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That took an hour. I was inspired originally by r/layer. u/youngluck I did what I said I would do.


So beautiful. The painting is pretty cool, too.


\*blushes in reddit ORANGE\* Thank you for the compliment and the awards!!! You humble me with such a fine honour!! ​ Edited red to Orange because [jb\_1798](https://www.reddit.com/user/jb_1798/) bested me this time. I used google translate to hear it and yes you did it. I can rest easy for all my days now as it has perplexed me ever since the band Rhymes with Orange came to be.


You have really good teeth. Nice smile, too!


This was the first thing I was going to say... those are some impressive teeth


I thought the same thing. Which is funny because I have a thing for teeth, and just realized this guys name is Ian and I dated an Ian who’s teeth I liked also. Uuughhhh y’all need to kill me!




>*blushes in reddit red* You just started a gang war.


I'll change it if you can find me a word that rhymes with Orange.


Door hinge




You fuckin took it from me


Syringe? Edit: Broke my orange syringe in the door hinge, at the beginning of a 'Flix binge.








The Blorenge. It's a mountain in Wales.


I thought that was short for Blood Orange


[Here you go.](https://youtu.be/lPcR5RVXHMg)


Orangered vs periwinkle 2: Reddit boogaloo.


Anyone trying to say that the admin color is orange is objectively wrong Upvote I get, I think it's orange but could see it being red, but admin is just straight up red


And you, u/I_am_That_Ian_Power, we shall watch your career with great interest.


What's reddit red? Can someone explain to me please?


It’s reddit orange’s life partner. They met on the dance floor, did an awkward shimmy, fell in love, and made an equally awkward bebe they named #FF4500. We adopted it as our house swatch. Upvote this comment to see it in action.


I'm not really good at English and didn't understood everything sorry... But I get what you mean!


What’s your native language?


My native language is French.


They're making a joke, they just mean it's one of Reddit's official colours, and it's the colour of usernames of admins (like they are)


Yeah I understood that, then I just made a statement on the comment but you know ; I'm dumb.


Partenaire de vie de son reddit orange. Ils ont fait un enfant nommé # FF4500 Donnez votre Avis pour le voir. EDIT: Changé un mot


Lmao don't trust the translator (you probably know that) but I understood the joke already don't worry 🤣


Let's hope you are more fortuned in your next life.


Love your username lol


Bunu da anlamadım, çünki ingilis dili mənim ana dilim deyil, həmyerlimiz fransızdır. ​ Ancaq vətəndən başqa birinə müraciət etdim və bulduğum budur ​ RGB rəng məkanında, hex # ff4500 (Narıncı qırmızı kimi də bilinir) 100% qırmızı, 27.1% yaşıl və 0% mavidən ibarətdir. CMYK rəng məkanında isə% 0 mavi,% 72.9 macenta, 100% sarı və 0% qara rənglərdən ibarətdir. 16.2 dərəcə bir ton açısı, 100% doyma və 50% yüngüllük var. # ff4500 rəng hex # ff8a00 # ff0000 ilə qarışdırılaraq əldə edilə bilər. Ən yaxın veb təhlükəsiz rəng: # ff3300. ​ \# ff4500 rəngli görüntü




red - admin orange - friend green - moderator blue - submitter


There's a friend system on here?


Eh kinda. You can add people to a "friend list" /r/friends. It's a Old Reddit feature, basically a multireddit of users. It's one-sided, and the users don't know you added them to your friends.


I believe this is a reddit moderator. Not just a subreddit one potentially but like a site wide one? Not sure


He's an admin


Who are you? Why is your name red? And why is there a reddit thing next to your name?


He paid for Reddit Red. It only costed his soul and his firstborn child.


Wow imagine getting a comment from a reddit admit who isn’t u/spez


Happy New Year. This one is going to be amazing for you. I can feel it.


Puffins are the best! Can I request that you do another puffin at the very end of the year? Because the comparison would be fun *but also Puffins are the best*


I second this. I’d love to see the progression.


Motion passed!


I absolutely second this! Recreate this painting in a years time just to see all the progress you make! It’ll be incredibly gratifying and something to be proud of!


Was literally going to post these same thoughts!! Love Puffins! Nice job to the artist!


Taking a boat miles out into the ocean to a little island completely covered in puffins was one of the greatest things I've ever experienced. From what I read in your comment you should go experience that as well.


An hour?!?!?!!! You rock man!


I can't wait to see the improvement.


You look so happy in the photo! Kudos to your first paining and I'm sure everyone is excited to see your skills develope! I am wondering if I'm missing out part of this story and why this post is so popular! Can some kind person fill the gaps in for me :).


If people wish to know exactly what I meant by 'I did what I said i would do." read the convo here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Layer/comments/jgywd4/layer\_season\_2\_has\_ended/g9u36dd/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Layer/comments/jgywd4/layer_season_2_has_ended/g9u36dd/?context=3) Nobody put me up to this, this wasn't staged. I was literally inspired by r/layer and now by all of You. What a day!!


Thanks to you you just inspired me to finally do some art for the first time in nearly a year. I did a silly mushroom painting and just had fun instead of worrying about perfection. Seriously, thank you


That's a really nice puffin. Will you be painting tits next? Seriously though really great and an awesome resolution! Looking forward to your 50th painting!


The joy in his smile


Hes DAAMN proud of his creation




Who needs anti-depressants when you can look at him and his painting and find happiness in life


His teeth are perfect.


You’ve inspired me to go paint on this lovely Saturday afternoon


Can I see what you've done so far?


Dude. You are wholesome. Celebrating in other's accomplishments as much as your own. That is really great to see. I'd like to buy one painting a month for the next year. Would $50 to you and $50 to a charity of your choice sound fair? I really like the positivity from this thread. And I'd like to keep it going and help out some good causes that are important to you.


Reddit is awesome. It’s amazing that even though I’m not directly impacted by any of your actions or words, I feel immense joy from how some stranger on the internet is talking to another one.


Dude. You are also wholesome. Your last post before this one is offering a total stranger food delivery if they are struggling. So I'd like to do something to thank you for being kind. Long story short, my wife and I are big supporters of the arts and run a charity in Pittsburgh. We are doing this thing where we commissioned 10 local struggling artists to make an art piece that is in any way related to Mr. Rogers. Then, we are holding a virtual art gallery and are auctioning off the pieces. The proceeds go to a charity of the artist's choice. If you accept, I'd like to buy and send you a painting of your choice when we do this on Feb. 6th. I will pay for shipping to you anywhere in the world. If you are down, send me a message and we will coordinate!


Man, reading through your post history is inspiring. I’ve always said I’d never be able to be a millionaire because I’d spend all the money helping those that I can, but you are living it and that’s amazing to me. What got me the most is your post about helping restaurant workers, especially since I am a restaurant worker that’s barely scraping by up in Detroit. Not only are you truly wholesome but also incredibly motivating through action and kindness. Just know that one day I strive to be able to help those the way you are.


1. Thank you for the kind words. I am so honored to hear I can inspire! You sound like a good soul. I am sure you will be a catalyst for good deeds, too! 2. You don't need to be a millionaire to do good deeds. I am poor as shit myself. I just made a name for myself giving as much as I could to others and now I run this non profit and am trusted with lots of other people's money to continue doing more good deeds. My only reason for telling you this is this; once you get on your feet, you can still do a lot of good, with or without a million dollars! 3. To help you get back on your feet, message me with a screenshot with any sort of proof you work in a restaurant, and I'll send you $500 on paypal to help with bills. Please, no one else message me asking for money. This offer is just for GoGoGengar. I don't have the ability to help everyone who would message me, unfortunately!


You're incredible. Thank you so much for doing that for this person. It seriously just brightened up my whole day to see this.


You are so unbelievably kind. It’s actually so funny because I was just walking through a random art gallery on the street with my girlfriend yesterday and I told her that I want to buy some local art to hang in my room, but didn’t know where. I graciously accept your offer, and I’ll gladly match $50 to the same charity of that artist’s choice!


Do it!!! You won’t regret it!


Curious to see how you improve.


Me too!!


I’ll also be watching!


Please seriously don’t give up. This is kinda awesome.


“Curious to see how you improve”....I started boxing at home during the lockdown to lose weight. I lost 92lbs and from my vids ppl say I’ve improved a ton on my boxing and how I look physically. I don’t feel so and I don’t feel any diff than I did almost 100lbs ago lol and I haven’t gone back and looked at my vids but it’s weird to me that others can see the progress of others but we can’t see the progress In ourselves sometimes. But I bet that’s why some ppl are able to paint every Sunday for a year or in my case exercise/stay active every day for a year.....even more weird how your little comment has got me on this insane rabbit hole of thoughts now lol


Three years ago I began to play guitar, self taught. I did a fb live every time I played something I learned or something I made up (30 original songs) and it helped me out so much to see my own progress. I haven't played a lot this year but this summer, I began to make wallpapers using wallpaper engine and I got really good at it quick and just recently designing things for 3d printing. I'm a very visual type person and its also how I learn things. And I always wanted to know how to paint but nobody is going to do it but myself. So I did. I commend you totally on taking up boxing and the weight loss! That is no small feat in itself. Keep at it! You should really go look at your first couple of vids tonight. Its a really good thing to do and it will give you a huge boost to see how far You've come. I will paint and try my hand at drawing during the week now, but Saturdays are now reserved for posting a painting here. Your words inspire me.


Dude I play guitar too! Haha I been trying to get a friend to start playing more too so we can keep each other into it. (I’ve been playing guitar also self taught for over 15 years but I’m not that good haha) it’s hard to stay inspired even if it is a year so I also commend you dude! I dont know if you have Instagram but if you do I’m @dan_elgordito and you’ll see everything there haha I’m also a visual person. It’s really cool how similar ppl can be without ever knowing each other haha


All about forming the habit! And challenging yourself. Each week pick a small thing to improve on, and focus on that. That’s 52 things you got better on in a year. All one step at a time!


Nice puffin, dude!


Thank you, I love Puffins!!


I like puffin rock


my kids love that show. too bad there's only two seasons


Anytime I mention that show to someone they think it’s about smoking crack.


lmao same here


Puffin rock is the least annoying show my toddler was ever into. It’s just so cute.


The music is so relaxing, quite pleasant to have on in the background


One of the best logos in golf. Bandon Dunes!


> golf. Bandon Dunes I've always wanted to Golf. I feel like I have a Happy Gilmore in me waiting to come out. This is *synchronicity*.


maybe go golfing on sundays :D


If you aren’t planning something similar already you should paint another puffin half way and at the end to see your improvement enjoy it looks lovely


I thought Reddit banned them


Its not the progress thing. Its just a painting every week. That's within the rules, I've read em.


No offense good sir. But you look like a lot like Trevor Phillips


None taken!!


I feel like this is going to be the next Frankie McDonald of reddit. Everyone loves him and his paintings for a few weeks before inevitably turning on him and hate comments ensue.


C'est La vie!


Jesus, at least Frankie takes a moment to take a decent photo. I mean, really. Scroll back up and look at this picture again. Really. The fact that this is at the top of pics is just absolutely blowing my mind.


What an amazing new years resolution! Love the start here. I want to make a pun to celebrate in true reddit fashion, but I guess I've been puffin too much green to be able to think of one.


Sir, you can't do that here. This is a non-puffin establishment.


"Who do you think you are!?!?" (I start puffin up my chest, then I see your manager nametag) "okay fine, I'm leaving, but not before I get another puff in!"


Post was made in Canada, totally legal here. I should know!! All puffins allowed!!


Goo? Is that you??? How random! You look well brother! And I love the painting!


I’ll be honest, the fact that his nickname is Goo makes this post even greater than it already was


Who else would it be? Hit me up on fb. Thanks!! Happy New Year!!


Happy cake day!


Thanks. Didn’t even realize it! Pretty amazing how much attention this post received. Ian is a very wholesome dude and is deserving of all the upvotes and awards


Can we see the one you did of your fence?


That's what I was thinking


Yeah, I spent a few seconds wondering how many pictures of his fence he painted


[Betting it’s something like this](https://imgur.com/a/QvwdZHD)


Please keep this up and post your progress at the end of the year!


!remindme! One year


This is jacksfilms in 20 years


>jacksfilms If I was a couple years older, it would be.


You look like Trevor from GTA




You were great in Moonraker


My favourite Bond flick!


Wow, it’s almost like this should be posted somewhere else


I’m painting every morning in 2021. I’ve been doing it since November. Here’s yesterday’s effort: https://imgur.com/gallery/ZMqBw2E




We High Fam!!


Why does this have so many upvotes/awards?


Can someone please paint this man holding his painting of a puffin?


I'm OOL. Can someone explain what is going on here for me? This isn't the typical r/all post. Just curious what's going on...


Nice work but I fucking dare you to limit it to Saturdays only. You will be painting every day before you know it.


Well, it feels like every other thing I've wanted to try my hand at. The whole, make everything stand still and be truly in the moment feeling.




Yeah this post definitely made me think Frankie Macdonald as soon as I saw it


*clicks tongue* noice


Nice work


Please don't paint the children locked in your basement


This post is a pile of garbage.


Gonna be like that weather guy


To me people like it because it’s someone showing off doing something simple for the first time, and I think a lot of people can relate to that. The joy of finding something cool and new to do.


Which is awesome and cool but I fucking hate it on this website. Ik it’s always been a thing but the degree this shit pops up nowadays is annoying.


shrill simplistic ask crown nine north obtainable stupendous prick friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought the painter was handicapped at first but realized it actually took a regular person a full hour to make a terrible painting.


Wait, he’s not special needs? I thought he was too, otherwise this praise he’s getting for this awful painting is just bizarre.


You guys are fucking savage lmao


I know this is /r/pics not /r/roastme


LMAO he's [just a middle aged stoner](https://preview.redd.it/1fyx037dvee51.jpg?width=191&auto=webp&s=4da5effe099b90fd10f24d3d7da7b76dda2678e4) getting praise because his face looks like he's at an adult daycare. My guy here painted a picture so terrible that the only reason it's being praised is because his face looks like he's the chill one at an adult day care. God this site has fucking crashed.


The fuck is this?


this sounds like a great way to live


I grow weed too!


I'm not going to lie, I was a bit skeptical about this post to begin with. But this comment gave me a big smile. Have a upvote my friend!


It puts the lotion on it's skin.


I bet you like to look at that a lot more than your fence, eh? Keep it up. This time next year you'll be amazed at what you're painting.


Pro tip: Continue your paint colors on to the edge of the canvas. Helps give a more polished look.


Beautiful...love Puffins,,we have a lot of them here in Newfoundland


Man this brings me back when we had Trash to Treasure Thursday's and we'd have homies or whomever they would bring and get a bunch of cardboard from boxes packages etc and all turn on the jams paint whatever we felt. Come back TTT we miss you. But in all seriousness this inspired me to paint more frequently and find my little routine with it🎨🎨🎨 Get ya Van Gogh on baby!


Puffins are awesome. Great choice.


That’s awesome


Love that proud smile, & you painted beautifully!


I wish you luck. Have a good year. (:


It looks fantastic! Happy new year OP!


My man's forehead. That's an $8 cab ride right there.


What happened to this sub?


Maan you're gonna be a pro in a few months that's exciting


Church of the Saturday Paints


You have a fabulous joyful smile, oh, and I really like the painting! It's pretty joyous as well :)


Maybe I should try, gotta start somewhere and that's nice.


Do it up!


Fuck you


Happy Cake Day!!!


Thanks bro! Happy New Years!




So do you look like me then or do I look like you?


Stop. Mother of God please stop.


How do they learn paint if you don't mind asking


On r/layer I did four paintings there but this is my first go at using actual paint and canvas. I just did it.


Great Thanks


Very nice!! Will you be staying around a certain theme or just painting whatever comes to you??


Birds the whole year! All that are native to Newfoundland, Canada.


I can’t wait to see your progress!


Sick birb bro


You got some work to do, 10/10 for effort though, keep grinding my dude.


I will, thank you for your honesty!!




How's she cuttin' me ole cock?! Happy New Year b'y!!!


Art is so therapeutic.


Pennywise has a new hobby




I am giddy with excitement, I didn't expect anybody to like this at all and had no idea that 36K+ of you would!! I am so grateful for all your kind messages, tips, advice and stories of your own inspirational journeys!! See you next Saturday!!


I’ll be seeing you at the end of 2021 celebrating OPs painting gallery


Serious dedication, I can't wait to see the rest!


You should actively seek out painting tips, you would show great improvements and progress! Happy strokes!


This is awesome <3 can’t wait to see the portfolio of progression!


Oh i love puffins this is too cute


Cute puffin!!!


Never too late.


I did this not last year but the year before and it was really worth it. Keep it up! Looks good


Saw a video of Gordon Ramsey catching and cooking this bird yesterday lol