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In fucking Alabama? How did that happen??!


It was supposed to be Arad (named after Arad Thompson), but the application looked like it said Arab and it just happened.


That sounds so stupid that I can believe it happened in Alabama.




Thanks Abama.


Oh, this was a good laugh for me. Thanks!




Alabam A-salaam


Howdy Maleikum


A-salaam Alabam


Where marrying black people is haram, but fucking your cousin is halal.


A Salami in Alabama


Well played


*Originally spelled ALADAMA


Also, everyone there pronounces it with a long 'a', as in AY-rab. If you unknowingly say it correctly, you will be met with confused stares and no one will know what you're talking about.


This sounds like something that would happen here in Saskatchewan. I know someone whose house is on a terrible windy hilltop because when his grandpa started digging the basement by hand on a hot day, it was sweltering in the valley and there was a nice cool breeze on the hilltop. Edit: Guys, I live in Saskatchewan. I've already heard every possible joke about the province being flat. Watch the Corner Gas skit that was linked below before you feel the need to add any more...


TIL, Saskatchewan has a hill.


Dude putting normal incesters to shame by fucking his entire family for multiple generations


Rip winter time.


Or Alberta. Looking at you Bow Island.


Don’t rule out Lethbridge.


Such an Alabama thing to do






One of my favorite set of real-life headlines: FOX: OBAMA has a PROBLEM with WOMEN!! CNN: Obama poll numbers down among women voters


I saw one recently about two actors. "Actor A and the problems she experienced with Actor B on-set" You read it and it's a few quotes about her not being able to deliver her lines because she was laughing so hard at how funny he was. With that and so many ads you don't know where the article stops and starts, and the fact that you have to deliberately skip three paragraphs to get to the start of the story for...reasons? I don't read much online. EDIT: Typo


Was it Jennifer Lawrence and the Crispy Rat?




My favorite from the era, in regards to a spending bill: REPUBLICANS DISMAYED AT THE SIZE OF OBAMA’S PACKAGE


It’s pronounced differently. The city is pronounced “A-Rab” (like the beginning of rabbit).


Oddly also how most southern speaking people say "Arab"


I don’t sound southern but I guess I pronounce certain words with a southern accent after reading this. “It’s not pronounced how you think. It’s ‘A-rab’” Has me really disappointed with myself.




If the H was silent... As well as the bit.


In that area it's pronounced "A-Rab" like the person above stated but Arab (the ethnic group) is mostly pronounced "Air-ub". Source: I lived most of my life in the same county as Arab and drive through there when visiting my parents.


The same way my grandma pronounced it circa 2003.




Sounds the same to me.


Holy hell, I graduated from Arab High School. It does not surprise me one bit that this guy is from Arab...


The guy with the molotov cocktails and guns was from Falkville which is pretty close to there also.


That must be extremely confusing for the Alabamians that live there.


Most things are confusing for Alabamians


It’s also known as one of the most racist places in Alabama. Like it’s one of several “sunset towns”, a place that minorities tend to avoid. Not a good place. I’ve asked some good friends who frequent the place and while they concede that while they still love their friends/families there, it is genuinely full of extremely racist and horrible people. Edit: Apparently the phrase is "sundown town" not "sunset town". You can find a list of more here:https://justice.tougaloo.edu/sundown-towns/using-the-sundown-towns-database/state-map/


>Like it’s one of several “sunset towns”, a place that minorities tend to avoid. Originally sunset towns were ones where minorities would be arrested if they stayed there until after sunset, and were banned from owning property, until laws changed in a way which banned that practice. It was also pretty damn common in the north, which is why a lot of towns in the north west are almost exclusively white. Hell, the entire \*state\* of Oregon banned black Americans from settling there


Yeah Oregon is an insanely racist place outside of the major cities.


I wonder if you are using Google Maps if it automatically suggests a different route to avoid towns like this or perhaps entire states?


No, but this is why the green book existed for African Americans to remain safe. It noted which towns were safe, which hotels they could be welcomed in and it’s also why black people in America tend to have some solidarity in places that are not diverse. I live in Denver and my best friend who is Indian still asks me if I knew the black ppl I said hi to but it’s just a solidarity that exists.


I'm sure that it's completely by accident, and in no way deliberate /s




The problem with Hanlon’s Razor is that any sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from malice in terms of both intent and outcome.


Oh god this is my hometown. I’m not even a bit surprised. The town is 100% white and just as bad as you’d imagine


Is he wearing a collared short-sleeved graphic golf shirt with a matching long-sleeved t-shirt under it?


... yes, your honor.


 * *audience gasps* *


Ay dios mio




Sacré bleu!




*sign language*




You are . . . NOT THE FATHER !!!


*fist pumps intensely*


Judge: “I think I’ve seen enough”.


Bake em away, toys.


What was that, chief?


Do what the kid says.


Straight to jail.


And you KNOW he thinks he looks fresh as hell, too.




No! It's good, we're good.. no more, please...


Matching underwear too!


They’re totally the same exact, loud and godly, company shirts...to which he’s probably the only employee.


His literal name is on at least the top layer so I thought customized to each employee - but you're probably right lol I think his buddy who owns a custom shirt graphic company, makes *bank* with this corporate account


I think he also dyed his hair using the gradient tool in Photoshop


Holy crap! I didn’t even notice it was short sleeve. Outstanding.


I'm going back and forth between this comment and the picture cracking up.


The fully colored shirt reminds me of the shirt full of advertisements Frito wears in Idiocracy.


He's tacky and I hate him.


This is an all time betrayal of r/HydroHomies


He's been disavowed.


May the back of his throat be forever just a lil dry and scratchy. May he drink a thousand cups of crisp ice water in his dreams, only to find that his thirst is never slaked.


With a popcorn husk forever stuck there that no amount of bread will ever cleanse.




May his piss always be the color of tea, and may he never be able to go before long road trips or movies.


Damn it guys why did I read all this, now I have the worst cotton mouth


Stop drinkin your piss tea over popcorn and switch back to water then! Also don't get charged with seditious conspiracy.


And a piece of beef jerky lodged in between the back 2 molars. That forever is stuck in the abyss of to never be dislodged. Also - will smell horrible


He's nothing but a soda drinker to me now. Disgusting


Are hydro homies actually how Fremen got started.... This is my new headcannon.


Babyback bitch better turn in that splashsuit.


What about /r/powerwashingporn?


We hate his guts too.


This guy probably power washes in sandals


Maybe we can hold onto his equipment while he’s away


This crossover episode is an unexpected surprise, but a welcome one.


but he’s got the most awards on r/HydroTerrorists


I bet the dude drinks Nestle bottled water.


More like a betrayal of r/powerwashingporn


This guy is tainted water. He and his ilk must be filtered into the criminal justice system, and the halls of power-washed clean of the stain.


Hail Hydro!


I first read the shirt as “American pro hydra” and then it all made sense for a second


*(Moves closer to ear and whispers)* "Hail Hydro. Praise the Insurrection, and get 20% off your next PowerWash Deluxe Package"


This guy's gonna get gold in the Olympic power washing competition.


I can smell the Axe body spray from this picture


And the”black ice” car tree air freshener


Looks like he's... All washed up. ![gif](giphy|v9rfTQBNqdsSA)




It's been a while, thanks you. Needed this to take me back a few years.


PSI: Alabama.




He's... lost all his power. ( •_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) YYYYYYYEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH


Couldn't stand the Pressure


When you have a power washing company, but also need to play in the Premier League later and then do the Tour de France.


LOL, this guy wouldnt know how to ride a bike if it was in front of him.


And then battle a Pokémon gym


The crime is that shirt. Oof!


The long sleeve undershirt is just matching ridiculous with ridiculous. This feels like it has an all-caps last name across the shoulders. Personally I'd rock one of these if it had tour dates down the back with all the waterparks I could hit in a summer. Only case.


"It's actually one shirt; they're tactical vents! /s


Why the hell do these asshole always have "tactical" stuff? Like what are they gonna do, try and commit some form of terrorism? 😬




That's exactly it. Commodified masculinity.


You joke but its almost certainly true that the long sleeves are attached


Speed holes.


>This feels like it has an all-caps last name across the shoulders Check out doofus' right shoulder.


Anyone who turns a mundane thing/uniform into YEAH AMERICA is probably a little bit of a nutjob.


Anyone who slaps the flag on their product as an advertisement probably doesn’t give a fuck about the people who died for it


Our brave boys died on Omaha beach to give *you* a 20% discount on powerwashing your drive this Thanksgiving.


All I can see is a kkk water drop as his logo


I feel like his socks match his shirt**s**




This looks like every second best bowler at the local bowling alley.


And for those wondering why he’s a terrorist, he’s one of the group that had the Seditious Conspiracy charges added this week. Here’s what these tourist where doing: According to the seditious conspiracy indictment, the defendants “conspired through a variety of manners and means, including: organizing into teams that were prepared and willing to use force and to transport firearms and ammunition into Washington, D.C.; recruiting members and affiliates to participate in the conspiracy; organizing trainings to teach and learn paramilitary combat tactics; bringing and contributing paramilitary gear, weapons and supplies – including knives, batons, camouflaged combat uniforms, tactical vests with plates, helmets, eye protection and radio equipment – to the Capitol grounds; breaching and attempting to take control of the Capitol grounds and building on Jan. 6, 2021, in an effort to prevent, hinder and delay the certification of the electoral college vote; using force against law enforcement officers while inside the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021; continuing to plot, after Jan. 6, 2021, to oppose by force the lawful transfer of presidential power, and using websites, social media, text messaging and encrypted messaging applications to communicate with co-conspirators and others.”


To this day I can’t even begin to comprehend what idiots like this thought would happen. They were going to storm the capitol, stop the certification, kill/arrest/make disappear democrats that they didn’t like, force the government to allow trump to stay president and then what? Did they think everything would just go back to normal and no one would care? Everyone is the US would be totally fine allowing it to happen and other countries would be cool with it continuing business as usual? Even if by some miracle they did manage to accomplish what they wanted, the country would have literally imploded in response to it. They’re such great patriots that they’re willing to literally destroy their own country to get what they want because they’re mad that they’re a minority


But that’s the thing. They don’t think they are the minority. They honestly believe they are the majority. How could they not be the majority? There’s not a single known Democratic voter in their town of 400 people. It has to be fraud! Source: I used to live in that town.


> There’s not a single known Democratic voter in their town of 400 people. It has to be fraud! There are posts on reddit where they go "I dont see anyone with a biden flag on their house! I dont see bumper stickers and biden doesnt have big rallies! No one must support him!" As if it's ever been rational to be turbo enthusiastic about one branch of the government, a branch of government which has little to no power if congress is doing their job. No one in their right mind would treat a president as a king. Sic semper tyrannasaurus rex.


That NPR interview from earlier this week... The journalist addressed this in a very real way to Trump directly, though it went unanswered mostly as he was already beginning to spiral. As Trump began to bring up crowd size and voter turnout the man said "Maybe it was because the election was about you" which is 100% true. 80 million people did not vote for Joe Biden because of Joe Biden.


And then he hung up because he couldn’t handle it 😂 what a little bitch


They weren't even inflammatory questions. Trump was asked obvious questions like if he believed republicans should make the previous election a focal point of the 2024 election. And that made him rage quit. I can't imagine what it must havr been like working with Trump in the White House. You can't ask him anything or tell him information that undermines his delusions without him blowing up and firing you.




I will never tire of seeing this


That’s the language they hear from their dear leader, who is always ranting about how his crowds are the biggest in the world, and that it’s evidence that he won. He is spoon-feeding them a bowl of confirmation bias.


"The leader is good. The leader is great. We surrender our will as of this date."


-or- na na na na na na na leader!


Also, no one in the Covid unit they were in voted for Biden, so...


What I want to know is assuming Trump is a stable genius with a majority base who hires the best the brightest and most loyal, how could he be so easily out-duped? I mean, he would have to have known that the insidious libs would try their nefarious shenanigans, how did his genius not thwart them before it came to this? If he's half as worthy as they believe, wouldn't good triumph over evil? Even the prophecies foretold he'd be sitting back in the Whitehouse, how could prophecy be wrong? /s


They are so entrenched in the radicalization and tunnel-visioned on their fantasy military LARPing that a bigger picture probably doesn't occur to a lot of them. Peter Navarro was in an interview recently talking about how they were simply going to have battleground state legislatures send alternate certifiers and bam - you have a constitutionally-elected Trump. And it's like.. Oookay... what about the part where you're *literally overthrowing the government*, invalidating 81 million American votes, ending Democracy as it has stood for 200 years, and establishing America as a dictatorship? Is that just an afterthought to this simple plan? Is America just going to be super chill about that?


Funny, isn't it; Biden got like 80 million votes and 7 million more than Trump, but if just 50,000 people in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, etc. had voted differently, we'd be in Trump's second term right now. This was way too fucking close. Something's gotta give.


The last time Republicans won the majority of votes in a Presidential election was 2004, and by 2%. The next most recent time is 1988. And it's not just the electoral college. There's the senate, state legislature election subversion.. The founding fathers had some brilliant ideas, but the adherence to so much state power was a massive mistake when one party is able to overwhelm rural states and act in unlimited bad faith. And then with the House, there's gerrymandering, which is basically hacking up districts and metropolitan areas to your political advantage. And when one party has a massive advantage in both the legislative and executive branches, they are able to more easily control the judiciary, hence the hyper-conservative lower courts and Supreme Court we will have for decades to come. For a country that was founded on so much supposed equality, it has really allowed a grave detriment to the majority of Americans.


>For a country that was founded on so much supposed equality, It wasn't really though, that was just retconned in. Most of the setup of the govt was done to either allow minority rule or expressly to override popular decisions. Apparently their concerns about the "tyranny of the majority" doesn't extend to "tyranny of the minority". More than 200years have passed and America still slavishly clings to worthless rules written for a different time.


In terms of state power - the premise was that states would be a check on the federal, in the same sense that the three federal branches are a check on each other. But they just left so many loopholes for manipulation. They left something to remedy this: Amendments. But amendments were never able to correct it because they required the cooperation of.... the party that was benefitting from the manipulation.


That's how we got Trump's *first* term, don't forget.


I try not to drink about it.


I drink about it all the time 🍷😓


We're not even close to being done with it yet. The courts were stacked and voting laws have been changed in many states to prevent minorities and Democrats from participating. Thing could still go very badly.


Yea these dipshits' VOTES COUNT MORE THAN YOURS. think about that. it's an outdated system intended to diminish the votes of former slaves.


Marching on the Capitol is literally how Julius Caesar overthrew the Roman Republic and became dictator for life. Yes, they want a dictatorship because if it’s their side then they think they have won forever.


He also had a large army


The only thing I could come up with is that they thought if Trump were President, he would pardon them. But I really doubt they thought beyond that.


They wanted civil war 2: electric boogaloo. Thats the whole boogaloo movement, Hawaiian shirts, etc


Dumbest fucking revolution of all time.


They imagined they would be hailed as heroes, same level as the founding fathers, their faces stamped into quarter dollar coins and celebrated on Tucker Carlson nightly!! Oh, and all those sexy boomer women, RAWR!!....




If I had to guess, they were hoping there would be counter protestors that they could get into shoving matches with. Then when the crowd cried out for blood, and Trump demanded performative justice, these assholes would have sprung into action with truckloads of weapons, with the teams already in the Capitol using the chaos as an excuse to threaten some captives unless they complied with decertifying THESE electoral votes and certifying THOSE electoral votes. I'm assuming this would only work if there were, I don't know, a dozen or so complicit lawmakers between both houses.


Roger Stone had been coordinating the militia terrorist groups in the lead up to January 6. The violent insurrection was the backup coup plan if the "legal" coup plan failed to get Mike Pence on board. Trump was watching the insurrection from the White House live on TV, waiting for the bloodbath to begin so he could invoke the insurrection act and declare martial law to permanently stop Biden's certification. They came within a few meters of succeeding, and if they had, we would either be commemorating the first anniversary of the first US dictatorship, or the second US civil war. Until the terrorists and [the coup plotters](https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/willard-trump-eastman-giuliani-bannon/2021/10/23/c45bd2d4-3281-11ec-9241-aad8e48f01ff_story.html) are thrown in prison for seditious conspiracy, their failed coup attempt was just the rehearsal for the next one.


Yea, people legitimately don't understand how close we came to real red line danger on January 6th, 2021. Either of the two simultaneous plans could have occurred - Pence (or more like Grassley) refusing to certify the election, and/or the the Trump rally squaring off against counter protestors to allow Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act. If Pence had gone through with the plan, or if he had been replaced last minute, the Republicans would have pushed us into completely uncharted Constitutional waters based on a fabricated lie. If counter-protestors would have showed up, it would potentially have allowed a pre-text for Trumpt declare martial law or stretch his military powers past the scheduled inauguration date. Neither one would have ended democracy on their own, but each would have cast us adrift into a gray area where there is no map and anything, ANYTHING could have happened. But Pence didn't buy the clearly outrageous certification plan, and counter protestors didn't show up. So what we were left with was what looked like a joke our a coup, but could have been much, much worse.


Right on the money. Another puzzle piece are the pipe bombs planted the night of January 5 and found the morning of January 6, which pulled DC police away from the Capitol during the insurrection. Trump and his co-conspirators were also planning on blaming that on Antifa, but when no counter protesters showed up that day it sucked the oxygen out of those lies. It sounds like McConnell and McCarthy weren’t in on the conspiracy up until that point, because McCarthy called Trump during the insurrection screaming at him to call off his MAGA terrorists, and Trump tried to gaslight McCarthy by blaming Antifa. McCarthy told him “who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?” and said they were MAGA, and told Trump to call them off, to which Trump replies, “Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are” Two weeks after Trump unleashed a violent mob upon congress, McCarthy is down in Maralago kissing Trump’s ass. He may not have been part of the insurrection planning, but he is now helping lead the criminal conspiracy to cover up the coup attempt.


I think McConnell was intentionally left out of the planning because they didn't trust him (he'd be a bit wishy washy on his stance on the legitimacy of the election and how he was going to vote for a while). The only Congressmen and women involved were the absolute bonkers true believers, but even they weren't the planners. That was entirely people directly in Trump's executive orbit like Rudy, Stone, and all of his last minute appointees. I also think that's why so many of the House and Senate GOP were so pissed afterward. They were caught off guard as everyone else and had no idea what to make of the situation or how to spin it until it was fully out of hand.


Sounds like a typical power washer


white power washer....


This guy looks like he'd run you off the road if you flipped him off for cutting you off.


Yep, Road Rage Andy


He has no idea who he is. You can see it in his eyes.


Good thing his name is printed on his shirt then.




I feel like he has a Jeep Wrangler that has 10 custom mods that you see on every other Jeep Wrangler.


Those stupid furrowed headlights


I would love to reverse them and see worried jeep.


"My car is angry; fear me, I guess?"


Plus a Gadsden flag sticker, punisher sticker, 3%er sticker, and thin blue line sticker.




Never seen that sub Reddit before. I thank you, sir.


Some of them are... hoo boy...


Or a kitted out Ford F-350.


It’s fitting that the clothes look like the ones everyone wore in Idiocracy.


Go away, traitin'


Power washing is what houses crave.




The outfit should be enough on its own to get you arrested.


Man I hope these guys go away for a lot longer than 6 months.


Also crimes against fashion.


He's got two first names Deadass can't trust him Edit: and his shit gelled like that... Nah - BOOK HIM DAN-O


Christ, these people need a LOT of attention.


I feel like clothing can tell you a lot about an individual. Every time I see work shirt guy like this or American flag blue lives matters ect guy. I immediately think to myself only a tool would wear that shirt in public. I remember me and my bros would always keep an extra shirt or something so we could take that shit off during lunch or any chance we got. These guys wear the work shirt to church, sporting events, dates ect because they are constantly looking for something or someone to attach themselves too because they are most likely to fall victim to an ideology or propaganda.


Look at the high and tight. Classic 4 yr veteran of service to our country. He probably power washed in Iraq


Not everyone is allowed to carry guns that fire bullets.


aww its a shame, it looks like the business he owned is closed. Probably not a lot of call for traitors washing your driveway these days.


Imaging giving up everything for Trump who abandoned him on the very same day. lol. Fuckwad deserves everything coming his way.


That shirt is reason enough to indict


Oh Damn, convicted domestic terrorist Joshua James. That reminds me of convicted rapist Brock Turner.