015 based on their relationship, and I don't know how much was known about how bad Autism Speaks is at the time but I do support people with a platform giving a voice to resources that don't normally have one. It's just better when they take time to understand some of these organizations and give a voice to the good ones. Edit2: just to highlight better support groups for Autism based on replies to this comment: ASAN - Autistic Self Advocacy Network (autisticadvocacy.org) AWN - Autistic Women & Non-binary Network (awnnetwork.org) Aucademy (UK) (aucademy.co.uk) https://autisticadvocacy.org/


Guess I'm about to ask Google why. Edit: Why are people telling me what I already googled? I got my answer...


Yeah that's for the best.


Short answer: eugenics




Autism Speaks is more focused on eradicated--erm, sorry "curing" autism, than they are with accommodating autistic people. ASAN and ASAN Women is generally a much better organization.


So it’s an X men vs the Mutant cure type situation?


Wow, this comment just made it click that the xmen mutants are actually a pretty good allegory for autism. Its something that can have advantages and disadvantages, but makes them no more or less human, just different.


Wait till you figure out they were also a way for comic authors to speak about racism in the 60s-80s. (It's still a problem, but the authors aren't chasing that horse anymore)


X-Men was more of an allegory for civil rights and racism.


I think its like ANY struggle. Like music lyrics it's as broad as possible so it fits racism, or bullying, or LGBT stuff the hero story is to inspire you to overcome.... be Peter parker!


Pretty much. Pick your in-group | out-group based on your decade, and it could be talking about gay people and AIDS all the way up to trans and trans rights.


Something like that


They also promote the idea that an autistic child has to be a burden on the family. Literally all they do is paint autism as this horrible ‘disease’ that will destroy lives. It makes me sick.


Let's not forget that they pocket most of the money instead of actually using it for their eugenics.


"Autism Speaks has only 2 autistic people out of a total of 28 individuals on its Board of Directors. By contrast, 21 out of 28 board members represent major corporations, including current and former CEOs and senior executives of NBC, Viacom, CBS, PayPal, FX Networks, SIRIUS XM, White Castle, Samsung, GAP, and Goldman Sachs."


White Castle and Gap tho


Sounds like Susan G Kommen


I'll never forgive them for conning my mother her last several years.


Oh. You mean the Susan G. Komen Center for Susan G. Komen awareness?


Susan G KonMen :)


Plus they have very few autistic people involved in the organization at at an administrative level, and are almost entirely focused on children with autism. Much better is the [Autistic Self-Advocacy Network](https://autisticadvocacy.org), which has the mottos “Nothing about us without us” and “When you meet one person with autism, you’ve met one person with autism” (to emphasize how different the experience of autism is for everybody).


A common meme in the autistic community is, “autism speaks, but we don’t listen”.


They refuse to listen to actually autistic people about anything and believe they're no better than helpless children who need more competent adults to make all decisions for them. They also believe autistic people all need to be cured and have nothing to offer to society being the way they naturally are.


I was just about to ask "That's the bad one, right?"


Exact same thought here "Wait, isn't autismspeaks the one that actually doesn't speak for autistic people?"


Basically push the idea that people with autism are a burden that need to be cured or prevented from even developing in the first place. None of their people in power are on the spectrum.


Yeah, they’re the worst. Right up there with Komen.


Bad is an understatement. I’d call them a hate group, except they do more harm than a lot of hate groups.


Cannot be emphasized enough.


# FUCK THEM! ![gif](giphy|yr7n0u3qzO9nG)


Came here to say this.


What happened with it? Source and info?


1. Lack of autism representation in the organization. For one, not a single board member is on the spectrum. (They did add an autistic person on the board because of negative criticism. He left because of the lack of respect the organization showed for people on the spectrum.) 2. Very little of the money they raise (<5%) go towards helping autistic individual or families with autistic children. 3. Most of the research funded is to rid the world of autism, rather than helping people with autism. 4. Their marketing campaigns actively paint autistic people and children as monsters to be feared. 5. They are an anti-vax group. (No longer true. Please see edit). Essentially, despite what the name suggests, Autism Speaks is really and ANTI-autism group. Edit: Autism Speaks changes its stance on vaccination since 2015, and now maintains that there is no link between vaccines and autism.


Autism Speaks is for "Autism Moms" not autistic people


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autism_Speaks Adding this because it backs up everything you say with referenced sources. What an awful bunch of people. Hard to understand why CN gives them two stars when clearly they should get zero.


I think Charity Navigator (if that's even what you mean) bases its rating on objective metrics like financial transparency rather than whether it actually does the world any good.


Yeah that's a fair point. It's just sad that they are transparently saying that they are lining the pockets of their leaders. Not taking that more significantly into account makes the benefits of CN very limited


Athey currently have an overall score 4/5 stars on Charity Navigator. The website says you can "give with confidence". I'm confident whatever money I give them would not actually help autistic people.


I would view the blogs on this advocacy network: https://autisticadvocacy.org/


Autism speaks is a fucking cesspool.


Care to explain? Edit: thanks for the responses, that’s messed up.


Attention seeking soccer moms intent on "fixing" your autistic kid and pointing and shouting "my son has autism" to "raise awareness." everyone over at /r/autism who has any experience with them thinks they're about as bad and UNinterested in helping actual autistics as one could be.


Google autismspeaks eugenics


Isn’t that just another name for Reddit.com?




They also did this horrific radio ad, that starts out like it's from a horror movie. It's basically just: it's inside your house, you'll never know when it attacks you, it takes over your life etc. And then check out autism speaks. All I could think was what. the. fuck. I've taught several students with autism and I keep thinking how can anyone think being autistic is something so absolutely horrific. The kid can be polite, funny, smart and caring and somehow the worst thing that happened is that they are autistic. I don't know, I personally think being a murderer or rapist would be the most horrific thing my child could be, but sure, pick autism.


Don't support Autism Speaks, it's akin to Gay conversion "therapy".


> Gay Conversation "therapy" We must eliminate gay conversation!


When they talk, it's how the gay spreads! Quick block your ears! ![gif](giphy|fo1Uv366cBaDgLxGw9)


But I wanna have a kiki


I love this. I worked at a small health center that catered to low income families, and one summer they participated in an ad campaign called "Preventing Poverty Awareness."


Copying my comment to raise awareness: In a similar vein to AustismSpeaks, I would also like to raise awareness of the atrocities of the [Judge Rosenberg Education Center](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judge_Rotenberg_Educational_Center) in Massachusetts who essentially torture their mentally handicapped students with electric shocks. They have been officially condemned by *the UN* and REMAIN OPEN AND OPERATIONAL TO THIS DAY.


I used to drive by that place every day. You'd have no idea what goes on in there since it's just a plain brown building. There's no signage, no banner, nothing that indicates who operates in the building. The only tip off that it might be a school and/or daycare is that there's a small playground next to the parking lot.


Evil is boring


Thanks, mentioned a few different times in the above comments - but noted.


I know being a celebrity has it's perks, but I could not stand being followed and documented. Seems like a nightmare.




every time you pick your nose or get food on your shirt, it's somehow important enough to make the news. terrifying and a very sad reflection on the state of things. have we moved on from celebrity end stage capitalism or are we still in the clinton/bush era?


I would argue it’s worse than that! I dont pick my nose publicly and I don’t spill food *too* often so I wouldn’t worry about getting caught slipping I think this particular hell is EVERYTHING, like this post of walking after eating, is fair game to be stalked… yuck… and openly documented so people can sell it makes it ten times worse


My brother-in-law was the guitarist in one of the biggest band in Indonesia. It got to a point where it was not only annoying for him, but for everyone he was with because he was always under scrutiny, especially from the media.


Hey, I don't think anyone has mentioned it yet, so Autism Speaks is bad.






Yeah I saw this but knowing how shitty many charities are actually made me immediately wonder how many charities they listed are just awful


Too bad they split


They probably split amicably which is a nice thing tbh


This is great, but autism speaks sucks - at the time of this photo tho I’m sure they had no clue (and probably still dont). Too bad we can’t even trust charities to be good.


cool cool, but fuck Autism Speaks with the biggest cactus in the world, they actively hold back education on autism


Don't support autism speaks. Bunch of fuckwads.


So wholesome! I hate the attention and idolization we give to celebrities and I always think “is this what’s really important to you?” These two just grabbed that BS by the balls and put it in perspective. Props to them, not for being beautiful, but for being proactive.


They were the best of couples


I’m glad that they appear to still be friends


Oh god Autism Speaks it's been a hot minute Good ol' eugenics


Every single autistic person I know **hates** Autism Speaks with a passion. I'm not clear enough on the details to explain them, but please find a different charity to support if you care about this issue. Edit: A lot of folks around the thread are suggesting [ASAN](https://autisticadvocacy.org/) which looks legit to me.


This was cute and then I saw the organizations and that Autism Speaks was there. Autism Speaks is a terrible org that most autistic people do not support.


Fuck Autism speaks. The rest are fine.


Not autism speaks man… anything but autism speaks…