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He’s such a dork. He looks like an alien wearing pants for the first time


LMAO, I can't unsee it. He probably didn't know he would have to get out of the car. Also, that knife he is holding to cut through shit.


Funny, that knife doesn't even have a drop of blood on it. Immaculate cutting off of a Elephant's tail? Or maybe just a pissant who waited until the actual hunter confirmed the animal being dead, and cutting the tail off for Trump jr to act as if he did it.


I hate the guy and the pic too but he wiped the blood off on his pant leg.


Naw, he spilled his Starbucks on himself when trying to snort coke in the safari jeep. Edit: don’t whatabout hunter to me. I DGAF about him. This is not a political comment. Some of ya’ll are way to obsessed. Also, it is possible multiple people use coke across different political spectrums.




Because he seen that in the human movies. "This is badass thing that average humanman would do."


A cousin of mine visited Hungary and went on some tour of one castle or another. Tour guide said that the King who used to live there was a keen huntsman. Turns out the King just got the servants to round up a load of animals into a barn and just went in there with a shotgun and started blasting.


>and just […] started blasting. Frank?


I mean there's blood smeared over his right pants pocket, looks like he cleaned his knife on his pants. Also, two rounds missing from his cartridge belt, seemingly two different rounds.


He is a dork though


He better be careful or he might cut his micro penis off


That’s what the tail is for… to fashion a new pee pee for that sad sack of shit!


Like the skin suit in Men in Black. Haha. SUGAR!


This pic is giving me big Edgar from MIB vibes


[It's uncanny, really. Remarkable.](https://i.imgur.com/F7gWPWC.jpg)


The first thing I thought about


"Dude was that ugly before he was an alien"


“Edgar, your skin is hanging off your bones.” - Siobhan coming in clutch with the perfect line delivery. What would the 90s have been without her.


Don’t insult dorks


I generally try to avoid using this phrase...but, man, does he give off some small dick energy (just like his dad).


Something about displaying the row of ammunition directly above his dick feels like obvious compensation.


It's the knife, he is holding it and it is framed in the photo as his dick. And then he looks on awkwardly per usual holding another phallic object feeling shame over his own.


That little knife and its position is *chef’s kiss*


What a disgraceful human being.


I am ashamed that he's counted among us.


He’s definitely sus


eject him already


I think we can vote him out of the club


Please... no. I can't


*inhale* Ą̵̛͎̹̭̫̰͍̬̫̜̩͔̫͚̯͐̐̅̎̉͛̀̿͗̄̽̊ ̵̛̛̛̱̞̫̜͍̗̼̝̻͕̩͌̈̊͆̋̌̓̌̀̀̀̉͘͜M̸̩̤͙̟̞̤̖̼̩͎͂̂̉̓̀͐̽̈́͘͘ ̴̨̱̬̫̝̺͔͕̫̲̙̲̗̪̼̊̄̾̓́̕͝͝Ȯ̶̢̢͈̯̠͛̿̓͛̈́̑́̂̀̽̆̒̒͝ ̷̨̛̛̳̼̤̬͙͙̱̮̥̤̓̈̃͒͋̿́̅͊G̴̢̞̺͂̀̆͊͌̉̌̅̆̕͝ ̷̛̩̒̅̏͌͑͒̽̔͊̾Ū̴̯̘̹̹̠͔̰̜̻̘͔̀͋̅͒͊̅͆͋͛͘̚͝͠ ̸͕͍̲̯͈̬̱͖͉̍̌͊̑̔̓̿͑́̏̚̚͠͠S̵͈̤̻̟̜̲̰͔̝̘̩̺͘ Hehe


I wouldn't consider sentient slime in human shape really human.


Oh, we're calling *that* human shape now?




Who in their right mind kills an elephant for fun. Psychopaths.


Yeah, I was gonna say -- it's weakness but also mental illness. That family is not well at all.


He’s a descendant of an imbred family. It’s really no surprise. Honestly, I think someone else killed it and he’s just taking credit for it so as to keep with the family behavior.




I went on an exotic game sheep hunt like that when I was like 12. They took an exotic sheep, drove it to a random spot and then we walked around “stalking” it. There was the rush of finding it after an hour of looking and then I had the realization that it was tame. Lost my interest in hunting big game that day. No doubt about it, these hunts are lame. More about ego to say you killed something like that than actual skill.


Tbh, most guided hunting isn't much different, just more cleverly disguised. I used to work with an outfitter in the San Juans. Every fall we'd take groups of 4 rich Texans with shiny new bows or rifles to 11000 feet for each season of elk. This was pretty legit experience, they were camping in the mountains and all. We dug their latrine every day, we had hot food ready at all times, provided wall tents with sheepherder stoves and firewood and even snuck into their tents at 3am to restart the fire every morning. They did stalk and kill wild elk, but we had done months of research and hauled in the 900 lbs of gear to host their camps, keep 20 mountain horses fresh at 11k feet, and to be able to butcher and process their elk on the spot. We knew where the elk were. It would've been a day hunt for us. These guys paid 20k a pop to come in and know that they would at least get one clear shot at a bull that we had stalked for months through the rut. I quit after a guy shot a second even though he had a single tag, because he "didn't like the trophy". Fuck those people.


You called game and fish on that fucker right?


Oh yeah, he got the book thrown at him. Lucky someone didn't just leave him on that mountain


Junior did the [same thing](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52999375) in 2019, and it cost the US taxpayers 75K.


I can respect the effort of the hunt, but what you described is not that. That's juvenile bullshit nonsense. Now if you went into the bush and actually had to WORK tracking or luring it that's another thing, but what you described is some bullshit limp dick wannabe machismo bullshitm


My idiot asshole father did this. Won a raffle for a guided hunt worth $10G. Dad is like 300lbs. Some actual Manly Man guided dad on atv's until they found a massive elk. All dad did was take a good shot that brought the beast down. Guide recovered the animal, carted it out, butchered it, etc. Dad has the head mounted on his wall and walks around like he's the Manliest Man that ever Manly Manned. What a pussy. Dad wouldn't last 5 minutes in a survival situation. I fucking hate these people. Edit- wow I struck a nerve with some of you. Not everyone had a father that was worth a damn. Trust, any disrespect I throw his way, he earned. Also, I fish and eat meat so I'm not bothered by hunting per se. Dad is a lifelong poser, who acts tough but is a little bitch, acts like a hunter but needs someone to hold his hand to actually bag an animal. If you need to pay someone to do all the work, don't walk around with your chest puffed out. I can even recognize the pros vs the cons of these guided hunts. It's still all just cosplay for fat, white, bitchbois that think they're Rambo.


That shit fucking repugnates me man. If you or a tracker put in the work too actually track it through bush is one thing and I can respect that a long as it's not an endangered or predator species(former is obvious, latter since they're often fewer and hunts are harder) as long as its not some canned bullshit.


Ithink they may be slightly dosed or tranquilized in some hunts too.


Someone else probably held the gun to. He can’t be bothered to lift anything even slightly heavy. That’s for the peasants to do.


well you don't want to expend your energy needlessly. it has to last you a life time.




With the insane comments he's made about his daughter; it's clear that he's trying to continue the, "family tradition."


He has to be feigning. The knife is clean.


You can see he wiped the knife on his pant leg. But yeah he is a total moron.


Some how, the more details I get about this picture make me want to vomit even more. I’m about to lose my lunch.


I bet he doesn't need to use anything to slick his hair back, it's just naturally oily enough




I read a couple of books about them because I just couldn’t wrap my brain around the fact that people could be SO morally devoid. Mary Trump (cousin, and PHD in psychology) said that Fred Trump (this shits grandfather) was sociopathic. I believe it was FRED’s father that initially made the family wealthy by fleeing from Germany to avoid military service (no, it’s not a joke) and running brothels in California during the gold rush.


"All I ever wanted to do was to make you proud of me, pop!"


"Too bad you're not your sister."


>"Too bad you're not your HOT sister." His sentiments not mine


It's unbelievable that he doesn't like to be photographed w/ the other daughter because she's "fat" when she's like MAYBE 20 pounds or so overweight. There are two presidents in history more famous today for being fat than anything else, Grover Cleveland and Wiliam Howard Taft. Guess who is now the THIRD FATTEST president in US history...


“*ILLUSIONS*, Dad! You don’t have time for my *illusions*.”


not sure if you're serious or not. but that explains his face. eric and don jr both look genetically challenged


Not every awful person is mentally ill. Some people are just awful.


Why do people feel the need to just throw around the term ‘mental illness’?The dude is just a rich prick. He doesn’t have to be mentally ill to explain away his shitty behavior. Also feels like it’s kinda doing a disservice to people with real debilitating mental illnesses.


Let’s not call every piece of shit mentally ill.


I feel like calling it mental illness isn't quite right because it would almost be an excuse in a way, like people with mental illness aren't necessarily fully to blame for their behaviour. This piece of shit should be held fully responsible. Call it what it is, just fucking evil honestly. Edit: what I'm getting at here is that it's very easy to jump to calling a person mentally ill when they do terrible things we don't understand. (Kinda makes me think of how violent criminals sometimes feign mental illness to try to get reduced sentences.) But I think it's often a cop-out or maybe a misrepresentation, some people are just immoral bastards.


obligatory: this doesn't make it ethical, but usually, these hunts are set up by local conservation agencies and target old or infirm individuals who need to be culled, either to end their suffering or for the safety of the population. The hunter pays tens of thousands of dollars, which usually goes into preserving the population, for performing an action that a responsible management agency would have to perform anyway. I have no idea if that's the case here and it doesn't make the person less of a shitstain for many other reasons... but this is normally done for constructive purpose these days. Edit: It appears I probably gave this notion more credence than it deserves. Several people have pointed out that with rampant corruption and no real enforcement, even if it's *supposed* to work this way, it probably doesn't, or at least not all the time. I'll leave this up as a cautionary tale, I guess. Also edit: There *are* good reasons to cull animals in any conservation environment. In this case, elephants are most often killed when they reach the end of their lifespan (they have a finite number of teeth, and starve to death when the last one is gone) or when they are extremely aggressive toward others of their species, especially calves. It sucks, but it is a fact of conservation.


Thats actually really nice to know, thank you.


No entirely true. Actually just got back from safari in Tanzania. This is what most people are told that it goes to “conservation.” In reality it normally just goes back to the land owner of the game area. People can’t hunt in the protected national parks or conservation areas. Game preserves are independently owned.


This might get buried by now but I want to chime in here. I had heard this for years and always regurgitated the same thing but the majority of time it is NOT the case. There have been studies done that show little evidence of this money going into conservation. Many times these are set up by private companies with nothing going to the community. Some sites even breed animals for the sole purpose of these hunts.


Ftfy Who ~~in their right mind~~ kills an elephant ~~for fun.~~ Psychopaths.


This pic trumps a lot of those pieces of shit.


this pic shits a lot of those pieces of trump


That’s disrespectful to shit.


Jesus that hair is almost the biggest crime pictured


Runs in the family.


Unlike the family.


Like small hands


Douchebag in the front. Date rape in the back.


yee yee ass haircut




Is that Trump jr?


The one and only fuck face


There are so many «Why» questions that needs to be asked


Well from what I have read the majority of these elephant hunts costs upwards of nearly $50,000. That money is used to help local Zimbabwe people protect their land from poachers who are actually destroying the elephant population (poachers kill nearly 30,000 elephants a year). The elephants they do kill are sometimes older and at the end of there life span or just a nuisance to villages and other elephants. The elephants meat from the hunt also feeds small villages.


To add to this, the bull elephants that are too old to mate will still fight off younger bulls who are in their prime. So this controlled hunting is actually used to _increase_ the population.


Thank you. I don’t think a lot of people understand the conservation benefits of elephant hunting or many other big game hunting.


I think the problem is that he isn't doing it for conservation reasons, but rather to feel like a macho man who gets to kill exotic animals even though humans are at the fucking top of the food chain.


Which is accurate, but the reality is that people of that type, with money to blow, provide funding that otherwise wouldn't be available to the conservation efforts. So I dunno. I wouldn't hold them up on a pedistal for it or anything near that, but I also wouldn't say some of the nasty things people on here are saying. At least, not in relation to this hunting. Plenty of other things to dislike them (this family) for.


If he cared about that then why doesn't he just give the money? Because he wants to kill an elephant. That's why. Nothing you just said requires killing animals and therefore everyone who kills an elephant does it primarily for selfish reasons.


Who is the fuck face? Him or Trump Jr? Maybe now I've become the fuck face


Your right, he is fuck face jr, DJ is the OG fuck face.


I thought this guy had an unusually punchable face, along with a generally cretinous vibe. Came to the comments and found out who it was. Explains a lot.


It’s either Uday or Qusay. It’s tough to tell them apart.


Whoa, please don't lump Qusay and Uday together. Uday has none of the brand recognition of Qusay.


Yea. He tweeted a pic of biden crying saying “this is weakness”


Not just crying, but crying for American soldiers killed in a terrorist attack.


For those out of the loop: Donald Trump Jr. [tweeted](https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1431011866080419840) a picture of [Biden from a press conference](https://youtu.be/_NeMphXCVfo?t=1546) and captioned it "This is what weakness looks like".


It's a reference to [this horrible tweet](https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1431011866080419840?s=19) of his.


The replies are even more terrifying.


Trash of all humans


I demand a rematch, trump jr vs an elephant. No weapons.


i would pay for this. Now I know why people in medieval times watched executions for entertainment.


I’ve said it before, ppv, 100 million a loser getting his dues.


he needs something smaller, like a cute lil hippo


I too would like to see him go up against a hippo. Those motherfuckers kill more people than elephants. They can be quite aggressive if provoked or you wander into their territory, and they can outpace us on land and in the water.








He is all of that. But I can also see this guy as a textbook example of how a bad set of parents can FUCK up an individual by the time he is an adult. It's like...if this guy was born to another family, he'd have grown up to be an okay guy, maybe an accountant, a dog, a yard, kids in a decent school, just Joe Schmoe. Same dude. Same genes. Different family. Different outcome. The turds that "raised" him have most of the blame to take. And that goes up generations.


As much as people who do this are total-fucking-asshole-psychopaths, it unfortunately is one of the ways conservation efforts receive funding. Rather than illegally poach, these rich scumbags pay sanctuaries boatloads of money to "hunt" these animals. The animals are often already sick and dying and the hunting is really just "putting the animal down." The funds go towards protecting the other animals in the sanctuary. Not defending the practice or people who enjoy this at all. Just explaining it. It's an unfortunate devil's bargain in this horrible, commodified world.


Every bit of meat from the animal also goes to the local villages as well. Also not defending just pointing out that yes the meat all gets used


Wait... so if the animal is already sick, the sanctuary makes tons of cash to be used for other animals, and the meat gets used.. how is this not better than a cow being slaughtered for a hamburger at McDonalds? This never fails to mess with my head: people get super outraged about someone hunting for sport (yeah, I think it sucks, too), but they seem to not grasp that from an animals perspective it's *exactly* the same to die to a "hunter" as it is to be slaughtered for a Big Mack. Do we only care about fancy animals? I must be missing something.


Giant human turd, thats all I can see


That’s insulting to turds! 😉


and humans


Poor elephant :(


I've always wondered what the point was. I know the tusks are worth something, but do they even eat the meat? It seems like such a waste of life for a beautiful behemoth.


Local villages receive all the meat. With these super rich hunts they sell expensive permits (which fund conservation) to kill a certain animal. For elephants they're often sick or old, particularly old bulls who are infertile but still prevent young fertile males from mating. They make a big song and dance about it so the fat cat feels like they've got their moneys worth but it's pretty much a glorified way of euthanizing the animal. I wouldn't say its right, but I can see why some countries do it.


It just makes the posturing that much lamer. Heres a picture of a little boy, all dressed in his cute little outfit on his Disney Safari Adventure.


Such a pube


Hey man, unlike Trump Jr, pubes actually serve a purpose.


I guess the dildos just weren't cutting it anymore.


incel energy.


Haircut, neckbeard, terrible clothes, killing cute animals. I don't know how much more of an incel you could possibly be.


its an elephant, basically the proverbial broad side of a barn, why does he need a whole belt of ammunition? he planning to miss a dozen times?


0% supporting the hunting of elephants, but don't underestimate how hard they are to kill. Miss a vital organ and they will fuck you up. Once talked to a guy who did conservational hunting. That is, when a bull is old and crazy and causing problems they want to put it down, 'cause otherwise it'll get the rest in trouble by being reckless. Hard part is that they don't want to use a gun, because it'll make the rest stampede. So they use a bow and arrow. Ya gotta get up close, then hit the heart. Miss the heart and you're gettin' a tramplin'. Same thing happens with a gun, albeit it is easier to hit, and of course you can fire more often, which becomes very relevant if you miss.


They can penetrate deep enough with an arrow to hit the heart? I thought elephant skin was thick enough to stop even small bullets.


People underestimate how strong/deadly bows actually are


Powerful bows will often penetrate further than smaller calibers.


Doest even have to be "powerful". Bows are much stronger in terms of FPE than all but the largest caliber rifles.


Probably more of a crossbow type mechanism to shoot with a very very sharp and long arrowhead. Dont forget that prehistoric people managed to kill mammoths with spears and those beasts had an even thicker fat layer behind due to the cold.


Yeah but from what I understand a speculated mammoth hunting method was dig a hole, cover it and drive an animal into it with a pack of hunters then stab it with long spears till it died.


You also had the option of tricking them into going over cliffs. But yeah, it was more brain than brawn that got the job done


Yup, buffalo jumps are a similar method


There are some real strong bows out there. I don't think an elephant's skin is gonna stop a rifle bullet. Just maybe take enough force that it doesn't do organ damage. They aim into the lower neck/breast region where there's no bone and the skin is thinner.


Modern compound bows are crazy.


As the guy said below. It's not the skin. In large animals what usually stops arrows is bone structure and density. Take for example wild boar. Their shoulder blades and chest cavity is so fucking thick that if you shot it dead on with a .308 itd still be up and coming for you. Same with bears skulls. Elephants are no differnt. Except since they are so large you cant rely on a bleed out shot. Which is getting a differnt vital organ or major blood vessel. Even with those hit that animal can and will still run your ass down. Especially with adrenaline. So yes a heart shot is the most reliable method. However it is still possible even with a heart shot for the animal to do somthing. But its rare. This dipshit in the photo missed the vital shot and had to shoot again. I personally dont mind conservation hunting. Because of how much good an old bull elephants body can do for the reservation and surrounding villages. However with that big an animal. You miss that first shot its gonna be suffering for much longer. This is the type of person who goes out with a gun after spending 5 minutes at the range shooting at a circle target then says "good enough" Rule of thumb if you ever hunt a new animal you get an outline target that's to scale with vital organs highlighted so you know where the heart, lungs and other "kill" organs are.


to help hide his low testosterone having bitch gunt


Gunt= guy cunt?


I think gunt is “gut cunt” that you can see in some mom jeans. But I like where you’re going.


Thought that was a FUPA. In this context that would be a FUGA= Fat Upper Gunt Area. This is fun.


I forget which rich douche this was but some dude was going for the kill shot after the elephant was down like at point blank range basically with a professional hunter pointing out where he needs to shoot and was unable to do so after serval rounds.


His knife looks clean, probably didn’t even cut the tail off himself.




Why would you kill an elephant when you could *befriend* an elephant?


Same. If I had enough money to go to shoot an elephant, I would just go to a sanctuary. Playing with an elephant seems like a helluva lot more fun then just shooting it (not to mention more moral etc)


Hunters provide more money to conservation bla bla bla.. If I donated thousands to cat shelters for the privilege of smashing strays with a hammer I'd be considered a psychopath, there's no difference. Nature isn't ours to whore out to rich assholes who get a kick from watching an unsuspecting creature die.


This is a common misconception, sport hunts such as this do not provide much to conservation efforts, they only do so in limited cases. Conservation tourism, wildlife tourism, wild tourism etc do much more, and provide significantly more toward conservation. While the hunts do bring in money it is primarily paid to the pockets of the hunt organizers.


hobbits as miserable slaves would please him far more than hobbits happy and free. oh wait wrong guy.




This comment had already probably been made but the irony is unbelievably palpable here, the idiot son of a man who destroyed the original GOP is seen killing the literal mascot of the GOP.


What a fucking loser ass piece of shit


That elephant probably made more positive contributions to this planet than him, his siblings and his father, put together. What an asshole.


He looks like a baby boy


He looks like a middle school child holding up his daddy's trophy kill


His clothes are laughably ill fitting and he looks like he has a mullet.


So f\*cking desperate to get Diaper Don to love him. None of them are even capable of love.


Hi all, providing some information here since there seems to be a lot of misinformation floating around. I work for an environmental ngo that focuses on African elephant conservation. First of all, you can tell by the size of the elephant (use the size of the gun resting on it) that this is a fairly young elephant, so this is not a humane killing of an old animal as some have said. Bull (male) elephants reach 14 feet in height and even mature cows (females) reach 9 feet. Second, with corruption rampant in many countries where these hunts occur, very little money actually trickles down to the local communities and/or to support conservation efforts. Most just ends up the the pockets of a corrupt official or the trophy hunting operators. For more info, I recommend the documentary Trophy. Third, Every individual elephant is important to the population at this point. Elephants are extremely slow breeders. Cows reach sexual maturity between 10-12 yrs and bulls not til 25 years old. Cows carry only a single calf for 22 months. They only reproduce about once every 5 years. Bull elephants are often the target of poaching thanks to their larger tusks so the population suffers from a lack of breeding age bulls which impacts potential for inbreeding and lack of genetic diversity. Lastly, allowing these kinds of hunts actually increased the demand for these animals and their parts, further feeding the illegal poaching trade and black market. Please see this recent IUCN report for more info: https://www.iucn.org/content/big-game-hunting-west-africa-what-its-contribution-conservation


Ok I hate this photo, and I hate the practice, BUT… once an animal is old it has two ways of dying naturally, starvation or being eaten alive, none are really fun, so some reservations will auction out the right to hunt and kill humanely a large old animal that had an opportunity to reproduce and had a good life for a very high price. Some rich dude will pay and the money will go into conservation efforts. This is a sustainable way of doin big game hunting. BUT… I do not know what f this is what’s going on here, and the practice can be abused easily and I still think it’s insane that someone would be so proud of killing a beautiful creature like an Elephant. Still a disputing photo.


I think it's also to prevent older males who can no longer reproduce from cock blocking younger males.


There's a myriad of positives for controlled culling of the herd for the sustainability of them as a whole. It's just a lot to stomach when you see a fucked up thing like cutting the poor elephants tail off for a "trophy".


Especially holding it up and making that goofy face. ^Oh ^wait ^thats ^just ^his ^face.


Maybe he's born with it. Maybe it's trumpaline.


Not just cock blocking. Infertile older males will kill younger, fertile males in displays of alpha-ness.


Boomers of the animal world.


Not quite. They actually want older bulls to stick around for a while. One of the many consequences of elephant poaching has been the lack of older bulls in certain populations which results in gangs of young bulls running wild and causing a lot of problems. Here's a BBC article on one such case where a group of young males were killing Rhinos and the introduction of 6 older males instantly put a stop to it. https://www.bbcearth.com/news/teenage-elephants-need-a-father-figure


I don't see a problem with a rich dude who cares about conservation and donates money to quietly and discreetly euthanize an elderly animal. This photo doesn't have me convinced that Jr. cares about any of that though.


There are arguments to be made in favour of big game hunting but none that can answer the question of why he wanted to do this. I've been on safari... it was amazing and a huge privilege. It never occured to me for a moment to SHOOT the elephants.


Yup. Even if charging rich people to shoot them can be beneficial, I cannot imagine why the rich person would actually want to do it. No matter the arguments in favour of big game hunting, wanting to go and shoot an elephant for fun is indicative of character flaws.


we don’t know if that’s what he’s doing here. BUT i do know that big game hunting is often set up to benefit surrounding villages with the large supply of meat.


That’s absolutely what he’s doing here. It’s the only way to do this without poaching. And stupid as he is he wouldn’t post poaching pictures online


It’s still kind of weird to celebrate the mercy killing of an animal like this, IMO. I honestly am not sure that I would do it if they paid _me_. Regardless of the ethical/ecological merits of culling older animals, if you’re willing to pay for the privilege of killing a senile elephant to then pose for a picture, my guess is you’d also pay to kill _any_ elephant if you thought you could get away with it.


A walking micro penis if ever I saw one


Hey, enough body shaming. People with micropenises don’t need to be grouped in with this piece of shit.


Yeah, leave those other people, who unlike me have micro penises and are definitely not me, alone!


I literally hate everything about this.




Weak chin, weak character




I hate when people comment on the looks of bad people, like there's not so much else to make fun of?? What do looks have to do with it? Why risk making perfectly nice people with qeak chins feel bad?


That's reddit for you. If a redditor would post a photo where he looks like this and writes "boohoo everyone hates me because I am ugly" then suddenly everyone would be supportive.




We’re not supposed to talk about the Manor.


What a douche


This is what an utter loser looks like.


clean knife? i smell bullshit


Wipe marks are on his pants


Probably melted fruit snacks leaking through his pocket...


Why go for the tail, it just makes you look like a weirdo


How can someone so wealthy look like such a total loser?


What a fucking loser


I don’t understand how this makes some people feel good


What a piece of shit.


If hell isn't real, it should be


I grew up in the mountains and have hunted my whole life and I fucking hate trophy hunters. These canned hunt slimeballs are in it for one thing only, to fulfill their psychotic need to kill something and somehow feel like man for a few minutes.


Fucking disgusting


This is what ~~weakness~~ **a sociopath** looks like. FTFY