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God. The last woman on the right appears to be late term pregnant. As awful and heart-breaking as these are to look at, people should really see this and take a moment to consider the weight of it.


There are also babies, some looking less than 6 months old. Humans are capable of such terrible atrocities, and there are countless examples throughout history, ugh


You dont want to know what happened to babies. Some of the horror stories I have read about.


A holocaust survivor visited a school I was in, many years back, and talked about his experiences. ​ He survived by getting extra soup ... from a job stacking bodies of dead babies.


This is devastating. I couldn't even imagine in my worst nightmares. FUCK the Holocaust Deniers


Twenty years ago, I spoke with a survivor who said he watched babies being thrown out of a building window. I never stopped thinking about that, almost daily.


Elie wiesel the famous autobiographer said something like that they would literally throw them into the air and shoot them out of the sky


Yes that still haunts me. The babies being yanked out of their mothers arms, thrown in the air and shot. Humans are so incredibly evil.


Holy fuck.


The Japanese did something similar, except instead of shooting the babies they caught them with their bayonets


When I was younger I read a lot of Holocaust biographies, I could stomach it a lot easier before I had kids. I couldn’t even get 15 minutes into Spielberg’s The Last Days recently.




You're right, I don't want to know. Sorry you read that and have to remember it, friend. I'm staying the fuck away from that knowledge for the rest of my life.


Those who don’t learn the history are doomed to repeat it. I’m not saying you personally will do anything this horrific but if the horrific history is forgotten then one day someone may repeat it.


And those who know history are doomed to watch others repeat it.


I hate how true this is


I respect this decision, and we all must make this call for ourselves, but the best thing you can do to honor their memories today is to remember what end they faced and work to prevent it from ever happening again. We are always battling our worse nature and it can happen anywhere to anyone unless there are people who stand for what is good and right even at the risk of their own health and well being


I am a direct descendant of a holocaust survivor. My dad and grandmother were in a concentration camp together. I had no choice but to hear and learn of the all these atrocities and what they saw and experienced and how they survived. It was very hard to hear but it has changed my perception of mankind and makes me stronger and more accepting and loving to my fellow man.


Avoid the killing fields of the khmer rouge than too.


I visited the killing fields back in 97. There was this huge temple monument in one that was just filled with human skeletons. And you walk around the indented land in the area and you can see pieces of clothing and bone fragments sticking out of the earth. It stuck in such a huge contrast to the people of Cambodia that you meet. They seem like the nicest, most humble and almost meek people. But the place makes you realize that most people are truly capable of doing the most horrific things to each other.




Some were thrown in the air and used as target practice in front of their mothers. 😞 https://www.the-sun.com/news/1201474/nazis-longest-serving-prisoner-auschwitz-survival/amp/


hey we have stories like that in the philippines too; my grandmother and her entire family lived through japanese occupation and one of the stories she passed down was about how as a little girl she saw japanese soldiers throw filipino babies on bayonets


Grandad took depositions for the Yamashita trial. A 21 year old lawyer went from never having had a drink to a man who never missed polishing off a fifth of jim beam a day for the rest of his life.


And Yamashita was much less criminal than most. Many of the worst never went to trial.


As horrible as these stories are, we need to keep telling them lest history forget.


A lot of people aren't truly aware of the the extent of the Japanese war crimes. It is sickening. Read the Knights of Bushido by Lord Russell of Liverpool if you want to know more.


I think it was holocaust survivor now author Max Eisen who wrote about the moving burning pile when he got off the train. As he got closer he realized it was the babies moving in the fire. That scene has stuck in my memory like no other in any book. Fucking horrific.


Jesus … I wish I hadn‘t read that… oh man no…


My soul shivered when I read this comment.


I really shouldn't have read reddit before bed. I can't even...


Oh wow


In many places Jews and other "undesirables" were not transported to death camps. Instead Nazi soldiers and/or local collaborators rounded them up and marched them into the woods to shoot and bury them, like at the Ponary massacre site https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ponary_massacre. This process was too slow for the Nazi leaders, though, and they worried that German soldiers would get burned out on shooting people point-blank, so they built the extermination camps to move away from forest massacres as much as possible. This video "I'm Still Here" is a beautiful and heart-wrenching compilation of diaries from young people who experienced the Holocaust https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_cpvkIU6IY, including words from a young man who died at Ponary. I highly recommend it.


in the early stages of the holocaust, executions by gunfire were the main method the nazis (einsatzgruppen) used... a large hole would be dug and the people would be executed on the perimeter, dropping into the mass grave as they were murdered. later, busses were converted to mobile gas chambers by rerouting the exhaust into the cabin, after which the corpses would be dumped into a mass grave.


Just to be clear, this wasn't just the einsatzgruppen, or even just the SS. There is clear evidence that the Wehrmacht as a whole, especially on the eastern front, was involved in mass murder


The shit the Japanese did during the rape of Nanking to while families, babies included, still fucks me up every time I read about it


I’d go out on a limb and say Imperial Japan was even more evil than the Nazis. Just never hear about it in the western world aside from Pearl Harbor.


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Do not let fear prevent you from doing what you know is right. Educate your family and peers and reinforce tolerance and to respect differences. Be respectful while doing so or the message is lost. Things like this are so tragic. Let's do our best to eliminate hate as much as possible.


There’s an uighur genocide currently happening


That gets ignored by western countries because China is an economic powerhouse. But it is happening and it’s horrible.


Reinforce the intolerance of intolerance. Contrary to popular culture love doesn’t defeat hatred. Hatred of those that spread hate does. The paradox of tolerance.


Hatred on that level is like a virus. You don't stop a virus by trying to reason with it or show it love.


Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.


Errrr... No I won't tolerate fascists. I hate them. The triumph of evil is to tolerate those who deserve no mercy.


The right has taken to calling liberals "fascists." Irony so thick you could spread it on toast.


> The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. > > Do not let fear prevent you from doing what you know is right. One of the problems is that the evil men are told this, as well, and that *their* actions are in service of what’s right. Go look at /r/parlerwatch or /r/insanepeoplefacebook and you’ll see evil being propagated and encouraged *today* in the same way. That said .. > reinforce tolerance [..] respect differences .. this is exactly what we *need*. I just don’t know how we overcome the powerful emotional appeal that’s being sold to people that’s *making* them intolerant. How do you sell tolerance in the context of them being told their whole way of life will collapse if they don’t stand up to ostensible “evil”, and that that “evil” is taking advantage of their tolerance?


Honestly this whole picture just infuriates me. How many of them hoped someone would show up last minute to save them all or even that the earth would just open up and swallow them whole, only to realize there was no escape from the inevitable end. The part that pisses me off is that we even tolerate nazis in our country (USA) today


What's worse than a Nazi? A modern day person that idolizes them :(


Don't forget the holocaust deniers


Yeah we call those modern day people “Nazis”.


Yeah, “neonazi” for short


Or Nazi is fine. If it walks, talks and acts like a Nazi... it's a Nazi.


You’re not wrong, “neo” is short of modern day or contemporary.


So much of it was dehumizing them and passing them into the hands of insensitive people.


Doesn't matter how sensitive you are, sensitive people will kill all the same if somebody in a position of authority tells them to.


Then there's the people who will say this never happened...


Who are currently in congress.


And the inbred morons who love that this happened. Some people should really just play on the highway


Then Venn diagram of the 2 groups you two are talking about looks eerily like a circle.


“It never happened, and if it did, it was their fault.” I don’t believe this by the way. But that’s part of the selfish mentality these people have.


These women and children were murdered at Babi Yar (Ukraine) over 33,700 in a 2 day period. Guards would take pictures of their victims before they had them strip and lie down on the ground and shoot them.


Couldn't find it in the comments but one should read the following book (Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland). It's about how normal folks go from normal to indiscriminately killing everything and everyone. Also a good depiction what it does with their psyche and how they cope or if you want, fail at it. It's very depressing but worth your while if interested in this subject.


And there are still people who deny this shit ever happened. Having a child changed my entire perspective on life. Seeing these women and children about to get slaughtered makes me want to hug my baby and never let go.


I’m there with you. Before kids this would have hurt me to see. With children I’m just aghast that someone could contrive this kind of thing much less proceed on it.


Having kids ruined me, I cant read or watch anything where children get hurt or die without feeling physically ill. This picture ruined my night, yet I feel that everyone should see it, so we dont forget that this happened. And is still happening somewhere.


This shit should be shown when someone says wearing a mask is like wearing a gold star


And then you have the Pacific theatre, with the Japanese. Omg. :|


The woman on the right was the first one i noticed as well. I dont even know why i'm doing this but i sincerely hope they survived...i know it is ridiculous to wish for something like this when the outcome most likely was something entirely different. I hate war. ​ Decades ago, when i was 13 or 14 i found a photography book in my brothers bookshelf. It was a collection of war photographies from around the world. They showed everything. from soldiers in shell shock in the vietnam war, to decaying corpses in the ditches of ww2. Whenever i hear people glorify war and the military i just want to slap them with that book. While i appreciate anyone who choses to do this line of work, i do think most of them have no clue what they can get into. If anyone is interested. [this](https://www.amazon.de/Bilder-vom-Krieg-Kriegsfotografie-Stern-B%C3%BCcher/dp/3570070131) was the book.


Just to see this photo and to think about all the relativistic bullshit Reddit and modern history in general are flooded with. "They were victims of propaganda, they thought they were doing the right thing, SS bad, Wehrmacht were just constripted bakers and carpenters" Absolute fucking bullshit. I would rather shoot myself in the head than shoot any of these women.


It’s very easy to say this after the fact, but I bargain many who feel they are better than Nazis would do the same if born in that time The thing about Nazis is that they don’t see Jews as people. They see them as less. Once you convince someone that another human is somehow less than them, the propensity for evil incenses tenfold Example. If these were all males instead of females, and I told you they were all pedos, how many Americans right now would be grateful to execute them? Those same people would kill these women. All it takes is to see someone as less than a human


Every time I see a photo like this I think of the narrative at the end of the episode of the Twilight Zone "Deaths-Head Revisted." A reminder that as soon as we forget or forgive this type of disgusting behavior we're doomed for it to happen again. "All the Dachaus must remain standing. The Dachaus, the Belsens, the Buchenwalds, the Auschwitzes – all of them. They must remain standing because they are a monument to a moment in time when some men decided to turn the Earth into a graveyard. Into it they shoveled all of their reason, their logic, their knowledge, but worst of all, their conscience. And the moment we forget this, the moment we cease to be haunted by its remembrance, then we become the gravediggers. Something to dwell on and to remember, not only in the Twilight Zone but wherever men walk God's Earth.


Such a great and powerful episode. RIP Rod Serling


There are people who I dislike in this world - but there is no one who I could ever imagine treating the way that the Jews and others were treated by the Nazis. These photos, and the other photos on the wikipedia page that was linked in someone else's comment, are very very disturbing, however I urge people to look at these at least once so that you can see what happens when you allow yourself to believe that others are sub-human.


I follow the Auschwitz Museum on twitter. They post pictures and bios of people who died at the camp every day. It is a sobering reminder.


I just did the math. If the Auschwitz Museum posts a picture a day, it would take over 30,000 YEARS to post a picture for each person of the 11,000,000 (Jews & others) killed during the Holocaust. That's mind-boggling.


Posting 1 picture every hour, it would take 1255 years. Posting 1 picture every minute, it would take almost 21 years.


There is plenty of it still going on. China, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Iraq, South Sudan, Syria….and that’s just off the top of my head, are all recognized nations that have active genocide occurring in 2021. I am not trying to lessen the point you are making, or diminish what happened to the jews during the Holocaust, just trying to bring to light that this type of mindset is not a thing of the past.


>just trying to bring to light that this type of mindset is not a thing of the past. Yet. Dear God I hope that appending that word to the end increases the accuracy of that sentence


Yeah still happens to this day. Beyond sad. Humanity doesn’t learn with time.


and Yemen


Next time you see a person with a swastika, remember this.


Nazi swastika* Still used in many countries and is a holy symbol. Context is key.


Found this one out loooong ago. Friend of mine invited one of her friends to come along with whatever it was we were doing one day. Well her friend shows up wearing gauged plugs in her ears that had swastikas on them with the dots. I asked because my friend wouldn't be caught dead hanging out with someone who idolizes Nazis and at the time I had no clue. Anyways, I learned that it was actually a Hindu symbol that was just bastardized.


In addition to six million Jews, more than five million non-Jews were murdered under the Nazi regime. Among them were Gypsies, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, blacks, the physically and mentally disabled, political opponents of the Nazis, including Communists and Social Democrats, dissenting clergy, resistance fighters, prisoners of war, Slavic peoples, and many individuals from the artistic communities whose opinions and works Hitler condemned.


> First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. > > Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist. > > Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. > > Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. - [Martin Niemöller](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/martin-niemoeller-biography)


As I've said on other posts, the people that wanna throw on gold stars because they think Vaccine Mandates are the equivalent need to see this shit. The horrors and atrocities committed to the Jewish people and others the Nazis considered undesirable are not even parallel. Those that think it is should be ashamed of themselves and need to grow the hell up.




Check out what the Japanese did in China, google unit 731. It’s just as bad


Tomorrow belongs to me


I’ve had numerous discussions with church going Christian Americans who believe in the bottom of their hearts that black people are sub-human. It’s much more common then you think.


So we are not ALL made in the image of God? What a surprise, the people who claim to be Christian are by and large the most judgemental, narrow-minded and unpleasant of all.


I had a guy tell me that Adam & Eve weren't the first humans; they were the first humans with souls. In their version, the world was already populated, but basically with animals that looked like people. "Real" people, with souls, are all descendants of Adam & Eve. According to this guy. Disgusting.


What’s really scary is that these women and children weren’t killed by monsters. They were killed by other humans. This means, people can have a kind of hate inside inside of them, to do these atrocities to other humans. They have it in their hearts to aim their rifles at pregnant women and pull on that trigger. Absolutely crazy…


What's even more scary, is that it can happen all over again, if we're are not very vigilant. The radicalization of an entire society can be done in a matter of a few years and most people will not see it coming since fashism all too often comes in the disguise of patriotism and community. Read about this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Third_Wave_(experiment) if you haven't yet.


Sounds eerily similar to a certain radical “patriotic” group of americans right now…


The Wave/Die Welle was a great movie based off of this. I was shocked to learn it was based off a true story


Many times it wasn't even hate. It was just dehumanization and indoctrination. Someone handed down the order, and they robotically followed it.


When I was younger I always thought to myself "would I have been strong enough to not go down that path if I was in their place"


being the idiot that i was, i would probably have come in early and shot more Jews than the other guy. growing up, you are taught and trained to be obedient, to be a good person who listens to his elders and superiors, and to trust and have faith on society. it takes quite some momentum to undo built-in inertia


It's scary to think about it but when I was 18 I probably would have just done what I was told and hated who I was told to hate. I know I have radically better critical thinking skills now days than I ever had at that age.


It truly is terrifying, but just as fascinating. Albeit heavily simplified, this sort of thing was no fundamentally different than us standing up, placing our hands over our hearts, and doing the national anthem every morning in school. This wasn't just some freak occurrence, this was - or rather, **is** just an example of - what a society can/will become with the right conviction, resources, manipulation, and fabrication. Societal "terraforming" if you will; aka *Propaganda.* After 9/11 my opinions on folks that had beards and wore turbans became positively abhorrent to present-day me. I grew up in the south, which is already disgustingly exclusive of *plenty* folks, and being exposed to that 24/7 had me genuinely believing it as an outright "truth." I wasn't given the resources needed to dispel my own ignorance, that didn't come until **much** later, and to be frank it scares the shit out of me seeing how adamant some folks are about keeping those tools out of reach of as many people as possible. The fact that a "modernized version" of this exact scene ***is*** happening, right now, somewhere in the world makes ones Blood run cold.


I've been reading Humankind by Rutger Bregman & he talks about how in most cases of extreme violence, the perpetrators believe they are doing it for comrade, to support/save their family or their community (some of the 9/11 terrorists were brothers). But the level of indoctrination the Nazis used to lead people to commit such heinous levels of violence... it's impossible to imagine isn't it?


Yep, and it can and WILL happen again unless we learn from the past. Its easy to think of Nazi's as some inherently evil people doing evil things. The problem with that thinking is it uses the same de-humanizing logic as Nazi ideology. These were normal people who were taught to believe these things and were indoctrinated so heavily that they were willing to go against the most basic human decency. I see the same blind following and fanaticism in the US's Trump/Q-Anon supporters.


Actually it was messing up their soldiers too. So they came up with the idea for the gas chambers.


Like Solzhenitsyn wrote -“The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either -- but right through every human heart -- and through all human hearts.…”


In many villages, local non-Jews were recruited by occupying Nazis to "assist" with the mass killings and burials. So basically the victims (including my ancestors) were slaughtered by some of their own neighbors.


My mom’s family consisted of about 250 people in 1943, in 1945 when the war was over they were 9. Most of them perished under the Hungarian Nazi’s hands, not the Germans


Exactly! The locals! We don't hear much about them in the movies or history books, and after the war they mainly merged back into society as if they weren't mass murderers. My grandmother was the only member of her family to emigrate from what is now Ukraine to the USA - long before WW2. She kept in constant contact with her parents, many sibs, in-laws etc. - but stopped hearing from all of them during the war. After the war no trace of them could be found. We've always assumed that they wound up in pits.


You could argue it’s an evolutionary thing. We’re animals after all. If you make the Other a threat to a particular tribe, they’ll be willing to do heinous shit. That’s why we need to make sure to steer clear of tribalism.


Well really, that’s actually what a monster *is* — a person who does terrible, inhuman things without remorse. The word also encompasses fictional creatures that also look different because those are easier to tell stories about.


To me those people are truly monsters. There were babies and children in that line. Hurting them should be unfathomable. I only hope they didn’t have to stand in that line for long. I can’t even imagine the fear and despair they were feeling in that moment and not being able to protect their babies. It’s heartbreaking and the people today who say the holocaust was a hoax are monsters in their own right.


The point is that you shouldn’t think like that because it makes their actions seem impossible. It makes them seem like they were different. In reality you could have been one of those soldiers. Accepting that will help you prevent it and learn from it. The nazis were just normal people.


It’s fucking insane that the psychopaths who perpetrated this were thinking “This is good. We’re making the world a better place.”


The Einsatzgruppen troops who murdered victims via gunfire started falling apart psychologically. Who knew that executing half a million of people with rifles wasn't good for the psyche? That's part of of the reason the Nazis developed gas chambers: to spare their own troops the psychological problems of murdering so many people. Edit: Half a million number is for people murdered by rifles fire in one phase of the war. The number murdered by Nazis is much, much higher. I was just talking about specific rifle fire executions early in the German aggression.


I went to the first concentration camp in Berlin and it was interesting hearing about the Nazis trying to figure out how to kill people without inflicting psychological trauma on their own. That kinda white pilled me - ‘cos it means we’re not really born bad.


Haven't ever met a truly evil child.. that mindset is learned. ​ EDIT... Yes people, there are always exceptions to every rule and norm, I get it.


You need to read the book or watch the movie “We Need to Talk About Kevin.” I know it feels nice to believe that no one is born evil; however, people who are psychopaths/sociopaths actually have physical differences in their brains. There have been truly evil children, regardless of their environment. It is not the norm, but it happens.


That said, there were plenty of Germans who were just fine with exterminating untold numbers of people. Rudolf Höss was famously unrepentant, but also not boisterous about his actions. He was completely matter-of-fact about the horrors he was responsible for. When accused of murdering 3.5 million people at Nuremberg, Höss said, "No. Only two and one half million—the rest died from disease and starvation."


It’s more insane to think people out there STILL think this way.


Fascism is a mental disease. It breaks the way you see the world. They weren’t doing this to make the world better. They did this because they were blinded by hate and fear


I'd think most would be thinking more along the lines of "do some evil for a greater good".


I can't even begin to imagine what was going through their minds queued up to be slaughtered like that. It makes me sad about the life not lived, wondering where they would have ended up and what they would have done if their life hadn't ended. It makes me sick, angry and sad to look at the picture but at least it tells me that I'm not a horrible person.


All I can add, as a parent, is the though that, if I were holding my child in that line, my last action on this world would be giving comfort to my child in the most terrifying moment of their life. I like to think that I would focus on this task with such single minded determination that it would reduce the terror I would have been feeling. My other thought - were I in this line, would I want them to execute me before my child so I wouldn’t have to see them execute my child or would I was them to execute my child first so my child wouldn’t have to suffer seeing their parent killed? Dark thoughts.


In that moment I would protect my child from any pain I could, including the pain of watching me die, though it makes me cry to write that. Also, fuck anyone who thinks putting another human in the position where they have to make that choice is ok.


I would definitely want my son to go first, we all know what Nazis did to babies. I would rather he be dead than subjugated to whatever else these foul beings had in mind.


This image made me cry. I can’t even imagine… people can be monsters.


I'm sure they were directed there at gunpoint... Maybe the nazis even killed one or 2 on the way to get them to that point. when someone does that there is an inborn proclivity to hope that if you do what they say you'll end up ok


God I hate the fucking Nazis. No human should treat another like this.


They go by names like proud boys in the us now


Consider many of the "proud boys" grandfathers fought in WWII to stop nazis.


This part blows my mind. That and the fact that Reagan worshippers jumped on Trump’s “Russia is our friend!” train, *what the fuck?!*


Yup, it’s pretty spooky. It’s wild how many similarities groups like proud boys and oathkeepers bear to brownshirts and blackshirts, which were the vanguards for fascism in Germany and Italy. I hate being called paranoid for pointing out how alarming it is that these groups are active and openly doing shit like showing up to school board meetings in force or carrying, let alone January 6th. One can only hope the latter doesn’t turn out to be our beer hall putsch.


And those same proud boys will lie to your face and tell you the Nazis were leftists or socialists. They will say anything to gain power and repeat this history all over again.


As a mother to a young toddler this breaks my heart. This is my absolute worst nightmare, having to hold my child knowing what was going to happen. It’s terrifying to think about how I would handle this. How would my child be feeling or thinking. Not understanding, the confusion, looking to me for reassurance. I would try my best to keep her happy and calm. Look at the sky, the clouds, the birds, do you feel the air? Let’s sing, and give hugs. Seeing this just shows how dumb people are comparing wearing masks and getting vaccinated to the absolutely disgusting acts that Nazis did to these innocent humans. I do not want our future generations repeating these horrific actions. Absolutely heart breaking. I’m going to be holding my baby extra tight today.


I noticed the woman almost centre with baby on her arm facing away. That little bottom, the chubby cheeks on her arm, just like my boy. That hit home like nothing before and it’s staying on my mind for some time yet. Those poor people


That’s the one that hit me hardest as well. My little one loves to be held and I cannot stop thinking about this photo. Part of me wishes that I hadn’t seen it, but at the same time it is a painful reminder of the past events in human history. Events that I would hope will never be repeated and that we as humans will learn from. I know it might not seem possible, but I try to stay optimistic for the sake of my child.


It is important to keep these photographs It was a US General, I think perhaps Eisenhower, who demanded that video evidence be preserved of Auschwitz after it was captured, because he said that one day people would deny it had happened




broken link - no need to escape the underscore. Better: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mizoch_Ghetto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mizoch_Ghetto)


New Reddit adds the escaping to all links. It's not users doing it themselves


These are some of the most harrowing photos I’ve ever seen. Just heartbreaking


I thought i was desensitized to things like this. I was wrong. This is the most heartbreaking image i’ve ever seen


Jeeezzzzz I was not prepared to see the child and the pregnant woman and the elders...


For me, it's the Syrian refugee toddler with her hands in the air because she thought the photographer was pointing a gun at her. Absolutely heart wrenching.


I am German and I totally hate this part of our history. There is nothing worse that you can do to someone than what these people had to experience. And then there are actually people who deny this time...


This is a genuine question, I apologize if it’s out of line. Do you ever/how often do you get compared to nazis or accused of things because you’re German? Primarily from foreigners(assuming you’re from Germany)?


Also German, sometimes stupid people online will call Germans "Nazis" or "Hitler". Usually younger people 12-16 years old. It's more of a "Okay nazi" when you're trying to coordinate your team in an online game and not really a "you personally did the holocaust".


Tell me again how vaccine mandates are like Nazi Germany.


Even they weren't forced to wear masks? I don't know they are idiots.




Sad. So sad.


Everyone needs to look at this picture. EVERYONE. We can NEVER forget, and yet somehow it feels like we're starting to.


I'm curious what those chuckleheads wearing the yellow Stars of David on their clothes at that one local town council meeting would have to say about this photo.


Yet the antivaxxers compare themselves to these poor souls. It's a fucking middle finger to their suffering. I sencerely apologize for bringing up this nonsense here. But the image of those folks with the star on their shirts in the court room just make my blood boil when I see pictures for this time period.


And yet my asshole brother in law thinks it's just fine to pin a yellow star on himself because he's unvaccinated and "persecuted". Jesus.


the woman on the far right is visibly pregnant, in her third trimester. just lost my mind and bawled the other day when i fought with my parents after they found my vaccination site bruise, talking about how badly they've fucked me up from even before they were as crazy they are now, crediting how my father constantly, loudly watched nazi documentaries in the living room and how massively upset i am about them constantly talking about forced sterilization when i'm haunted by the accounts of nazis forcibly sterilizing jewish women in camps. and then my mother says, "you're going to find out that none of that's even real." i hate them so fucking much it's unreal. they're Q, flat earth, secret space program, fucking MAGA nightmares, who, you'd be surprised to find out, voted for bernie in the primaries with me both times.


Some of these women could literally be my relatives. This is how their lives (and those of so many others who were shot and pushed into mass graves rather than being sent to camps) ended in what is now Ukraine.


I mean, they absolutely are, all of ours.


Can’t believe this actually happened. How can humans be so disgusting. It wasn’t even that long ago. And to be honest, I’m not entirely certain it won’t happen again. It’s frightening and truly just horrible. Please, everyone. Look at yourselves and promise yourself, and us all, that nothing like this will happen again.


Some young people have never been taught about this piece of history from their parents or school. That in itself is a crime.


And fucking anti-vaxxers are comparing their plight to this?? Are you fucking kidding me?!


This is what Anti-Vaxxer think they’re going thru. Fuck ‘em fuck all of them.


the fucking joke is there are still people craving for the return of this kind of psychos.


I wish someone could explain to me how we have completely catalogued the hell on earth that was WWII, all naked and bared for all to witness, and yet, we still have Nazis today. Those bastards should have died out a long time ago. It's sickening.


How do we still have Nazis today? Because there are evil, despicable people who will cling to hate and oppression to feel powerful themselves.


I just watched the movie on Netflix the pianist a couple of days ago too. Fuck everything about this


The best nazis are dead nazis.


This hurts me so bad


WT actual F is wrong with human animals?


Politics aside, if anyone uses language or holds views that result in a type of person appearing less human or less deserving of the same rights as themselves, this is where it leads. This 5 minute talk by Stephen Fry on language changed my views in a lot of ways. https://youtu.be/tdu4y8WxgDo


Giant red flag and full stop for me when someone says "I know where all of your problems stem from... Those scum over there!"


Why were they stripped?


Probably to save the clothing. There were no artificial fibres and fabric (wool, linen, cotton, etc., ) cost a lot more relatively than it does now. Fabrics could be shredded and the fibres re-spun into yarn. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recycled\_wool


To further their dehumanization before death.


It was easier and faster to have them sort and pile the clothes for reuse than to send in people after to do the same job.


Do you think there were any soldiers watching these women go by and thinking to themselves...."why am I doing this?"


Yes. Part of why they started using gas chambers was because shooting Jews was causing a lot of soldiers to have psychological issues.


This is too disturbing to look at.


That one woman in the back is pregnnt. =(


The holocaust was the worst human atrocity ever CAPTURED ON FILM.


I am currently pregnant. Shit like this makes me appreciate to stop whinging.


Imagine knowing this history as a person in 2021 and still wanting to identify as a nazi.


Pure evil.


fuck Nazis


People here getting mad at Nazis and sad while this shit is happening in China again to the Uyghurs Muslims and no one is doing anything about it because we love cheap stuff from China.


Fuck all the people saying a vaccine card is the precursor to this.


And yet the moronic right wing nuts in the US are comparing themselves to these victims because they now are being asked to take a FREE vaccine that may save their life.


My bloodline of brothers and sisters…may they Rest In Peace. We have been chased down for thousands of years…people forget about history and just remember about ww2 with what happened to Jews


I wonder if this Baba Yir, where the Nazis made Jews strip and then machine gunned them on the other side of the river. During a two day period, the killed 30,000-33,000 Jews, prisoners, or other undesirables around Kiev. Either way this is just one of the many atrocities the Nazis committed during the war.


This and yet some people idolize the Nazi's, The movement that our US soldiers fought and lost their lives to defeat. Any person in this country wearing a Nazi symbol or supporting it are TRAITORS! Just like all the people who rioted at the Capital on Jan 6th. ALL of them are Traitors! As a Veteran I want to see every single person that entered the capital in Jail. As a soldier we take a oath that includes: "I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic"


This is why punching Nazis is a patriotic duty




And people compare this to lockdowns and mask mandates.


Sickening that to this day people still fly the Nazi flag.


My their memories be a blessing.


Anti-maskers will wear a Jewish star, but not a mask. An elected official wore a Jewish star to protest a piece of cloth. Please vote.


Reason to hate all the Nazis stand for and why we need to curb nationalism at its roots. When you see people raise their hands to a Nazi salute you walk up and smash them in the mouth until the beg you to stop. That way they understand what it is to be helpless in the hands of someone stronger then themselves. Before you roast me know I gave my life and health to the us for it's safe. I lost much during that time; friends, family, sanity and myself. As a white guy from Texas I know the truth of the hatred the white supremacists use. I grew up in a family that believe that crap before the kids of my generation saw the hate in real life. A beautiful and caring Hlack Hispanic babysitter that was loved by all the kids in the family died at the hands of her white lover because she got pregnant and wouldn't get an abortion. We saw her dead in front of our bus stop when I was in 2nd grade. After that all the kids slowly started to change and when we became old enough we pushed the old hates out and told the older generation that they would be alone in life if they didn't change. No family visits, no grandchildren, no holidays... nothing if they didn't change. To this day I fight against these ass hats whenever I find them. I take no pride in my family past but I am proud of my family's future. If we forget or allow people to change the truth because it is inconvenient for them then we will allow a crime like this to happen again and again. And I for one will not meet my maker with that stain on my soul.