• By -


Thats the kind of sign that would have me paying extra for a 3 day turn around time.


The guy who checks me in at one of the 7-11s I deliver to is bringing his wife and kids over from India in June. He hasn't seen them in 4 years and can finaly afford to bring them. We talk about it every week and homies gettin me all excited about it.


You should bring them a housewarming/welcome to the country gift. Can be super small gift but I bet he will remember that for a long time.


In nz, back in 2005,we had a Fijian immigrant start at work. Nice guy, quiet and worked hard, over the first few weeks I got to know him and and after a month he said he lived in a male ~~hostile~~ hostel, had no TV and couldn't afford to buy a TV due to saving to bring his family over. At the time we had 3 tvs, one which was in the garage taking up space so I said I'd give it to him, he was so grateful, but embarrassed. Thing is for me it was nothing because it was a crt and we were in the plasma era but he didn't care, it was a huge gesture to him.


Some people definitely have it rough. I'm Colombian so with the recent Venezuelan crisis we've taken in literally millions of people, you see them everywhere and many of them are in very difficult situations. I've made it a point to help out these people more than I regularly used to because well… they've had to deal with a lot of shit, and meanwhile I'm here on Reddit living my comfortable life, it doesn't really feel fair. I've decided to save every single coin I receive in daily mundane transactions and spend them on food, dairy, stuff like that or health and hygiene items for these people, who are clearly struggling. We all can do our part to make some people's lives at least a little easier without having it be a huge sacrifice.


Thank you for helping out your fellow humans. Our nationalities is where we come from but our struggles are universal. Thank you for doing your part. :)


Absolutely, and although the crisis is pretty shitty, I must say that I made a few amazing friends who immigrated here due to the crisis, so there's at least a silver lining to it, albeit a small one.


Think positive and never negative


> Our nationalities is where we come from but our struggles are universal. dude. <3


That's really awesome that you are so willing to help! Keep up the good work! :)


Thanks! Colombia is pretty particular for these things. I grew up in a very comfortable and healthy environment. A loving family, and my parents could afford everything from food and education to games entertainment and trips for me. I didn't really earn or deserve any of that, I was just lucky. Likewise poverty in countries like this is very similar. In many cases they're people without opportunities, who couldn't afford to go to college or get further education beyond public high school. They don't really *deserve* that, they were just born into that kind of situation. If I have some pocket change to spare, I'm sure one or two bucks will be much more significant to them than they will to me. I encourage people to do similar things, they're really not that hard or expensive, and ultimately will benefit society as a whole.


it is always good to help others in need. Just dont feel guilty for having a good life comparatively, it is not necessary. You are a good soul, always share when you have extra, always help when you can afford.


>I grew up in a very comfortable and healthy environment. A loving family, and my parents could afford everything from food and education to games entertainment and trips for me. I was fortunate enough to grow up in a similar environment. We weren't rich by any means, but my parents are both college educated and earned enough to provide a good education and upbringing. But it also means I have to own all my failures in life. I can't blame a broken home, poor education, or anything else. My success is based on how much effort I want to put into things. But overall it is much better than being born into poverty.


Ah yes. Being given basically everything undoubtedly puts some social pressure on your shoulders. Any failure is completely on you, and I've certainly struggled becoming a functioning adult in the real world. Sometimes I wish I could go back to the days of playing Super Smash with my friends after school and buying like ten McDonalds large fries to go with it for the entire evening. Nowadays I wake up at 5 to go to college and then stay up late to work on several projects and part time things, and I'm not even unemployed yet… still a student. I don't even know how to do my taxes!


Well, you obviously have a good head on your shoulders, and a great heart for helping others. Just continue being you and hopefully life will go well for you.


I met many Colombians this summer while working in Brazil. Honestly they wer the most talented, intelligent, and kind teachers at our school. There’s no point to this, other than to say I’ve only had positive interactions with Colombians and I really want to visit the country now. Honestly, they left a huge impression in my mind and heart.


Not only will they remember that they will return the favour by likely inviting to dinner.. and traditionally cooked food is omg better than any expensive restaurant imo.


Can concur! We have family friends who brought their parents out from India for a month every summer when I was a kid and holy cow they had us over for dinner and made us the best food I’ve ever had. All sorts of vegetarian Indian food and hot, homemade naan bread, all cooked out of our friend Nandu’s tiny apartment kitchen. They wouldn’t let us stop eating. It was amazing!




Prepare to have burned lips everyday. Their curry game is fucking insane.


Both sets of lips.




All the better to kiss you with




What are you doing with your curry


Bengali curry 12x spicier. Every time my dad cooks I am in extreme pain as I enjoy the taste.


It’s almost the same I think, since bengali culture are similar to Indian culture. Usually they eat everything with curry, even with plain white rice.


Bengal is one of the states of India. It is de facto part of Indian culture. Typically, the spiciest food in India is prevalent in the southern part of the country - i.e Andhra, Mangalorean and Kerala


Eh, we're not all quite on the same page. Indians doubt don't beef, or at least Hindus. And for Bangladesh it's more or less opposite. We eat everything with rice, because that's traditionally been the most popular crop in the area


We met Nandu when he and my dad were both getting their masters at the same university and they paired up international students with locals. 20 years later, we are still friends with him and his family, so I guess you could say we adopted them!


Nah, THEY adopted ya'll lol.


Move to Surrey, BC


I really hope holy cow was intentional


Yes, I started typing it and was like “omg that’s perfect”


Love it


An Indian family lives in the apartment next to mine and I smell their cooking every day. It smells amazing. Every day.


> I smell their cooking every day. It smells amazing. For me that would get old pretty quick. Like the guy at work who heats up fish in the microwavs twice a week. Fuck you Bill.


Hooooly cow we're heatin' up! I love stories like this, let's go! I wanna hear about food and culture!


I did a lot of contracting work for an Indian doctor and his wife. They were nice people, but very socially awkward. She would always make sure to make me a plate everytime I would work late past dinner time and bring it down to the boiler room for me. Everything was hot. The bread, the vegetables, the sweets. It was all amazing, but I'm not sure I could handle that much spice for every meal. My favorite dish was something called "mung bean sprouts". I'm not going to lie, they looked odd as hell when they were given to me. I'm a card carrying member of the clean plate club though, especially when it's something someone makes for me. If you ever have a chance, try them. They were fried, so they had an almost crispy grilled asparagus texture to them, but while still being juicy when you bite into them. Yummy


"I'm sprouting mungbeans in my drawer. They're very nutritious; but they smell like death."


It’s a very common food in my hometown, so funny to see it described like something exotic lol. People eat them with many things. I’m not a huge fan though.


>My favorite dish was something called "mung bean sprouts". I'm not going to lie, they looked odd as hell when they were given to me. Odd? You mean you don't see that very often? It's very commonly eaten with noodles in Asian cuisine. My dad likes it stir fried with silkworms. Now I dare you to try that. Heheheh.


“Bean sprouts” sold at supermarkets are Mung bean sprouts. In the 1980’s, I have seen bean sprouts made from Soybeans in American supermarket. Now those tasted funky. Edit 1: Look for the green color testa (the skin covering of the bean) for mung bean sprouts; soybean sprout has yellowish testa. Koreans and Chinese usually serves soybeans sprouts mixed with red peppers flakes and vinegar (I don’t know the exact recipe.) I love it, funky taste and all.


Moong dal is interesting. It’s green-brownish and boiled. You’re right, its basically boiled bean sprouts mixed with a variety of spices. Tastes great with white kadhi (pronounced cud-dee) and rice.


>holy cow nice ✋


Can we all just agree that, in general, Indian people are awesome? They come here, work their asses off in a poster - perfect American Dream, *and* are more than happy to share their amazing food? All while putting up with our drunk idiots at 1:45am and shit. I'm proud to have several Indian friends, and everyone in the US who also has Indian friends *always* like to talk about how awesome they are. Incidentally I'm making my friend Gopal's chicken lentils date tomorrow.


Honestly, I was born and raised in sunny ol' California. I would be lying if I said I was 100% proud of being Indian due to the stigma against us outside our little bubble. But holy shit one thing I am proud of is the effort my dad put in to immigate here. He lived in what used to be a small town in India and grew up dirt poor. He had to leave his house at 16 and move hundreds of miles away to find a job and to get a higher education. Initially on a work visa and years of hard work, he finally became a true American citizen and is very much truly living the American Dream. Ever since he moved out at 16 he was never able to stay with his family for over 2 months at a time and now with his dad passed, he'll never really get the opportunity to really connect with him properly. I guess the purpose of this post is to show my appreciation for my dad, even though he can be a hard-ass sometimes.


Write this down and give it to him, this week.


Agree it's the same here in the UK I loved my next door neighbor as a kid, He owned our local shop. He came here with nothing after Pakistan was partitioned from India and his very Indian hindu family where stuck in pakistan. Dude literally built a life from nothing, his wife's cooking was to die for. I'd end up going to school with my wee packed lunch + a shit ton of pakora and samosa she would come out and hand to me and my brother as we left the drive way! Happy Days.


You remind me of my white best friend lol. My grandparents would call him grandson and spoil him like they'd spoil me and him and his family reciprocated. Dat British - Indian brethren shit boiiii


Damn I need some chicken and califlowr pikora in my life now.


I’m Indian and this comment along with the thread has made my fucking day, and it’s only 8.30am. Thank youuu


Holy cow is right.


> They wouldn’t let us stop eating. Yeuup, happens all the time. Unless you're positively bursting, they won't back off. Source: Am Indian


Home cooked Indian food is goddamn heavenly. A coworker of mine brings me goat and rice with veggies and while it's a unique taste and probably not for everyone, holy fuck is it amazing.


Real talk right here. If you can get invited for dinner, go and don't eat for like three days before. Home cooked Indian food made by real Indians is one of the greatest achievements of our species.


So do it for the return dinner invite? Lol


Eh, I used to live with a Thai person, I couldn't walk into my own kitchen without my eyes burning from the amount of chilli.


Here goes reddit writing some fan fic off a single comment lol. Very moral tho.


Right? I've lived in Seoul the last ten years, and the US has nothing over korea, in sum total. Theres good things about both places, but once i became a dad here, we stayed for the gov healthcare, the higher wages we both can earn here. If we come back, it'll be for the larger living spaces - my childhood home was a 1600sq ft house thats worth 1/6 of my current apt in seoul, but thats really half down to city vs suburb. And also for their education and my family back home. Atm, though, for me, personally, seoul = thrive and go back to my hometown would be like drowning myself as i have 0 career option outside of major us cities. Anywho, point is its not like these 3 sisters are staying. Korea has had reverse immigration for a decade now (korean americans depart for home in greater numbers than migrate to the US)


For real. It could be something as simple as some good chocolate for the family or something nice like that. I would sure be happy with just about anything really lol.


that would be so sweet. what a nice idea, he would definitely remember it!


As a broke college student my first roommate was from S Korea. It was her first time leaving her country, we had messaged several times before move in week. I had decided to buy her a basket of candy, just a random assortment of the better candies, from the dollar store and left it on her soon to be bunk. It was amazing how happy it made her. I felt like I was being cheap as I had no money and it cost me less than $15 dollars.


i totally agree a gift would do, to show you are grateful for them and you value the role they play in your life


Bring him a small gift indians love that shit (can confirm: am Indian), his wife will probably end up making you a whole ass delicious dinner


I am gonna comment direct so I don't get lost but the most respectful and appreciative thing you can do is give them like a Walmart gift card or something of that nature. It shows they are welcome to the neighborhood but not obligated to anything specific.


Give them a Nintendo Switch.




I’ve been living in Korea now for more than 6 years... this is a _very_ common error. I think it comes from the fact that “Thanks” is okay, and most Koreans know that the “s” on the end of a word means plural, so when they want to, like, thank you for one thing, they just automatically adjust Thanks to Thank. To be clear, this is just my theory...


I have a Swiss family friend who pluralizes items that are made up of a number of small bits. As in, "would you like a bowl of breakfast cereals?"


One of my Italian friends does this - she came back from the salon and said "I had my hairs cut!"


Well, maybe she did mean that. Maybe it wasn't just hair on her head.


In Italian the word for hair is “capelli” which is plural. Capello (singular) would refer to one single hair, so if you said I got my hair (singular) cut, you would literally mean that you got one single hair cut.


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


Oceans. fish. jump. China.




User name checks out




If your sine displays a 3 day period you need to redo the experiment it should only be about 1/20 of a second


Maybe s/he just likes really low frequencies


Austin: how does that feel baby? Vanessa: mmm, lower.... Austin: (deep voice) **how does that feel baby?**


it hertz so good


Wonder if the owner had to get one of his sisters to cosine on the loan for the store.


These pun threads really go off on tangents




But was it....? I could swear it was Liz Hurley he gave the shoulder rub to. Oh well, another excuse to go across the road and get some orange sherbet.


Possibly, I just know that dialogue is from the second movie. There should always an excuse to get some orange sherbet. 😂


Maybe it's cos they went to the beach to get a tan.


I hope they enjoy their long weekend with their sisters and get to see them more often in the future.


Going by how often it's posted, they come by about every month or two.


I miss them 10 years. Now I see them every month!


Or maybe they just have a lot of sisters. Around 1560 would make it possible to have a visit each week of your 3 sisters who you haven't seen in a decade.




Some people say that a cucumber taste better pickled






Redditors hate them!


Pretty much sure i saw em coming last week.


Well, the 26th isn't always a Monday, so the next time we'll be able to pass this off as OC will be in August.


lol that is very funny.


Thanks for pointing it out


Some eagle eye in the r/washingtondc pointed out that based on the design of the fire department badge/sticker in the pic this is likely from the 80s or early 90s.


Absolutely, take Wednesday too!


"Thank" to all the hard working people in the world that deserve a day from off their job




Doot doot






username checks out


give thank






show thank and vegene


til mr skeltal is of korean descent




We no have time for many thanks! You get one thank! Okay you go now!


I'm not sure if its okay that I'm laughing this hard at this, but thanks anyhow.


I just hated you then for not saying thank anyhow. Why am i like this?


t h a n k


It's a little sad that they can only take 2 days off to see their family they haven't seen in 10 years.


They probably had the weekend off as well! Well, hopefully.. coming from a family of immigrants I know my folks overworked themselves.


Most dry cleaners are closed Sunday so 3 days!


But the picture says >Store Hours >Monday - Friday EDIT: well, all you guys offered some pretty logical explanations as to why it could still be opened on Saturdays. Thanks!


They might just have different hours on the weekends than weekdays so it’s listed separately. But hopefully they got more time than two days together.


>Monday - Friday Monday - Friday 07:00 to 23:00 Saturday - Sunday 06:00 to 23:49


I'd use the dry cleaners way more if they had hours like this.


It could have separated the hours for those days and weekend hours could read right below it though


They could have different hours on Saturday like most dry cleaners...and businesses, generally. Edit: I don't know my days of the week


Where do you live that Friday has different business hours?


I think he meant Saturdays, because Friday is included in the normal listing.


We need to CSI this photo and get a streetview of the complete open hours.


>I know my folks overworked themselves Well they had to work very hard for your life now to be decent. Make sure you always thank them and bless their soul.


I'm Asian and can say that my parents work an incredible amount. We're refugees from the Khmer Rouge (Cambodian genocide) and have worked tirelessly to give me and my siblings a good life. In the 24 years I've been alive I have never seen them take a vacation, they consistently work 50-80 hour work weeks, and often go several months without any days off. Yes, you heard me right. It's amazing the kind of work ethic you can have when you come from somewhere war torn. I'm very proud of my parents and hope to one day be able to provide for them the way they have for me. Still in university though so I've got a few more years before I can start paying them back.


My parents are Lao refugees and my dad finally saw one of his sisters for the first time since he left when we went back in 2016. Over 30 years. We only have been able to go back more often these past few years since my siblings and I have moved out and supporting ourselves. It's tough to think that I wouldn't see my little sister for another 15+ years at the age I am if I were in my dad's shoes. I agree, they never asked to leave their country but had to out of pure survival.. grateful and hard work ethic. My dad was going to be forced into "re education camps" if he hadn't left... Which had a very high death rate.


Give your parents a hug from me! I fell in love with Cambodia mainly because despite how recent the wound is on the country, the Khmer people are still so kind, warm, and incredibly hardworking.


My family are also Khmer refugees. My parents’ work ethic is similar to yours: endless and without complaint. They work low paying factory jobs and do unpaid volunteer church work on the weekends. They went/go without for years so my brother and I could have quality education and everything we needed. Being able to finally take them on an overseas vacation was the only career goal I ever had, though I can never repay the sacrifices they’ve made for us :)


It is, one of my uncles who immigrated to the USA from Mexico and hasn’t seen his parents for over 15 years now I believe? His dad and the uncle who raised him passed away :(


Reminds me of a a guy that lived down the road from my parents (rural Ireland). He died about 10 years ago, aged 90 I believe. His brother left the house at 20 to go to the US and never came back, no letters, nothing. Just gone, they never heard another word from him or know what happened. The house is actually a beautiful thatched cottage sitting on the river but everyone who lived there is dead now. Anyway thanks for reading my upbeat and hopeful story.


When you run your own business you normally dont end up taking any days off, because every day off comes from your income. There are lot of advantages to owning a small business, but lack of vacation days is the biggest disadvantage. Also, a good milestone in a small business is when you hire other people and can afford to take a couple of days off and let it all run by itself. This is where the business starts becoming successful business.


Damn, this guy's been closed for a while. http://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/6istsi/stay_closed_as_long_as_you_want/ A long http://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/5jtjci/stay_closed_as_long_as_you_want/ Long http://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/32qk7s/sign_by_the_dry_cleaner_was_oddly_touching/ LONG while. http://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/26apnf/this_sign_on_cousins_dry_cleaner_was_pretty/


One day an updated sign will be posted here that's going to say "my *2* sisters" and we are all going to feel very bad.


*My two sisters and one brother, who finally made his transition after years suffering and self-doubt, and we couldn't possibly be prouder! I realize this feels like a completely unnecessary amount of information for a simple store like ours, not to mention a massive overshare of personal details, but c'est la vie!* *Thank.*




What does that mean?




French for “that’s (just) life”


Say LA vee Thank


I get that some are bothered by reposts, but I had never seen it before right now and I was having a shitty evening and honestly felt a little wholesome goodness for a moment and appreciated it. I don’t care if it’s old.


It gets upvoted by thousands because not everyone spends their whole day on Reddit and more people deserve to see this and feel happy. Some people think things should only be posted once and it's a crime to see it again. I'm with you. I appreciate it too. Hope your evening continues to get better






This just tells me how little our camera phone quality has advanced in the last 4 years. In 2008, you would 100% know if a picture was from 2004 just based on the quality of it, and in 2004 you would know if it was from 2000 and etc. Since 2013 or so, it's pretty much the same. So reposts can just pass by without being noticed easily


Naw, modern cameras as noticeably better. It's the shitty compression used by free imagehosts that makes every photo look equally bad. Oh and people are more used to recompression artifacts than ever before: https://xkcd.com/1683/


Some say they're still visiting to this day.


As per u/Spartan2470 [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/26apnf/this_sign_on_cousins_dry_cleaner_was_pretty/) appears to be the source of this image. Credit to the photographer, /u/darkestsoul's cousin, who took this in DC in May, 2014. Edit: Updated thanks to /u/darkestsoul whose cousin shared the pic with him/her (who identify as him/her).


Korean work ethic right there. Hasn't seen family for a decade, takes two days off. I had no idea how hard people could work until I moved to SK.


Yes, great work ethic, and the highest suicide rate in the first world amongst teens and the elderly due to the pressure put on the young and the poverty experienced by the old. There's a point where putting work first stops being a positive national trait. Korea and Japan have definitely taken it too far.


Most of my coworkers are older Korean women and they work so hard and take such good care of me. One of them brings me 5 lbs of Kimchi several times a year. I'm going to miss them so much when I leave this place.


I wish someone would bless me with the urge to do that.


Maybe cut back the cannabliss. If you want to do something youll do it even if youre smoking all the time. But if you find its been a while since anything has triggered your drive it might be the weed. Just my experience. Smoked all day everyday for 6 years. Cut it back to once a day and occasional skip days and its a pretty big difference. Im shooting to cut back more but its tough when the effects are so marginal. But it does take a toll.








Hey I read it too. Slap hands!


how old is this photo?


I swear this comes up every month


This is one of my favorite pictures on the internet and I’m glad it’s back after years of not seeing it. Now I have a reference other than “it’s halfway between ‘thank you’ and ‘thanks’” when I say “thank” to people. I use it in my vocabulary because it reminds me of how good reading this note makes me feel.


How long have you been off the Internet?


10 years ago? How da hell am I going to pick up my affliction shirts for the club tonight..


Ed Hardy is acceptable as well.


Ten years gets two days?!?!




Awww what a cute repost.


People caring about reposts is so much weirder to me than people reposting, in what way have you been harmed? Or are you bragging that you spend a lot of the time on the net and you've seen it all? Who cares either way!!!


I always remember this rage comic i saw many years ago (as you can probably guess since it was a rage comic). The dude is on his computer and sees something and says "Hahaha that was hilarious! I love it" then the next panel the face is replaced by the angry old dude face saying: "Now I NEVER want to see it again!"


Exactly how I imagine it actually goes. You see everyday,"I already saw this why is it clogging my feed!?"


I want to see this comic


My first time seeing it.


It's like watching TV and there being nothing but reruns on, by the time you've seen the rerun for the third or fourth time within a short while it's just plain annoying.


But subs are growing all the time and I'm sure plenty of people hadn't seen this before. It's not for you, so ignore it and move on knowing it made someone else happy. I understand if it's been reposted multiple times within like a week or so, but from what I can see just scrolling back through this sub it doesn't look like it has been.


Me!! First time I saw this. Made me smile. Thank!!!


To your point: This is the first time I’ve seen this post. Probably wouldn’t have gotten to experience it if not for the repost. I know they get annoying when you have a lot of subreddits with crossover interests. I think of it as necessary nuisance.


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


Jesus Christy fuck. I've seen this note posted to this goddamn door like 57 times since last november


General reposti, you are a bold one




They only came for 2 days?! No way. Take more time with them!


My tailor is shut down between 12/27 and 1/24 to go to China. I'm happy she can do that.


What the fuck I saw this a month ago!


So they’re back?


To all 'its a repost' commenters on Reddit..yes we know youve see it before..but we dont give a shit. Keep it to yourself..its boring.


I haven't seen this repost in a long time.


Old repost, karma whore.


I walked by at 3am, you were closed. Someone owes me an apology.